Six Ways of Fumo

Chapter 923 Heavenly Tribulation

Chapter 923 Heavenly Tribulation
Not long after walking, a road lay ahead in front of him.

The streets are crowded with people, and they are all ghosts rushing to the gate of hell.

"Look, that's the Liangzhou Ghost Path!" Nanmen Wuyan pointed with his hand and said, "The gate of hell is not far away!"

At this point, Ding Ermiao already knew the path.

The direction in which the ghosts are flocking is the gate of hell.

"Brother Nanmen, I'm here today." Ding Ermiao stopped and said:

"This time, I'm just getting familiar with it and getting used to it. So, there's no need to go to hell."

"Ah, that's it?" Nanmen Wuhuang said with a wry smile:

"Forget it, let it be up to you. Anyway, even if you go to the Gate of Hell, you won't be able to get in. Otherwise, I can take you to play around in Fengdu City."

Ding Ermiao smiled and said: "There are many opportunities to play. When I am free in the future, I will come down and accompany you once a month!"

"It's a deal, haha." Nanmen Wuyou smiled and asked, "Then I'll take you back now?"

"If you have something to do, you can go back. I walked this section of the road once, and I have gradually adapted to it. It's no big problem to walk back by myself." Ding Ermiao said.

Nanmen Wuyan rolled his eyes and said with a smile: "It's very lively up there during the Qingming Festival these days. Brother Ermiao, I'll send you up there, and you can have some fun up there!"

"Uncle Guo, Emperor Yin has an order that ghosts in the underworld can only enter and leave during the Qingming Festival." The two ghost soldiers said: "If you go out to play, it would be bad if Emperor Yin finds out..."

Nanmen Wuhu waved his hand and said: "I've already left the gate of hell anyway, and I've already violated the prohibition, so what are you afraid of? You go back first. If anyone asks about me, just say that I'm on the Huangquan Road to pick up ghosts."

The two ghost soldiers looked at each other, not daring to say anything, turned around and walked onto the avenue, heading towards the gate of hell.

"Brother Ermiao, let's go too?" Nanmen Wuchang said.

Ding Ermiao nodded: "Let's go."

One person and one ghost, return the same way.

Because he was heading towards the human world, Nanmen Wuyan was worried about being recognized by other ghosts, so he still covered his head and hid.

This time, Ding Ermiao didn't need anyone's help, she just relied on her own strength to move forward.

Although he wasn't walking fast, but compared to the moment when he came down, the speed was already a world of difference.

"Brother Ermiao, your speed is already very impressive." Nanmen Wuyan looked at Ding Ermiao's footwork and said, "Your Maoshan Taoism is indeed quite powerful."

Ding Ermiao smiled, suddenly remembered something, and asked: "By the way, brother, in the past few years, have any ghost-hunting wizards from Longhu Mountain come to the underworld to do business?"

Since coming out of the mountain, Ding Ermiao has been favored by Longhu Mountain several times, but he has never seen the real person and has always been a little confused about the situation.

So Ding Ermiao wanted to find out who is in charge of Longhu Mountain now and whether the Nianxu Heavenly Master is alive.

Next year is the Longhu Mountain Celestial Masters Association. It will be good for you to know more about the situation.

"Longhu Mountain?" Nanmen Wuyan thought for a while and said, "Yes, yes..., that man named Nianxu Tianshi came here more than 30 years ago. Now I don't know whether he is dead or alive."

"I'm talking about the past few years." Ding Ermiao didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

"In recent years..., it seems not." Nanmen Wuhu scratched his head again and said, "I'll ask you when I have time. It's not a secret."

When you are free?Ding Ermiao smiled bitterly.Looking at my brother, he seems to be always busy and never free.

"Brother, do you know my master Bolin Fengjiao?" Ding Ermiao was idle and asked again:

"It is said that back then, my uncle's Taoist skills were so powerful that he could swim in the eighteen levels of hell, and even a hundred thousand ghost soldiers could not stop him. Is this true?"

Nanmen Wuhu was surprised and said, "Is Lin Fengjiao your senior uncle?"

"That's right, it's my uncle, from the Maoshan lineage. Don't you know he's a Maoshan disciple?"

"So he is your senior uncle..." Nanmen Wuhuang nodded and said:

"One hundred thousand ghost soldiers can't stop it, that's for sure. That time was a bet, Lin Fengjiao... it was your uncle, the bet made by Yama of the Tenth Palace. In the end, your uncle won and escaped from No. 18 Hell , rushed all the way to the gate of hell, and escaped."

"Is it really that powerful?" Ding Ermiao was fascinated and said, "I thought it was just a legend..."

"This is not a legend, and your great uncle actually entered hell." Nanmen Wuyan also sighed and said, "That man is really awesome."

"Or the real body?" This time it was Ding Ermiao's turn to be surprised, and said, "Is it real?"

Nanmen Wuhu shook his head and said, "We are two brothers, how can I still lie to you?"

"But how did his true body enter the gate of hell?" Ding Ermiao asked again.

"He knew all the Nine Escape techniques, including Heaven Escape, Earth Escape, Wind Escape, Fire Escape, Water Escape, etc. Therefore, at that time, Lin Fengjiao was everywhere, and the eighteenth level of hell came at any time, even including Yama and Ksitigarbha. Bodhisattva, there is nothing you can do against him."

Speaking of this, Nanmen Wuyan lowered his voice and said: "Actually, the underworld is a little afraid of you Maoshan disciples, so it has very strict requirements on you. The real body cannot enter hell, which is also a restriction on you, because it is afraid of you. Come down here with a magic weapon and cause mischief."

"What is there to be afraid of?" Ding Ermiao smiled bitterly and said: "The only Maoshan disciples who can catch ghosts now are me and my junior sister, and a teacher's nephew who is not good at studying. How can the three of us still be in the underworld? Rebellion and seize the throne of Yama in the Ten Palaces?"

Nanmen Wuyan shook his head and said: "That can't be said. The cause of chaos does not depend on the number of people, but on the level of magic power. Just like your uncle, just one person can make the underworld miserable."

Ding Ermiao nodded, this makes sense.

Ding Ermiao also sighed when he thought that his uncle had already traveled to the immortal world and he had no chance to meet him.

"Why are you sighing?" Nanmen Wuyan asked.

"I was thinking that my uncle's spiritual practice would eventually return to the underworld. When he was alive, all the ten hell gods in the underworld were afraid of him, but after his death, he still fell into the hands of the ten hell gods."

"No, no, no..." Nanmen Wuhu looked around and whispered, "That's not the case."

Ding Ermiao was stunned and asked: "What's not like this?"

"Do you know... how your uncle died?" Nanmen Wuhu asked in a low voice.

"Didn't he die of old age and illness?" Ding Ermiao became more and more surprised.

Could it be that there is any secret behind the death of the great uncle?I've never heard Li Qingdong talk about it.

Nanmen Wuyan shook his head slowly and said: "His Taoism is so powerful, how can he die of old age and illness? Even the seducers in the underworld are black and white, and they can't hold him down."

"Then how did he die? You should hurry up and tell me!" Ding Ermiao urged.

"Shh..., keep it down, keep it down." Nanmen Wuyan leaned close to Ding Ermiao's ear and said: "He died under the disaster, and his soul was scattered."


Ding Ermiao was stunned, and suddenly grabbed Nanmen Wukong, frowning and said: "You are talking nonsense, what did my uncle do, and why did it cause a natural disaster?"

(End of this chapter)

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