Even if the army came under pressure, the trial was still going on without any impact.

Once this kind of thing has started, it must not end easily. It must have a beginning and an end.

Otherwise, if it is known by the outside world, it will only underestimate the Dreamland Ghost Domain and question its strength.

Even an actively organized trial cannot guarantee a smooth progress, and the means of extraordinary power can only go so far.

In many cases, reputation is even more important than strength, and it can solve many problems.

What you can do is not as good as what you can say. This is the truth.

Tang Zhen used his own means to prove to these aborigines that extraordinary power is far stronger than they imagined.

Once this is achieved, there is no need to say anything more, and the rest can be figured out by the indigenous people themselves.

The transcendence in their hearts will be more down-to-earth and easier to accept.

There is one more thing to tell the whole world by the way.

The future world will inevitably be controlled by extraordinary people, and the end of confrontation is a dead end.

The wise behavior is to join, let yourself become a member of the extraordinary, and still stand at the top of the high pyramid.

If it can really be done, then the changes in the world will be a richer harvest feast for some people.

Although there will be grassroots rise, but they have all kinds of advantages, they may still be the masters of this world.

It's just that this matter is full of too many uncertainties. Most people don't have the courage to abandon everything they have and gamble.

They prefer to maintain the status quo and, when possible, keep supernatural power in their own hands.

If you want to achieve this step, you must fight for it with strength and completely defeat the extraordinary power.

Fighting is the best way to prove it. As long as you win this war, you will have the confidence and possibility to negotiate.

The bombardment with artillery before, wanting to destroy everything, is to have such an idea.

As long as the official wins, they don't care about the methods, let alone how many people will die.

Tang Zhen knew this, so he took action to intercept the shells, preventing them from detonating normally.

Otherwise, so many shells could really level the village and completely disrupt Tang Zhen's deployment.

But at this moment, the cannonball fell into Tang Zhen's hands and became a powerful weapon against the enemy.

Tang Zhen only needs one thought, and the shells will reflect back and land on the top of the enemy's head.

In the confrontation between the two sides, it is not necessary to use extraordinary power to respond, and it is also possible to use the opponent's weapon.

At this moment, the general's ugly face appeared in front of Tang Zhen, and it could be seen that his mood was extremely complicated.

The artillery unit with high hopes did not achieve the expected goal, and he has nothing to do now.

The only thing that can be done is to send troops to attack from the ground or drop bombs from the air.

The ground attack is not dominant, and the bombing in the air may encounter the same result. No wonder the general feels embarrassed.

In the end, he could only grit his teeth and prepare to adopt crowd tactics.

To issue such an order, one must take great risks and be prepared to pay tragic casualties.

In order to achieve the desired goal, he can only choose to sacrifice the lives of soldiers to ensure that his status and interests will not be affected.

Following an order, thousands of soldiers attacked the fog-shrouded village from different directions.

They don't know at this moment what kind of terrifying enemy they will face, they only know that after entering the village, they will destroy all moving targets they see.

In order to ensure sufficient safety, everyone must be killed without leaving any hidden dangers.

The soldiers entered the thick fog, and soon there were rapid gunshots, indicating that another round of fighting had begun.

No one can see the battle scene, everything is based on guesswork. The only way to understand is the live broadcast in the village.

The trial is still going on, unaffected by the fighting, and more than half of the people on trial have already been tried and served their sentences.

This act of indifference is actually a contempt for the official, thinking that the war will not affect the trial.

The gunfire continues and won't stop anytime soon.

It is normal for a large-scale battle to last for days and months, not to mention that the military is still increasing its troops and more soldiers will arrive in the village soon.

At the same time, there are also aircraft, which may fly over the village at any time, lock the target and bomb it.

With so many troops invested, if the village still cannot be captured, it will definitely become the laughing stock of the world.

But it didn't take long for everyone's thoughts to change again.

The soldiers who entered the village entered in groups and rushed out again in a blink of an eye.

It's just that at this moment, they looked extremely embarrassed, with panic expressions all over their faces.

Their appearance at this moment is completely throwing away their helmets and armor, and they are in extreme embarrassment.

Seeing this scene, the audience felt a chill in their hearts.

They had been worried that they would see such a situation, but it actually happened.

The appearance of such a scene means that the military has failed or is in a state of failure.

Seeing this scene, the general was furious.

"Bastard, come back immediately, no one is allowed to escape!"

He jumped on his feet and shouted to drive the soldiers back, but no one paid any attention.

The supervising team that tried to stop it was instantly broken through by the rout and did not play any role.

The audience was worried, for fear that it would be affected.

After all, swords and guns have no eyesight. As a participant, it is not surprising to suffer some injuries.

It's okay to watch the excitement, but absolutely not to be hurt.

Sure enough, not long after, some strange figures rushed out of the thick fog in the village.

The clothes on these strange bodies are the same as those of the fleeing soldiers, the only difference is that they are covered with bruises.

They all closed their eyes, held various weapons, and kept chasing and killing their former companions.

Some timid guys decisively chose to stay away after seeing this scene.

For them, the current village is not only a place to watch the excitement, but also a place for dragons and tigers.

A little bit of carelessness, it is possible to fall into it, and even leave your life here.

Seeing that the rout of troops was overwhelming and out of control, the wisest thing to do was to temporarily evacuate.

The general was extremely unwilling, but he could only give an order to retreat, and make a decision after observing the situation.

After all, on the battlefield, swords, guns and bullets have no eyes. His identity as a general makes him more dangerous, and he may be killed if he is not careful.

As the military took the initiative to retreat, the gunfire gradually became less and less.

The special trial in the village was coming to an end at this moment, and the last person to be tried was also tied to a tree stump and began to suffer the punishment of being bitten by insects.

No matter how much you cry or how injured you are, there is just no way to die.

I passed out from the pain, but soon woke up from the stinging pain, and this process was repeated over and over again.

The pain of life is beyond words.

This is the real life that is worse than death, and it also makes the interrogated person feel deep remorse. If he had known this earlier, he would not have done those things at the beginning.

But who would have thought that there would be an extraordinary power in the world that could unscrupulously challenge the official and imperial power.

If not, the world would still maintain its original operating state, and they would never end up like this.

According to the judge, they are only the first wave of people to be tried, and more powerful people will be tried and punished in the future.

If that's the case, it's a good thing, at least it can effectively deter those superiors, and they will restrain themselves when doing things in the future.

To avoid accidentally being targeted by the Dreamland Ghost Realm and becoming the target of a public trial.

Life is better than death, howling day and night.

(End of this chapter)

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