Day by day in the infinite game

Chapter 136 Chapter 136

Chapter 136
We also called in some people with experience in underwater archaeology, and after working for four or five hours, the part of the sunken ship buried in the mud on the seabed was finally excavated.

"Quick, put the iron sheet on!" Regardless of whether other people could hear it or not, the person who spoke excitedly directed.

Fortunately, there was more than one experienced person, and soon the upper and lower sides of the ancient sunken ship were tightly wrapped in iron sheets. After confirming that the ropes were tied and no other remaining cultural relics were found on the seabed, the ancient sunken ship was slowly lifted up.

After everyone worked together to fill the dug hole, they continued to swim to the next destination.

As for the archaeological excavation of ancient shipwrecks, it is naturally left to professionals.

However, the legend of this sea area may be true, because the place they arrived at this time was less than 200 meters away from the location where the ancient sunken ship had just been salvaged.

It seemed that he just turned around in the sea, turned a corner, and came to another shipwreck site.

This time, though, it doesn't look like luck.

The whole sunken ship has been sleeping on the seabed in an upside-down position for hundreds of years, with the bottom of the ship facing up. It is not known whether the masts, cabins, etc. on the ship were damaged by the impact or were buried deep in the seabed. The condition of the ship cannot be seen from the outside.

The hull of the ship is very large, about ten meters long, and is covered with thick lime, seaweed, etc. In a less obvious corner on one side, there is a hole that can barely accommodate a person through.

"Isn't it? Isn't this a robbery cave?" The archaeologists lamented again and again, and hurriedly stepped forward to check carefully.

In fact, compared to rampant tomb robbers on land, the difficulties faced by looters at the bottom of the sea are undoubtedly many times greater.

Undersea cultural relics can therefore be preserved relatively intact and not disturbed.

After experienced people carefully cleaned up the debris around the hole, they found that this was probably the main cause of the shipwreck.

There are spider web-like cracks all around the hole, which look more like they were caused by a violent impact. It may be that hundreds of years ago, the ship accidentally hit a reef or other objects while sailing, and the hull leaked, eventually leading to the shipwreck. occur.

Although it can be seen that this ship is indeed an ancient sunken ship and has the characteristics of the times, no one is sure whether it is a merchant ship carrying cargo and whether there are any exciting treasures to be discovered.

Now that we are here, there is no reason why we should not understand it.

They gently tapped the hull with a small hammer, and after the possible fishes were frightened and swam away, everyone carefully followed the hole and entered the interior of the hull.

The inside of the upside-down sunken ship formed a dark space. Even if everyone turned on their headlights, the range of vision was very small.

The internal structure of the hull was in chaos, with various decayed wooden components scattered around, some even broken into pieces.It should be that the original decks and rooms were damaged by the impact of the seabed, resulting in the current appearance.

Even if there was once a shipwreck of priceless and exquisite treasures, there are probably not many that can survive now and not be scrapped.

Although they had no hope, everyone who came in still patiently inspected the hull of the ship and looked through the mud on the seabed to see if they could find anything unexpected.

Some small fish, shrimps, crabs and the like hidden on the seabed fled around like frightened birds. For a while, the surrounding seawater was almost filled with tiny creatures.

An archaeologist took a small hammer and tapped gently everywhere on the hull, listening carefully to the echo and feeling the different vibrations to determine whether there were interlayers in the hull.

If there is nothing worth studying about this sunken ship, it is likely that it will lie on the bottom of the sea forever and never see the light of day.

Tang Qinqin followed her new good friend, a sea turtle, and swam into the inside of the upside-down hull.

As a famous longevity animal on the sea floor, sea turtles can generally live for about 150 years, and they reach adulthood only when they are 20-30 years old. However, although they reproduce quickly, their survival rate is not high. The eggs laid in soil pits on land are only newly hatched. The hatchlings can easily become delicacies for other animals. Only a small number of them can reach the sea safely, and they have to face many survival tests during their growth.

The turtle with whom Tang Qinqin had a friendly exchange was about 50 to [-] years old. It had a lot of mysterious underwater adventure stories to tell Tang Qinqin. In exchange, it could also learn more about human growth stories from Tang Qinqin.

"My grandparents once told us a story, saying that they saw a giant monster falling from the sea with many strange things in its belly. Some were shiny, some were round and flat, and they were easily broken when hit. Some of them are dusty and heavy. But almost without exception, they are very toothless items. Many marine creatures who were curious about them used to chew on its various parts, and finally returned in despair." The turtle said. The speed is slightly slow, the voice is low, and it has a storytelling atmosphere.

When Tang Qinqin heard the word "sparkling", he thought it must be something good, and only real gold and silver could be "sparkling".

"So about this big monster," Tang Qinqin pointed at the sunken ship they had just entered, "Is there any legend about it?"

These "ocean natives" call sunken human ships "big monsters" and "giant monsters." In their long lives, sea turtles have seen and heard far more colorful things than other marine creatures. These shipwreck stories are also more likely.

"We sea turtles generally like to live alone. It is difficult to see family members and have fewer friends in our lives. However, our personalities are relatively docile and it is easy to get along well with other marine animals. I have heard many versions about monsters in this sea area. You have to judge for yourself whether it is true or false.”

Then he told Tang Qinqin several versions of the story he had heard.

"Grey, hard bumps?" What is that?After listening to one of the stories, Tang Qinqin was a little curious about the point mentioned in it and wondered in his heart.

Maybe it was the iron ore that was carried on the ship at that time?

So, what was mentioned in the story just now is a lot of iron ore?

Tang Qinqin looked around, found Song Yuanze, and told him his guess.

But after listening to this, Song Yuanze had his own ideas.

He typed in the friend chat box: "I know. Leave it to me." Then he added a bright smile.

When Tang Qinqin looked up, he saw him looking at him with a smile.

Holding the little deer's pounding heart, he sucked in his unfulfilled breath, but he was screaming in his heart: "Gentle crit! I'm going to die!"

Song Yuanze was responsible for liaising with the archaeologists. After they jointly continued to excavate about six or seven meters down, they finally discovered some shipwrecks, rotten wood, broken porcelain fragments, and the legendary hard lumps. ——Silver ingots, copper coins, stone carvings, lacquerware, etc.

The joy of the undersea archaeologists is obvious, and these are not the only precious cultural relics that were excavated. The well-preserved and very representative Longquan celadon was also found in the mud, which is a testimony of that era.

After a long period of accumulated experience in archaeology, we have discovered that the best protection for cultural relics is to intervene as little as possible. For them, the truly suitable places are not museums and exhibition halls, but the seabed and underground.

(End of this chapter)

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