I have a city in another world

Unable to fire shells

Use the rescuer's guns to manipulate the captive's body to launch a fierce counterattack against the attacker.

The prisoners standing in three rows all had their eyes closed, but the black muzzles of their guns were aimed forward.

When the second wave of joint rescue teams passed through a cloud of fog, they suddenly encountered this group of manipulated captives.

A fierce battle broke out in an instant.

In this short-range confrontation, it was too late to dodge, so the only option was to bite the bullet and shoot.

When the bullet landed on his body, it easily tore apart his fragile body and took away a fresh life.

The moment the gunfire rang out, a large number of soldiers fell to the ground, including some survivors from the previous wave of exploration.

They escaped by chance, but returned again without giving up. This time, they were not accompanied by good luck.

As expected of a well-trained elite soldier, his reaction was fast enough. When he was attacked, he immediately opened fire to fight back.

When the soldiers in front were hit, the soldiers in the rear seized the opportunity, and the bullets swept forward like water.

Those captured soldiers who gathered together and shot with their eyes closed were hit by bullets in an instant.

A strange scene happened. The captives who were hit by the bullets fell to the ground without convulsions, and continued to stand and shoot as if they were unconscious.

The figure standing at the front was shot dozens of times in the blink of an eye, and his body was covered in blood and flesh.

Suffering such a heavy blow, but still standing tall, he kept shooting with his eyes closed.

It wasn't until his arm was broken and the weapon fell to the ground that he finally fell down and stopped moving.

Members of the United Rescue Team kept falling to the ground in the crossfire, and their ears were filled with the screams and wailing of the wounded.

In such a brutal fighting method, the competition is about spiritual will. Whoever can stand to the end will be the winner.

But flesh and blood, how can they fight against the strangeness of being immortal, and soon the joint rescue team began to collapse.

The soldiers dodged quickly, trying to find cover, and then shot at these weird enemies.

Otherwise, if they continue to waste it, they will all die here.

However, in the open field, there was no suitable bunker at all, and because of the dispersion, the firepower output intensity decreased.

Seeing that the situation was not good, the superior had no choice but to order an evacuation and exited the village in a state of embarrassment.

Counting the number of casualties, two-thirds of them were lost, and all those who came back alive were injured.

Seeing that the military elites tried their best to take action, but still retreated with a broken army, many people suddenly felt extremely disappointed.

They don't want extraordinary power to affect their power and status, and they all desire to annihilate them in one wave.

The confident general had a gloomy expression.

I thought I could get all the credit, but the reality was a slap in the face. The casualties in the first wave of trials were so heavy.

If we can't find a way to restrain the enemy, no matter how many soldiers are dispatched and human lives are used to pile them up, we may not be able to win.

If the problem cannot be solved, not only will his official position be difficult to secure, but his own interests will also be seriously affected.

Therefore, this war must be won.

Since sending soldiers to attack by force cannot achieve victory, then decisively change tactics.

"How long will it take for the chariot troops to reach this village?"

The commander stared at the trial screen and asked the adjutant beside him, with a hint of ferocity in his eyes.

"We will reach the battlefield in two ten minutes!"

The general nodded and gave the order decisively.

"Order the convoy to continue to speed up. After the chariot troops arrive, immediately enter the combat state, lock the entire village and fire, I will turn this place into ruins!"

The general waved his arms vigorously, trying to vent the anger accumulated in his heart in this way.

Not waiting for too long, the roar of machines could be heard on the road outside the village.

The scene of groups of chariots galloping on the road looks quite spectacular.

Someone has long been responsible for exploring and opening up suitable parking spots for these tanks to stay and station.

Such a big movement had already alarmed the onlookers, who all paid attention to it.

Seeing the ferocious cannon muzzles pointing in the direction of the village, everyone guessed what the general was thinking.

It is obvious that artillery will be used to completely destroy the village.

The use of such a method was enough to prove that the previous rescue operation had failed and that there was no way to capture the village through infantry combat.

This also means that the interrogated, completely abandoned by the authorities, will be turned into minced meat under the bombardment of artillery.

Thinking of this possibility, the relatives and friends of the interrogated persons immediately protested and strongly requested not to open fire and shell the people.

However, their requests were simply ignored by the military.

Facing the soldiers with live ammunition and ready to fire at any time, everyone had no choice but to give up in the end.

Now that things have developed, everyone knows that the chances of a successful rescue are extremely slim.

As a result of persisting and refusing to give up, you are likely to suffer huge losses and ultimately fail to achieve the rescue goal.

Judging from the appearance of those being interrogated, life must be worse than death at this moment. If they can really die in the shelling, it might be a way of relief.

When you feel powerless, you often try to convince yourself to accept some compromise solutions.

Not everyone wants to rescue the person under trial. Death is more in the interest of most people.

Hearing the shelling order, everyone secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Although he was happy in his heart, he still had to maintain a sad expression on his face, and he looked worried.

If someone could read minds, they would definitely be able to see the sinister and ugliness of human hearts at this moment.

The artillerymen completed the preparations for shooting in a short time, and then heard a loud noise.

One after another, large-caliber artillery shells flew towards the village, and people looked at them, wanting to see the scene of flames rising into the sky.

The people on trial, the judges, and the invited spectators and villagers in the picture will also be wiped out in the bombing.

The thought of that scene made some people very excited.

But it didn't take long for the expressions of the crowd to change. They all heard the sound of the shell being fired, but they didn't hear the sound of the shell hitting the ground.

It seemed that all the fired shells had misfired, so there was no sound when they landed and exploded.

"What's going on, what are those bloody artillerymen doing!"

The general was very angry when he couldn't see the flames rising into the sky, and he hurriedly ordered someone to ask the reason.

The artillerymen also looked confused. There was no problem with their operation, but the shells they fired just didn't sound.

Could it be that there is a problem with the cannon ejection that this happens?

The artillery commander immediately gave the order to turn the two artillery pieces around and attack the fields outside the village.

Accompanied by two loud bangs, the soil in the field flew, and a tree was directly broken and flew into the air.

Such huge power is enough to prove that there is no problem with the cannonball.

The answer is already obvious. The problem is the village, which can prevent the falling shells from exploding.

Such an outrageous answer makes people feel incredible, but they have to choose to believe it.

Because in this village, there is a group of extraordinary beings who possess incredible power.

Anything unbelievable can happen in this village.

For the military, this is definitely bad news, which means that their combat effectiveness is greatly reduced.

The infantry is no match and the artillery shells cannot be fired. How should such a battle continue?
When the general heard the report, he was stunned. He didn't expect such an accident to happen again.

Looking at the village shrouded in thick fog, the general felt powerless, and finally realized that he had caught a hot potato
(End of this chapter)

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