Simulate the heavens from Faerûn

Chapter 162 The Eye of the Storm of Destiny 【Subscription】

Chapter 162 The Eye of the Storm of Destiny 【Subscription】

The far end of the plateau is shrouded in the mist at the foot of the mountains, like a sea of ​​rocks. The rolling hills and peaks of the plateau look like sharp reefs, and the surrounding shipwrecks emphasize this impression.

There are dozens of piles of wreckage, including the remnants of galleys, caravels and longships, some of which appear to have only been around a short time ago.

Others are barely legible with only a few planks and hull skeletons left, apparently having lain dormant for decades, if not centuries.

Some of the boats were upside down, others were on their sides, as if they had been blown over by a huge storm or tornado.

Others give the impression of being still at sea.They were embedded in the rocks, their hulls straight, their masts pointing proudly to the sky, their broken sails still fluttering on the beams.

Some ships even have ghost crews - the skeletons of dead sailors stuck in the rotting planks and entangled in the cables, as if they were sentenced to eternal sailing.

Several riders appeared on the plateau, and the heavy sound of horse hooves startled the flocks of black birds that were perched on the masts, yards, cables and bones.They croaked, flapped their wings and flew away, hovering over the cliff.

There is a lake at the bottom of the cliff, the surface of the lake is gray and smooth, like mercury.And on the cliff that towered over the wrecked field, with its edge just above the lake, stood a sombre black castle.

After the riders were gone, the blackbirds returned, landing again on the broken masts, booms, bones, skulls, and decks.The birds know they don't have to worry about just one rider.


The sentry standing guard at the city gate shrank in the cold wind. Suddenly, one of Skellen's mercenaries screamed, and then another.Someone cursed and sighed, another pointed silently.

On the battlements, on the corbels, roofs, towers, balustrades, gutters, and gargoyles as far as they could see, were covered with black birds.They flew silently from the shipwreck yard and stopped there without saying a word, waiting quietly.

They gestured and called loudly to their colleagues. After a while, the mercenaries and bandits hired by Skellen from Ebin and surrounding areas ran out and gathered at the city gate. A group of people looked up at the jackdaws. , pointing.

"They sense death," a mercenary muttered.

"And carrion," added another.

"We're in trouble," Zadarik said, scraping the dried dung between the flagstones with his spear. "We're in trouble, we're in trouble."

He looked at his companions, but the other guards were silent.The same goes for Polias Moon, who stayed at the city gate with the guards.No one ordered him, he stayed voluntarily, and he had no interest in following the Gray Owl to witness the torture of the sorceress like Silifant.

"These blackbirds are a bad sign."

Zadarik pointed to the jackdaws parked on the wall and roof, "If you ask me, being a subordinate of the Gray Owl (Skellen) is not a good job. I heard that the Gray Owl is no longer the Royal Coroner, but is with the Royal Coroner. We are the same criminals. I heard the emperor sentenced him to death. When he is caught, everyone with him will suffer. We are in trouble."

"Yes, yes," said another guard, wearing a feathered hat and a long mustache. "The stakes are waiting for us! Even the gods dare not face the emperor's wrath..."

"don’t worry!"

The third guard waved his hands casually. He had just recently followed a group of mercenaries to Stiga Castle. "The emperor doesn't care about us at all. He has other things to worry about. It is said that there was a battle somewhere in the north. Yankees It hurt the Imperial Army and caused them to lose several fortresses."

"In that case," another mercenary said, "it's not bad for us to follow the wizard and the gray owl. For people like us, it's better to follow the master who has a greater chance of winning."

"That's right," said the new guard. "The Tawny Owl is the future. We will rise with him."

"You idiot," Zadarik said, "is your head full of pig shit?"

The blackbird flew up.The sound of wings and squawks was deafening.They blotted out the sky and hovered endlessly above the castle.

"What the hell?" one of the guards yelled.

"Please open the city gate, please."

Polyas Moon suddenly smelled a strong herbal scent—mint, sage, and thyme. He swallowed, shook his head, closed his eyes, and then opened them again.

However, it is of no use.A thin, gray-haired man who looked like a tax collector stood beside him, showing no signs of disappearing, his lips pursed in a smile that made Polyas's hair stand on end. , almost lifting his hat.

"Please open the city gate." The smiling man repeated, "Go now. Believe me, you'd better do as I'm told."

Za'darik's spear fell to the ground with a clatter.He stood there motionless, his lips moving silently.The others walked toward the city gate, walking as stiffly as puppets on strings.They lifted the latch and opened the inner and outer doors.

Four riders entered the courtyard.

One of them had hair as white as snow and held a sword as bright as lightning.Behind him followed a blond woman, drawing the string of her bow.The third one was a young girl who cut the scimitar in her hand into Zadarik's forehead.

Polias Moon picked up the fallen spear and raised it above his head.The fourth rider towered before him like a mountain.His helmet is decorated in the shape of a raptor's wings.His raised sword gleamed.

"Let him go, Cassirer." The white-haired man said sharply, "Save some time and less blood. Milva, Regis, go this way..."

"No, not that way," Polias didn't know why he said it. "Not that way... That way leads to a closed barbican. You have to climb the stairs to the top floor of the castle. If you want To save the sorceress... we must hurry up..."

"Thank you," the white-haired man said, "Thank you, stranger. Regis, do you hear me? Lead the way!"

In a moment, there were only corpses and Polyas Moon holding a spear in the courtyard.He couldn't let go.His legs were trembling, and jackdaws were circling over Styga Castle, squawking and wrapping the towers and fortresses like black clouds.


The mercenary rushed into the torture chamber and reported breathlessly to Wilgefortz.

The expression on the wizard's face was calm and determined, but his small eyes, which were restlessly opening and closing, gave the truth away.

"When beauty is about to suffer, there is always a hero..."

He said through gritted teeth, "I don't believe it. Such things don't exist. Or they only happen in bad plays in small theaters. Come on, old man, cheer me up: tell me you just told a joke."

"I'm not making it up," the mercenary said angrily, "I'm telling the truth! Several people...a large group of riders broke in..."

"Alright alright……"

The wizard interrupted him, "I'm joking. Skellen, you go and settle this. How much is the army you hired with my gold worth? Now you can prove it."

The tawny owl jumped up and waved its arms nervously.

"Don't make such an understatement, Vigfortz!"

He shouted, "Don't you understand what kind of threat we are facing? If anyone comes to attack this castle, it can only be Emhyr's army! This means..."

"This doesn't mean anything." The wizard didn't let him finish what he said, "But I understand what you meant. If my personal appearance can give you courage, then you can stand behind me. Let's go! Including you, Bang Nat!”

Then he turned his terrifying eyes to Yennefer who was tied to the metal torture chair and sneered.

"As for you, give up your hopeless hope. I know very well who the person who came to your rescue so unexpectedly and dramatically, who else but your concubine. But I promise you, I will let you This farce turned into a tragedy. Hey, you wait until I bring his head back!"

He gestured to one of the minions, "Put the magic-blocking gold on her, put her back in the cell, and don't open the door no matter what. Or I'll take off your head. Do you understand?"

"Yes, Your Excellency."


"Tatata..." A crisp sound of horse hoofs woke up Polyas Moon, who was leaning on a spear in deep thought. He looked towards the city gate with a panicked look on his face. A carriage suddenly appeared and was driving towards the city gate. Come, Polias holds the spear nervously, not knowing what to do.

What happened today was simply too bizarre. Everything was peaceful at first, but suddenly a demon hunter entered with a group of people to kill him. Fortunately, he was spared a small life.

As a result, now, in the wilderness and freezing weather, a carriage suddenly arrived at this secret fortress that no one should care about. It was so bizarre and frightening that he couldn't wait to escape from here.

But fortunately, the carriage did not continue to challenge his fragile heart after walking for a short while, but stopped beside a boulder.

The black horse stamped its feet, snorted, and looked at the desolate surroundings.

Although he was very curious about why the carriage suddenly stopped, Polias had no intention of asking why. Moreover, he felt that he had had enough and did not want to know the final result of the battle in the castle. He picked up his spear and was about to run to the stable to find a man. Ma Ma left this place of right and wrong and became anonymous from then on.

It's just a pity that his idea has not been put into action, and a voice suddenly rang in his ears.

"Hello, may I ask, do you know where Yennefer is?"

Polias turned his head stiffly and found a pair of handsome men and beautiful women suddenly appearing beside him. He didn't even hear their footsteps.

The man had a faint smile on his face and looked very gentle and friendly, but Polias did not lower his guard. After all, he had seen this kind of smile a lot. Those nobles always looked at him with such a look that made people vomit. people.

It seemed friendly, but Polias only felt the hypocrisy and condescension in it, with a smile on his face and a dark heart that made people feel a chill behind his back...

Polias really wanted to punch the man in front of him in the face. It was definitely not because he was jealous and felt that the "tragic" handsome face was going to cause harm to the world, but he wanted to do it for the happiness and integrity of the majority of his male compatriots. Family harmony and a bright future for women all over the world, we must solve the root cause of this disaster...

Cough cough cough... It's definitely not because he is jealous that this person is so good-looking and yet accompanied by a peerless beauty, um~ definitely not!

"The long silver hair blowing in the wind is so beautiful, as dazzling as light; the green eyes like cat eyes are so charming, as if they want to suck people's soul away; these pointed little ears are so cute... …What the fuck???!!!”

Polias originally looked at Ciri with admiration in his heart, and the jealousy in his heart was burning. If he hadn't been caught by the elusive way of Rey and Ciri's appearance, he would have taken action long ago.

However, as Polias kept commenting in his heart, he suddenly realized that the fire in his heart was as if a bucket of ice water was poured on it, and it instantly cooled down.

Isn't this the target that Skellen and Vilgefortz's orders have been looking for - Cirilla Fiona Elen Riannon, the princess of Cintra? !Why are you here? ! ! !

Previously, Shi Kelan led a team and hired the famous bounty hunter Bonnet to search for her for more than half a year, but there was no news.

Later, Skellen brought them here to cooperate with Wigfortz, and they searched for him for several months, but there was still no news, as if this man had disappeared from the world.

If Vilgefortz hadn't kept saying that Ciri was still alive, and even said that he had gone to some other world, and wanted to use the sorceress Yennefer to lure Ciri there, Borias would never have thought that Ciri was still alive.

Now that the person finally appeared in front of him, Polias felt that he should be very happy. After all, this was the story of "everyone has been searching for him for thousands of times, but that person is here, in a dimly lit place" and "nowhere can be found after wearing iron shoes" surprise.

But he didn't. He felt that he was even more panicked - weird things were really happening here.

This place is so dangerous that he can't stay any longer, otherwise he will feel that he won't be surprised to see His Majesty the Emperor later. Mad, he must run away as soon as possible! !
"Um...Hello, may I ask, do you know..."

Ciri held Rey's arm and leaned against Rey. She looked at Borias looking at her blankly without answering. She frowned slightly, but in order to save her mother Yennefer, she still endured it. Feeling impatient, he asked Polias gently.

"It's on the top floor of the castle. Climb the stairs from here. It's my honor. You're welcome..."

Upon hearing this, Polias immediately woke up from the shock and his own calculations, blurted out a sentence, and then ran to the stable without looking back.

Seeing Polias running towards the stable as if fleeing for his life, Ciri frowned slightly, then turned to look at Rey.

Rey squeezed Ciri, whose palms were a little moist, looked at her little face that was slightly screwed up due to anxiety, and said with a slight smile and a slight nod.

"Xirui, just follow what he said and go save your mother. I'll handle the rest here... Go ahead, don't worry about me..."

Hearing this, Xirui's small, delicate and slightly pointed ears twitched slightly.

Listening to the faint rumble of horse hooves, she frowned slightly, but thought of Rey's strength and the hugging and tortured mother Yennefer.

She said to Rey: "Rey, be careful... I will come back as soon as I find my mother..." She stopped talking, took a step forward, and disappeared in an instant.



Polias rushed out of the stable on horseback, and immediately saw Rey holding a crossbow facing him, with sharp arrows shining coldly on it, making him uncontrollably loosen the reins in his hands.

"No way?! No way?! This smiling guy really has a dark heart and no sense of conscience. After looking at him a few times, he wants to kill me now..."

Polias sat stiffly on the saddle, with cold sweat pouring from his back. He didn't dare to move, and kept complaining in his heart.

Rey shook the crossbow in his hand, ignoring Polias's nervousness. His finger relaxed and tightened on the trigger, and said to Polias with a faint smile:
"Although I have never used a bow and arrow in my life, I firmly believe that I am a perfect marksman. How about we make a bet..."

"It's up to you to kill or cut as you like, it's impossible to play tricks on me, so shoot your arrows!!!"

Polias stared nervously at the finger on the trigger and swallowed. Having seen the hypocritical faces of nobles, he was not deceived by Rey's words. He shouted loudly at Rey with a hard voice.

Rey looked at Polias who was obviously scared but pretended to be brave. He smiled slightly and shook his head. He moved the crossbow towards the castle, pulled the trigger under the incredulous look in Polias's eyes, and then discarded the crossbow.

Yes, Rey pulled the trigger, and the arrow flew toward the solid wall of the castle.

Polias wiped the sweat from his forehead and looked at Rey as if he were a fool, but he didn't seem to hear the sound of the arrow colliding with the wall.

Despite Rey's weird behavior, Boreas still didn't want to pay attention to it, and instead wanted to run away - there were so many weird things happening today, it was impossible not to run away!
But before Polias could tighten the reins, he saw the darkness outside the city gate and the black-armored knights approaching.

Looking at the eye-catching sun flag among the Cavaliers, Polias dismounted obediently, discarded his weapons, raised his hands high, and knelt on the open ground.

The knights slowly approached and surrounded them. Polias saw the crossbows in their hands and knelt on the ground motionless. He couldn't help but feel lucky that he had knelt down early, otherwise he would have become a sieve.

At the same time, Boreas glanced at Rey from the corner of his eye, wanting to see how miserable the pretty boy's death was. After all, he could see Rey standing there without doing anything.

"Eh~! Something's wrong? There's no sound of arrows..."

Polias couldn't help but think in his mind, but in the blink of an eye he saw a knight in black armor patting Rey on the shoulder and saying something.

"What the hell! Are we related to each other?! Or are we in the same group?! I'm the worst offender..."

Just as Polias was lamenting the injustice of his fate, the knight came to Rey, patted him on the shoulder and said:

"Very good, Rey, thanks to you leading the way this time, otherwise I wouldn't have been able to find this place so quickly. The credit is huge. I will definitely ask the emperor for credit..."

("Oh my god! Rey, why are you here?! If I hadn't led the way, you would have been doomed. You brought that carriage too... You have such a big heart, taking your little maid around ...Forget it, the situation is complicated, you should come with me to meet His Majesty the Emperor...")
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  Gray Owl: Skellen's nickname was given to the coroner and intelligence agent of the Nilfgaard Empire. He was ordered to find Ciri and participated in the conspiracy to overthrow Emhyr and promote the Fulis family to the throne.

(End of this chapter)

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