spooky calendar

Chapter 192 The First Ancestor of the Old Calendar Part 2

Chapter 192 The Second Ancestor of the Old Calendar
  "Hello, Old Calendar One."

It's like the game breaks the fourth wall.

After all, in this era, theoretically the Old Calendar Ones have not yet been born.

The next sentence after this sentence has no connection with this sentence.

"We did not fail. At least in this ending, we killed most of the gods."

Qin Ze noticed that, as if to avoid something, every sentence of the Old Calendarist was out of order. The words written on the page had no logical connection with the previous or following words.

"It turns out that person would become like this...It turns out that he is really the savior, but this world doesn't seem right either."

Qin Ze decided to take a closer look first. I’ll piece together the truth later.

But the next sentence made him feel weird.

"The God of Games and Entertainment was eventually killed by me. As the God of Copying and Plagiarism, I will accept this power."

The God of Games and Entertainment, was killed?
  If he was killed by the "Lord of the Old Calendar" recorded in the notebook...

Then this "Lord of the Old Calendar" may have obtained the power of "games and entertainment" by relying on new power, that is, the power of "plagiarism and copying".

Became the designer of this game? Is this the game designer's room?

It turns out that this is not the world of "Super Outer God".

But a world of nostalgia dominated by the old calendar?

"Is the Lord of the Old Calendar so powerful?"

Recalling that a certain old calendar master said that he ravaged the gods and trampled on the rules...

Qin Ze couldn't help but wonder, what kind of monsters are these people?

These monsters have become so strong that they can still be suppressed by the old calendar.

Qin Ze continued to read the next paragraph.

"Do you believe that people can actually be disturbed? Human cognition can be redefined."

Rarely, this passage is coherent.

"The reality we know is scientific and logical."

"The dreams we have are bizarre."

"Then if one day you close your eyes, everything in your dream is scientific and logical, and there is nothing weird or confusing."

"But when you open your eyes and wake up from your dream, the world outside is absurd, weird, counterintuitive and counter-intuitive."

"Can you still distinguish between reality and dreams?"

"You enter the world of the game, and you find that the game is very real, and everything is in line with your perception."

"You take off the helmet, exit the game, and return to reality. You see various familiar game UIs and the health bars on the characters' heads."

"I also saw the mission exclamation mark. Everything should not have labels, but with labels, there are visual data pop-ups."

"At this time, can you distinguish between reality and games?"

"You're thinking, maybe you can only enter reality by putting on a helmet."

This long paragraph is a rare piece of complete and coherent information that fills a whole page.

Qin Ze narrowed his eyes. At first he thought it was interesting.

But then, he actually thought about it and was very frightened.

If you really believe this passage, it is simply a kind of collapse.

Qin Ze suddenly remembered his previous experience of playing games.

In that pixel art style game, when you are tired of playing and plan to save a file and exit the game——

Suddenly the NPC will say to you:

"Are you going to enter the game world and leave reality?"

At that time, Qin Ze still thought it was funny. The producer of this game is quite interesting.

But the next paragraph is very uncomfortable.

"Don't be too obsessed. I'm waiting for you here... This is your real world."

"There are many things in the game to seduce you. They use poverty, worries, work, and marriage to make you addicted! Don't forget me! Don't forget me!"

When the conversation reaches this point, if you insist on quitting the game, the NPC will sigh:

"Oh, I've told you many times, but you must think that this is the game, right?"

"Come back to reality, I will take you to see the real world."

Qin Ze quit the game at that time and thought about the purpose of this design.

Probably the designers told players to learn to see problems from the player's perspective.

Don't let yourself be obsessed with problems such as "troubles", "poverty" and "marriage".

Remember, there is something in this world that can make you relax and happy.

But now, after Qin Ze's encounter today, the memory of this game is like a bullet traveling through time and space, hitting him now.

Fear surged through.

What is reality and what is a game?

I entered the world of recruitment through the old calendar and came to this place.

Everything in this place is like a game. There are levels, UI, health bars, equipment...

Everything is run by the logic of the game.

In Linxiang City in the real world, everything is normal, but all signs seem to be pointing to something——

In the real world, a few people are missing, and they are fixed just like fixing game bugs.

In the real world, only one person named Ling Aozhe remembers that person named Ling Hansu.

So the "world will" of the real world frantically wiped out Ling Aozhe.

There are still people who remember Ling Hansu, so does that mean that many people actually existed...

But no one remembers?

At this moment, before entering the recruitment, the conversation between Aunt Wang and Uncle Zhou downstairs further deepened Qin Ze's fear.

But the next second, the accumulated fear was cleared.

Qin Ze calmed down again.

This is his problem. Once a certain emotion is overloaded, it will be cleared instantly.

So far, it seems that there are only two angers that have not been cleared.

Once it was because of his father Qin Han, and the other time was because everything went wrong not long ago. He rushed towards Feng Enman angrily.

Now, Qin Ze calmed down and looked at the time.

Seven minutes to go.

In another seven minutes, the illusion disappears and the red fruit on his body will disappear.

It only took Qin Ze three minutes to obtain this information.

Analyzing this information does not take time because he has the ability to "think quickly".

With the blessing of the philosopher's ability, his thinking consumes almost no time, only reading takes time.

Qin Ze calmed down the fear of "who is the real Linxiang City".

He continued to look down.

"I hope you will always love this world, and I hope you understand that the truth is important, but your feelings are also important."

This passage did not trigger Qin Ze's thinking. The next few paragraphs lose their relevance again.

"I'm sorry that the people I love are dying one after another, and I'm sorry that we're continuing the future this way."

"As the master of the old calendar in your eyes in the future, the game I make for you will definitely satisfy you."

"Explore the game and experience all the beauties in the world."

"The Black Calendar appeared earlier than I expected."

"Do you believe in Santa Claus? Please believe it, I left a Santa Claus in the game."

"Luck is a good thing."

"That's it. My name is Zhou??, my father's name is Zhou Zeshui, and my mother's name is Wang Shufen... When you see this information, I have... I don't know what will happen."

"By the way, if the masters of the old calendar also have levels, then I think that guy and I can't be regarded as the traditional masters of the old calendar. Our status is a little higher, let's call it - the ancestor of the old calendar. Well, the second ancestor of the ancestor of the old calendar .”

"I can't let you pass the level directly. I need to screen. I'm sorry, I can't sympathize with you as an ordinary person now. I can watch you from a god's perspective. You need to complete certain main tasks before I will allow you. Become a player.”

"There are no NPCs in the game."

Read them all.

In Qin Ze's view of the Golden Calendar manuscript, the three words "has been read" have appeared.

After reading this information, the treasure box in Qin Ze's mini map was still flashing.

That's in the living room.

Qin Ze came to the living room and found that the power core had appeared.

Although such a spherical object can provide unlimited energy, Qin Ze feels that it is nonsense.

But looking at the words "power core" that appeared in his field of vision, Qin Ze knew that he had found something.

Next, just take this thing and return to the manor. Qin Ze picked up the power core.

There are six minutes left on the clock.

He arrived at the thirteenth floor and opened the room on the thirteenth floor.

The room was in a mess, the sofa was tilted, the coffee table was cracked, the dining table was upside down, the room was full of dust, and there was a rotten smell.

Obviously, this is not Qin Ze's room.

In this world, there is no Qin Ze.

It's like Lan Yu doesn't exist in this world.

Qin Ze was not surprised, but he had many doubts in his heart.

He really wished he could communicate with the team leader.

Unfortunately, the team leader doesn’t know where he is at this time.

He had so much to say.

The ancestor of the old calendar.

This does sound stronger than the Lord of the Old Calendar, perhaps someone who witnessed the transition between the two eras.

"There are no NPCs in this game... So who is the second brother? What are these monsters that I killed?"

"Santa Claus, what the hell is that?"

I always feel that each of these words can be understood, even if they are combined into one sentence.

But put into the current environment, it seems very obscure.

But right now, he was pressed for time and didn't have time to think too much.

"Kill the traitor and get the power core. There will be no problem."

"No matter what, I have to get out of here first."

Qin Ze jumped downstairs. Because he has the skill of "free fall", Qin Ze has always been decisive in jumping off buildings.

He hit the ground hard, and the huge impact knocked away the surrounding monsters.

"Guangming Fuxi" came to Qin Ze with a knife:
  "Master, did you get what you wanted?"

Qin Ze looked at this illusion, and there was no injury at all. It was really too strong.

"got it."

"Okay, then I will escort you out. There are still four minutes left. That's enough."

As he spoke, the illusion was activated like thunder, carving a bloody path.

There was a constant stream of monsters, but with the help of illusions, Qin Ze encountered no obstacles along the way.

In the end, Qin Ze escaped from Youke New City and ran wildly with the help of the speed effect.

But the illusion did not leave with Qin Ze:

"I only have three minutes left to live, Master. I will stay here and help you gain as much experience as possible."

Although this is just an NPC, an NPC that has copied his own data, he is really good.

It was so good that Qin Ze really wanted to turn around and rush in to say: A man cannot abandon his comrades.

Maybe if it was a real person, he would do this.

Qin Ze didn't do this. He knew that this was just his illusion, and the illusion was destined to disappear.

He just ran all the way, and when he realized that he no longer had the speed effect and entered the communication area...

He then looked in the direction of Youke New City with a sad expression.

Next time there are yellow fruits coming out of the copper money grass, Qin Zexin said that it must not be used in such a dangerous place again.

You have to go to some high-end club to entertain your fantasy.

"I'm Lu Qing. Have you completed your mission?"

The boss's voice interrupted Qin Ze's thinking.

Lu Qing?

This woman's name is Lu Qing... Why did she suddenly tell me her name?
  Qin Ze replied:

"Well, I got the power core. Also, boss, I have something to say about my second brother."

"He's dead, right?" Lu Qing said directly.

Qin Ze looked around and made sure that Lu Qing was not nearby. He said:
  "Yes, how did you know?"

Lu Qing, who was far away in the manor, had a complicated expression.

Faced with the news of the death of number two, she was indeed a little sad:
  "Second brother is a person who likes to show off in front of me. He likes me. He will not let you take credit for this."

"I have been contacting you two non-stop. Since he has not responded and you have responded, he should be dead."

Lu Qing's tone was a bit sad. But he didn't mean to blame Qin Ze at all.

Qin Ze said:

"Don't you ask how my second brother died?"

Lu Qing seemed to have predicted this problem:
  "The important thing is that you are still alive."

Qin Ze felt that this answer was perfect. This is the logic that should exist in doomsday survival.

Qin Ze said:

"I found the core of power. I will bring this thing back next. What else needs to be done after that?"

Lu Qing sighed:

"Come back first. I told you before that I have a very important mission. But it's best to communicate in person."

So far, food, water, medicine, energy have been found...

Qin Ze finally extended the life of the manor.

He has completed many tasks in this game.

The prerequisite tasks for the hidden tasks have all been successfully completed.

Qin Ze had a premonition that after returning to the manor, the boss would probably assign a very important task.

From the moment the boss suddenly told her that her name was Lu Qing, Qin Ze felt that the other party probably regarded him as a very important person.

At least I have recognized myself.



Qin Ze quickly returned to the manor.

The emergence of the power core solves many problems. At least, this group of doomsday survivors can live a decent life.

Only by solving the energy problem can human beings not live like beasts.

However, many people, except Wen An, are feeling sad about the departure of their second brother.

There are only a few dozen people in total, and every time one of them leaves, the people here will feel sad.

The sadness of these NPCs made Qin Ze feel that they really didn't look like NPCs.

He thought of that sentence again, there are no NPCs in the game.

But which world does the game in this sentence refer to?

Lu Qing's words interrupted Qin Ze's thinking:
  "Let's chat, Li Qingzhao. Is your name really like this?" Lu Qing looked at Qin Ze with no doubt on his expression.

It was as if she knew that the name "Li Qingzhao" did not belong to the man in front of her.

Qin Ze smiled:
  "In the apocalypse, names don't matter. What does it matter if your name is Lu Qing or Boss?"

Lu Qing nodded:
  "Yeah, to me, everyone here, even if their names are exchanged, what does it matter?"

Qin Ze felt that there seemed to be something in his words.

Lu Qing said:

"Your performance is very good. Now that they have a power core, they can do a lot of things in the manor."

"I think that as long as Wen An is here, everyone can survive."

Qin Ze was puzzled:

"Wen An? Do you plan to support him?"

"Yes, I plan to support him." Lu Qing did not deny it.

Qin Ze asked again:

"What about yourself?"

"You and I are going to do something important." Lu Qing turned his head and looked at Qin Ze.

Qin Ze had a premonition that that very important task was coming.

"what are you going to do?"

Lu Qing looked into his eyes and said word by word:
  "We have to leave here and go back to where we belong."

Although this moment is visually very real, Lu Qing is still Lu Qing, and the picture has not changed at all, but to Qin Ze, Lu Qing feels like the pixelated NPC he used to be when he was a child.

The NPC said to him many years later:
  "Come back to reality, I will take you to see the real world."

(End of this chapter)

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