Jingtai Fengyun: The First Absurd Emperor of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 546: The Wheel of Heaven Chapter Ma Qi was arrested and imitated Bai Qi and Wang Ji to build

Chapter 546: The reincarnation of heaven and earth. Ma Qi was arrested and imitated Bai Qi and Wang Ji in building a canal.
Lin Xiangyu pulled Qianxue: "Lazy girl, don't pretend to be asleep, your husband is asking you a question."

Qianxue replied in a daze: "I was about to report to my husband that last year you issued an order to exterminate the three Ma Qi tribes, but there was no one left in Ma Qi's hometown, and there were no three tribes to exterminate.

Ma Qi himself knew that he was guilty. After being released as a citizen by his accomplice San Yang in the fourth year of Zhengtong, he lived in seclusion in the mountains and forests, hiding his whereabouts.

It was Nian Fu, the governor of Fujian and Zhejiang, who was checking household registrations along the coast of Fujian, and Xue Xilian, the governor of Fujian, personally went to the islands along the coast to check.

As a result, Ma Qi happened to change his name and live in seclusion on an island, making a living by fishing.

When Ma Qi was released, Xue Xilian was working as a censor in the capital and wrote a letter against Ma Qi's release.

So it was no coincidence that Xue Xilian happened to know Ma Qi. "

Zhu Qiyu heard the words and praised: "This is really a good reincarnation in the world. Who will be spared by heaven? It can be seen that if you come out to mess around, you will always have to pay it back. So where is Ma Qiguan now?"

“Didn’t my husband send the Yingzhou Guards to protect Nian Fu?

The Yingzhou Guard reported the news, and Xi'er approved it himself, and asked the Yingzhou Guard to send a hundred people to escort Ma Qi to Xu Youzhen's army.

We sisters also had our menstrual period two days ago. We all went to Qingliang Hall to sleep, and we forgot to report it to our husbands. "

Zhu Qiyu nodded: "I just asked casually, you handled it very well. Is there anything new?"

Qianxue smiled and said: "The North Korean princess has already arrived in the capital. This child is young. She is only six years old. She was also arranged to live in Ciqing Palace to stay with the prince."

"How come so quickly?"

"The North Korean side has been prepared for a long time. As soon as you agreed to her becoming the crown prince's concubine, they left immediately. It is also possible that their mission had already entered the Ming Dynasty before you agreed. It's impossible to say."

Zhu Qiyu sneered and said: "This is called the herd effect. One sheep runs in front, and a group of sheep follows behind mindlessly.

Even if the leader jumps off the cliff, the other silly sheep behind him will follow suit.

Princess Annan got engaged to the prince earlier, and then stupid small countries like North Korea began to follow suit without thinking.

Just let them be and ignore them.How are you doing with the emperor and his family recently? Are you still at peace? "

"It's okay. Emperor Gongrang, apart from carefully admiring his map of thousands of miles of mountains and rivers every day, he also favored the thirty women donated by North Korea one by one.

There, she was tightly imprisoned by the cruel concubine of Xuanmiao, and she only had to eat fast and chant Buddha's name every day.The two young eunuchs Zhang Ben and Zhang Qing arrange meals on time every day, but they just spit some saliva in every dish. If there is a stew with a lot of soup, they just spit.

Although the prince studied hard, he had reached a playful age after all, and the concubine Cheng did not dare to control him.Princess Annan and Princess North Korea were already jealous, but the prince was more willing to play with his maid Wan Zhen'er.

As for the Zhou family, Qian family, and Wan family, they were isolated in a separate courtyard by Emperor Gongrang, but they still fought fiercely.

From time to time, civil servants from other dynasties would go to Chonghua Palace to meet Emperor Gongrang, but the nobles and generals were very calm.

In addition, Shu Liang has commanded Dongchang and Jinyiwei to expand the monitoring scope to the entire imperial city. Although the intelligence capabilities are not as exaggerated as those of Taizu and Taizong, all the intelligence that should be monitored has been meticulously and fully controlled. "

Zhu Qiyu nodded: "It's okay. Once the results come out from Annan, I'll feel relieved and it's time to start my literary and martial arts school."

As the emperor lasts longer and longer, many ideas will change.Although Zhu Qiyu didn't want to order any technology tree, he still had to do the most basic things.

The first step is to get glass test tubes, beakers, etc., and start with the chemistry that can produce the most immediate results.

In chemistry, studying gunpowder is very practical.

So Zhu Qiyu added: "Call Li Shulin, a doctor from the Ministry of Industry, who is Li Cheng's son.

Li Cheng was the son of Li Jishou, the emperor of the Annan Hu Dynasty, and the top firearms expert. He was regarded as the God of Firearms by the military craftsmen and soldiers of the Ming Dynasty.I want to reuse this Li Shulin and gather talented people to further enhance the power of the Daming Firearms. "

Lin Xiangyu smiled and said: "After defeating Annan and all barbarians surrendering, is there any rival for my husband in the world?"

Zhu Qiyu shook his head: "Yes, the enemy comes from the sea. Great navigation, voyages to the West, strong ships and cannons, colonial plunder, hey, forget it, we'd better teach our sons well."

It seems that there is no King of Yue in our Ming Dynasty. Didn't Annan write something like "Ping Wu Da Gao"? I will make my son the King of Yue and rule Annan in place of Li.

It’s not called ruling, let’s call it guarding.I gave him three guards and asked him to sit in Thang Long City, Tokyo, the capital of Annan.In addition, he will be allocated [-] hectares of fertile land from the Red River Plain and let him manage his own business, so that he will not be given any salary.

Southern Annam, Champa Kingdom, Siam, Burma, Mengyang and other places will all have our sons as princes, so we have to create another batch. "

Hearing this, Ningxiang emphasized: "My husband has already agreed to let the son of the slave family be the king of Chu and guard Guangning."

Zhu Qiyu nodded: "I know, I'm thinking about it for my husband. Once the Ming Dynasty declines, Guangning will be a battleground for military strategists. I have to build another big city for your son, an indestructible big city, and give him three guards."

It wasn't that Zhu Qiyu came up with the idea when his head got hot. It was Xiong Tingbi's idea to build a new city next to the old Guangning City.

Time flies, and soon it’s the eighth day of May.

The navy of the Ming Dynasty continuously transported grain, grass and artillery to Xu Youzhen and Yang Xin's army by sea.

With sufficient food, grass and cannons, Xu Youzhen was able to attack and defend, and was in an invincible position.

But Xu Youzhen was not in a hurry and stayed in Beijiang Mansion.At this time, Li Yimin also stopped and stayed with Xu Youzhen in Beijiang Mansion to watch the changes.

On the Western Front battlefield, Ding Lie had completed the first round of negotiations with Wang Ji.

Wang Ji issued a death threat and wanted to imitate Bai Qi in attacking Yandu and building long canals to flood the city with water.

This frightened the kings and ministers of Li Dynasty.

Although Annan is located in a remote location, the kings and ministers of Li Dynasty are familiar with important figures like Wu Anjun Bai Qi.At that time, Bai Qishui poured into Yandu, the whole city was destroyed, and the Chu State collapsed.

After that, the capital of Ying in the state of Chu was not defended much, and the king of Chu simply abandoned the capital and ran away.

Qu Yuan was so angry that he jumped into the Miluo River.

Empress Dowager Xuanci was completely speechless: "Fortunately, we did not recall the [-] forbidden troops, otherwise Uncle Jing Yuan would really flood Tokyo and we would have no fresh troops at all.

What do you think we should do now? Can the Ming army really flood Tokyo, or are they bluffing to scare us? "

Ding Lie replied: "We have never seen the terrain of Yandu, and we don't know how Bai Qi built canals and diverted water at that time.

So there is no reference. We can only say that the three rivers converged upstream of Tokyo. If the Ming army was really serious about building canals and dams, it would be possible for Tokyo to be flooded. "

At this time, Ruan Chi also became the main surrender sect. After all, if the flood washed away, all his wealth would be lost.

Land, gold, silver, jewelry, beautiful women, nothing can be retained in front of the flood.

Li Jun was also completely scratching his head. Xu Youzhen in the east was like a hedgehog, minding his own business there by "building a city high and accumulating grain widely."Wang Ji in the west claimed that he was the reincarnation of Bai Qi, Lord Wu'an, and wanted to repeat Bai Qi's feat of attacking Chu.

Seeing that Tokyo can no longer be defended, there are only two choices now: either follow the example of our ancestors and go guerrilla in the deep mountains and old forests, or accept the conditions offered by the Emperor of Heaven and go to Qiongzhou, Guangdong to become a prince.

(End of this chapter)

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