Simulate the heavens from Faerûn

Chapter 163 Fierce Battle 【Subscription】

Chapter 163 Fierce Battle 【Subscription】

Rey looked at Morfan with a faint smile, nodded slightly, and said nothing, indicating that he understood what Morfan really meant.

Morfan looked at Rey and said nothing, just nodded. He felt as if a heavy burden had been lifted and he breathed a sigh of relief.

Because Morvan was absolutely shocked that Rey appeared here, he led the team to Styga Castle was a top-secret mission, but he never mentioned it to anyone else.

But fortunately, his many years of getting along with Rey have made him a lot more open-minded. After all, he has experienced such bizarre things as his peerless genius brother, Wild Hunt, space travel, etc., so what else is unacceptable.

However, due to the top secret nature of this mission, for the safety of his younger brother Rey and the survival of the family, Morvan had to find a suitable reason for Rey to appear here.

Because not long ago, in the golden tower city of the imperial capital, Stephen Skellen and several Nilfgaard nobles who were dissatisfied with the current regime, Joachim de Wit, Count Dalvi, Count Broni, Berengar Louvaden and Duke Adal Aep Darcy plotted to overthrow Emhyr's dictatorship, although the coup ended in failure.

However, it still caused an undercurrent in the Golden Tower City. The failed nobles took their loyal men away from the center of power and rushed to the battlefield. The Emperor Fulis family, who was pre-selected for the coup, was pushed to the forefront.

Around the struggle for power, visible and invisible killings occur from time to time in both light and darkness.

Although due to the superb political skills of Prince Fulis, the Fulis family not only did not suffer a purge due to the coup, but also gained the favor of Emperor Emhyr. Morvan also temporarily became a member of the emperor's most trusted praetorian guard.

However, Morvan still dared not take it lightly, especially since this incident was related to the mastermind of the coup and the rebels, so he had to be more cautious.

However, Morvan also knew that the current wording was just to deceive the low-level soldiers who did not know what was going on. If he wanted to get through the difficulty safely, it would be better to get a personal statement in front of the emperor.

Morfan and Rey looked at each other silently, but they both understood each other's meaning. Morfan nodded slightly, and he made several gestures towards the surrounding knights.

Several soldiers tied up Polias, who was kneeling on the ground, and the rest of the soldiers continued to advance in an orderly manner as planned, while Morvan led Rey towards the center of the army.

As we went deeper, the security inside became tighter. Suddenly, a small circle of open space appeared among the soldiers, and several high-ranking officers stood inside - from the white feathers on their helmets and the silver trim of their breastplates, and The respect the other soldiers had for them was evident.

The soldiers were particularly respectful towards one of their officers.They were almost all bowing.The man's helmet also had more silver decorations than the others, and he was wearing a salamander cape.

Seeing this officer, Morfan trotted up to him, saluted respectfully, and reported to him the situation ahead. Well, by the way, he introduced his younger brother Rey who suddenly appeared here.

"Dear Your Majesty, as soon as we entered the city gate, we found that a battle had already occurred inside. About ten people died. Only one prisoner survived, and he has been captured now..."

"This is my brother. When we got there, he had already blocked the door to prevent the damn traitor from escaping... I brought him... Do you want to see him..."

Emhyr narrowed his eyes and smiled. He did not comment on Morvan's reward and words, but looked at Morvan with a faint smile.

Morvan faced the emperor's sharp eyes and smile. In an instant, he felt that the air was freezing. His whole body was a little creepy and frightened. However, he still maintained a sincere and respectful attitude, not daring to show any signs of disbelief. He stood straight. Stand, look ahead, and hold your breath.

Fortunately, the silence came and went quickly, and the chill just now seemed to be just Morvan's illusion. Emhyr nodded with a smile and said warmly:
"Morfan, let Rey come to see me... I have always been very curious about the peerless genius of the famous Furis family in the city of golden towers... But I heard that he has been traveling, and I didn't expect to see him today. Last time..."

"Your Majesty, you are flattering... It is Rey who is naughty. We are afraid that he will do something rude in front of you, otherwise we would have brought him to see you long ago... It is our honor to be able to meet the noble emperor... ..."

Upon hearing this, Morvan froze. He swallowed carefully and answered carefully and respectfully.

Emhyr nodded expressionlessly.

Morfan breathed a sigh of relief, he turned around respectfully and came to the guard, and brought Rey, who was blocked outside the open space, to Emhyr, and he stepped aside, silent, only then did he realize that there was already a A moist piece.

"Good day! Your Majesty, may God be with you~!"

Standing in front of Emhyr, Rey bowed respectfully to Emhyr.

"Good day! Priest Ray, may God be with you~!"

Emhyr looked at Rey, who was famous in the city of golden towers. Unexpectedly, Rey came to teach him a lesson, and he was a little stunned. Fortunately, at this time, an officer came to Emhyr and whispered a few words in Emhyr's ear. Looking at Rey with some surprise, he replied calmly.

But looking at Rey's tragic beauty, Emhyr also understood why Rey was famous in the city of golden towers. Indeed, he was so handsome at such a young age. Even if he was the emperor, the male instinct made him Jealousy also made him sigh in admiration:
"Priest Rey, your handsomeness is truly well-deserved. Standing here, you are as dazzling as the sun. If I have a daughter, I will definitely let you marry her..."

"Really? That's great..."

"Hahaha... Of course it's true, but it's a pity that I don't have a wife yet..."

Listening to Rey's answer and the emperor's teasing, the other officers couldn't help but laugh. Only Morvan stared at Rey, as if to say, "Where is your cleverness?!", Rey ignored Morvan. The reaction was just to scratch his head pretending to be embarrassed and then laugh.

"Priest Rey~! If you don't preach and study in the Golden Tower City, why are you here..."

After hearing this, everyone was silent. Although His Majesty the Emperor's voice was very calm, they felt the blood and sharpness hidden in it. They quietly watched how Rey dealt with this crisis. Morvan stood aside and raised his fists. Looking nervously at Rey.

"Of course I came here for fun. I came here in a carriage with a little maid and a housekeeper..."


"Of course, Your Majesty, how dare I lie to you. Last year, my brother Mo Erfan and I visited the nearby Unicorn Village for four months... In the end, we brought a unicorn home... "


Emhyr murmured softly as if he was asking, as if he was asking himself.

At this time, the officer just now leaned close to Emhyr and whispered in a low voice. Emhyr nodded and did not continue to ask, but suddenly asked: "Then Priest Rey, where have all your servants gone?"

"Your Majesty, my housekeeper is an old housekeeper. It's too cold here. She is still staying in the carriage over there. As for my maid, she entered the castle to find someone who is very important to her. It's..."

"Really...? Guard, go and ask the housekeeper to talk to you, and your little maid. I'm very curious..."

"Your Majesty! We have already invaded the castle and captured many prisoners. According to their accounts, the wanted criminals Stephen Skellen and Wilgefortz are inside..."

"What good news! Let's go and see..."


After breaching the gate, Geralt led the girl-seeking party into a passage.

This passage leads to a hall, which is empty except for a few servants who ran away when they saw them.

They ran down a flight of stairs. Opposite was a door. The guard behind the door sensed something was wrong and was about to take action. Milva drew his bow and fired an arrow at the figure without thinking.

Someone screamed, that was the sound of an arrow hitting, and then the door slammed shut.

"Quick, quick! We can't waste any more time! Before they can react yet..."

Geralt shouted.

"Witcher, there is no point in running around like a headless fly. I...I will fly to do some reconnaissance."

Regis said to the witcher.

"Then fly."

The vampire disappeared, as if carried away by the wind.

Continuing forward, they encountered the enemy. Cassirer and Angoulin shouted and rushed forward, but the enemy ran away after seeing Cassirer's eye-catching winged helmet.

Geralt and the others rushed into the gallery surrounding the inner hall, but not far from the arch at the end of the gallery, a large group of people poured into the aisle at the other end, and shouts echoed around them.

Arrows whizzed past.

"Take cover!" shouted the witcher.

The arrows fell one after another, their feathers buzzing, and their tips pierced the floor tiles, sparks bursting out, and chipping away at the plaster on the wall.

"Get down! Get behind the railing!"

They lay on the ground and hid behind the decorative columns carved with floral patterns, and they were unharmed.

The archers fired arrows from across the gallery, calling for reinforcements, and several of them ran up and down the sides of the gallery, looking for a better angle to shoot from.

Geralt cursed and calculated the distance to the arch, realizing that the situation was not optimistic. Staying where he was meant death.

"Damn it, listen up!" he yelled, "We gotta get out of here!"

"We will become targets!"

"We have to leave! There's no other choice!"

"will not!"

Milva raised the bow in her hand and shouted. She stood up and assumed an archery posture. The archer opposite began to shout.

Milva loosened her bowstring.

An archer flew backwards, hit the wall, and collapsed to the ground. The blood splattered on the plaster wall looked like an octopus.

A shout sounded from somewhere in the gallery—a shout of rage and terror.

"The Great Sun Disk..." Cassirer whistled.

Geralt grabbed his arm.

"let's go!"

A hail of arrows flew from across the gallery and struck Milva.

An arrow flew by, scattering plaster powder all over her body, but the archer didn't move; she showed no fear as marble fragments were scattered around her.

She calmly loosened the bowstring, and another exclamation came. The other archer collapsed to the ground like a puppet, with brains and blood splattering on his companions.

Another group of guys who were about to rush into the gallery visibly hesitated and hid behind safe cover.

"Take advantage of it now!"

Geralt saw the guards fleeing the gallery or throwing themselves to the ground, looking for cover that could block the arrows. Only a few of the boldest ones were still fighting back.

An arrow hit the pillar and sprinkled powder into Milva's hair. The female archer blew away a strand of hair blocking her eyes and raised the bow in her hand.


When Cassirer and Angouleme reached safety, Geralt shouted, "That's enough! Run!"

"Just one more."

Milva said, holding up the bow, quickly nocking the arrow, letting the arrow feathers touch the corner of her mouth, and then took aim.

At this time, a group of bats appeared from behind the group of people and attacked the people hiding behind the bunker.With the help of the vampire Regis, the enemies in the gallery were quickly eliminated.

Standing in the gallery, Regis shrugged and said to the anxious Geralt: "The castle is too big and I didn't find anyone. It seems we have to split up..."


After splitting up in the gallery, Geralt quickly found Yennefer.

He ran around the corner of the corridor and met them unexpectedly.

What he saw made his blood boil, and the veins on the back of his hands immediately stood out.

Several guards were dragging Yennefer through the corridor.The sorceress was in ragged clothes and shackles, but she still struggled desperately and cursed them with vicious words.

Geralt didn't give them time to react.He swung his sword—just one sword.

A guard immediately wailed like a wounded wild dog, turned around on the spot, and bumped headfirst into the full-body plate armor standing in the alcove in the corridor. He slipped to the ground, blood smearing the armor.

The other three guards let go of Yennefer and quickly backed away.

But there was another guy who grabbed the sorceress by her hair and put a knife to her throat. The sorceress had a magic-blocking gold collar around her neck.

"Go away!" he shouted, "or I'll kill her! I'm not kidding!"

"Me too." Geralt turned his sword and looked directly into the man's eyes.

Unable to bear his gaze, the other party had to let go of Yennefer and ran back to her companions.

Each of them had a weapon in their hands, and one of them also took an antique halberd from the wall, and they spread out in a semicircle in an attacking stance.

"I knew you would come." Yennefer said, standing up proudly, "Geralt, let these villains see what the witcher's sword can do."

She held up her hands and lifted the shackles.

Geralt held the Hishir sword with both hands, raised his head slightly, and aimed at the target.He struck out with his sword.The speed was so fast that no one even saw the movement of the blade clearly.

The shackles fell to the ground with a clatter.A guard gasped.

Geralt put more force on his hand and moved his index finger to the bottom of the sword hilt.

The faint sound of the sword cutting steel could be heard vaguely, and the magic-blocking gold collar and shackles fell to the floor together.

A small drop of blood appeared on the sorceress's neck. She rubbed her wrist, laughed, and then slowly turned to the guards.

They all looked away, and the guy holding the halberd carefully placed the weapon on the ground, as if he was afraid of breaking it.

"Such an opponent," he muttered, "let the Gray Owl deal with it on its own. I still value my life."

"We have received orders..." Another person muttered, backing away again and again, "We have received orders...the decision is not up to us..."

"We never abused you, madam." The third guard said dryly, "In prison... there is someone who can testify..."

"Go away," shouted the sorceress.She got rid of the magic-blocking gold and could finally stand upright and hold her head up proudly.

In their eyes, she looked like a giantess, her shaggy black hair even touching the ceiling of the arcade.

The guards fled without daring to look back.

Yennefer returned to normal size and wrapped her arms around Geralt's neck.

"I knew you would come to save me," she whispered, her mouth searching for his lips, "I knew you would come, even if..."

A mercenary holding a crossbow jumped out from behind the corner and fired an arrow. He aimed at the sorceress.

Geralt swung his sword, and the arrow bounced back, passing the crossbowman's head at close range, causing him to duck his head and dodge.

But before he could stand up, the witcher leaped forward and impaled him with his sword.

There were two other people standing in the distance in the corridor, also shooting arrows at them with crossbows, but their hands were shaking so badly that the arrows missed their aim.

By the next moment, the demon hunter had come among them, causing them to lose their lives one after another.

"Ye, which way should we go?"

The sorceress concentrated and closed her eyes.

"This way. This staircase."

"Are you sure this is the better way?"

"OK." Rounding the corner of the corridor, another group of mercenaries appeared near an arcade. There were more than ten of them, holding spears and halberds, with stubborn and determined expressions.

Yennefer's fireball struck a mercenary in the chest. Geralt twisted his body and rushed into the remaining enemies, his dwarf runeblade shining brightly and hissing like a snake.

When the four corpses fell, the others turned and ran away, and the clanging footsteps went away along the corridor.

"Are you okay, Ye?"

"It couldn't be better!"


In the arcade, Wigfort stood watching the two men and interjected.

Wigfort said softly, "I really admire you, Witcher. Your naivety and stupidity are hopeless, but your skills are truly admirable. This is my compliment to you."


Yennefer screamed and jumped to avoid it.Geralt also jumped to the side at the last moment.

A pillar of fire roared out from the wizard's hands, sweeping past where Geralt had been, and the hissing flames scorched the ground.

A roar rang in his ears, shaking the entire castle to its foundations, and the witcher hid behind a column, wiping away the lime and a singed eyebrow.


The echoes of the explosion echoed through the corridors, halls and rooms of the castle, making the walls tremble and the rafters creak.

With a loud crack, a portrait in a heavy gilt frame fell from the wall.

The eyes of the fleeing mercenaries were full of unspeakable fear.Stephen Skellen silenced them with a fierce look, and then called them to the team with a serious look and voice.

"What happened? Report it quickly!"

"My lord coroner..." a mercenary muttered, "It's terrible! They are demons...every arrow can kill a man...every sword swing will see blood...the god of death has come to us... ...He slaughtered everyone!"

"We lost ten...maybe more...did you hear that sound?"

The explosion sounded again, and the castle trembled again.

"That's magic." Skellen gritted his teeth and said, "Wilgefortz...oh, let's see what you're capable of."

Another guard ran over.He was pale and covered in debris.For a moment, he couldn't even speak, and when he finally spoke, his voice was shaking.

"There... there... there is a monster... Mr. Coroner... a big black bat... ripping off a man's head. The blood is flowing like a river! He is flying around, laughing loudly... and His fangs!"

"We couldn't get out alive... Coroner, there are ghosts here. I saw... young Cassirer Aip Chillak. But he is long dead."

Behind the Tawny Owl, someone whispered.

Shi Kelan looked at him without saying a word.

"Lord Stephen..." Dacre Silifant murmured, "Who are we fighting?"

"They are not human beings," a mercenary groaned, "they are demons from hell! Human beings cannot resist their power..."

The gray forest owl crossed its arms and stared at the mercenaries with majestic and firm eyes.

"Then," he declared loud and clear, "we will leave the conflict between the forces of hell! Let demons deal with demons, and wizards with wizards and vampires crawling out of their catacombs. Let us not bother They're here! Let's stay here and wait quietly for this battle to end."

The mercenary's face brightened.Their mood has obviously improved.

"To get out of here," Skellen said in a powerful voice, "you have to go down these stairs. We'll wait here. Let's see who comes down."

There was a terrible explosion upstairs.Even here they could smell sulfur and fireworks.

"It's too dark in here!" cried the Tall Owl, loud and clear, encouraging his men, "Go get some torches! We need light to light these stairs, to see who's coming down! Light those braziers !”

"We have no fuel, sir!"

Skellen silently pointed to the artwork hanging on the wall in the corridor.

"Painting?" a mercenary asked in an unbelievable tone, "Burn the painting?"

"Why not?" said the Gray Owl, "What do you think I'm doing? Art is dead!"

They smashed the frame into splinters and tore the canvas into pieces.The dry wood and the varnish-soaked canvas immediately burst into flames.


From somewhere below, there was the sound of a fierce struggle, someone yelling and screaming, and then moaning in pain.

Something was burning. Ciri could smell burning and smoke, and hot air blew on her face.

There was a collision so strong that the roof supported by the pillars began to tremble, and the plaster on the wall rained down.

Ciri cautiously poked her head out from around the corner. There was no one in the corridor. She moved quickly and silently. There were statues in the niches on both sides.

On the floor she saw a large, winding trail of blood that stretched a few steps away and ended at the foot of a dead man on the wall.

There were two dead people lying not far away. One of them had a twisted body and the other had his limbs spread out. There were several crossbows on the ground beside them.

Ciri left the corridor and came face to face with a man holding a spear. She immediately stopped and prepared to leap up to attack.

But then she realized that it was not a man, but a thin, hunchbacked, gray-haired woman.What she was holding was not a spear, but a broom.

"There is a prisoner here," Ciri said. "A dark-haired sorceress. Where is she?"

"I can only clean," said the gray-haired woman, "that's all. Baby, you should go straight and then turn left."

"Thank you."

The woman lowered her head and continued to wipe the floor wearily.

Ciri flew along the long and wide corridor, the statue watched her with lifeless eyes. She was running in the direction where the sound of fighting came from, where her companions must be.

Ciri rushed into a large circular room, in the center of which stood a marble statue with a pedestal.

The statue depicts a veiled woman, probably a goddess.

The room is connected to two corridors, both of which are quite narrow.

"It's that girl!"

In a corridor, a mercenary pointed at her and shouted, "We found her!"

There were so many of them that it was too risky to fight them, even in the narrow corridor.

Wanting to find Yennefer and not wanting to waste time in meaningless fighting, Ciri turned and ran away. She ran back to the room with the marble goddess, and then froze.

Standing in front of her was a knight holding a large sword, wearing a black coat, and a helmet decorated with raptor wings.

The city is burning.She could hear the crackling fire, see the undulating flames, feel the heat of the fire, and hear the neighing of horses and the screams of people... A black bird flapping its wings suddenly appeared, obscuring everything. ...Help!

Cintra, she thought, returning to reality.And Thanede Island.He came here after him.He is a devil.Ghosts and apparitions from nightmares surrounded me.

She could hear screams and heavy hoofbeats.

The knight wearing the winged helmet suddenly moved.Ciri conquered her fear and drew her sword from its sheath.

"Do not touch me!"

The knight took a step back.To Ciri's surprise, there was a blond girl holding a curved saber hidden behind his cloak.The girl walked around Ciri and slashed at a mercenary with her saber.

The Black Knight did not attack Ciri. Instead, he swung a powerful sword and killed another mercenary. The other mercenaries retreated into the corridor.

Then the fair-haired girl ran back to the door and slammed it shut, and the knight fastened the bolt.

"We have to get out of here."

The knight took off his helmet and looked at Ciri, "I am Kasir Movar Difflin, son of Chirak. I came with Geralt. To save you, Ciri. I know it's difficult for you. believe."

"I've seen more unbelievable things."

Ciri said, "You have come all the way... Cassirer... where is Geralt?"

He stared at her. Ciri had seen these eyes on Thanede Island, deep and beautiful blue eyes.

"He's gone to save the sorceress," he said, "that..."

"You mean Yennefer. Let's go."


Ciri looked at the pursuers running from the other aisle and whispered, "Let's go...find Geralt..."

Cassirer shook his head.

"Ciri," he said gently, "you amaze me. I traveled across the world just to see you. Now that I have finally found you, I can finally pay for my sins, save and protect you. And you But you want me to run away?"

Cassirer put on his gloves, took off his cloak, and wrapped it around his left arm. He swung his sword, making bursts of sound.

In the corridor of the castle, just when Ciri had to fight the pursuers, Cassirer met Bonnet, a sophisticated killer under the arrangement of fate.

Facing Cassirer, Bonnet smiled contemptuously and launched an attack.

Cassirer parried, slashed back, ducked, jumped, grabbed his opponent's wrist, pushed him against the wall, and smashed his knee into his groin.

Bonnet grabbed his face and slammed the hilt of his sword against the side of his head, once, twice, three times.Cassirer blocked the third attack.Seeing the reflection of the blade, he instinctively raised his sword to parry.

But his action was too late.

Bonnet's blows broke his temples, cheeks, and mouth. Cassirer's sword fell out of his hand and his body shook.

The bounty hunter twisted his body and slashed his sword between his neck and collarbone.

In the sound of breaking through the air, a sharp arrow appeared out of thin air and hit Bonnet's throat. Bonnet clutched his own throat, and his dead fish eyes protruded from the sockets.

Bonnet looked at her with wide eyes and finally fell down.He fell on his back, sending up a cloud of dust.He lay on the ground and held his throat with all his strength.But no matter how tightly he covered it, life continued to leak out from his fingers, and the thick dust under him gradually became moist and black.

Bonnet fell at the feet of the marble goddess, blood pooling at the base of the statue like a pagan sacrifice.

His life has come to an end.

Amidst the roar, the floor beneath their feet shook, a decorative shield fell to the ground with a clang, and the corridor was filled with the pungent smell of smoke.


Thunder exploded, and the core of a column was torn apart. The ornately decorated column smashed to the floor and shattered into an auburn mosaic pattern.

Vilgefortz came toward them, his cloak billowing in the wind behind him like a pair of dragon wings.

Stone walls trembled, beams shattered, and glass poured from window frames.

"Beware, Geralt!"

Dazzling lightning plowed a deep furrow into the ground, and countless sharp shards of colored glass flew in the air.

Another bolt of lightning struck the column where the witcher was hiding. The column broke into three pieces, detached from the ceiling, and scattered to the ground with a deafening sound.

Geralt lay on the floor, holding his head in his hands, the light of the magic shield surrounding his body, and Yennefer saved his life with magic.

Vilgefortz threw another bolt of lightning at the column where the sorceress was hiding. He roared wildly, and dust clouds and smoke rose at the same time.

Yennefer deftly passed through it, and she also released lightning to fight back, but it bounced off the wizard with no obvious effect.

Vilgefortz responded with a powerful bolt of lightning, knocking Yennefer to the ground.

Geralt wiped the dust that flew into his eyes and rushed towards the wizard. Vilgefortz turned his gaze to him, stretched out his arms, and roared fire from his hands.

The witcher turned his sword instinctively, and the rune-engraved dwarven blade protected him, splitting the stream of flames in two.

The stream of flame splits in two.

"Ha!" Vilgefortz roared, "Amazing, Witcher! How about this move!"

The witcher was unable to answer.An invisible battering ram hit him, sending him flying backwards, landing and continuing to slide until he hit the bottom of the wall.

Another column splintered away from the ceiling, and this time he was not protected by Yennefer's magic, and the heavy carved stone fell on his side, not exactly in the center, but the pain still made him unable to move.

Yennefer recited a spell, and lightning struck Wilgefortz one after another, but none of them hurt the opponent, and they all bounced harmlessly off the wizard's magic shield.

Vilgefortz suddenly opened his arms.Yennefer cried out in pain and lifted her body off the ground.

The wizard clasped his hands together, his fingers trembling as if twisting a damp rag.

The sorceress let out a piercing scream and twisted her body.

Enduring the pain, Geralt gritted his teeth and got up, wanting to rejoin the fight, he jumped forward and swung the Hisil sword.

The wizard turned around and hit him with magical energy. The witcher's body flew to the other end of the corridor, hit the wall, slid down, and lay on the ground like a fish out of water.

Vilgefortz walked towards him, and a six-foot-long iron rod appeared in his hand... The wizard raised the iron rod high, his eyes flashing with the joy of victory.

A stone flew and hit the iron rod hard.

The iron rod fell and hit the ground, just inches away from the witcher's head. Geralt rolled to the side and quickly raised his body on one knee.

Vilgefortz shook his head, his eyes flashing, and he leaped up, swinging his magical weapon, but it was too late.

Ciri suddenly appeared beside Wigfort, quickly swung her sword and split his abdomen.

Vigfortz screamed, dropped the iron rod, and took a few steps back.

Ciri chased after him and kicked the wizard between the stumps of two columns. The sword swung out in a long arc, starting from the collarbone and splitting the wizard's torso diagonally. Blood flowed everywhere. splash down.

The wizard screamed and fell to his knees. He lowered his head and stared at the wounds on his chest and abdomen.

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(End of this chapter)

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