Wu Family Sword Spirit

Chapter 951 Impersonating Foreign Aid

Chapter 951 Impersonating Foreign Aid
What Li Banxian means is that according to what the old sheep herding man said, the Chenxi sub-rudder plans to invite people from Gui Yongdao's general helmsman to come and help. This is not good for us, but we can definitely take advantage of this opportunity that is not good for us. Through this sheep herding The old man, pretending to be reinforcements from the Guiyong Road chief helm, took us into the Chenxi sub-rudder. After entering the Chenxi sub-rudder, we tried our best to find the whereabouts of the white paper fan first. The rest is what we should do. What have you done?

When you have a last resort, you can also use the white paper fan's life as a threat to bring him out and either kill him or hand him over to the hands of the special team, and then take action depending on the situation.

This time, it is definitely impossible for us to deal with the Chenxi branch like we destroyed the Cangdong branch, because the opponent is too well prepared. Therefore, we can only act according to the situation and accept it as soon as it suits us. Let's do it Chen Xi took over the helm just to seek revenge on the white-faced scholar. As for other things, they were no longer important.

Li Banxian's idea is good, but the current situation is that we don't know whether the Chenxi branch has invited foreign aid from the Guiyong Road chief. If we know, wouldn't it mean that Li Gui met Li Kui and was immediately Broken?

Regarding my question, Li Banxian has already thought of it. If we really meet the people from Guiyong Road’s helm, we can also pretend to be people from other branches. This is Dongchen, which borders Haicheng District. It is said that they have received news that Wu Jiuyin will come over. We are coming from Huangbei Branch or Huangnan Branch to support us. Anyway, once we enter Chenxi Branch, there will be an isolation circle that can shield everything. Electronic equipment, they can't contact the branches everywhere, let alone determine our identity. In view of this, they will not act rashly with us. When the time comes, we can still act according to the situation.

I have thought about it again and again. For now, this is a good idea, and it is better than forcing our way into the Chenxi branch.

However, I still felt that something was wrong, and I was slightly worried.

As for how to dress up as people from Gui Yong Dao, I am somewhat prepared. When the three of us sneaked into Cangdong Branch, we also killed many people and peeled off a lot of clothes from those dead people. Gui Yong Dao The people there were all dressed up in the same way. They were all dressed in black and covered with black gauze. At that time, I thought it would be useful to keep these black clothes, so I kept a few extra ones and kept them in the Qiankun Eight Treasure Bag. Unexpectedly, It came in handy so quickly.

At that moment, Li Banxian and I turned back and briefly explained our plan to everyone. We all thought it was a good idea, so I took out all the black clothes and everyone put on theirs. He also had Xue Xiaoqi remove the poison from the Ma Fei Hualing Powder on the old sheepherder, but the poison on his body was not completely removed, limiting most of his cultivation. The poison of the Nine-turn Bone-Guarding Pill has been retained in his body. As long as the old guy dares to play any tricks, Xue Xiaoqi will cause the poison of the Nine-Turn Bone-Guarding Pill to attack at any time, making him miserable and even causing death directly from the poison.

After letting the old man deal with it briefly and wiping off the blood on his mouth, Xue Xiaoqi threatened him again and told him about the horrors of the Nine Turns Bone-Scraping Pill. The old man had experienced this kind of Painful, he nodded repeatedly, indicating that everything would be done according to our instructions and he did not dare to play tricks.

After everything was prepared here, it was already around [-] o'clock in the evening, but there was still one very tricky thing, which was how to place the college student named Li Jing who we rescued from the old sheepherder's cellar.

Anyway, it is impossible for her to go to Chenxi with us to share the helm. She is powerless, and our trip is extremely dangerous. Our own safety cannot be guaranteed, let alone take care of her.

We all asked the girl her opinion. She wanted to join us, mainly because she thought this place was too scary and there were dead people buried in the basement. She didn't dare to stay here.

But our attitude is also very firm, it is absolutely impossible to take him with us.

At this time, I remembered what Li Banxian told me about Meng Wu and Qian Liu, and I thought about taking this opportunity to ask Meng Wu and Qian Liu to send the girl away directly. Maybe they could escape this disaster, even if they couldn't escape. If I don't take it off, they won't lose their lives because they followed us to Chenxi to split the helm, so I feel better.

But Meng Wu and Qian Liu were unwilling, saying that they were using people's money to eliminate disasters for others, and they still had professional ethics. At the beginning, Butler Jin said that he would take us to the entrance of Chenxi Branch before we could leave, and turned back halfway. , they were afraid of being blamed by Butler Jin when they returned, and they couldn't bear it.

Just when the calculation was getting worse, Xue Xiaoqi suddenly took action and quietly threw away a handful of the drug.

The girl swayed and fell to the ground. She made no sound, and the whole world became quiet.

This is the best way, just let her sleep here for a while. Xue Xiaoqi said that he would be given an hour's dose of medicine, and he would wake up after four hours. At that time, Meng Wu and Qian Liu would send us to Chen When we were at the west branch, we would come back and move the girl to a safe place. Then we would let her go.

We put the girl back into the cellar and sealed the cellar entrance.

The group of people all put on the costumes of people from Guiyong Road, and took advantage of the dark night to embark on the journey to Desert Nest.

Meng Wu and Qian Liu are indeed good at work. When they went out, they also moved all the goats that fell on the ground at the door into the house to avoid unnecessary trouble. The price of 100 million is indeed well spent.

After leaving the small courtyard, I asked about some other information about Chenxi's branch. The old man was much more at ease, and he told me everything he knew. This attitude was very useful to me.

He told us that this place is still about ten miles away from Desert Nest. With our current journey, we can get there in less than an hour. However, many spies from Chenxi Division have recently been deployed along this road. , specializes in monitoring the movements of people going to Desert Nest. Once a suspicious person passes by, the sub-helm will be notified, which is very tricky.

Fortunately, this old man knew where these spies were hiding, so we simply eliminated all the spies who were ambushing us along the way, so we didn't have to deal with them and waste time.

While discussing, we set off on the road, but we didn't dare to walk on the trail in a big way anymore, but instead sneaked through the woods on both sides of the mountain road.

(End of this chapter)

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