Day by day in the infinite game

Chapter 137 137 Cultural Relics Protection

Chapter 137 137. Cultural Relics Protection
If it were not for the reports received from the masses, some criminals would steal and smuggle cultural relics for personal gain, which would cause devastating damage to the precious cultural relics on the seabed and cause national treasures to flow overseas. In fact, archaeologists and cultural relics protection departments are more I hope they can sleep peacefully at the bottom of the sea and continue to enjoy peace and quiet without being disturbed.

It is said that when the Terracotta Warriors and Horses from the Mausoleum of Qin Shihuang were discovered, the clothes on the warriors were in bright colors.But as they were unearthed and exposed to the air, the bright colors on the surface quickly oxidized and turned gray, and the original splendor was no longer visible.

I once found a pottery pot of lotus root soup at a ruins. I only had time to look at it and take a photo. After a while, it turned into water and the lotus roots disappeared without a trace.

There are also various magnificent stone carvings and murals, which have not been protected and have lost their original color...

Cultural relics are not only treasures, not just material gains, they also reflect the cultural growth of our nation for more than 5000 years. Through them, we can better contact and understand the ancients and understand the true appearance of people's lives in that era.

Therefore, nowadays, when encountering cultural relics, we generally do not easily excavate them, but give priority to protection.

Sites that have been attacked by tomb robbers need to be rescued and excavated as soon as possible to minimize the damage and loss of various cultural relics.

Regarding undersea cultural relics, the country has now established "Undersea Museums", "Undersea Cultural Relics Sites", etc. Several famous undersea ancient shipwreck sites have been protected as much as possible, such as the "Nanhai No. [-]" shipwreck site, which was basically salvaged from the entire ship. The environment of the entire sunken ship was basically restored to the original environment of the seabed, protecting it to the greatest extent possible and protecting our precious national culture.

Tang Qinqin introduced the cultural relics that gradually revealed their true colors to the turtles beside him.

The turtle tried his best to open his eyes wide, with a confused look on his face, acting out "a small head, a big doubt".

It is said that the IQ of sea turtles is generally low, equivalent to that of a 1-year-old human baby.After trying hard to think about the IQ of one-year-old babies, Tang Qinqin finally gave up on continuing to export culture to the turtles.

"Let's continue to be a carefree birthday boy." Tang Qinqin gently touched its shell and thought to himself.

The overall structure of this sunken ship was severely damaged, and most of the cultural relics were basically deposited in the mud. The entire ship cannot be salvaged, and the cultural relics can only be protected and transported bit by bit.

The originally low-visibility seabed environment was rummaged through by people who were "playing in the mud" and became extremely turbid for a while.

It is generally believed that the ideal underwater archeology is an environment with clear water quality. However, the usual underwater archeology in my country is characterized by turbid water archeology, with low underwater visibility, some of which are only about 20cm.

There is a contradiction in undersea archaeological work. The clearer the water quality, the worse the protection of cultural relics, especially wooden shipwrecks; the worse the water quality, the thicker the silt, the better the protection of cultural relics.

Now this upside-down shipwreck has also verified this point. Many precious cultural relics are protected in the thick silt layer on the seabed.

Archaeologists and cultural relic protection personnel, together with the players, worked hard to carefully touch the mud inside and outside, for fear of missing something.The excavated cultural relics were put directly into the collection box with a thick layer of silt, and were cleaned up on the shore.

However, more and more cultural relics appeared as everyone was arranging them, so much so that they had no choice but to start scheduling and rotating the launching operations.

Seeing boxes of cultural relics being carried up, everyone felt inexplicably the joyful mood of the farmers during the autumn harvest.

Suppressing the curiosity to lift up the mud to see the original appearance of the cultural relics, I continued to speed up the work of searching for treasures in the mud.

When players encounter unknown fragments, they hand them to the professional archaeologists beside them for questioning, nod to keep them, and shake their heads to let them go.

"It's so fun." Tang Qinqin said to Xiao Qi in his heart: "This kind of activity is so popular with me. The sense of participation and accomplishment is really satisfying."

Tang Qinqin has loved watching various archaeological excavation programs on TV since he was a child. He listened to the ups and downs of the commentary and watched the archaeologists constantly unearthing cultural relics with their own light from the ground, even if they just lightly brushed them with a small brush. She could watch the scenes all day long without feeling tired.

If we were to recall what our childhood dreams were when we grew up, Tang Qinqin’s dream must have been to become an archaeologist.

Well, as a child with lofty dreams, she also wants to be a painter, writer, scientist...

Now that he has achieved his wish, the joy in his heart is even stronger. Tang Qinqin really wants to become a professional archaeologist now!
I wish I could learn from Sun Wukong, pluck out my hair and become several versions of myself, and realize every dream...

Since you like it, you should cherish the hard-won opportunities even more.Tang Qinqin was earnestly doing the assigned tasks, carefully groping for objects in the mud, and learning to judge by himself.

However, one thing that makes people feel strange is that this shipwreck has one thing in common with previous shipwrecks: no traces of human remains were found.

It is impossible for a ship full of cargo to sail on the sea without people. I can only secretly guess in my heart that maybe these people were rescued in time and returned to the shore.

In the dark and turbid archaeological excavation site, even if everyone tried to be as gentle as possible with their hands, it was almost impossible to see their fingers.Whatever I touched, I would judge whether it was a cultural relic based on the rough outline in my hand, or I would hold it close to my face and observe it carefully.

Classmate Tang Qinqin habitually held up the unknown long object he touched in front of him, and used the dim headlight to identify it carefully.

Yellowish brown, soft to the touch, with some very fine granular scales on the surface.The whole thing is about as long as her forearm, the snake head...

Snake head! ! !

Tang Qinqin reacted in an instant, and his whole body was a little paralyzed by the sudden fright.

She is most afraid of these reptiles!


I have a sea snake in my hand!
She was trembling, her limbs were weak, and she forced herself to let go of her hand. Fortunately, the sea snake didn't seem to feel the threat or have any stress reaction, and just turned around and swam away.

"Actually, there is no need to be afraid of Qin Qin. I just scanned it. It is a file snake, a sea snake with a very ancient history. What is rare is that it is a rare non-venomous sea snake. It is not too big and is considered very friendly. marine life." Xiao Qi felt Tang Qinqin's panic and comforted him.

"File the snake?" Tang Qinqin muttered, seeming to be comforted by Xiaoqi's words. He gradually became less frightened and his strength gradually recovered.

It turned out that she was just a little cutie. I heard that even fishermen are afraid of sea snakes because they are highly venomous. She was scared just now.

"Yes, you are actually lucky. The rasp snake is very rare now. You are really lucky to see it up close." Xiao Qi said.

There are about 50 known species of sea snakes in the world. They are closely related to cobras and are highly venomous snakes.

The venom of sea snakes is among the strongest animal venoms. It is said that there is no pain when bitten by it, and you may even feel no symptoms for a short period of time. It is easy to be careless and lose the best chance of rescue, leading to serious consequences.

However, most sea snakes will only show their fangs in self-defense when they are harassed.

So when you encounter it while swimming or working in the sea, it is always right to stay away.

Be careful sailing for thousands of years.

(End of this chapter)

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