Simulate the heavens from Faerûn

Chapter 164 What you can’t get [Please subscribe]

Chapter 164 What you can’t get [Please subscribe]

"Xi-Rui...!" X3
Ciri looked calmly at the lingering Vilgefortz. She raised the Swift Sword and was about to swing it down. At this time, an exclamation suddenly sounded, causing her movements to pause slightly.

The first two were the exclamations made by Yennefer and Geralt, and the latter was the howl of defeat by Vilgefortz.

The veteran wizard seized the opportunity, and Vilgefortz threw a bolt of lightning at Ciri. He roared wildly, thunder exploded, and dust clouds and smoke rose at the same time.

Facing the attack, Ciri snorted, and a space barrier isolated the lightning. At the same time, she took the Swift Sword and swung it towards the smoke according to the feeling, and a light silver sword light flew into it.


A scream of pain was heard, and Ciri must have been struck by Vilgefortz.

Ciri waved her left hand, and a breeze appeared in the room, sweeping the dust clouds and smoke in the room, and the originally gray room instantly became clear and clear.

She looked sideways and downwards, and saw a large hole appearing where Wige Fortes originally lay on the ground. There was a dark patch of darkness on the edge, and there were several splatters of blood.

Ciri looked into the cave and could only see a little blood. There was no one at all. Vilgefortz had escaped.

However, Ciri did not choose to pursue, because it can be seen from the intensity of Wigfortz's attack and his choice to escape just now that he has reached the point where his strong bow is at the end of his crossbow. In addition, he was hit by her sword again, and it was wrapped with terror. The difficult power of space.

This means that Wige Fortesz is destined not to live for more than ten minutes. In his current state, it is difficult to even walk and hide in the chaotic battlefield to protect himself, let alone use magic to attack. He is dead. Now run away. It's just a matter of finding the cemetery in advance.

Now that Vilgefortz's death was doomed, Ciri didn't waste time and quickly turned her attention to the room.

The battle between Ciri and Vilgefortz was delayed. By the time Yennefer and Geralt reacted to the surprise of seeing Ciri, the battle was over, and the lifeless statue witnessed their reunion. .


The witcher rubbed his eyes.


Yennefer slowly climbed up from the rubble. She looked quite miserable, with blood staining her chin and chest.


Ciri looked at Geralt who was a little embarrassed and said.

"Ciri, it's so nice to see you again."

Geralt replied, his throat feeling like a blockage.

"Lady Yennefer."

The sorceress broke free and stood up straight with great effort.

"You are so wonderful, my child." She said seriously, "I didn't even know...I didn't even know that you had mastered magic and you had grown so powerful that you couldn't even control Wiggo. Fortz is defeated... come to me."

Ciri walked up to Yennefer cautiously.

Yennefer looked at Ciri's spotless, exquisite and luxurious robes, which could be seen from the hands of elves at a glance.

She straightened Ciri's slightly messy hair due to the battle. She noticed that the color of her hair changed from gray to silver, and she also saw Ciri's slightly pointed ears under her silver hair.She hugged her tight, really hard.

Geralt saw the sorceress's hands on Ciri's back, and he saw her twisted fingers.But he didn't feel anger, sadness or hatred. He just felt tired and just wanted to get it over with.



"Let's go." After a long time, Geralt decided to break their embrace.

Ciri sniffed, trying to stop the tears from streaming down her face.Yennefer looked at her reproachfully, and gently wiped the tears from her face with her hands.The witcher looked at the corridor where Ciri appeared, as if waiting for someone to show up.

Ciri understood Geralt's meaning and said: "Cassir was seriously injured, and Angouleme has no fighting ability. I asked her to stay and take care of him..."

"Okay, it seems we are the only ones leaving first to clear a path for them..." Geralt nodded and said, "Ciri, hold on to Ye."

"I don't need help!"

"Let me help you, Mom."

In front of them was a flight of stairs.The stairs were filled with smoke and there were burning torches and lit braziers at the bottom.

Knowing that the heavily armed enemies were waiting below, Ciri asked Geralt, "Is there no other way?"

"There's no other way but these stairs. I'm tired of killing, but we have no choice, kid..."

Geralt pulled out the Hishir sword and answered.

Ciri turned her head and looked at Yennefer - if there were no armrests to lean on, she would have been unable to stand up. Ciri pulled out the Swift Sword.

"Come on, Geralt."

"Let's go, follow me."

At the bottom of the stairs, Skellen's mercenaries were waiting for them, their hands clutching their weapons covered in sweat.

The Tawny Owl made a quick gesture and started the first wave of attacks. The heavy boots stepped on the stairs, making a thunderous sound.

"Slow down, Ciri, don't rush. Follow me."

"I know, Geralt."

"Keep calm, kid, and remember to be quiet. Remember, you don't need anger and hate. We have to get out of here, and anyone who stands in our way must die, don't hesitate."

"I won't hesitate."

Ciri and the others stepped onto the first landing without any hindrance.The mercenaries kept retreating in front of the two men. The other party's calmness and composure made them extremely surprised and shocked.But after a while, three men jumped forward and brandished swords, but they died instantly.

"Everyone, attack together!" Tawny Owl shouted from below, "Kill them!"

Three more people attacked. Geralt stepped forward, feinted to attack No. 1, and then slit the throat of the other person.

He twisted his body, and the fireball released by Ciri passed under his right arm and hit the second mercenary on the head.The third man tried to escape by jumping over the railing, but he failed and was slit open in the neck by Ciri's sword.

Geralt wiped a few drops of blood from his face.

"Calm down, Ciri."

"I'm calm."

Three others advanced toward them.

Sword flash, scream, death.

Thick blood flowed down the smooth stone steps.

A mercenary with brass rivets on his jacket rushed toward them with a spear raised, his eyes shining with the light of anesthetic powder.

Ciri quickly released a bolt of lightning and killed him, and the two continued to move forward without looking back.

The second landing is in sight.

"Kill them!" Skellen yelled, "Kill--!"

There were heavy footsteps on the stairs.The bright reflection of the blade, the cry, the death.

"Very well, Ciri. But stay calm. Less excited. Just stick with me."

"I will never leave you."

"Watch out."

"I know."

The blade reflects light, fire, lightning, shouts, blood, death.

"Very well, Ciri. Watch out! The steps are slippery."

The sword light flashed and screamed.They stepped forward, stepping over the blood pouring down the steps.They continued down the steps of Styga Castle.

A mercenary stepped on the bloody stairs and fell at their feet.He wailed for mercy and covered his head with his hands.They didn't even look at him, they just walked around him.

By the time they reached the third and final landing, no one dared to stop them.

"Bows!" Stephen Skellen yelled from the bottom of the stairs. "Get the bows, and the crossbow! Dacre Silifant should be carrying the crossbow! Where is he?"

The Gray Owl couldn't possibly know that Dacre Silifant was dead, because he sent several people to find the crossbow, but only one came back. He was about to escape, but was shot by the secret female archer Milva .

When the arrow was fired, the man's hands were shaking, and his eyes were filled with tears from the anesthetic powder. The first arrow hit the handrail, and the second didn't even touch the stairs.

"More high!" the Tawny Owl ordered, "come closer, you idiot! Come closer and shoot!"

The crossbowman pretended not to hear, and Skellen cursed, grabbed the crossbow, jumped up the steps, knelt down on one knee, and aimed at the target.Geralt immediately used his body to protect Ciri, but the girl slipped past him and stood beside him. When the crossbow string sounded, she had already finished casting the spell, and the arrow flew towards them quickly, but in front of them As if it was stuck in the mud, it flew in the air for a short while before becoming still and landing on the ground.

"Very good," Geralt muttered, "Very good, Ciri. You are really capable..."

Skellen threw away his crossbow and suddenly found himself alone.

His men were huddled together at the bottom of the stairs, none anxious to climb up, and even their numbers had dwindled.I'm afraid someone ran away, hmm~ probably looking for a crossbow.

The Witcher and Ciri walked calmly and unhurriedly down the blood-stained stairs of Stygar Castle.They were close, shoulder to shoulder, and the swift movement of their swords was intoxicating.

Skellen took a step back, and then kept backing up until he stepped on the ground floor.

Only when he was surrounded by his men in the center did he realize how far he had retreated, and he cursed helplessly.

"Guys!" he shouted, but his voice was broken, "Forward! Everyone! Come with me!"

"Go up yourself." Someone said viciously, raising the hand containing the anesthetic powder to his nose.The owl slapped him, spreading white powder all over his face, sleeves and lapels.

The Witcher and the Witcher walked across another landing.

"When they come down, it will be much easier to surround them." Skelen encouraged, "Guys, pick up your weapons!"

"Careful," Geralt said in a monotone, "follow me."

"I will always follow you."

"The situation will be very difficult when we go down."

"I know, but we will face it together."

"We face it together."

"I will accompany you too." Yennefer walked down the slippery stairs behind them.

"Together! All together!" shouted the Gray Owl.

The guys who ran to find the crossbow came back soon, but they didn't have a crossbow in their hands, only fear in their eyes.

In the three corridors connected to the stairs, there were roars, the dull sound of doors being smashed with axes, and the sound of heavy boots stepping on the floor.

Suddenly, soldiers in black helmets, shields, and silver salamanders emblazoned on their cloaks poured out of the three corridors.

Amid their shouts and threats, Skellen's mercenaries dropped their weapons in terror, and others who hesitated were soon targeted with crossbows and spears.

Hearing the loud shout of "all put down their weapons", everyone obeyed obediently, because they could see that these black-helmeted soldiers were eager to take action.A gray owl stands on the steps, arms folded.

"A miraculous rescue."

Ciri said softly, but Geralt shook his head as the crossbow and spear were also pointed at them.

"Glaeddyvan vort! (Drop the sword!)"

Soldiers kept pouring in from the corridor entrance, like an army of black ants.The Witcher and Ciri carefully placed their swords on the stairs.

Geralt could feel the warmth of Ciri's arm and could hear her breathing, but her breathing was a little messy. She seemed to be searching for something anxiously.

Yennefer walked around the corpses and blood and walked down the stairs. She showed her empty hands to the soldiers, and then sat down heavily on the steps beside Geralt and Ciri. The witcher could feel the transmission from the other arm. Come on heat.

Gray Owl's men were tied up and taken away. After a while, Regis and Milva were stained with blood and looked pale. Their hands and feet were tightly tied with ropes. They were thrown to the ground by the soldiers. A team of lightly armored mages stood guarding them.

Soon, Cassirer and Angoulin also came, but the treatment was much better than the others. The armor on Cassirer had some effect. The seriously injured Cassirer was supported, and Angouleme was like a little tail. They followed, but neither of them had weapons and were still being guarded.

The most miserable person on the scene was Wilgefortz. He was dragged out from an unknown corner by two soldiers like a dead dog. He was covered in blood. If it weren't for his slightly heaving chest and rolling eyes, others would have thought he was dead. up.

But I think he was arrested because of the luxurious clothes on his body. Anyone with a discerning eye can tell that this person is definitely a high-ranking and important person. A blind cat caught a dead mouse, but he was still alive.

Wilgefortz was placed next to a column and guarded by the soldiers. He leaned against the column and lay on the ground with his hands tied. However, he was the most comfortable among everyone present. This should make him temporarily Don't die for a while, save your breath and see the big shot.

Suddenly, several high-ranking officers appeared among the soldiers - this could be seen from the white feathers on their helmets and the silver trim on their breastplates, as well as the respectful attitude towards them by other soldiers.

The soldiers were particularly respectful to one of the officers, almost bowing, and that man had more silver decorations on his helmet than the others.

He stopped in front of Skelen. Although the light from the torches and braziers flickered, people could clearly see that the gray forest owl's face was as pale as paper.

"Stephen Skellen," the officer's sonorous voice echoed through the vaults of the stairwell, "see you in court. You are charged with treason."

The soldiers escorted the owl out, but did not tie his hands.

The officer turned, and a piece of burning tapestry upstairs broke away from the wall, like a huge bird of fire falling down, and the red flames shone on the silver decoration of his helmet and the lowered visor, which was like the helmets of all black armored soldiers. , forming a frightening shape with fangs and a mouth.

"It's our turn..."

Geralt thought, he was right.

The officer looked at Ciri.His eyes shone brightly in the opening of the visor, watching everything, not missing any detail: her breakable skin, her spotless and gorgeous elf-style robe, her flowing silver hair, and her green hair. Eyes, but she always looks behind her.

Then he turned his gaze around the hall.

"Kasir Aip Chirak?"

he asked in a booming voice.

"Your Majesty! I am..."

Cassirer raised his head slightly and replied weakly to the noble emperor. His fear could be seen from his trembling voice.

Emhyr squinted at Cassirer, smiled, and said: "Cassir, it seems that you haven't forgotten your mission... You have completed the mission, your crime has been cancelled, and you can return to your In the team..."

Cassirer opened and closed his lips slightly, wanting to say something, but he still closed his mouth when he looked at Emhyr's huge back.


"Emhyr! Ahem... you're blocking the light... I'm not dead yet... ahem..."

Vigfortez leaned against the column, his face was pale, and the blood flowed out as if he didn't want money. He said loudly to Emhyr beside the brazier, and then spat out a big mouthful of blood on his body.

"Hmm~! Stop...Wilgefortz, it looks like you are not doing well now. You look like you are about to die... Do you want me to send someone to treat you first..."

Emhyr stopped Vilgefortz from being attacked by the guards because of his rude words, moved away, let the firelight illuminate the column, frowned slightly and looked at Vilgefortz and said.

"Hehehehe... Emhyr, I know you want me to die. As long as I die, no one will know about it... Your hypocritical face reminds me of that hedgehog you used to be..."

Vilgefortz did not appreciate it, but sneered, blood pouring out of his mouth.

Vigfortz felt the life force passing away from his body and the pulse that gradually weakened. He knew that he was hopeless. The power from Siri's sword was constantly destroying his body, and now his body was riddled with wounds. With hundreds of holes, no one can save him.

Therefore, he no longer had any scruples in his heart. After all, he could only live for another four or five minutes. He also lost the respect and respect he had for Emhyr in the past. He was very willing to reveal his true face before his death. , it would be better if there was a back support...

"Shut up! Wilgefortz!"

Hearing this, Emhyr yelled like a cat that stepped on its tail, and lost his usual composure.

He walked up to Wigefortz and stared at Wigefortz with a fierce look in his eyes, as if he was going to kill Wigefortz if he disagreed with him.

"Hehehe... I knew... I knew, how could someone like you let people know... cough, cough, cough... I know you know that both you and I are aiming for the blood of the ancients..."


Hearing the ancient blood, Emhyr seemed to be afraid that others would know. He roared loudly at Wilgefortz, staring at Wilgefortz as if he wanted to eat him. At the same time, his right hand jerked towards He stepped down and signaled the guards to deal with Wigefortz immediately.

"Blood of the Ancients! Emhyr! You can't get what I can't get!"

Before the soldier could move, Wigfort roared.

Immediately afterwards, a blood arrow flew out of Vigfortez's mouth, and before the army mage had time to react, the blood arrow pierced Emhyr's abdomen, leaving a hole the size of a fist, and the flesh and blood around the hole continued to flow towards him. External corrosion.


With a cry of pain, Emhyr fell down, and in a daze, he seemed to see a long-lost figure walking towards here.

"Your Majesty!! Your Majesty!" XN
Listening to Emhyr's cry of pain and fallen figure, the Imperial Guards all screamed and rushed forward to check the situation.

There were also people who wanted to kill the murderer to avenge the emperor, but they only saw Vigfortz lying on the spot like a skinny mummy, breathless, motionless, staring blankly at the place where Emhyr fell, A smile appeared on his face.

 I'm a new author, but it's not easy to code. I'm asking for votes for online updates. I'm asking you guys to give me recommendations. Please support me by clicking favorites!I hope you all will support me!Thank you all for your love and support!

  In addition, due to personal update reasons, I recommend a book to alleviate the book shortage among the big guys.


(End of this chapter)

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