Simulate the heavens from Faerûn

Chapter 166 The Glory of the Sun God 【Subscription】

Chapter 166 The Glory of the Sun God 【Subscription】

After Emhyr gave all his posthumous instructions to his officers, wrote his will and stamped it with his own hand, the soldiers in the hall were dismissed outside the castle.

Only his confidants Vatier, Rey, Calanthe and Ciri were left in the hall.

Emhyr was lying on the soft couch, looking at Rey, sighing, and waved his hand for Rey to come and sit next to him.

Rey came to the soft couch and sat in one corner, looking at the rosy-faced and somewhat abnormal emperor. Well, my old father-in-law was very ordinary, just as natural as chatting with an ordinary uncle.

Emhyr touched the stubble on his chin, waved his hands, looked sincerely into Rey's eyes, and asked calmly as if chatting normally:

"I really didn't expect that such a day would come... I thought it would be my future son, or your father, your brother, or my daughter... I didn't expect it to be you... Unexpectedly, you succeeded, You have won everything... I want to know what role you played here and when it started..."

"Dear Your Majesty the Emperor, it is impossible that you have not noticed..."

After listening with a faint smile, Rey's expression did not change. He looked at Emhyr with sincere eyes, smiled, and said after a moment:
"In everything that happens, you can see traces of the hand of fate. This time is no exception, and your actions have been like this from the beginning..."

"And there is always no shortage of prophets and wizards in the world who can see through destiny...I am very lucky to have such a talent...As for the role...well, I am just a bystander and recorder..."

"Then Calanthe..."

"Under the arrangement of fate, she should have committed suicide by jumping off the building in Sintra... I used a blind trick to save her... From then on, there was no Calanthe in the world, only Ms. Reina... the trajectory of fate There has been no change…”

"Hehehe...what a good observer of fate..."

"Yes, Your Majesty, you are so complimentary..."

The two looked at each other and smiled, understanding each other's meaning. Whether Emhyr believed Rey's lies is another matter, but Emhyr was right, Rey won, and the win was unexpected.

Taking advantage of the right time, place, and people, Emhyr had no choice but to win. The final outcome was already doomed when Emhyr chose to let Morvan lead the way and planned to go to Stygar Castle.

Because the fate of the weak is always woven by the strong...

Emhyr sighed and did not ask again, because it was meaningless and he was about to pass away, but he could not let go of his hard work Nilfgaard and his daughter Ciri.

Well, my daughter Xi Rui is completely finished, not to mention a black-hearted cotton-padded jacket, not even a little vest...

"Rey, what do you think you should do next... go back to the Golden Tower City to complete your coronation, or..."

"Go and build my glorious crown! Go and rewrite a losing war!"

"Okay, okay... You are indeed an observer of fate... Please ask Xiri to come over, I want to have a conversation with her..."

Emhyr felt helpless after hearing this. Although he had a grudge against Rey inheriting his throne, he had to admit that Rey would be a great emperor.

He had no intention of chatting with Rey. Instead, he wanted to have a conversation with his daughter, whom he had not seen for more than ten years, and to see his daughter in this last moment.


Rey came to the side and said to Ciri who was hugging Calanthe and talking: "Ciri, go see him, see your father, go..."

Hearing this, Ciri looked at Rey, then looked back at Calanthe.

Calanthe knew that Ciri was in trouble. She touched Ciri's head and said, "Go! Ciri, go see him. Don't resent him..."

Ciri nodded, sniffed, wiped her tears with her sleeves, walked towards Emhyr on the soft couch, stopped sobbing, and raised her head proudly.

It was the first and last time they met after remembering the incident. She didn't want to leave a cowardly image in front of her father, even though she was not very close or familiar with him.

Emhyr stared at her for a long moment, saying nothing.Then when Siri came and sat down on the soft couch, he came closer and stretched out his hand towards her.

Normally, Ciri would instinctively shrink back to this action, but to her surprise, this time, her body didn't react at all.She found that she didn't resent the man's touch.

He touched her hair as if she was missing something.He touched her face and brushed her small ears with his fingertips.

He hugged her, holding her close to him and caressing the back of her head.Looking at this strange yet familiar father, her body trembled and she cried involuntarily.

"Fate is a strange thing," she heard him whisper, "Goodbye, my daughter, take care of yourself!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Emhyr's hand fell gently, and he lay on the soft couch and fell into a deep sleep, his face was gray and he lost his breath.

Seeing the passing of Emhyr, Ciri fell on him and cried bitterly. Although the reunion was short-lived, she could not help crying...

This sadness was like a wind, quickly spreading throughout the castle and inside, and the castle was plunged into sadness.

After Emhyr's body was sorted out, Ciri temporarily froze it in the amber of time and space and placed it on his original carriage. The entire Imperial Guard was solemn.

"Dear brothers! Our venerable emperor has gone to heaven! Who did this?! This is a Yankee conspiracy, a murderous hand of the sorceress assembly!"

"We want revenge! Revenge! With blood..."

In the army, Rey drove the emperor's exclusive carriage (well~ the old father-in-law's hearse) and hugged Ciri, stood up and shouted loudly to the black-armored army behind him.

"Revenge! Revenge!!"

"Kill the Yankees to avenge the Emperor!..."

After a while, the entire castle was roaring with revenge from the black armored army.

"Military spirit is available!"

Rey nodded, whispered a few words to Ciri, and then shouted: "Revenge! The whole army attacks!"

Then a light blue semicircular light curtain with a diameter of 20 meters appeared in front of the city gate, and the sound of rumble of horse hooves, fighting, and roaring could be heard from inside.

Before they could figure out the situation, Rey and Ciri rushed in at the lead.

And the Imperial Guards, inspired by Rey's injection of chicken blood, blushed, stared, and followed closely behind with roars...


Due to the turmoil between the nobles and Emperor Emhyr, and the counterattack of the northern kingdoms, Nilfgaardian Marshal Menor Kohlran had to go to war with the Northern Alliance at Brenner.

In the early morning of the day of the war, Nilfgaardian reconnaissance captain Lamar Fraut, who was responsible for detecting the enemy's situation, was too timid to go deep into the valley at the rear. He hastily retreated and made a false report that "the situation behind the mountains is invincible."

It was precisely because of this report that Marshal Meno Kouchren made the decision to start a general offensive.

As soon as the battle began, Marshal Meno Kouchren sent the Alba Division, a heavy armored cavalry unit, as a forward to launch an assault on the center of the Northern Allied Forces, and once successfully broke into the enemy's formation.

However, after losing his charging speed and falling into the enemy's formation, he was unable to move due to his heavy armor. He was restrained by enemy infantry armed with spears and spears, and was eventually defeated.

The commander of the unit, Colonel Tibor Aigbulaj, and his deputy, Lieutenant Devlin Aip Mira, were both killed in action.

At the same time, on the left wing of the Northern Allied Forces, the Redanian Army commanded by Count de Ruyter was fiercely attacked by the Nilfgaardian Army Fenendal Division and Magne Division. It once asked for help from the center, but was met by John Natalis. Marshal's rebuff.

On the other side, Marshal Maynor Couchren dispatched his other two elite heavy cavalry units, Desven's Division and Ad Fein's Division, to attack the Northern Alliance Army in the direction of Jinchi Lake.

Due to their low morale and backward equipment, the troops from Brugg deployed here could only barely hold back the Nilfgaardian army's attack, and were in danger of collapse at any time.

Fortunately, two Freikorps detachments, led by Adam Pangrat, arrived in time for reinforcements and temporarily stabilized their position amidst the fierce fighting.

Also in the middle, the defense here is in danger of being breached.John Natalis urgently needed Barclay Ayres and his Mahakam volunteers to move closer to the centre.

However, the dwarf army is now surrounded by enemy forces and may threaten the connection between the coalition's right wing and the center.

At this critical moment, the Mahakam volunteers reorganized their formation, marched in neat steps, sang war songs, and forcibly broke through the encirclement of the enemy cavalry.


The 17-year-old trumpeter Aubrey once naively thought that he could rush to the right wing of the army, convey the order, and then return to the mountain. The whole journey would not take more than 10 minutes, not even a second!After all, his mare Chiquita is a scud.

But just before he reached the edge of the Golden Pond, the trumpeter noticed two things - he didn't know how long it would take him to reach the right wing, and he didn't know when he would be able to return.This is still assuming Chiquita's speed can be guaranteed.

To the east of Jinshui Pond, the war was raging.The black-armored troops were fighting with the Brugue cavalry protecting the infantry.Right in front of the trumpeter, riders in green, yellow and red robes left the fierce battlefield and galloped towards the river.Behind them, the Nilfgaardians swept in like a black river.

Aubrey jerked the reins, causing the mare to stop. He briefly considered turning around to avoid the fugitives and pursuers, but his sense of responsibility took over.The trumpeter hugged the horse's neck tightly and let it gallop.

Around him he heard shouts and commotions, crashes and knocks, saw a kaleidoscope of confused silhouettes, and the glimmering reflection of swords.

Some of the Brugg soldiers turned their backs to the lake, fighting in a corner, circling around a flag with a cross anchor pattern.On the battlefield, the black-armored troops were massacring the isolated infantry.

He saw a black cloak embroidered with a silver sun disk fluttering in the wind.


Aubrey yelled.Spurred by the shouts, Chiquita sped up and ran away from the Nilfgaardian's sword, saving Aubrey's life.Several arrows whizzed past his head, passing by the vague outlines.

Where am I?Where are our troops?Where is the enemy?

The thundering of hooves, the neighing of horses, the clash of weapons, the shouts of the crowd.

"Stop it, you little bastard! It's not over there!"

It was a woman's voice: a woman in armor riding a sorrel stallion, with disheveled hair and a bloody face.Behind her are cavalry with weapons in hand.

"Who are you?" The woman wiped the blood from her face with the back of her hand holding the sword.

"Trumpeter Aubrey, Lieutenant under Sheriff Natalis...has orders to pass on to Colonel Panglath and Colonel Ayers..."

"You can't get across the battlefield to Pangraat. We have to meet up with the dwarves. I'm Julia Abbatmark... Damn it! They want to flank us! Hurry up!" He had no time to protest. .Even protesting is pointless.

After a wild run, they emerged from the dust in front of the infantry phalanx.The infantrymen were huddled in defense, forming a wall with their shields and raising their spears like hedgehogs covered with spikes.A flag with a cross-hammer pattern flew above the phalanx, and next to it was a wooden pole with a skull tied to a horsetail mane.

Under the attack of the Nilfgaardians, the infantry phalanx retreated continuously, like a dog being chased by a beggar and hiding here and there.That was Ard Fein's division, and thanks to the silver sun disks on their shirts, no one could mistake them for any other unit.

"Free Corps, attack!" the woman raised her sword and screamed, "Make them pay the price!"

The horsemen - and Aubrey - charged towards the Nilfgaardians.

The battle lasted only for a moment, but the process was very tragic.Then the wall of shields opened for them.They entered the phalanx, pushing past the dwarves in mail shirts and helmets, and came between the Redanian infantry, the Brugue cavalry, and the lightly armored mercenaries.

Julia Abbatmark, whom Aubrey had just met - the mercenary commander "Little Beautiful Cat" - led him to a sturdy dwarf.The dwarf, whose helmet was decorated with a red feather, rode a captured Nilfgaardian stallion: the saddle was high, and he sat on it so that he could see over the heads of the soldiers.

"Colonel Barclay Ayers?"

The dwarf nodded and looked at the blood on the messenger and his mount.

Aubrey couldn't help but blush.It was the blood of some Nilfgaardian that a mercenary had chopped down in front of him.He didn't even draw his sword.

"Ha! Trumpeter, what message did you bring from Natalis and Foltest?"

"The central force is facing the threat of being broken through by the enemy. The Sheriff orders you to move your troops between the Golden Water Pond and the Chutra River... for support..."

His next words were drowned out by the unusually loud shouts and neighing of horses, and Aubrey realized how useless the order he had brought was.

How useless it was to Barclay Ayres, to Julia Abbatmark, and to the dwarves who were holding the Crosshammer flag and being heavily surrounded by the Nilfgaardian army.

"I was delayed on the road..." he wailed, "I came too late."

Little beautiful cat really spits like a cat.Barclay Ayers gritted his teeth.

"No, Trumpeter," he said, "the Nilfgaardians came too soon."


"What did you say?" Barclay Ayres tugged at his beard, "What did you just say? Do you think we are in a daze here? The Nilfgaardians are attacking us! These Brugues were attacked The attack is not our fault!"

"Can be ordered..."

"I don't care about bullshit orders!"

"If we don't block the gap," Little Meimao raised her voice to drown out the surrounding noise, "the black-armored army will break through the front line! They will break through the front line! Stop holding on, Barclay! I'm going to take the initiative, March that way!"

"We will all be killed before we leave this pond! We will die in vain!"

"Then what is your proposal?"

The dwarf cursed fiercely, took off his helmet, and dropped it to the ground. His bloodshot eyes were wild and terrifying.

Chiquita, frightened by his roar, pulled at the reins and stamped his feet as the trumpeter soothed him.

"Bring me Yarpen Ziegelin and Dennis Kramer! Hurry!"

This was immediately apparent as the two dwarves trudged from the bloodiest part of the battlefield.Both of them were covered in blood. One of them had a conspicuous crack cut at a sharp angle on his chainmail, and the other had a bandage on his head that was soaked in blood.

"Zie Green, are you okay?"

"I really don't understand," the dwarf sighed, "Why does everyone ask me that?"

Barclay turned and stared at the Sheriff's messenger.

"The Sheriff and the King have ordered us to assist them on the front lines. Keep your eyes open, Trumpeter. You're about to have your eyes wide open."


"Attack, kill! Kill those sons of bitches!"

"In unison!" barked Barclay Ayres. "In unison! Keep the formation tight! Act as a team! A team!"

No one would believe it, trumpeter Aubrey thought. Even if I told people, no one would believe it.The phalanx was breaking through the encirclement... Enemy cavalry was on all sides, being attacked, attacked and harassed... but the phalanx was advancing.

At the same pace, in a dense formation, shields are advancing against shields.On and on, stepping on dead bodies, pushing past the elite units of Arder Finn's division...they're on the move.

"Kill it!"

"Keep the pace! Keep the same direction!" cried Barclay Ayres again. "Stay in line! Sing, you sons of bitches, sing! Sing our song! For Mahakam, march!"

Thousands of dwarves sang the famous Mahakam war song from their throats.

Just wait, don't worry!
The flames of war are about to ignite!
The killing field collapsed and shattered,

Shattered to the bone!

"Free Corps, attack!" In the roar of the dwarves, Julia Abutmak's shrill soprano sounded like a thin sharp blade.The mercenary regiment left the phalanx and launched a counterattack against the Nilfgaardian cavalry.

This move was tantamount to suicide - without the protection of the dwarves' halberds, spears and shields, the mercenaries were instantly exposed to the powerful offensive of the Nilfgaardian army.

The banging, yelling, and neighing of the horses made trumpeter Aubrey instinctively cower in the saddle, and something bumped into his back.

He felt his mare being drawn into the crowd, inevitably drawing closer to the horrific carnage and chaos.He gripped the hilt of the sword tightly, but suddenly it felt heavy and slippery.

After a moment, he was pushed outside the shield wall and began to slash like a man possessed.

"Come again!" He heard the roar of the little beautiful cat, "Continue to attack! Hold on, guys! Kill, kill! For the gold coins that shine like the sun! Freedom Corps, come to my side!"

A Nilfgaardian rider without a helmet and with a silver sun disk pattern on his cloak broke through the shield wall. He stood up in stirrups, and the ax struck into the body of a dwarf who had lost the protection of his shield, and then split it apart. Another dwarf's head.

Aubrey turned in the saddle and swung the blade sideways, causing the Nilfgaardian's head to fall to the ground.

At the same time, the trumpeter was hit on the head and rolled off the saddle.The crowd around him temporarily arrested his fall, and for a moment his body was suspended in mid-air between the two horses.Although he was filled with fear, the pain did not last long.The moment he hit the ground, his skull shattered under the horse's hooves.


In order to break the deadlock, Meno Cochran decided to start from the weakened left wing of the Northern Allied Forces, and sent Colonel Isenglin Faotiana, known as the "Iron Wolf", to lead the elven force Verihed Brigade into the battlefield, intending to insert the enemy into the battlefield. Between the army's left wing and the center, it cuts the Northern Allied Army's front.

John Natalis received reports of heavy losses on the right wing and rumors that all the commanders there were killed.

King Foltest suggested shrinking the right-wing defense line as soon as possible, and immediately mobilized the reserves led by Governor Bronibo to reinforce.

The marshal remained unmoved until he waited for the second report that the Verihed brigade had broken through its own defenses and after the pleas from Count de Ruyter, he decided to dispatch Blenheim Blenco. The surprise attack force led by General Special began to counterattack.

After a brief pre-battle mobilization, Blunkert led his troops quickly over the hill, preparing to penetrate the enemy's right flank. The Nilfgaardian Fenendaal Division who was fighting here discovered the situation and tried to adjust their formation to intercept them. .

In order to ensure that Bruncourt could launch the attack smoothly, Count Cobus de Ruyter held the military flag high, took the lead, and resolutely launched a frontal charge against the enemy, disrupting the enemy's adjustment, and he himself was also in the battle An honorable death.

In order to block the sudden appearance of Bruncott's surprise troops, Marshal Meno Kochran even wanted to lead the attack himself.

After all, the sudden appearance of enemy forces at this time will rewrite the outcome of the entire battlefield, and even the outcome of the empire's northern war.

If he lost, Meno Couchran felt that suicide would not be able to undo his heinous crime.

But just when Meno Cochran was about to take action, a light blue semicircle appeared on the battlefield, and a familiar elite warrior emerged from it.

The familiar carriage and sun flag appeared in mid-air.

It's the Imperial Guard, His Majesty the Emperor's Imperial Guard!His Majesty the Emperor has come to the battlefield in person!

With the appearance of the Imperial Guards, the battle on the battlefield instantly became intense!

The Northern Alliance wanted to see if they could capture the Emperor of Nilfgaard on the battlefield.

The Nilfgaardian army wants to show its face before His Majesty the Emperor.

Rey carried Ciri to the sky above the battlefield, looked at the oncoming Blunkett soldiers below, and smiled. After all, he had been waiting for a long time.

Two golden balls the size of eggs flew into the enemy's army, and two small fiery red mushrooms rose from the ground, shocking the entire battlefield.

Where Blunkett's Raiders were located, the place where the two balls landed was reduced to nothing, turning into a black death place with a diameter of more than a hundred meters. The smell of barbecue and the stench of burning permeated the battlefield.

A loud noise and heat wave swept outward, shocking the entire place.

The morale of the Northern Allied Forces plummeted when they saw this horrific scene, while the morale of the Nilfgaardian army soared due to the cheers of "The Emperor's Personal Visit" and "The Glory of the Sun God".

With each increase and decrease, the initially stalemate battlefield quickly became one-sided, and the Northern Allied Forces were defeated by the Nilfgaardian army...

In this way, the main force of the Northern Allied Forces fell into the dirt and dust of the Brenner battlefield, and the empire's Northern Expedition was able to quickly advance northward!
Brenner was indeed just the beginning of the end, but it was still something to write home about.Because after the victory of Brunner, under the command of Emperor Rey, the Nilfgaardian army quickly captured Horn, Vizima, Goth Velen and Novigrad, and the Northern Expedition achieved great success.

The name of Rey, the new emperor of Nilfgaard, became famous all over the world.

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(End of this chapter)

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