Six Ways of Fumo

Chapter 2318 Ding 2 Miao's first love (9)

Chapter 2318 Ding Ermiao’s first love (9)

"What the hell is this? I've never seen it before." Ding Ermiao was young after all. As soon as he saw the big monster coming out, he immediately forgot about forcing Zhui Fengzi to swear.

Zhui Fengzi also breathed a sigh of relief, looked at it for a long time, and said: "Yeah, what kind of ghost is this? I haven't seen it, I haven't seen it..."

That thing is indeed weird, it has the shape of a human, but its facial features cannot be seen.

"Isn't that the old ghost you followed?" Ding Ermiao asked.

"No, vampires are red, and the ethereal energy gathers into shape." Zhui Fengzi said.

Ding Ermiao drew out the mahogany sword behind him and approached quietly.But the monster seemed to notice it, turned around and hid in the cave again.

When he turned around, Ding Ermiao saw bits and pieces falling from his body. Then, those pieces flew up and followed the big monster into the cave!

"Bat?" Ding Ermiao was stunned and turned around to ask Zhui Fengzi: "Hey, did you just see a few bats fall off this monster and then fly again?"

"I saw it, and I was also surprised. Could it be that bats gathered together to form the shape of a person?" Zhui Fengzi was equally depressed.

"Ask you what you haven't seen before, it's a waste of time!" Ding Ermiao frowned and said, "You wait for me here, I'll go and have a look."

"Okay, be careful and bring this." Zhui Fengzi took out a flashlight from his bag and handed it to Ding Ermiao.

Ding Ermiao took the flashlight, stood up, and walked toward the cave in a swagger.

When he reached the entrance of the cave, Ding Ermiao tested it first, threw a few stones inside, and asked for directions.

The stone fell into the cave, the car made a thumping sound, but there was no other movement.

Ding Ermiao then turned on the flashlight and ducked in.

The hole is not big and you need to bend down to enter, but once you get in, the space inside is very spacious.This cave has jagged rocks and intertwined teeth, but it is not a natural cave.Ding Ermiao looked at it for a long time and couldn't determine the cause of the cave.

There are no traces of man-made excavation on the walls and top of the cave, as if they were born like this.

"Hey, how come I never knew about this cave?" Ding Ermiao muttered, then moved forward with a flashlight, looking for the monster just now.

This is because newborn calves are not afraid of tigers. Ding Ermiao walked in with almost no weapons for self-defense.On his body was a mahogany sword, and on his leggings was a short blade.If you encounter a big beast, it's enough.

After walking for about ten steps, the direction of the cave began to turn, turning to the west.

Ding Ermiao waved the flashlight, walked inside step by step, and asked: "Hey, is there anyone inside?"

The voice shouted. Ding Ermiao listened to the echo and muttered: "It seems that the space is not small. Maybe there is a hole on the other side. The echo is not strong..."

As soon as he finished speaking, there was a flash of light and shadow in front of him, and the black monster appeared again!

However, this monster is walking in the same direction as Ding Ermiao, and is also heading deeper into the cave!
Ding Ermiao hurriedly took a few steps and stepped forward to take a closer look.

The monster seemed to know that Ding Ermiao was chasing him, so he also speeded up slightly.Although it speeded up, it still moved very slowly, and Ding Ermiao quickly closed the distance.

After chasing the monster five or six feet behind, Ding Ermiao could see clearly with the help of the flashlight.

At this sight, Ding Ermiao felt that all the hairs on her body stood up!
The monster in front is indeed made up of countless bats!It's just strange that the bats have formed a human shape and can even walk!

The bats were not honest, they were twisting and struggling, squeezing each other.From time to time, a bat would fall down, but immediately fly up and attach itself to the surface of the humanoid monster.

Ding Ermiao is not afraid of bats, but such a dense pile of bats makes Ding Ermiao feel sick.

But Ding Ermiao doesn't want to go back. If something goes wrong, he will become a monster. There must be something wrong with the bats gathering like this.

Ding Ermiao squatted down and continued to observe with a flashlight, paying attention to the soles of the bat monster's feet.

Finally, when the angle coincided, Ding Ermiao saw the monster's feet. The soles of the feet were white!
"The bat monster still has bones? There must be a human-shaped frame inside, and then the bat is attached to it." Ding Ermiao thought for a while, then picked up a fist-sized stone and threw it at the monster in front of him.

Throwing stones at birds is a game that Ding Ermiao has played since childhood, and it is quite accurate.

At this time, the distance was very close, so naturally Ding Ermiao's shot was perfect.

With a whoosh, the stone flew over and hit the monster in the back of the head.

"Squeak, squeak, squeak..." Several bats were injured where the stone hit, and they fell to the ground screaming.The nearby bats were frightened and flapped their wings and flew away.

In this way, Ding Ermiao saw the color of the bones on the back of the monster's head.

But after those bats flew away, bats near the hit point quickly replenished and filled the small gap on the back of the monster's head.

"Could it be that the bats are attached to a white bone? Or are these bats eating a person, leaving only a skeleton?" Ding Ermiao thought for a while, picked up stones from the ground, and kept throwing them at the monster. Yelling and bluffing: "Monster, Maoshan disciples are here and they haven't shown themselves yet!"

Stones flew, small fists laughing, and big ones as big as pumpkins landed on the monster's back.

The bats suffered heavy casualties. They kept falling and flying, and the screams were endless.

The monster seemed to know the fear and continued to speed up.The bats that flew out didn't know whether they were dead or alive, and flew back again, continuing to live on the monster's body.It seems that there is something in that monster that is attracting these bats.

Suddenly there was a bang, and the monster's feet were blocked and fell to the ground.

"Squeak, squeak, squeak..." As soon as the monster fell down, the bats were squeezed, smashed, and flew up.

This time, the bats flew away in large numbers, and Ding Ermiao could see more clearly. That thing was a human skeleton!
The bats are attached to this skeleton, densely packed in layers, and it looks like a black monster!

But this still cannot explain why the skeleton can walk, because the skeleton has no power, and it is useless no matter how many bats are gathered on it.

The only explanation is that there is an evil spirit attached to the skeleton.

In this situation, Ding Ermiao heard from his master that some ghosts can control the skeleton and use it to walk around to scare people.There are even more terrifying evil spirits who can manipulate the skeleton to do things, kill and injure others.

"What kind of evil spirit is hiding inside? What does it want to lead me into the depths of this cave?" Ding Ermiao snorted, stepped forward with his mahogany sword, and shouted loudly.

At this time, Ding Ermiao had followed the monster dozens of feet deep into the cave.That Chai Fengzi was so dishonest that he didn’t follow up!

Amidst Ding Ermiao's loud shouts, the white skeleton on the ground actually struggled to stand up and looked back at Ding Ermiao.

"The evil obstacle has not yet revealed itself!" Ding Ermiao placed the flashlight on a prominent point of the stone wall, pulled out a Fire Dragon Talisman, shook it straight, and flew towards the white skeleton.

With a bang, the paper talisman flew halfway and turned into flames, heading towards the white skeleton.

Originally, the scattered bats were flying towards them. When they saw the paper charms burning, the bats squeaked and flew away again.

The White Skeleton seemed surprised and walked away, but the Fire Dragon Talisman was faster and had already hit the White Skeleton's back!
"Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeam hahaha..." Amidst the strange laughter, a red ghost separated from the skeleton and rushed towards Ding Ermiao, shouting: "Boy, did you come here to die?"

The voice was a woman's, very old.

Ding Ermiao was not afraid either. He held a sword flower in his mahogany sword, took it directly from the female ghost's chest, and shouted: "This is Qiyunguan's territory. Maoshan disciples are stationed here. It's not your turn to run wild! Don't say that." A female ghost, even if the Lord of Hell comes, she still wants to leave money for him to buy his way!"

Amidst the shouts, one person and one ghost met each other.

Ding Ermiao's mahogany sword passed through the ghost's shadow, and then he flipped his wrist and stirred it violently, trying to smash the female ghost's ghost into pieces.

But the female ghost was not afraid. She pouted her mouth and spat out a thin red flying needle at Ding Ermiao.

"What the hell?" Ding Ermiao hurriedly dodged, and at the same time withdrew his sword to change his moves, sweeping across the female ghost's waist with his backhand sword.

"How long!" The female ghost praised, suddenly floated a few feet away, and with a wave of her hand, knocked Ding Ermiao's flashlight on the stone wall to the ground.

After the flashlight landed, it flashed twice and then went out.

In the cave, he was suddenly plunged into darkness where he couldn't even see his fingers.

"Monster, are you looking for death!" Ding Ermiao was also a little surprised, and another Fire Dragon Talisman flew out.

When humans and ghosts fight, in the dark, humans will definitely suffer more.Especially Ding Ermiao's lack of experience, it is even more disadvantageous in such light conditions.

"'s fun." The female ghost sneered, avoiding the fire dragon talisman, and grabbed Ding Ermiao from behind.

Ding Ermiao moved his sword like the wind, protecting his whole body while fighting and retreating.

But suddenly there was a stabbing pain in my left arm, and then a cold feeling spread from my left arm!
"No, what's wrong with this female ghost?" Ding Ermiao knew something was wrong, and retreated hurriedly in the dark.

"Little Taoist priest, you can't run away anymore. Come up obediently and suck my blood." The female ghost sneered and pressed forward step by step.

"Nie Zhan, are you the one who wants to drink my blood?" Ding Ermiao swung his sword with one hand, pulled out a large ghost-chasing talisman with the other hand, threw it out randomly, and shouted: "Maoshan ghost-chasing talisman, hurry up!"

This big talisman was painted and left by Taoist Priest Sanpian. Ding Ermiao can activate it.Especially in this kind of close combat, the space in the cave is limited, and Ding Ermiao activates the big talisman, which is no big problem.

When the big talisman met the ghost energy, it circled in the air and went straight to the female ghost.

The female ghost didn't know how powerful Maoshan's magical weapon was, so she actually tried to resist and reached out to grab it.

But as soon as the big talisman came into contact with the female ghost, it suddenly looked like a monster and swallowed up one of the female ghost's arms in an instant!
"How awesome!" The female ghost was shocked, turned around and ran away.

But Ding Ermiao pointed his sword and shouted: "Chase, chase, chase, hurry up like the law!"

In fact, Ding Ermiao didn't need to shout, the paper talisman would chase him.

The female ghost flew towards the depths of the cave, with the big talisman following closely behind.

Ding Ermiao took advantage of this, and hurriedly found a Dingyang Talisman with the help of the weak light coming from the hole, burned it, and swallowed the ashes.

This talisman is to fight against the coldness in the body.Ding Ermiao got a trick just now, if the yin and cold are not removed, body movements will be restricted, and the root cause of the disease will also fall.

After swallowing the Ding Yang Talisman, Ding Ermiao thought for a while and slowly walked towards the depths of the cave.

After a period of adaptation, Ding Ermiao's eyes gradually adapted to the light environment in the cave and could see some faint light.

Walking to the place where the flashlight fell, Ding Ermiao bent down to look for it, and found the flashlight.

After a few pats, the flashlight came on again, which was very flattering.

"Haha, monster, let's see where you run this time!" Ding Ermiao laughed, flashlight, and quickened his pace to chase after him.

Ding Ermiao felt that the old ghost at this time should have been taken away by the Great Ghost Expelling Talisman. Maybe after taking a few steps, the Great Talisman would fly back and deliver the female ghost to his hands.

But after taking a few steps, Ding Ermiao was disappointed.

Because Ding Ermiao saw that the ghost-chasing talisman he had flown out was lying on the ground not far ahead!
"What the hell, the old ghost ran away?" Ding Ermiao hurried forward, picked up the big talisman and looked at it.

The big talisman was indeed empty, without any ghost energy.

"Damn it, I'm wasting a big talisman!" Ding Ermiao stuffed the big talisman into his pocket, and continued to search for it with a flashlight, while shouting: "Come out, old ghost, I know your cultivation is exhausted, come out, I'll help you!" Make it up!"

The big talisman just now did not catch the female ghost, but Ding Ermiao knew that the old ghost's cultivation level must be greatly damaged.Ding Ermiao felt that after finding the female ghost, he would be sure of victory.

It was very quiet in the cave, except for the sound of Ding Ermiao's own footsteps.

The female ghost was nowhere to be seen and seemed to have disappeared under the ground.

"If you don't come out again, I'm going to release the Maoshan Ghost Chasing Talisman again!" Ding Ermiao took out the big Talisman just now, threw it forward forcefully, and pretended to point with a sword: "The Maoshan Ghost Chasing Talisman, Hurry like a law!"

In fact, this kind of big talisman can only be used once, and the recovered one cannot be used again.

What Ding Ermiao did was actually a psychological tactic, trying to scare the female ghost out.

Unexpectedly, the dead cat ran into a blind mouse. Ding Ermiao's bluff really scared the female ghost out!

I saw a red mist floating out of the gap in the stone wall a few steps ahead, turning into a ghost in the air, and escaping feebly forward.

"Evil obstacle, leave the ghost behind before leaving!" Ding Ermiao shouted loudly, and pointed forward with his ghost-killing technique: "Those who are facing an army to fight, all move forward in formation, break!"

"Ah..." The female ghost was hit by Ding Ermiao's finger, she screamed and got into the gap in the stone wall on one side.

This time Ding Ermiao could see clearly. He came to the gap with a flashlight and said with a smile: "Old ghost, get out of here yourself, or don't blame me for being rude!"

Now that the overall situation has been settled, the female ghost hiding inside can only be a turtle in the urn, a lamb waiting to be slaughtered.

"Master, please let me go, I'll leave here immediately..." The trembling voice of a female ghost came from the cracks in the rocks.

(End of this chapter)

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