Six Ways of Fumo

Chapter 2275 Gold Head (Big Chapter)

Chapter 2275 Gold Head (Big Chapter)
The ghost Taoist laughed loudly and poured all three cups of tea to the ground one by one. Then he laughed and said: "You are wrong, you are wrong. This third cup of tea is half a cup. It is dedicated to the heroes of Wagang Mountain."

"So that's how it is?" Lai Pi smiled and asked, "Old man, why do you only give half a cup of tea to the heroes of Wagang Village? What's the point?"

The Ghost Taoist Master nodded and said: "There are 36 heroes in Wagang Village, but half of them surrendered to Li Shimin, like Cheng Yaojin, Qin Qiong and others; the other half refused to surrender, like Shan Xiongxin and others. This half cup of tea , it is given to Shan Xiongxin and others, Cheng Yaojin and others have no share. Because the real Jianghu people only recognize these bloody men, do you understand? "

Lai Pi and Hei Pi both learned a lot and raised their thumbs together: "You are still a real Jianghu man!"

The ghost Taoist laughed and invited the two gangsters to drink and eat.

After three cups, he asked shamelessly: "Old man, what is your name?"

"My name is Lin Baiyun, you can call me Uncle Lin. I won't hide it from you, I came here to find a treasure." Ghost Taoist Master said.

Speaking of the treasure, Lai Pi and Hei Pi's eyes sparkled, and they asked at the same time: "Uncle Lin, what kind of treasure are you looking for? It must be very valuable, right?"

Ghost Taoist Master took a sip of wine and whispered: "What I'm looking for is... a human head!"

"Ah, Uncle Lin, are you going to kill someone?" Both Lai Pi and Hei Pi were startled, sweating all over their bodies.

"Shhh... keep your voice down!" Ghost Taoist Master lowered his voice and said: "I'm not killing people, why should I kill people? The head I'm looking for is made of gold, a gold head!"

The two gangsters breathed a sigh of relief, and asked again: "Uncle Lin, what do you mean, this golden head is in our Xishui Village?"

"Yes, this gold head is very valuable. If you find it, you can buy your Xishuizhai." Ghost Taoist Master nodded and said.

Since ancient times, money has attracted people's hearts, so the ghost Taoist priest used gold heads as bait to subdue these two gangsters and do things for himself.

Sure enough, the two gangsters became energetic, each expressed their loyalty, and said: "Uncle Lin, tell me where this thing is, we brothers will dig it for you! Although we are useless, we can still contribute our efforts!"

"The thing is in this stream village, but I don't know the specific location yet. I have to find it slowly." Ghost Taoist Master took a sip of wine and said slowly.

"Okay, Uncle Lin, if you need help, we will help you find it!" said Lapi.

"Hey, that's just wasting a little bit of your time." Taoist Ghost smiled, took out a wad of bills from his arms, and said, "Let's do this, I won't treat you badly. The 2000 yuan here is a thousand for each of you brothers." , use it first, and when I find that thing, there will naturally be benefits for you."

Heipi and Shapi were stunned when they saw so much money.In those days, 1000 yuan was worth more than 10 yuan now.

"Take it! Then find me a place to live. I want to live there and look for it slowly. Of course, I will pay for my living expenses myself. I won't live and eat for free." Ghost Taoist Master said again.

Laipi and Heipi took the banknotes, thanked them profusely, and said, "Uncle Lin, if you don't mind, our family will be fine. There is only one hotel in our Xishuizhai, and the conditions are not as good as ours."

There was no tourism industry at that time, so there were no hotels.The only one is for those who go to the countryside to do small business, such as portrait painters and umbrella repair craftsmen. They will stay when passing by the village.This kind of hotel accommodates traveling businessmen, and the conditions are as you can imagine, they are all Datongpu.

"Who is there in your family? Is it convenient?" Ghost Taoist Master asked.

Heipi grinned, very proud and proud: "Conveniently, everyone in my family is dead, and I am the only one left. Heipi also lives in my house. It will be no problem for us two brothers to serve Uncle Lin!"

"Okay, then I'll stay at your house." The Ghost Taoist laughed and finally made up his mind.

After having had enough wine and food, the Ghost Taoist Master got up and followed Lai Pi Hei Pi to look at the house.

Lai Pi's ancestral house is on the west side of Beizhai.There are three small tile-roofed houses in total, with weeds as tall as one person in front of the door.

As soon as he entered the house, the ghost priest frowned and cursed: "Is this a place where people live? Is this a doghouse?"

The house was in a mess, with empty wine bottles and dirty clothes scattered everywhere, and there were flies flying all over the stove, making it almost unsightly.

"Master Lin, don't worry, we'll just clean up." Lai Pi hastily brought up a chair, asked the ghost priest to sit in front of the door, and rolled up his sleeves to clean up with Hei Pi.

Half an hour later, the room was indeed much cleaner.

The two ends of the house are bedrooms, the middle is the main room, and there is a small yard at the back, with a toilet and a chicken and pig house.

Although the conditions were poor, Taoist Ghost could only make do with it, which was better than sleeping in the wild.

The ghost Taoist priest greeted Lai Pi and Hei Pi and said: "Starting tomorrow, I will set up a stall at the market in Xishui Village and tell fortunes. You two brothers will help me with the business. The money you earn will be Sanyi 31. You divide it equally."

"So your old man is a fortune teller? Then... what should I do about looking for a gold head?" Lai Pi asked, feeling a little disappointed.

"Telling fortunes while making money, and looking for it slowly at the same time. Otherwise, what will happen to the food and drink here? You support me!" Ghost Taoist Priest glared.

Lai Pi didn't dare to speak and nodded repeatedly.

The ghost Taoist priest squinted at the two gangsters and said: "My fortune-telling and divination are all real skills. Although this is a small place, it is not a problem to earn one or two hundred a day. You two boys follow me and keep the good fortune." Drink something spicy!”

Hearing that there was so much income, both Laipi and Heipi were happy.

Lai Pi said: "Uncle Lin, what you said is amazing, but I haven't seen your fortune-telling skills. How about you, old man, show me your fortune first?"

"What do you want?" the ghost priest asked.

"Guess when I can get a wife!" he said with a smile.

The ghost priest stared at Lapi's face, and then said: "You will not have a wife before you are 40 years old."

"Ah? What about after the age of 40?" Lapi said with a sad face.

"After the age of 40, you get used to it." Ghost Taoist Master said.

With a plop, Lai Pi fell to the ground, whining incessantly; but Hei Pi held his stomach and rolled with laughter...

The ghost Taoist also laughed, and said: "However, your uncle, I have the art of changing your life against the sky, you listen to me, I will change your life for you in the future, and you will have a wife."

"Don't worry, Uncle Lin. I will definitely listen to you in the future. You are my biological father." Shapi said with a grimace.

Heipi rolled his eyes and asked, "Uncle Lin, please help me with my fortune telling. I lost my watch last time. Please tell me where I lost it."

The ghost Taoist priest pointed at Lai Pi and said, "Eight days ago, when you were washing your hair, Lai Pi took your watch away..."

Heipi's expression suddenly changed, and he turned to look at the scoundrel next to him.

The scoundrel was even more frightened to death. He waved his hands at the Ghost Taoist Priest repeatedly and shouted: "Uncle Lin, please don't accuse me unjustly. I didn't do this..."

"Didn't you do this? You stole the watch and exchanged it for a meal in the tavern in the village. If you don't believe me, go to the tavern tomorrow and ask the pockmarked boss, hehe." Ghost Daoist Master trimmed his beard and sneered.

Lai Pi was completely confused. He looked at Hei Pi and said with a sneer, "Brother, when I came back from dinner that day, I brought you roast duck... Actually, you also had a share."

"You bastard, that watch was left for me by my damn daddy!" Heipi roared and rushed towards the scoundrel.

Lai Pi was well prepared, turned around, rushed out of the door, and fled.

Heipi chased after him, yelling and cursing, with an attitude of fighting to the death.

The ghost Taoist laughed and went to bed.How could such a gangster be the opponent of Taoist Ghost?With just a few words, you can manipulate them into the palm of your hand.

He slept until dark, and when Kidodao got up to have dinner, he saw Heipi and Dude sitting in front of the door, with bruised noses and swollen faces, staring at each other without speaking.

"You have nothing to do with your strength, right? Set up a fortune-telling stall with me tomorrow morning, and come back in the afternoon to clean the front and back of the house and clear away all the weeds." Ghost Taoist Master said lazily.

Only then did Lai Pi and Hei Pi nod their heads, put on smiling faces, and served the ghost priest for dinner.

Early the next morning, Heipi and Lapi, one carrying the table and the other carrying the bench, went to the market with Ghost Taoist Master.

At the crowded three-way intersection, the black man put down the table and bench and asked the ghost Taoist priest to sit down. Then the two brothers let go of their throats and shouted on the street: "Hey, fortune-telling comes, fortune-telling comes, iron mouth, steel teeth, iron teeth Straight talk, a dollar for each hexagram, and 100 yuan if you are not sure! Calculate wealth, marriage, future, life and death, whether the plate is big or the bowl is small, you will know it with just one calculation!"

One dollar per hexagram is considered cheap.

Mainly because the business is open, Ghost Taoist Priest cannot set the price too high.Once the publicity is established, it will be easier to handle later. If you make a fortune, people will come.

Although the price was already very low in this busy city, Taoist Ghost waited for a long time, but no one cared.

why?Because people here don't really believe in foreign fortune tellers. If something happens, they often go to the local Gu Master.

This is the junction of the three provinces of Guizhou, Yunnan and Guangxi, and the art of Gu is deeply rooted.

Laipi and Heipi were shouting on the street, each of them shouting until their throats were on fire.

Suddenly, a fat, bald old man walked over with his hands behind his back, slapped the scoundrel, and shouted: "What are you talking about, kid? Why is it that the iron mouth cuts so hard?"

This old guy's name is Luo Wuxian, and he is the most famous Gu Master here. He is highly respected. Because he is ranked seventh, the locals call him Luo Qiye.

Seeing Luo Wuxian, Lai Pi and Hei Pi's expressions changed. They hurriedly nodded and bowed, and whispered: "Master Luo Qi, there is a... stranger over there. He wants to tell fortunes here, so he asked our brothers to help him. Master Luo Qi, actually, We brothers are just running errands, we don’t know anything..."

When they met the local Mr. Luo Qi, these two gangsters immediately sold the ghost Taoist priest. This is a place where there is no sense of loyalty.You know, yesterday afternoon, they showed their loyalty to Taoist Ghost in various ways.

"A foreigner?" Mr. Luo Qi frowned and looked at the ghost Taoist priest's hexagram stall in the distance, and asked, "Is that the thin monkey?"

"Yes, yes, that's the skinny old man. Don't be offended, Mr. Luo Qi. We just use money to do things and help him out." Lai Pi said in a servile tone.

"Okay, I'll go meet this skinny monkey for a while and see what abilities he has. How dare he boast so much! Iron teeth? Not sure. I'll let him look for teeth all over the floor! I'll pay a hundred dollars. I'll make him lose his pants today!" Mr. Luo Qi snorted, separated from the crowd, and walked slowly towards Taoist Ghost Master.

There were many people at the market, all of whom were nearby villagers and all knew Mr. Luo Qi.Hearing that Mr. Luo Qi was going to trouble this fortune teller, everyone got excited and followed him together.

Originally, everyone admired Master Luo Qi and were very interested in this old man from a foreign country.Now that the two met together, everyone naturally wanted to watch the fun.

Heipi and Shapi also followed the crowd, crouching to take a peek.They didn't dare to get too close, fearing that Luo Qiye and Ghost Taoist Master would get into a fight and it would be bad for them to get caught in the middle.This is also the cunning part of the gangsters, they know how to sit on the mountain and watch the tiger fight.

Ghost Taoist Master couldn't wait for the business to come and was dozing off on the table.

Suddenly he heard a knock on the table, and Taoist Master Ghost raised his head and saw Luo Wuxian in front of him.

Luo Qiye looked at Taoist Ghost arrogantly and asked, "You're from out of town?"

"Well, that's right." Ghost Taoist Master nodded.

"The iron mouth is straight. One hexagram costs one yuan. Is it true that I will be compensated 100 yuan?" Luo Qiye asked again.

"Well, that's right." Ghost Daoist nodded again, still saying the same thing.

Luo Wuxian sneered, sat down opposite Taoist Ghost, and said: "For outsiders, you can make a living by wandering around the world, but you can brag, but don't brag too much. Can you really afford to pay 100 yuan for a hexagram?"

Taoist Ghost didn't say anything. He took out a stack of ten-yuan bills from his pocket, threw them on the table, and answered with actions.

At that time, there were no bills in one hundred denominations, and ten yuan was the largest.

Luo Wu first forced the Ghost Taoist Master to pay, thinking he had a trick, and said with a smile: "Okay, today I'm going to give you an opening, so that you can have a good start. Come on, come on, let's figure out what I'm holding in my hand. Things? If you count correctly, I'll give you a dollar, but don't make a mistake."

With that said, Luo Wuxian took out his right hand that was carried behind his back and placed it on the table in front of Ghost Taoist Master.

The people around me cheered and gathered around, stretching their necks one by one.

This is a real excitement, who doesn’t want to see it?Even Shapi and Heipi couldn't help it, so they got into the crowd and peeked in secret.

Faced with Luo Wuxian's problem, the Ghost Master remained calm, waved his hand and said with a smile: "What does it mean if it's so early in the morning?"

Luo Wuxian's expression changed, he slowly spread his hands, gritted his teeth and said, "If you win, let's do it again!"

Everyone was amazed when they saw what was in Luo Wuxian's hand, because in Luo Wuxian's hand, he was holding a QXN specialty... a big green jujube!

Luo Wu first took this big green date from the basket of a date seller on the street, but unexpectedly, Taoist Ghost guessed it.

In full view of everyone, Ghost Taoist Master accepted a dollar from Luo Wuxian and said with a smile: "Come again, come again. But this time, you can solve a more difficult problem."

(End of this chapter)

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