Day by day in the infinite game

Chapter 133 133 Laws of Nature

Chapter 133 133. Natural Laws
The little humpback whale that lost its mother is still very immature. In an ocean filled with fierce competition and dangers, it is difficult to grow up safely without shelter.

Other ferocious predators in the ocean, such as killer whales and great white sharks, will not let go of the immature humpback whale calves.

It is said that humpback whales have three major daily hobbies: eating, sleeping, and hunting killer whales.When humpback whales and killer whales meet on a narrow road, they will step forward and give the killer whales a slap in the face. Even if they hear the hunting sound of killer whales from a distance, they will rush over and give them a good beating, just because killer whales particularly like to attack. Young humpback whale.This incident spread throughout the sea, and the relationship between humpback whales and killer whales was firmly established.

The giant octopus, which can fight adult sperm whales, is also a threat to it.

However, if human intervention is carried out for this reason, will it affect their wildness and affect their adaptation to this marine environment where the weak and the strong eat?
There are many similar examples in reality. Orphaned lion cubs, leopard cubs, and tiger cubs in nature are raised by humans and then released into the mountains, forests and grasslands suitable for their survival. It is undeniable that many of them quickly adapt to the wild. environment, they can successfully survive and even find a partner to reproduce; but there are many who have lost their ability to survive in the wild after returning to nature, cannot hunt independently, cannot adapt to the wild environment, and gradually become weak and weak until death.

Every life in nature is trying to survive. In order to survive, it must eat enough. Sometimes the hunting scenes that look bloody and cruel to us are actually games for survival.

Big fish eat small fish, small fish eat shrimp.

The lion eats the antelope and the antelope eats the green grass.

The complete food chain is connected end to end and is indispensable.

"But if you do nothing, you won't be able to pass this test in your heart." Tang Qinqin looked at Mengru beside him, "How will these two little guys survive in the future?"

"Don't think so much. If it doesn't work, you can contact the Marine Animal Protection Organization and see what they do. You are not a superman, so you can't and don't have to do everything yourself."

Mengru was as sensible as ever.

Tang Qinqin was stunned after hearing this.

Yes, what are you trying to do? The power of one person is limited, but what about the power of many people?There is a hierarchy of knowledge, there are specialties in the arts, and there are professionals who are good at all aspects.Instead of thinking about baldness here, it is better to leave relevant issues to professionals.

"I was stunned. Thank you, Aru." Tang Qinqin figured it out, and hugged Mengru in a bear hug.

"We never fight alone. When we encounter problems, we should find solutions together. Let more people participate, and you may get unexpected surprises."

Tang Qinqin nodded repeatedly after hearing this.

As expected of someone who wants to take over a family business, Meng Ru's situation looks bigger than hers from a distance.

The sea turtle with a severely deformed shell in the accompanying space has almost recovered, and new skin has grown on the strangled area. Although its shell cannot be restored, it has developed some affection after getting along with Obsidian. , harvested a "new tortoise shell" woven from spider silk - it was covered on the surface of the deformed tortoise shell. Impact, wear resistance and other effects, the surface of the spider silk has been specially treated, which can prevent barnacles and other organisms from grabbing on the turtle shell to parasitize to the greatest extent.

Tang Qinqin didn't know how two children in the sea and on the surface could communicate smoothly and develop friendship despite the language barrier.

Maybe animals share a common language?


Coral reefs are magical and fascinating places, and they are also one of the most ecologically and economically valuable ecosystems on earth.They occupy less than 0.1% of the ocean area, but are home to 25% of the world’s marine animals.

Its unique charm attracts many tourists every year to watch, snorkel, check in, etc.

Tang Qinqin and his friends were gathering at a shallow coral reef group to marvel at the beautiful scenery.

Coral reefs are formed from the growth of thousands of coral polyp skeletons made of calcium carbonate over hundreds to thousands of years.

It has relatively high requirements for the seawater environment, so the water quality in which it lives is clear and clear, making it pleasing to the eye.

Tang Qinqin was like a primary school student squatting on the ground watching the ants move curiously and intently. He stayed in a corner of the coral reef, his eyes flashing with wonder from time to time.

Colorful coral groups of various shapes make this place very dreamy and charming. No wonder the mermaids, the daughters of the sea, always appear in the shots.

The coral polyp, which is as big as a grain of rice, is a coelenterate. Its body is mainly composed of skeletons and polyps. In fact, it is inconspicuous in the vast sea.They live in groups, rely on each other, absorb calcium and carbon dioxide in the sea water, secrete limestone, and turn it into the shell of their own survival. They slowly work together to accumulate islands and reefs, that is, coral reefs.

The more you come into contact with these, the more incredible and shocking you feel about life.

Various sea anemones fixed on the coral reefs swayed with the turbulence of the sea water, and various colorful fishes shuttled in and out of gaps to look for food, performing a classic show of hide-and-seek between the predator and the prey. There are starfish, seahorses, etc. that look lazy but move quickly.

Some of these species have established friendly symbiotic relationships over long periods of time.

For example, zooxanthellae provide nutrients to corals, while coral polyps provide habitats. It is the symbiotic relationship between the two that creates the colorful coral colors and is the basis for maintaining the stability of the coral reef ecosystem.

Similar relationships include clownfish and sea anemones, shiny bacteria and angler fish, etc.

There is also a type of small fish that specializes in "cleaning services" and organizes groups to clean and care for the skin of fish such as bass, sharks, and even sea turtles that are much larger than themselves.

"It's incredible." Tang Qinqin blinked and still refused to move.

The little lives here are so cute. They work hard to survive and benefit each other. In this fiercely competitive and cruel ocean world, they work together to create amazing and charming scenery.

"There are a lot of Nemo here." Lan Lan came over and communicated with Tang Qinqin using gestures with her hands and feet.

It seemed that the tacit understanding between friends had worked. Tang Qinqin understood what she meant instantly, and the two looked at each other and smiled.

While being mesmerized by the underwater scenery, they were also thinking.

The "lower" creatures in nature still know how to cooperate and coexist, so how can we, as advanced intelligent creatures-human beings, only care about our own development and survival?
Not only humans themselves should unite, but all things in nature should coexist harmoniously, which is the strategy for long-term development.

 There were violent storms all day long, and the power of Plum Blossom Landing was too strong.Located in a coastal city on the land of Qilu, he shivered in his room.

(End of this chapter)

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