Simulate the heavens from Faerûn

Chapter 165 Soft Rice【Please subscribe】

Chapter 165 Soft Rice【Please subscribe】

"Damn it! Guards! Physicians! Mages!"

"Doctor! Mage! Quick! Quick! Quick!"

Vatir de Lidoux knelt on the ground and watched Emperor Emhyr fall to the ground. There was a huge wound in his abdomen and blood was flowing continuously. He suddenly felt that his hands and feet were cold and he was dizzy. He anxiously looked towards his surroundings. shouted the approaching soldier.

While the guards circled a circular open space and formed a solid human wall to protect the emperor's safety, they anxiously called for the doctors and mages in the army.

At the same time, the soldiers around the prisoners such as Ciri and Geralt also drew their weapons, pointing sharp bows and arrows at them, and would attack them without hesitation if they made the slightest move.

The atmosphere at the scene was very tense.

As spectators, Geralt and others were also very confused. They were just watching Nilfgaardian Emperor Emhyr punish the prisoners one by one. They didn't expect that he suddenly overturned and did so completely.

As prisoners, they looked nervously at the center of the hall, because as long as Emhyr made the slightest mistake, death would be the only thing that would greet them. But even so, they did not dare to make the slightest move, for fear of challenging the soldiers' nervousness and suppression. nerve.

Among them, Ciri and Geralt looked the most nervous.

Ciri was interested in the keyword "blood of the ancients" when she heard it. Especially when Emhyr was attacked, a violent heart palpitation hit her heart, which made her feel inexplicably sad. She didn't know what happened, so she could only be careful. He looked around, looking for Rey's figure.

Geralt, on the other hand, understood the overall situation after meeting Emhyr, and guessed the role Emhyr played in the Ciri incident. Especially after hearing the quarrel between Emhyr and Vigofortz, he was sure that Emhyr would be the one to control Emhyr. Wilgefortz can be seen in everything that happens between Er and Ciri.

Therefore, the more Geralt knew, the more nervous he felt. He clasped his fingers together and pressed them against his forehead, looking at Emhyr in the clearing with a sad face...

"Doctor Leonor! Master Mills! Quick! Quick! Quick..."

Amidst the anxious calls, the guards came to the hall with the army doctors and wizards. The soldiers made way for them. Soon, Doctor Leoner and Wizard Mills came to Emhyr and started emergency treatment.

Behind them, at the door, Rey, Morvan and Ms. Reina slowly came to the hall under the escort of soldiers, and stood at the edge of the open space within the human wall. After all, at this critical moment, anyone could Suspicion, and if anything happens, the Fulis family, a branch of the royal family, will also be present...

Doctor Leonor and Master Mills looked at the fist-sized wound on Emperor Emhyr's abdomen, and the corroded flesh and blood on it was expanding it, and their faces couldn't help but look a little ugly.

Dr. Leonard carefully looked at the injury inside the wound. It was bloody, burnt, and terrible. He almost fainted. He put his hair on the blood on the ground, and it made a sizzling sound. Being corroded, his face turned completely dark and he did not dare to speak.

Wizard Mills held the emperor's arm tightly with one hand and continued to use magic to treat it. Granulation was surging at the wound. While exploring the emperor's injury, his forehead and eyebrows wrinkled up after a while, and his face became ugly.

Vatier de Riddaux looked anxiously at Dr. Leonor and Master Mills. Seeing that they both looked ugly, he asked impatiently: "Doctor Leonor, Master Mills, how is he doing, His Majesty the Emperor?" ?”

Thinking of the terrible condition of the emperor's injuries, Doctor Leoner and Master Mills looked at each other with a wry smile, and both shook their heads.

Dr. Leonor swallowed carefully and said carefully: "Lord Vatier, His Majesty's injury... is too serious. It's almost gone... I can only help Your Majesty wake up..." After saying that, he knelt down. On the ground, he dared not look at Vatier de Lidaux's cannibalistic eyes.

Master Mills watched Vatier de Lidaux staring closely at him. The tremendous pressure kept rising from his heart, making him a little out of breath. He wiped the sweat from his forehead with his hand and said carefully:

"Lord Vatier, your majesty's injuries were caused by a warlock using forbidden magic. This warlock is very powerful and has vicious thoughts. The forbidden magic not only caused a huge wound, but also contaminated the flesh and blood around the wound. A blood poison has penetrated into it. His Majesty’s blood vessels throughout his body and his heart…”

"It's too late... If this continues, in less than 10 minutes, Your Majesty will be... I can only suppress the erosion of the blood poison on the brain and the final explosion... let His Majesty have two or three more hours..."

"Damn it! Waste!"

Several officers with silver decorations and egret feathers on their helmets surrounding the emperor clenched their fists, looked at Dr. Leoner and Master Mills who were kneeling on the ground, cursed, and even drew their weapons.

As the personal bodyguards of the Nilfgaardian Emperor, the Praetorian Guards, they are responsible for the important mission of protecting the emperor's personal safety. They are all selected from fanatics who swear loyalty to the emperor.

Hearing Doctor Leonard and Master Mills' feeble answers, which were like death notices, they were so angry that they wanted to chop the two trashes in front of them alive.

Vatier was much calmer than these emperor's fanatics. He stretched out his hand to stop the angry behavior of the Guards officers. He knew that Doctor Leonor and Master Mills were already the top doctors and healers in Nilfgaard. , in such an emergency, they did not dare to neglect or lie, so they declared the true situation of the emperor.

Time is urgent. Vatier and the Guards officers looked at each other. He nodded and said to Doctor Leonor and Master Mills: "Time is precious! You two hurry up and try your best to wake up His Majesty and try your best to extend the time." Your Majesty’s remaining time…”

"As ordered!"

Then Vatier walked up to the Guards officer and whispered: "This news must not be leaked! I don't want a bird to fly out from here! Everything will be decided after His Majesty wakes up, is that clear?"

"Also, please bring the things from your Majesty's car..."

"Yes! I will definitely not let the news leak..."

After speaking, an officer walked out and gave orders to his officers and soldiers.

After a while, the heavily armed guards moved into action and surrounded Styga Castle. They were carefully alert to the surrounding situation, and there was a trembling wind.


Ms. Reina sat by the window of the carriage, looking at the crows croaking on the trees, rocks, and city walls, and she felt a little irritated, because it reminded her of corpses strewn in the fields, rivers of blood, and battlefields filled with flames of war. Man, those things lingered in her mind and she couldn't forget them.

Rey and Ciri both went out. In this lonely environment, Ms. Reina looked at the crows flying in the sky, and she couldn't help but think of those relatives who had passed away.

Her parents, the happy childhood, the sadness when her father Dagrad died when she was young, the pride and happiness when she won the first battle in her life after succeeding her.

There is also her first husband Rognar, the joy when they first met, the passionate love, the loss after marriage, the anger, and the sadness after his death.There is also her only daughter Pavetta, who was a little disappointed when they first met and was happy to be a mother for the first time... She was sad after learning that her daughter Pavetta and her son-in-law Dhoni were missing in a shipwreck, even though she hated her son-in-law Dhoni very much... …

There was also her second husband, Ister Tursek. He was a very good man, and she was very comfortable with him. She liked him very much, but he died in the battle while leading the army, and only the remaining members of the huge family were left. She... and her granddaughter... Now, she's the only one left...

Lost in thought and sorrow, she didn't notice. Maybe she noticed, but she just didn't care. A group of black-armored knights kept advancing from a distance and soon surrounded the carriage.

Ms. Reina was not panicked or angry, because the carriage was marked with the logo of the Fulis family, and she knew who these riders were and what country they were from. She would never forget them in her life.

She just closed the car window calmly, silently thinking about everything in the past, without getting angry or roaring. Years of getting along with Rey made her understand that anger is just the incompetent rage of the incompetent. Time has worn away her fiery temper and the edges of her personality. , the mighty lion has grown old, she just wants to lie down and enjoy the warm and comfortable sunset...

"Dong Dong Dong~"

"Madam! His Majesty the Emperor and your master want to see you..."

A knock on the door broke her thoughts, and Ms. Reina knew that her personal time was over.Although she didn't know why Rey brought her and Ciri here, she knew that this young man had a fog around him, as if he had understood everything.As Rey's nominal housekeeper, she has witnessed almost all of Rey's plans and arrangements, and even participated as an advisor. He knows that she will not betray, and she knows that she has no choice but to be a puppet in his hands... …

"I have no choice..."

Although she didn't know what was ahead, Ms. Reina could only tell herself this, and she opened the car door to welcome the unknown destiny.

As soon as the car door was opened, Ms. Reina was pointed at the vital point by the crossbow and the spear, and all the black helmet soldiers couldn't wait to do it.It's just that seeing an old woman with no strength to restrain a chicken, they didn't have the slightest defense, they only returned disappointed.

Ms. Reina was not frightened by the battle in front of her. She calmly stepped out of the carriage and followed the soldiers forward. When the gloved black knight pushed her, she looked expressionless and looked at it with bold and provocative eyes. Those helmets disgusted her.

Two platoons of soldiers escorted her to the gate, their boots thumping, mail mail and weapons clanging.

But after the officer with the silver helmet and egret feathers roared at them, they stopped pushing her.

Beside the door of the castle, Ms. Reina saw Rey and his brother Morvan, but Ciri was not there.Rey looked at her and nodded slightly without saying a word. Ms. Reina felt the vigilance of the soldiers around her.

Before the three of them could talk together, an exclamation and noisy voice came from the castle. A soldier ran out anxiously. After a while, he rushed back to the castle with a doctor and a mage.

At this time, Rey and Morvan also walked into the castle with Ms. Reina.

From the corridor vacated by the soldiers, Ms. Reina saw an officer lying on the ground, bleeding a lot. Many officers were surrounding him, and doctors and mages were treating him.

"Who is he? But he must be a big shot. It would be better if it was the Emperor of Nilfgaard. It would be best to just die... But why do I feel so familiar... Who is he?... It feels so familiar. ...I must have seen him..."

Following Rey and the others, they came to the open space inside the human wall. She lowered her head and secretly looked at the familiar person. Through the gaps in the crowd, she saw clearly for the first time. She frowned at the appearance of this person, not sure, not recognizing him.

After a while, she looked down again, and she recognized him, her brows furrowed even tighter.

Listening to the reports of the doctor and the mage, looking at the pale face on the ground, she suddenly realized one thing very clearly, he was him, he was going to die, and in an instant she understood many things that she could not understand before.

I also understand the reason why she appears here...


Under the joint treatment of the doctor and the mage, Emhyr immediately became rosy and woke up quickly. His spirit was relatively clear and excited, and he did not feel any pain on his body. Vatier leaned down and whispered a few words to Emhyr. and informed the emperor of the situation.

Emhyr listened to Vatier's report calmly, looked at the huge wound on his abdomen, looked around at the concerned Guards officers around him, and nodded calmly.

"Emhyr, you bastard, you are going to die! If you don't leave your throne to your daughter, are you going to give your hard work to someone else?!"

Before Emhyr could speak, a voice of cursing came from beside him, which was somewhat inexplicable, but also made him feel very familiar.

Emhyr turned his head and saw a familiar figure next to Rey. She was grabbing a mask and roaring at him.

"Hmm~ It seems to be Calanthe, isn't she already..."

Although he was surprised and confused, Emhyr shouted towards Calanthe: "Stop!"

After stopping the soldiers who were rushing towards Calanthe, Emhyr looked closely and said to Ms. Reina: "Mother... you are not... I am very sorry about Cintra..."

"Forget it, I don't want to know why you are still alive, why your name is Emhyr, and I don't want to know why you became the Emperor of Nilfgaard, or why you wanted to destroy Cintra..."

"No need to apologize, everything about me has been ruined by you... Now, I want to ask Shirley, how do you arrange it?"

Ms. Rena, um~ that is Calanthe, she shook her head and asked sternly towards Emhyr.

The emperor quickly gestured to silence the whispering officers.

"I have arranged everything. Since you want to know, then I will tell you..." He said slowly, and then ordered Vatier beside him, "Go and get my daughter Cirila Feo." Bring Na Elen Lealen here."


Although it was unclear what the people in the clearing were talking about, Ciri recognized Lady Reyna when she was unmasked (breaking Rey's seal on her).

Even though she hadn’t seen her for many years, even though she was very cruel to her, even though she had changed a lot... Ciri still recognized her - her grandmother, the Queen of Cintra, the old man who sent her away before the city fell, her only blood relatives.

Siri wrinkled her face and her eyes filled with tears. She tried her best to endure it, but it was in vain. Just like a big wave breaking the dam, tears burst out of her eyes.

Watching the black-armored army make way for them, Vatier walked slowly. Ciri knew what she was going to do. She stood up and looked at the witcher.Geralt nodded and patted her back gently.

She hugged Yennefer and whispered to the sorceress for a long time before Ciri walked up to Geralt and they hugged each other.

Randomly, Ciri followed Vatier to the circular clearing. She looked at Calanthe. The more she tried to suppress her tears, the harder she cried. She flew over and hugged Calanthe tightly. In arms.

Looking at the two people embracing each other, Emperor Emhyr var Emres was half lying on the ground and said loudly: "After I die, my position as the Emperor of Nilfgaard will be held by Cirella Fiona. Len Raylan..."

No one objected or questioned, and everyone around them stared at Ciri, their eyes as hot as fire.

Everyone can see it!Everyone in the Black Armored Army can see it!The same attitude, the same sparkling eyes, the same lip movements, the same posture with arms crossed.

Although she had inherited her mother's silver-gray hair, even so, only the blind could not see whose blood she bleeds.

However, Ciri's next operation made them dumbfounded. She let go of Calanthe's hand, took a step forward and hugged Rey tightly, burying her whole body in his arms.

Emhyr looked at Rey with a faint smile at the corner of his mouth. His face was a little ugly. He didn't know what he thought of. Although he was surprised, a little hard to accept, and choked, he still continued: "With her husband Rey Voris inherit……"


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(End of this chapter)

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