Wu Family Sword Spirit

Chapter 950 is very bad for us

Chapter 950 is very bad for us
After a lot of trouble before, and then we found out about his evil deeds, the old sheepherder completely lost his temper. He was slapped twice by me, and he didn't dare to say a word or even look at me. See.

"What a good thing you did, but you did it in a very dark way." I said through gritted teeth.

"You can't talk nonsense to him, he'll be killed directly." Xue Xiaoqi's anger was also rising, and it looked like she really wanted to kill the old man.

Although we have enough reasons and abilities to kill this old man, we can't do it. Now we don't know where Chenxi's white paper fan is.

Now that we have not been delayed here for long, we must act as soon as possible to avoid a long night and many dreams, so that we can kill Chen Xi Bai Zhi Fan by surprise.

I once again threw the old sheepherder to the ground and threatened: "Old man, you still have a chance to survive, and that is to take us into the Chenxi branch. Of course, you don't have to take us there, either. Then be prepared to die from the pain here. To be honest, the medicine I gave you is called Zhuan Gua Dan. We only have the antidote. If we don’t give you the antidote, then you will only have one. The end result is pain to death, think about it yourself, I'll give you three seconds."

The old sheepherder looked up at me and said in a trembling voice: "I...I..."

"Time has passed, it seems you agreed?" I said with a sinister smile.

"How can I be sure that you won't kill me if I bring you in?" The old man finally began to negotiate terms.

"It's very simple. I can swear a blood oath. As long as you take us in, I will spare your life." I said solemnly.

"Okay... go ahead..." the old sheepherder said without any hesitation.

Let me go, this is a hole buried for me. Why do I feel like I got myself into it?

I was stunned for a moment and felt something was wrong. Finally, I discussed it with him. The matter of swearing a blood oath cannot be just on my side. He must also swear a blood oath to guarantee every word he says. It's all true, so it's only fair.

Under this situation, the old sheepherder knew that he could not escape. Apart from fully cooperating with us, he might be able to save his life. There was no other way.

The two of us immediately swore a vicious blood oath, and then we felt relieved.

Immediately afterwards, I started to ask the old man about Chenxi's current helm.

However, the old sheepherder didn't know much. He was just a peripheral person responsible for detecting winds. His status in the Chenxi branch was not high. If there was nothing particularly important, he could only report back to the branch once a month. Check the situation outside. Sometimes if there is an emergency, the person in charge of the helm will send someone out to negotiate with him.

He got the news three months ago that I led a group of people to destroy the Cangdong branch.

Now Chenxi White Paper Fan has entered a state of high alert. The entire Chenxi branch's spies on the periphery have received the news. They know that the next step we have to deal with is their Chenxi branch, so everyone has sent a message. Photos for comparison. If they see me, they will immediately send a flare to notify the personnel at the helm. They should hide where they should and set up ambush where they should. In short, they cannot let me leave here alive.

Now the entire Chenxi sub-rudder has become frightened and scared. There are a lot more spies around the desert nest, and their helmsman, the white-faced scholar, seems to have contacted the chief helm, saying that he wants to send more manpower. Chen Xi's sub-ruler was on defensive. At this moment, he didn't know whether the chief rudder had sent anyone over.

Hearing this news, several of us were trembling in our hearts.

Chenxi White Paper Fan is really well prepared. When they heard that I was coming, they even asked for help from the main helm. The components attached great importance to me.

At the beginning, the white-faced scholar was so cool, he looked like a handsome young man, and he bullied me and bullied me. He was also afraid sometimes.

He was the only one among the helmsmen to escape alive.

He saw with his own eyes how brutal I was that day, killing more than 200 people in one breath, so he was very scared.

It seems that we must discuss this matter in the long run. If Chenxi sub-rudder really has experts sent by Gui Yongdao from the general helm, I am afraid this matter will be a bit troublesome.

There are absolutely no weaklings among the people sent by the chief rudder of Guiyong Road. Although a few of us are not weak either, it is easy to fall into a tight siege if we advance rashly without understanding the enemy's situation.

I hesitated for a while, and then asked again: "Then, is the white-faced scholar in the rudder?"

"He must be here. I knew it when he came out. Counting it now, he probably hasn't left the sub-helm for half a year." The old sheep herding man said.

"How do you get into the entrance of Chenxi Branch?" I asked again.

"It's in a crevice in the depths of the desert. The crevice is so small that only two people can pass side by side. Moreover, the entrance and exit of the crevice are heavily guarded. , if you want to go in, you have to go through the entrance and exit, it will be difficult for you to get in." The old sheepherder said flatly.

When he said this, I looked back at Meng Wu and Qian Liu behind me. When we came here, Fatty Jin from the Wanluo Sect once told us that the two of them knew the entrance and exit of the Chenxi sub-rudder. He looked at them, just to verify whether what the old sheepherder said was right.

When Meng Wu and Qian Liu saw me looking at them, they immediately understood my intention. Qian Liu immediately nodded and said, "Master Jiu, this is correct."

I felt relieved, smiled at the old sheepherder, and said, "Yes, you performed very well. I hope we can continue to cooperate."

Having said this, I began to think secretly. This matter is developing more and more in a direction that is very unfavorable to us.

Not to mention whether the Chenxi sub-rudder has masters sent from Gui Yongdao's main helm, even if it is necessary to enter the interior of the Chenxi sub-rudder, it is also a difficult matter.

When I was at a loss, Li Banxian, who had been silent for a long time, patted my shoulder and motioned for me to take a step to speak. I immediately got up and followed Li Banxian to the gate. Li Banxian looked back at the people in the room, and then whispered Said: "Xiaojiu, if you want to enter the Chenxi branch, I have a way, but I don't know if it will work..."

I felt happy and said quickly: "Brother Li, now that we have come to this point, stop hiding it and tell it first. Maybe it will be a good idea."

Li Banxian pondered for a moment, seemed to be thinking about how to word it, and said seriously: "I think we should do this..."

 Good night, good night~Look up~
(End of this chapter)

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