spooky calendar

Chapter 193 We Are the Same Kind

Chapter 193 We Are the Same Kind

Qin Ze remembered what Anhui Fuxi had said.

"It turns out that woman was the key. Unfortunately, I killed her. She was a player who could jump between dimensions."

If this wasn't false information to confuse me, if it was talking about Lu Qing in front of me...

Then Lu Qing’s words return to the place that belongs to us——

Could it be back to reality?
  Qin Ze's eyes met Lu Qing:
  "What do you mean, go back to where we belong."

Lu Qing smiled in his heart, but said calmly:
  "Some words must be said so clearly. You don't belong here, and neither do I."

"And I have been waiting for an opportunity to go back."

Damn it, is this woman really a player?

Qin Ze is a little confused about this game. The god of games and entertainment...or the god of plagiarism and copying, and the ancestor of the Old Calendar...

What is the purpose of designing the game?

There are more than a hundred traveler planes. Is it possible that the characters in each traveler plane are different?
  Is it possible that the person I met in my own plane was Lu Qing, a player, and the other people’s time traveler planes met Zhang Qing, Li Qing, Chen Qing...


Qin Ze remembered that Lucifer said that in the experimental base where he was, the timeline was further back, and in history, a person named Wen An was mentioned.

Since Wen An can be recorded, it can be seen that he is a very important figure.

Then Wen'an does exist. There are more than a hundred Wen'an in more than one hundred traverser planes...

These Wen An can't be players, right?
  So Wen'an is fixed, and so should everyone else.

Wen'an can't be fixed and the others are randomly generated or played by players, right?
  Lu Qing seemed to see Qin Ze's doubts and said:
  "Before this, I was different from you. I didn't realize who I was.

"Let's find a place to take a walk. I've been trapped here for a long time. It seems like I've only been here for a few years... but how many players, how many planes, how many times have I actually felt here, It will increase many times.”

Lu Qing looked really tired.

"I haven't gone out to bask in the sun for a long time. I've always been here, directing everyone."

"I am free until now."

Qin Ze was shocked. He seemed to realize what kind of role this Lu Qing played.

The two quickly left the basement.

The sky is bright and sunny outside at the moment. If you ignore the desolation of the doomsday, today is a very suitable day to go out for a walk.

Lu Qing untied his single ponytail, and his long hair spread out like a waterfall.

She shook her head, and when she came to the ground, she raised her head and smelled the sunshine with her nose.

"Li Qingzhao, I like this name very much."

Lu Qing looked at Qin Ze and said slowly:
  "Before we complete our mission to leave together, let me tell you my story."

"After listening to this story, you can decide whether you want to take action with me or not."

Qin Ze nodded:
  "You said."

Lu Qing's expression seemed very relaxed, but his eyes had a sense of vicissitudes.

"I was once just like you, a human being from another world and a person of the Old Calendar."

Qin Ze was surprised, but felt that it was very similar to his guess.

"I came here a few years ago, and I was fascinated by this game-like world."

"Grudges will make this world concrete. Normally, after the effect of grudges weakens, we so-called 'players' will be squeezed out of this place."

"But at the time... I was doing well, which led me to discover a hidden mission."

"Once you accept this hidden mission, you can no longer leave because of grudges."

Lu Qing spoke almost word by word and solemnly said:

"The most terrifying thing about this area is that the God of Games can truly turn you into a part of the game."

"Once you accept this mission, you are deemed to have agreed to become a human in the game."

Qin Ze frowned when he heard this.

Once you accept this cheating mission, you may become an "NPC" permanently?
  So Lu Qing is a player, but for a while he became an NPC.

Now that he has completed a large number of tasks due to his appearance... Lu Qing's player characteristics are awakening.

Lu Qing's answer was in line with Qin Ze's guess:
  "But the rewards for this mission are also very generous. You will be able to ignore the influence of the grievances and be recruited into this area."

"And...you will have the privilege or immunity of being able to control the messenger. Although there is a limit on the number of times."

"And after returning to reality, you can also get some clues about the masters of the old calendar. These masters of the old calendar have all disappeared in our world."

"Even the names are not allowed to be mentioned. But it is said that every master of the old calendar has left a treasure."

"Some treasures will bring you incredible luck, some treasures will bring you powerful props. Some treasures will give you special powers."

Treasure, adverse weather luck, ruled by the old calendar.

When these key clues were connected together, Qin Ze's index finger trembled slightly.

Lu Qing brought so much information.

Qiao Wei specially asked herself to participate in this Dragon Boat Festival...

According to Gao Jingzhi, Nuwa knew this place.

The Nuwa treasure is actually the fortune treasure of Ling Hansu, the ruler of the old calendar.

And this treasure is buried in the memory of an entrepreneur, Ling Aozhe.

Qiao Wei and Ling Aozhe have almost nothing in common.

So how did Qiao Wei get this treasure?

The answer is already coming...

Qiao Wei accepted the hidden mission and passed it.

So Qiao Wei unlocked the clue to Ling Hansu, the master of the old calendar.

Qiao Wei had immunity against the messenger for once... So on her wedding day, she heard the contents of the Golden Calendar manuscript, but the messenger did not kill her.

All of this is actually related to the area in front of me.

Qin Ze realized that Qiao Wei passed the hidden mission, but Lu Qing did not.

Lu Qing noticed the change in Qin Ze's expression. Although it was very subtle and almost imperceptible, Lu Qing still caught it.

She said deliberately:
  "Are you afraid? After all, the richer the reward, the higher the price and the greater the difficulty. If you are unwilling to accept this task, it doesn't matter. You can also choose to leave by force through grievance and weakness."

"In short, I accepted this task. I failed, so my memory was taken away, and I was split into countless... There is one me in countless planes."

"I have become an NPC. In this game, I am responsible for guiding players to complete the main tasks."

"I have a fixed range of activities, and my lines are relatively free, but there are some things that I cannot mention."

“Some information can only be unlocked as the player progresses to the next stage.”

"In other words, I am actually the one waiting to be redeemed by you."

"Only when I can complete the step of 'transferring the position of the survivor leader to Wen An' can I start the hidden mission. The moment I start the hidden mission, I will completely restore my identity as a player."

"As long as I can complete the hidden mission, I can still go back."

Lu Qing finished everything.

She looked at Qin Ze quietly:

"I'm done, I can tell you that this mission is very dangerous. I also hope you can come with me."

"I always feel that you have some kind of power that can change this game."

"Of course, if you want to refuse, I can accept it."

Qin Ze said:

"What will happen if you refuse...?"

Lu Qing sighed helplessly:
  "If you refuse, you will return to the real world after the effect of resentment wears off."

"After you return to the real world, this part of the memory of my conversation with you will be erased."

"All my player rights and knowledge have been withdrawn. I have become the boss again."

"I have been waiting for the next player to come here for a long, long time..."

Qin Ze did not make a choice immediately.

"I need time to think."

Lu Qing was not very anxious. She had waited too long. In just a few years, she had repeated countless such years in countless planes... Now as the player's consciousness wakes up, these memories overlap, and she Feel a sense of vicissitudes of life.

Such a sense of vicissitudes made her not expect many things.

This time, this was probably the moment when she really felt hopeful:

"No problem, but you have to hurry up. The complaint will only last five to seven days."

Qin Ze nodded.

In the following time, Lu Qing and Wen An explained a lot of things.

Because he has experienced the lives and deaths of these people countless times, Lu Qing takes life and death lightly.

But it was because she had experienced life and death with these people countless times that she really didn't trust them.

A core of motivation will get these people through a tough time.

Lu Qing also sincerely hopes that these people can survive.

These NPCs are actually much freer than Lu Qing.

They can do whatever they want and say whatever they want.

Today, the second brother died and everyone was sad.

But today, after the power core is brought back, everyone has a bright future to look forward to.

Such a future dilutes the sadness caused by the death of the characters.

Everyone sometimes sheds tears and sometimes feels longing.

In the dim basement, the candlelight couldn't illuminate everyone's faces, but everything didn't look gloomy.

It's like the moment after dawn ends and the sun just raises its head.

Qin Ze didn't know what happened to this group of people later, or what role Wen An played in history.

What is the story about the experimental base?

And various stories from other planes, what kind of secrets will they bring...

As he was thinking this, he suddenly heard Lu Qing's voice:
  "Li Qingzhao, are you married?"


The words "marriage" surprised Lu Qing.

The name Li Qingzhao came to her mind again and she recalled some past events.

"Do you have a photo of your wife? Can you let me see it?" Lu Qing asked.

Qin Ze shook his head:

"I didn't carry these things with me. Now that I've entered here, I have to distance myself from reality."

"By the way, are you a black calendar person or a white calendar person?"

Qin Ze's question actually made Lu Qing smile:

"What about you, are you a black calendar person or a white calendar person?"

"I'm asking you, right?" Qin Ze continued to ask.

Lu Qing said calmly:

"I am a white person. I once had a friend who was a black person. I have a very good relationship with her."

"We didn't know about this place at first. Later...after she became a black calendarer, some symptoms appeared."

"Have you ever seen one? That kind of black calendarer who doesn't look like a human being."

Qin Ze nodded, the second brother was in this form not long ago.

Lu Qing's voice was somewhat ethereal:

"I like my friend very much. Even though she is a black calendar...even though she has killed people, I know that she actually has very lofty ambitions."

"I hope to be able to find a place that can help her get rid of those symptoms."

"She works very hard herself."

"Later, we learned about this place, so in order to help her eliminate the symptoms of oldenism, I decided to come here to find a solution."

Lu Karen sighed quietly, her eyes in the candlelight were like the cool moonlight in the night:
  "After that, I stayed here forever."

Qin Ze was moved in his heart.

A person with a white calendar and a person with a black calendar become life-or-death friends?
  This scene reminded him of what the famous star Lan Yu said.

When Lan Yu's calendar began to turn gray, it was Jian who pulled him back one by one.

"That black calendar friend...she must be kind at heart, right?" Qin Ze asked.

Lu Qing said:

"Well, she is a person with a strong heart. She became a black calendarer just because of some unavoidable things."

"Actually, it was she who made me realize that not all black calendarers are evil."

Lu Qing returned to the previous question:
  "What about you, are you a Baili?"

"Well, yes. I am a Bai Li." Qin Ze did not deny it.

Lu Qing didn't doubt it either.

In the past few days when Qu Yuan came, the black calendarer's brain was not working very well.

Lu Qing actually realized that——

This person with the ID of Li Qingzhao is a rare Baili person.

Lu Qing seems to have a strong interest in Li Qingzhao:

"You are married. Where is your wife? Is she also an Old Calendar person? As far as I know... Old Calendar people can easily attract Old Calendar people."

In fact, marriage is very realistic regardless of gender.

The four words "well-matched" may seem like feudal superstition when you are a child, but when you grow up, you will find that they are the truth of the world.

In Li Qingzhao's view, the wife of a person with an old calendar must also be a person with an old calendar.

Qin Ze's answer was unexpectedly candid.

This frankness also gave him hope in the next test he faced.

Qin Ze said:

"My wife is also an Old Calendar person. I actually... became a Old Calendar person later than her."

Perhaps it was because Lu Qing put himself in danger for a friend who was a Black Literary——

Qin Ze continued:

"And she is a black calendar person. She is very similar to your friend. She must have had unavoidable difficulties, and she is also a person with lofty ambitions."

At this moment, Lu Qing's heart rippled.

She looked at Qin Ze with complicated eyes.

This feeling was really amazing. She thought she was really stupid back then.

It’s not that I have no regrets in my heart.

It's been so long, and it's time for another year of resentment.

But her friend didn't come to save her.

It's not that she doesn't have resentment in her heart. This resentment was particularly strong on Qu Yuan's day.

But at this moment, Lu Qing looked at Qin Ze and found that there was someone in the same situation as himself... his eyes unexpectedly softened.

It turns out that we are the same kind. Lu Qing said:
  "Then you must love her very much."

"Yes, I love her, so I thought about it and I am willing to help you and get out of here."

Qin Ze's answer stunned Lu Qing.

Lu Qing looked at Qin Ze with some surprise, Qin Ze smiled and said:

"I agreed to accept the hidden mission, Lu Qing, let's go back to our world together. You must also want to see your friends, right?"

 "Reasoning is Dead"

  Also known as "The reasoning ability of the whole world is declining, only I remain unchanged", a friend's new book, an unlimited stream of Japanese group portrait criminal investigation novels, he said that he would wear women's clothing on the day it was released.

  (End of this chapter)

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