Six Ways of Fumo

Chapter 2294 Dragon Tiger Mountain

Chapter 2294 Dragon Tiger Mountain

Book next time.

After destroying the snail girl in Chentang'ao, the soul of Lao Chen's son was released, and the villagers also prepared dinner.

Although we were poor at that time, everyone spent all they had and the dinner was still very sumptuous.Not counting chickens, ducks and fish, the village and slaughtered a big fat pig.

Taoist Ghost and Zuo Chenghuang ate wine until midnight and were very drunk before returning.

The villagers were still reluctant to give up and sent each other all the way to Zuocheng Huang's temple.

In front of the temple, Zuo Chenghuang returned to his true form in red official uniform, smiled at everyone, and disappeared.

"Uncle Tianshi, why is the City God missing?" The villagers were shocked and asked the ghost Taoist priest.

The Ghost Daoist pointed to the temple door and said, "City God is now on his own seat, you can go in and have a look."

Everyone chased into the temple and found the statue of the City God on the shrine. Only then did they completely believe it, and they all knelt on the ground and kowtowed.

Old Chen looked at the Ghost Taoist Priest and asked, "Master Tianshi, where is your statue?"

"My statue is in the sky. This is the body that came down to earth and was reincarnated. I will not suddenly disappear like the City God." Ghost Taoist Master yawned and said, "I will live in this City God's Temple for the time being. If you have anything to do, you can come here to burn incense and find the City God, and remember to bring some wine and meat as offerings."

Everyone nodded hastily and agreed to bring three animal sacrifices to worship at the Chenghuang Temple the next day.

After everyone dispersed, Zuo Chenghuang appeared and cried bitterly: "Taoist priest, it's not easy to get some incense. After this day of hard work, oh, I almost can't bear it."

"Being a Taoist makes you uncomfortable as an adult. In fact, becoming a god is also uncomfortable." The ghost Taoist laughed loudly and went to sleep.

The next morning, the villagers came again and brought three animal sacrifices and good wine.

Zuo Chenghuang was so happy that he almost fell off the shrine with laughter.

From then on, the villagers would come to burn incense and make wishes no matter what.The nearby villagers also heard about it and came to worship him one by one.

The incense in the Chenghuang Temple became more and more prosperous day by day. The two boys were exposed to the incense, and the color on their faces finally faded away.

The ghost Taoist also helped Zuo Chenghuang, catching ghosts nearby, choosing days based on Feng Shui, and doing various good deeds.

Because the food and drink the Ghost Taoist eats and drinks here are the offerings of the villagers.Taoist Ghost feels dissatisfied if he eats and does nothing.

With Taoist Ghost's methods, he is naturally omnipotent. Countless villagers in the Ailao Mountain area have received the favor of Taoist Ghost.

Of course, Taoist Ghost is active here and has always claimed that he is Zhang Daoling who descended to earth.The nearby villagers all call him Master Tianshi.

In the blink of an eye, another few months have passed and the Spring Festival is here again.

After the Spring Festival, one day, Taoist Ghost made a calculation with his fingers and said: "Zuo Chenghuang, the day for your departure has arrived, it will be tomorrow."

"Ah? So fast?" Zuo Chenghuang was surprised, and then said: "I wonder where I will be transferred? In fact, I now feel that it is quite good to stay here in Ailao Mountain."

Originally, there was no incense, so Zuo Chenghuang didn't want to stay here; now that there is more incense, Zuo Chenghuang doesn't want to leave.

The ghost priest smiled and said, "You can't imagine the place you want to go to. You can't do it if you don't go to this place."

"Taoist Master, where are you?" Zuo Chenghuang asked anxiously.

"Longhu Mountain." Ghost Taoist Master said calmly.

"Longhu Mountain!?" Zuo Chenghuang suddenly jumped up and shouted: "Taoist Master, could it be that Longhu Mountain found out about you pretending to be Zhang Daoling and went down to earth, so I was transferred there?"

The ghost Taoist priest squinted his eyes and said, "What are you making all the fuss about? I caught ghosts and subdued demons and pretended to be Zhang Daoling to come down to earth in order to make Longhu Mountain famous. Longhu Mountain Nianxu Tianshi also knew about this last time and went out of his way to tell me I thank you. I just asked you to take up your post at Longhu Mountain, probably because you want to thank us."

"No way, you pretended to be someone's ancestor, and they still thank you?" Zuo Chenghuang asked with a sad face.

Although it was said that Zuo Chenghuang had the signature of Taoist Ghost on his body, Zuo Chenghuang was still afraid of going to Longhu Mountain to take up his post.What if Longhushan regards himself as an accomplice?
If Longhu Mountain is dissatisfied with itself, then one can imagine the suffering he will suffer during his 100-year term as City God in Longhu Mountain.

"Of course he wants to thank me. I made his ancestor's name famous and didn't charge a penny. Isn't it worthy of his gratitude?" Ghost Taoist Master laughed and said:
"But your transfer this time is indeed what Longhu Mountain means. They and the underworld want you. If it wasn't Longhu Mountain, then I would lose. Hades would really let you serve here for 100 more years. Let me I can’t go to the appointment with you.”

"That's right, Taoist Master. Longhushan asked me to come over by name. It's obvious that he wants to deal with me. What should I do? What should I do?" Zuo Chenghuang was anxiously looking around, and he was confused.

Ghost Taoist Master shook his head and said: "It will be okay, don't worry. And this time, I will go with you. Even if Longhu Mountain wants to settle accounts, it will be with me, not you."

Zuo Chenghuang felt a little relieved at this, but then said: "Taoist Master, after going to Longhu Mountain, you probably won't pretend to be Zhang Daoling and come down to earth again, right?"

"Why don't you dare to pretend? I dare to do it elsewhere, but I don't dare to go to Longhu Mountain. Wouldn't it be ridiculed by the people of Longhu Mountain?" Ghost Taoist Master sneered.

"Taoist Priest, if you continue to pretend, that's your business. However, little god, I don't dare to call you Master Tianshi anymore. Please give me a warning." Zuo Chenghuang clasped his fists as if begging for mercy.

"It's up to you. As long as you don't reveal my true identity." Ghost Taoist Master said nonchalantly.

Only the underworld knows about Taoist Ghost's activities in the mainland, but Taoist Ghost has also given instructions not to tell the Taoist priests in the underworld.Currently, the only person in the Taoist sect who knows that the Ghost Taoist Master is in the mainland is Nianxu Tianshi from Longhu Mountain.

Zuo Chenghuang nodded, walked to the temple and looked around, waiting for the ghost messenger from the underworld to send orders.

Sure enough, after twelve o'clock that night, in the early morning, Hei Wuchang came.

It's a new day after midnight, and what Ghost Priest said about the next day is correct.

Zuo Chenghuang hurriedly caught it, and said with a smile: "Why is Marshal Hei here? You have worked so hard, could it be that there is an order from the little god?"

"How do you know?" Hei Wuchang was stunned, and then smiled: "I know, it must be the master's clever calculation. By the way, the order is in my hand. Did the master ghost figure out that the underworld wants to kill you?" Transferred to where?"

Zuo Chenghuang turned his head and looked at the door of the bedroom. Knowing that Taoist Ghost was still sleeping, he whispered: "Taoist said, this time it's Longhu Mountain."

"As expected, he is an expert, his calculations are spot on!" Hei Wuchang exclaimed, took out the transfer order and read it out. As expected, Zuo Chenghuang was asked to go to Longhu Mountain to take up his post.

Zuo Chenghuang kowtowed to thank him, received the transfer order, took Hei Wuchang's hand, and asked, "Marshal Hei, why are you transferring me to Longhu Mountain this time?"

(End of this chapter)

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