Day by day in the infinite game

Chapter 134 134 Visit to the Institute of Oceanography

Chapter 134 134. Visit to the Institute of Oceanography
Coral reefs in the South China Sea are the areas with the richest and most widely distributed coral species in my country. There is a very important building in the coastal area - the National Oceanographic Research Institute.

The people who had been swimming in the sea for nearly half a month now arrived by boat and entered the gate under the guidance of professionals.

They came here mainly to visit the coral breeding base. The first thing they came to was the coral reef ecological simulation laboratory.

There are more than 7000 known species of corals in the world, usually including soft corals, gorgonians, red corals, stony corals, horned corals, sea anemones, etc.

There are more than 80 precious coral varieties collected in the laboratory, with different shapes, some are flexible and stretched, some are gorgeous and colorful, and each one makes people forget to leave.

"There are so many types of corals. They are so beautiful." Tang Qinqin felt for a moment that he looked like Grandma Liu when she entered the Grand View Garden. There were so many beautiful scenery that her eyes were not enough.

In the transparent glass tank, the clownfish swims leisurely beside various corals, which is extremely comfortable.

"It's quite happy to be a fish." Lan Lan couldn't help saying sourly.

"Maybe this is the salted fish we all yearn for." Tang Qinqin said with a smile.

"Haha~" Yang Qing accidentally heard it, covered her mouth and narrowed her eyes with a smile.

If you could live in such a beautiful and dreamy place, and see beautiful scenery every day when you open your eyes, becoming a fish would be a good choice.

"We cultivate corals for research and to protect them. Everyone has heard of coral reef degradation, right?" the person in charge of the base said: "Because of air pollution, seawater pollution, climate warming, human activities and other reasons, coral reefs are declining. They are dying out at an extremely fast rate. Global warming has caused the content of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere to increase. When it reaches a certain value, it will cause the acidification of seawater. We all know that the shells of corals are made of calcareous material. Once the seawater becomes acidic, they will quickly dissolve to protect them. If the coral reefs become extinct, the coral reefs will become extinct."

"There is also the problem of coral bleaching, which is also closely related to global warming. It is also affected by turbid seawater, low light transmittance, viruses, etc., which leads to the death of a large number of micro-algae living in it, causing the coral to fade and turn white. This is actually It is a degradation that severely impacts the symbiotic marine species that depend on coral reefs, with severe impacts on marine ecology and property."

"According to research, the sunscreen we use every day can also affect or even cause the bleaching of coral reefs. So I hope everyone will try not to apply sunscreen when going to the sea in the future, and work together to protect our endangered and precious coral groups."

"It's a good thing we don't like smearing, otherwise we would have harmed so many marine life." Lan Lan was afraid for a while.

"In addition to being an important ecological component of the seabed, coral can also be used as ornaments. It is also a precious medicinal material that can calm the nerves, stop bleeding, and improve eyesight."

"Some scientific researchers believe that coral reefs are the cradle of nurturing marine life and the basis for ensuring the endless survival of marine life."

"Can the coral seedlings we cultivated be transplanted directly into the sea?" Bei Qiao raised his hand and asked.

"Of course, but we will make preparations beforehand, select a suitable area in advance, install piles and supports, put in artificial reefs, cement piles, etc., to provide habitats for the growth of corals."

As he said that, the person in charge showed everyone the flat screen in his hand: "We have professional marine researchers and coral cultivators. Under normal circumstances, they will work underwater every day to check the growth of cultivated corals and carry out seabed afforestation projects. .”

Submarine afforestation is actually the process of cultivating and transplanting corals on the seabed.

"This job is so awesome." The players were starry-eyed and envious one after another.

"Do you have any shortage of part-time workers?" Someone couldn't help but ask.

"Because cultivating corals is a very important job, we usually recruit people with professional experience, and they also need to be able to dive. I haven't considered part-time jobs yet, but the cause of protecting coral reefs really requires everyone to participate. Come in."

"Let's give it a try if we have a chance in the future." Tang Qinqin whispered in the ears of Mengru and Lan Lan.

With such a romantic and meaningful job, I feel so healed and motivated every day!
After touring the entire coral cultivation base, everyone was full of excitement.

After enjoying a wonderful visual feast, I feel that my whole aesthetics has been improved to a higher level.

Tang Qinqin held the book and asked the staff for tips on how to cultivate corals. She wanted to try to learn how to cultivate corals herself.

It is beautiful, has medicinal value, and is of great ecological significance. For such a cute baby, she doesn’t want it to ever retire from the stage of history.

Although growing herbal medicine is different from raising corals. Corals are animals and they grow in different environments. However, the principles remain the same. Remember the key points, work hard, and believe that you can do it.


As the person in charge of the Marine Research Institute said before, the placement of artificial reefs is suitable for corals and other marine organisms to breed and inhabit. The boulders and sunken ships on the seabed are also secret paradises for marine organisms.

Speaking of shipwrecks, we have to mention the ancient maritime age of our country. People initially explored the unknown sea and began to trade with surrounding countries. Navigation technology was not very mature. In the process of gradual exploration and progress, many ships encountered accidents at sea. It sank due to the overwhelming wind and waves.

Along with it, many precious treasures were buried in the sea, such as various types of porcelain and bronze ware that were at their peak at that time.

Some treasures were buried deep underground with time or the movement of the seafloor crust. Some treasures can still vaguely show their appearance at that time, lying quietly on the seabed, just waiting for someone who is destined to find them and tell them the story of that time.

Someone once found a statue of Bodhisattva on the seabed, sitting firmly on a rock, spending many unknown hours in silence with a gentle expression on his face.

In addition to shipwrecks, there are also ruins submerged by the sea.

Affected by the movement of the earth's crust and the diversion of lakes and rivers, many towns where humans have lived from ancient times to the present have been buried deep underwater.

The game mission of the players this time is to find the lost treasure under the sea.

The rules of the game are rather harsh, but completely understandable: "Do not damage the marine environment and interfere with marine life as little as possible. At the same time, protect underwater cultural relics."

This actually makes the game more difficult for players.

The situation on the seabed is no more complicated than on land, and there are many variables and dangers.On this basis, discovering treasures "harmlessly" is probably as difficult as requiring players to shell a raw egg without destroying the shell membrane.

What's more, there are thousands of sunken ships on the seabed. No one knows which one has treasures, is valuable for excavation and adventure, and which one does not. Whether there are any marine life living on the sunken ship, they can only go there in darkness. explore.

The game only gives players a map that marks the approximate location, and the rest requires the players to collectively burn their brains.

 The doors and windows rattled in the strong wind, and from time to time there was a rattling sound of extreme pulling.terrible.

  Plum Blossom, we're almost done, you've worked hard too, take a rest!

  I hope that my motherland is safe and my compatriots are safe and happy! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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