Simulate the heavens from Faerûn

Chapter 167 Coronation and Explanation 【Subscription】

Chapter 167 Coronation and Explanation 【Subscription】

Not long after the Nilfgaardian army invaded the Golden Tower City, they started peace talks with the northern countries.

After all, whether it was the vast occupied area that stretched the army of less than 30 men, the timely succession to the Nilfgaardian throne and its legitimacy, or the domestic restlessness and pressure, all forced Rey to end the war as soon as possible.

(Hmm~ Well, it’s actually Ray who has lost interest in playing chess and torturing novices. Relatively speaking, he still feels comfortable fighting female monsters when he returns home...)
The northern countries were also frightened by Rey's god-like posture, and had no intention of resisting. Moreover, the troops in their hands were insufficient, and their morale was even more dispirited. In the country, rebellions and various pressures continued to occur due to the war. They end wars.

Even if there are frustrated people among them, who cares about these land-losing dogs when they are already unable to protect themselves.

After watching the army invade the city, Rey arranged the peace talks and teleported back to the Golden Tower City with Ciri and the Imperial Guard.

During the more than ten days of battle, the Imperial Guards were also conquered by Rey's god-like strength. He destroyed the city with one finger and swept through thousands of armies. He was as powerful as a broken bamboo and looked like gods. Each of the Imperial Guards became A fan of Rey.

Even without Emhyr's death, they were willing to fight for Rey.


Nilfgaard, the city of golden towers, the royal palace.

Vatir de Lidoux was sad and depressed. His Majesty Emhyr, whom he served, had passed away. This was the foundation of his foothold in the country. However, he died suddenly. For Vatir, this was a heavy blow. One blow left him dejected, nervous, upset and confused.

But Vatier must concentrate and remain cautious and vigilant to avoid saying stupid things when talking to the new emperor. After all, the era of change will not favor those who are nervous and incompetent.

Moreover, he is not too familiar with the new emperor Rey. He must use his outstanding performance to win the trust of the new emperor and continue his power.

"Invaluable help to the merchant guild..."

Lei Yi said with a faint smile, "The late emperor has repaid them accordingly. The late emperor also gave them full privileges, which are more than the previous three emperors combined. In addition, you also know that all I have gained is The fate has already been determined and has nothing to do with the merchant guild, so if they are willing to contribute to my coronation, let them go..."

"If your Majesty allows you..."


"We can test the Merchant Guild's attitude toward you through this coronation, and once again weaken their strength and influence..."

"That's a good suggestion, Vatier."

Vatier de Lidoux breathed a sigh of relief.He turned his head carefully, so he was the first to notice the two ladies walking towards him - Shirley, and the blond girl who was chatting passionately with her.

"They are here." He gestured with his eyeballs, "Your Majesty, please allow me to remind you...for the legitimacy of inheritance and the interests of the empire..."

"That's enough." Rey interrupted impatiently, "I said, I will think about it. Think carefully, and then make a decision. Then, I will tell you my decision. (Thinking about it!) You can’t imagine the joy of twins!)”

"Yes, Your Majesty the Emperor."

"Is there anything else?" the new emperor of Nilfgaard said impatiently, tapping the railing of the balcony with his fingers, "Vatier, what are you waiting for?"

"The matter of Stephen Skellen..."

"No mercy, the late Emperor said - all traitors must die. But only after a fair trial..."

"I understand, Your Majesty."

Vatier bowed and said goodbye.Rey didn't even look at him as he left.The emperor was looking at Ciri and the blond girl.

"Here! Here, my twins are here..."

Rey thought to herself that Ciri was walking over with a girl who looked exactly like her. She was a fake princess, the fake queen of Cintra, a fake used by Emhyr to confuse the public. She followed Ciri towards Rey. Yi walked over with her eyes downcast and full of fear. She was wearing a long silk dress with green sleeves and a necklace in the not-so-low neckline.

Rey looked at the two of them intently, and quickly noticed the huge difference between the two. The biggest external difference was their hair color. Siri had a head of silver hair, while the fake Siri had a head full of blond hair. , it is easy to distinguish the two.

The rest is that because of the awakening of the ancient blood, Ciri's face is more refined and beautiful, leaning towards the appearance of an elf, while the fake Ciri is slightly inferior, with a more human appearance. In fact, she is almost the same as Ciri. More than [-]% similarity.

The two have their own flavors, and Rey said he likes them both.

"Distinguished ladies." Rey bowed to the fake Ciri first and left Nilfgaard's throne room. It was their first meeting. Even the emperor must maintain basic etiquette and demeanor towards women. After all, he will be in the future. With friends who have lived together for a long time, it is always good to leave a good impression.

Fake Xi Rui curtsied in return and lowered his head. He was polite in front of the new emperor. Although he had not yet ascended the throne, he was the emperor after all.

Ciri, on the other hand, trotted up to Rey, hugged Rey's arm tightly, and said happily: "Oh my God! Rey, if I hadn't come here, I really didn't expect that there would be anyone here." It’s a miracle that he looks so much like me!”

Rey nodded with a smile, touched her head, lowered his head and whispered to her: "Yes, Ciri~! The world is so big, there are all kinds of surprises, and people can always find surprising things... But no matter what, Like, you are also a unique person in my heart, no one can replace you, just like me to you..."

"However, Ciri, we should discuss how to deal with this lady now... After all, she has pretended to be your identity for so long, which is not easy to deal with..."

"Ma'am, come with us for a walk, take my arm. Be happy, it's just a walk."

The three of them walked side by side on a path, with members of the Royal Guard, the elite Praetorian Guard, following in the distance, keeping alert at all times. They were all well-trained and knew how to protect the emperor and when not to disturb them. he.

They passed a pond, which was empty and exuded a sad atmosphere. The old carp that the old emperor had kept had long since died, leaving it completely empty. The servants always knew how to make the new ruler happy.

"Xirui, we should release a young and strong carp here and plant lotus flowers... Some things have ended, but some things will begin. Now is a new era, a new era, and the palace has a new owner. …We have to leave our own mark…”

"Hmm~! Okay, I think it would be particularly beautiful to plant lotus flowers here..."

Rey and Ciri were caught up in a heated discussion about their new home. They were immersed in their world just like they had discussed transforming Tir Na Lea before, and almost forgot about the other girl holding his arm.But her body heat and the scent of lilies reminded him of her presence.

The three of them stopped by the pond. There was a man-made island in the middle of the pond, with a rockery, a fountain and a marble statue on it.

Rey grabbed the fake Ciri's shoulders and asked her to turn around to face him and Ciri, "What do you think we should do with you...fake Ciri!"

"I don't know..." she stammered, "Your Majesty the Emperor...I..."

He held her hand, and he could feel her twitching, the tremors spreading through his hands, arms, and shoulders, and she was so panicked now.

"What's your name?! Don't tell me, your name is Cirella Fiona."

"I am Cirilla Fiona."

"I really want to punish you, punish you severely. Shirley, look at how unrepentant she is now..."

"I understand, Your Majesty, I deserve it. I'm sorry, Your Highness Ciri...but I...I must be Cirilla Fiona."

"Ciri," he didn't let go of her hand, "look at how hard she is talking now..."

Xi Rui looked at the fake Xi Rui who was crying but stubbornly persisting, and suddenly thought of herself. Because it looked so much like herself, Xi Rui could understand her stubbornness.

Although the fake Ciri pretended to be her own identity, Ciri felt that she could forgive her because it did not cause any loss to her.

However, Xi Rui also knew that in order to maintain the majesty of the imperial power and the procedural justice of the law, Xi Rui would definitely die if she had committed a serious crime.
"Forget it," she said softly, "Rey, let's let her go...she is too pitiful..."


"But Ciri, if you let her go, it will not only affect the empire's rule, but also have a serious impact on your reputation..."

"If I... were really Cirilla, maybe it would have an impact. But I am just a fake, a fake, a worthless counterfeit, nothing..."

He turned sharply and grabbed her arm.Then he let her go and took a few steps back.

"No, sometimes for some people, truth or falsehood doesn't matter!" Rey said softly, but very quickly.

"What they need is a target, a breakthrough and a stain... True or false is not important... You understand what I mean..."

He shut his mouth, took a breath, and pretended not to notice that the girl was shaking her head and denying his accusations, and what she had yet to say was even more egregious.

Hearing this, Ciri took a loud, deep breath and said, "Rey, if that's the case, we can just keep her with me... That way there won't be any problems..."

"Well~ Your Highness Xirui, I am willing to stay, please don't drive me away..."

"Little moth, do you know that you are flying towards the flame?"

"I know, Your Majesty."

They were silent for a long time, and the breath of spring suddenly swirled around them.

Looking at the sensible Ciri, Rey hugged her, held her close to his chest, and stroked her flower-scented hair.

"Rey, can my grandmother, Geralt and Yennefer attend our wedding?"

Ciri asked, blushing in Rey's arms.

"Of course, that is the most important moment in your life. They will definitely come. I will ask someone to give them a good position..." "Then what should she... do?"

Ciri pointed at the fake Ciri and asked, thinking about Rey. After all, this scene was not easy to take her with.

"Hmm~! How about letting her be your maid, call her little Xiri..."


The bells resounded throughout the city of golden towers, noble, deep and solemn bells, but also seemed inexplicably sad.

What an extraordinary beauty, Archbishop Erbil thought.

Like everyone else, he watched as the servants hung the portrait on the wall. The painting was more than a yard high, maybe even two yards high.

"Extraordinary beauty. I bet she's half-breed, with elf blood in her veins."

So beautiful, she looks so much like Her Majesty Emhyr, and so much like Her Majesty Pavetta... Hmm... There is no doubt that she is the daughter of the late emperor, of royal blood, the legal ruler of the Golden Tower City, and Cintra. The Queen, for sure.

For the sake of the Empire, Ciri was destined to become the wife of His Majesty Rey, Queen of Cintra and Queen of Nilfgaard. There was no doubt that this was her destiny.

This is the need of political rationality and the need of history.

When the portrait was finally hung, the servants removed the ladder and turned to leave.

At the end of the long row of dust-blackened portraits of the nobles of the Golden Tower City, under the portrait of the proud Emhyr and next to the portrait of the handsome and majestic Rey, the last portrait was hung.

The portrait shows the current monarch, the heir to the royal bloodline and the crown.

It was a slender girl with silver hair and joyful eyes, wearing a long white dress with purple sleeves.

Cirilla Fiona Aeron Rhianlen.

Queen of Cintra, Queen of Nilfgaard.

This is destiny.

As the decorations in the church were neatly arranged, Nilfgaard's nobles and high-ranking officials arrived one after another, and the wedding and coronation ceremony of Rey and Ciri began immediately.

Under the auspices of Bishop Erbil, Rey and Ciri sincerely recited their oaths to the statue of the Sun God.

Later, Bishop Erbil took out a sealed scroll and read Emhyr's will loudly in front of all the nobles present.

"Today... Ray Voorhis..."

Emhyr's will completely shattered some people's luck.

After the reading was completed, without waiting for the bishop to make a move, the crown enshrined next to the statue quickly flew up and was firmly placed on the heads of the two men.

After all, besides taking the crown of the Pope from himself and the gods, who can crown him? !

At the same time, the bells rang in the city of golden towers, startling a flock of seagulls.


The bells resounded through the city of golden towers, over the mansard roofs of the merchants' houses, and down into the narrowest and most remote streets.

Fireworks roared into the sky, firecrackers exploded, and the crowd cheered, shouted, threw hats into the air, and waved handkerchiefs, scarves, and flags.

"Long live Nilfgaard!"


"Glory to the Emperor!"

Walking along the main road in front of the palace, the Nilfgaardian army dressed in costumes, they formed a row of four, and the fur of their mounts was smooth and shiny, walking side by side at an orderly pace.

Their mounts were like their riders, calm and proud, undaunted by the cheers and shouts of the crowd. Facing the flying coins and flowers, they only shook their heads slightly with an imperceptible amplitude.

"Long live the Emperor!"

"Oh, okay. Attention, Albas! Look to the left... and follow the same path!"

They straightened their backs in the saddle and turned their heads to the stands on the palace gate and the thrones placed on them, the great Emperor Rey and Her Highness Queen Shiri.

"Long live Nilfgaard! Long live Rey Voris! Long live Cirilla Fiona!"

"Long live His Majesty the Emperor!"

"Long live our King! Long live Foltest, Demavi, and Henselt!"

"Long live the Pope!" some shouted.

"Long live the Pope!" Several neat shouts came from the crowd, obviously prepared to build momentum.

Archbishop Erbir Ranbir Chalamitaro of the City of Golden Towers smiled and nodded to Rey, which seemed to be his handiwork and congratulations.

Rey and Ciri stood up, stretched out their hands to bless the civilians and soldiers, and waved to them.

At the same time, a ray of light shot out from Rey's hand, forming a ball of light in mid-air, emitting a warm light, and the atmosphere on the scene became more and more lively.

The crowd was cheering.The ground under the horses' hooves was covered with a carpet of flowers.

"Marvelous, elf! Long live Nilfgaard!"

"Long live the Emperor!"

In the City of Golden Towers, the veterans of the Elf Volunteer Corps stepped forward, carrying bows and arrows on their backs, and stepped on the paving stones with uniform and brisk steps.

The elves marched in formations of five, waving flags depicting forest patterns.

"Long live Nilfgaard! Long live the Emperor!"

"Glory and honor to the Emperor!"

The elven officers maintained their formation and serious expressions, stood in front of the stands, and then saluted.

The nobles and businessmen's unions in the stands were shocked when they saw this scene. The emperor had received the support of the army and had secured his throne.

It was too late to overthrow the sudden new emperor.


The bustling emperor's wedding and coronation, as well as the grand military parade, heated up the entire Golden Tower City.

Before the afterglow dissipated, that afternoon, the square in front of the palace became lively again.

The justice ignored the crowd of onlookers around him and read to the prisoner Shi Kelun who was tied to the pillar:

"Stephen Skellen, son of Bertram Skellen and former Royal Coroner, please rise. By the grace of the Great Sun, the Supreme Court of the Eternal Empire has uncovered the evil deeds of which you are accused."

"You have committed treason and actively participated in a conspiracy against the Empire and His Majesty the Emperor himself. Your crime has been verified and proven, and this court has not found any circumstances that can reduce your sentence. His Majesty the Emperor himself has prohibited any conduct against you. form of absolution.”

"Stephen Skellen, son of Bertram Skellen, after you leave the court, you will be escorted to the prison fortress and imprisoned there until the moment of your death."

"As a traitor to your native Nilfgaard, you are unworthy of ever setting foot here again - you will lie on a wooden plank and be dragged by horses to Millennium Square."

"As a traitor to your homeland Nilfgaard, you are no longer worthy of breathing the air here - you will have a noose around your neck and hang between heaven and earth. You will hang in the air until you die. Then your body will They were incinerated and their ashes were scattered in the wind that blew in all directions.

"Stephen Skellen, son of Bertram Skellen, you are a traitor. As Lord Chancellor of the Imperial Court, I hereby pronounce your sentence - and this will be the last time I pronounce your name. From now on. , please forget this name."

 The grades of this book are not good, I am busy looking for a job, and I feel irritable...

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(End of this chapter)

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