The Journey of Creation from Illusion to Reality

Chapter 169: Handing over guns, cognitive bias

Chapter 169: Handing over guns, cognitive bias

Blair fully believed that with his status in the Freedom Alliance, China would definitely allow him to make some oversteps that were not too excessive.

Therefore, even when faced with the guns of many security officers, Blair raised his hands to show that he had no ill intentions.

But in his eyes, there is always a lingering arrogance.

Seeing Blair's expression, the middle-aged man who walked out of the crowd, Liang Xun, the director of the Public Security Bureau, couldn't help but frown slightly.

The forest is really big and there are all kinds of birds.
Does the person in front of him still think that the current China is still the same as the previous dynasty?

When facing foreigners, those officials and lords are all low-browed and pleasing to the eye.
The current China cannot be said to be the strongest power in the world, but it is definitely among the first-class powers.

How can you, the captain of a small team in the Free Alliance Marines, have the confidence to show off your power and domineering here?

Even if you are the captain of the so-called elite team, what can you do?
This is not your free league.

To put it bluntly, you are really nothing here.

After all, in the current China, not to mention all the official employees who have already practiced cultivation, there are also many ordinary people who have almost all entered the ranks of cultivation in such a long time.

It’s just that some people have just started practicing and have just managed to condense a few spiritual energy seeds.

Just like the previous driver, this was the case.

Otherwise, he wouldn't have been so easily fooled by Ayou's mental tricks.

Moreover, with the current strength of the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, it still cannot break the limits of the human body.

However, as long as you step into practice, you only need the necessary nutrients to keep up.

So, it is still possible to regulate one's physical and mental health so that one's body gradually approaches the limit of the human body.

Even this speed is extremely fast.

Often, just three to five weeks, or about a month, after starting to practice, is enough to condition a person's body to the limit of today's human body.

In other words, nowadays, a large number of people in China can reach or even surpass Blair in terms of physical fitness.

Therefore, the Blair in front of us is really nothing in China today.

Facing the haughty-looking Blair, Liang Xun, the director of the Public Security Bureau, immediately turned cold.

"You said you are an elite captain of the Marine Corps, but what evidence do you have?"

Liang Xun's tone was cold and cold, as if Blair's words would trigger a thunderous strike if he was even slightly dissatisfied with them.


Looking at Liang Xun with a cold face, Blair, who was originally looking arrogant, immediately stiffened slightly.

This is completely different from what he imagined
Didn't Old Jack say that as long as he behaves arrogantly in China, the officials here will be respectful to him, obey his words, and respond to his requests?
Did he encounter an exceptional situation?
In other words, Shenzhou felt that because of the light curtain, which isolated the inside and outside of Shenzhou, it became arrogant and arrogant, and really began to crowd out and suppress foreigners.

"Shoot him! Bring him in"

Glancing at Blair coldly again, Liang Xun said coldly.


With two decisive promises, two people put away their guns and strode out. Without hesitation, they came to Blair and reached out to grab the guns and weapons on Blair's body.

Seeing the two men grabbing the gun on his back, Blair instinctively grabbed it and tried to take it back.


Following a crashing sound, all the surrounding security officers took a step forward, and their muzzles were thrust forward, almost missing Blair.Blair, who was startled, could only helplessly let go of his hand and allowed the two to take away his guns and weapons.

"No, you can't do this. I am a foreign friend and a foreign envoy representing the will of the Free Alliance.

These weapons belong to me personally and are the property of the Freedom Alliance Marines. You have no right to seize them when I have not broken any laws.
Documents!Documents!I have documents."

Blair yelled angrily while struggling feebly, hoping that the two of them could stop.

Obviously, his hope was in vain. Not only the obvious guns and weapons on his body, but also his hidden weapons were all taken away one by one.

Faced with this situation, Blair was not only angry, but also a little surprised.

You must know that many of his hidden weapons are extremely concealed. As long as his clothes are not stripped off, it will be difficult for many professionals to find them.

However, the two people who searched him found them all easily.

Could it be that these two people retired from some special forces in China?

How could it be such a coincidence that he bumped into her?
In fact, this is just Blair overthinking.

The two security officers who searched him were not retired from any special forces in China.

It's just that after practicing, the physical quality of the two people, especially the various senses of the body, has been greatly strengthened.

This allowed them to clearly feel the incongruity on Blair's body, and then search out the weapons on his body one by one.

Seeing Blair's angry and helpless look, Director Liang Xun frowned slightly while being disdainful.

Does this Blair really have no understanding of the international situation?

The understanding of China still remains more than 100 years ago
Those are just ordinary people whose perceptions have been distorted by the propaganda of their respective countries.

There are many ordinary people whose understanding of China is still more than 100 years ago. Although it is annoying, it is not incomprehensible.

But seeing Blair in front of him like this is a bit incomprehensible.

Based on his performance in front of him and his understanding of China and the international situation, he became the captain of an elite team in the Marine Corps.

If all the members of the Freedom Alliance Marines are like this, then the end of the Freedom Alliance may not be far away.

Liang Xun took the two team members and handed over the found documents. He looked at them carefully, closed them again, and showed no intention of returning them to Blair. He turned around and walked back.

And at the same time, he ordered: "Bring them in!"


Many natural personnel agreed in unison, put away their firearms, and slightly opened a path.


Blair cursed lowly and walked forward along the path that everyone gave way to.

"Hmm~! Mr. Special Envoy, please pay attention to your words."

Liang Xun, who was walking in front, suddenly turned back and looked at Blair coldly.

"I you."

Blair's lips opened and closed, but then he lowered his head slumpedly, silently no longer speaking.

(End of this chapter)

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