The Journey of Creation from Illusion to Reality

Chapter 168 The pride of a warrior! ?

Chapter 168 The pride of a warrior! ?

Just when Blair's thoughts were churning, thinking about these things, the car stopped slowly, but it had already arrived at the gate of the Public Security Bureau.

After a change of expression and a lot of entanglement in his heart, Blair finally got out of the car with the black-robed man Ayou.

Looking at the gate of the Public Security Bureau, Blair couldn't help but feel slightly distracted. From what the driver said, it seemed that China was not particularly friendly to outsiders and other races.

Do you hope that your identity will make the Chinese officials a little afraid?
Just when Blair was slightly stunned, he heard the driver's voice behind him.

"Brother, you should read carefully the novels I introduced to you. Maybe you can get your favorite skills?"

After saying this, the driver waved to the two of them again, started the car and left without charging them.

After all, any irrational behavior of the driver who has been influenced by the mind or the mind of Blair will be converted into reasonable behavior by his brain, or will be subconsciously ignored.

And when the two of Blair arrived at the gate of the Public Security Bureau, a large group of security officers with guns and ammunition rushed out and surrounded them.

Well, today's security officers patrol with live guns and loaded ammunition.

As the time for spiritual energy recovery slowly passed, more and more people entered the small world of Fangfang Secret Realm, created their own practice techniques, and embarked on the path of practice.

Although there is official control, among the first batch of people, try to select those with clean family backgrounds and good character to enter.

However, as the saying goes, people's hearts are separated from each other. Even the official and those who practice spiritual power cannot know a person's specific psychology.

There will always be some people who are obviously very good-natured, but after gaining extraordinary power, they gradually become arrogant and complacent.

Even because the prospects described in the techniques he created were too broad, he felt that he was the protagonist of the world and the son of the plane.

When looking at other people, especially those who have not yet created any cultivation techniques, they have an air of being aloof and looking down on all living beings.

If you don't like it, you will fight against people.
It would be fine if they were fellow practitioners, but with the current strength of the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, it would be equivalent to a fight.

But when faced with ordinary people, once they take action, it may cause very serious consequences.

The spiritual energy of heaven and earth can be affected by human mind and will.
On the other hand, through strong spiritual will, it is also possible to influence the minds of ordinary people with the spiritual energy of heaven and earth.

Facing the attacks of cultivators, at least the soul will be injured, but in more serious cases, it will lead to the complete collapse of the newly born soul prototype.

Well, after all, this is just the prototype of the soul, and most of the spiritual will is still attached to the material body.

You will not die due to the collapse of your soul, but it is inevitable that you will be in a trance and become depressed.

Even more serious, it may turn people into complete idiots.

Facing all kinds of strange practitioners, even security officers who are fellow practitioners and have a slightly stronger realm still cannot guarantee 100% victory.

And once such practitioners escape from the hands of security personnel, they often become more unscrupulous and feel that the official government is no more than this, causing greater social unrest and destruction.

Therefore, today's security officers are often equipped with pistols and other weapons when they are on duty, and there must be more than two people.

Well, in the eyes of some people, this means that people in the government do not follow the rules of the world and dare not fight them fairly.In the eyes of most people, it is best to arrest these unstable elements and put them all in prison.

As for using guns, don't follow the rules of the world.
Are you stupid if you don't use it if you have a weapon?
Moreover, the ability of human beings to become the primates of all things, almost superior to all species, does not rely on wisdom and weapons?

Therefore, it is completely normal for a large group of armed security officers to rush out from the Public Security Bureau.

Blair, on the other hand, immediately felt a thump in his heart, and his expression instantly turned ugly. Has the situation in China become so corrupt?

In other words, foreigners in China already need to be supervised with guns and live ammunition.
Thinking of this, Blair immediately became cautious and moved slightly closer to Ayou.

After all, Blair had seen Ayou's abilities with his own eyes.

Such a powerful descendant of the evil god is not afraid of gun attacks at all.

But facing Ayou, he had almost no resistance. In just a moment, he was completely killed.

At this moment, it is naturally safer to be close to Ayou.

"Who are you?"

Just when Blair was on guard, behind the group of security guards, a person who seemed to be a leader lined up a group of security guards and walked forward and asked the two of them.

A pair of eyes were fixed on Blair, and at the same time, the guns of the surrounding security guards were also aimed at Blair.

As long as Blair makes the slightest move, they will shoot immediately.
Seeing this situation, Blair was slightly confused. This person next to me is more threatening. Okay, why are you all on guard against me?

"I am a Free Alliance Marine.
The captain of the XX elite team!
We were instructed by our superiors to pass through the light curtain and come to China to inspect the situation and see if China has suffered any major damage. We will uphold the humanitarian spirit and provide corresponding assistance."

After all, he was the captain of an elite team. After the initial confusion, he quickly figured out why these people were so wary of him.

All he could do was smile slightly, raise his hands, indicating that he meant no harm, and explain to everyone.

He did not have any malicious intentions, otherwise, he would not have found a way to get to the security center as soon as he passed through the spiritual energy screen.

As for the higher official departments, he didn't know where the military district was.

Well, even if I knew he wouldn't dare to go.
I'm afraid that before they even got close, they were already shot at by countless guns.
As for the top leader of a place, he looked so heavily armed that he was probably regarded as a terrorist and shot dead from a distance before he even got close to his office.

After much deliberation, the Public Security Bureau is safer.

After all, this is just an ordinary Public Security Bureau. It belongs to the kind of department that can't be ranked high or low, but it can also get a little bit of edge. It can contact the superiors and basically doesn't have any weapons.

Having a few small pistols would be a blessing. After all, they are only in charge of city security, not the armed forces.

As for concealing the firearm, come and explain the situation and then retrieve it again.

As the captain of the elite Marine Corps of the Free Alliance, he would never let go of his pride as a warrior and throw down his weapons.

(End of this chapter)

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