Day by day in the infinite game

Chapter 315 Chapter 315 Storm at Sea (1)

Chapter 315 315. Storm at sea ([-])

The Jiaolong was bumping up and down with the rough waves gradually rising on the sea, and the sky was getting darker and gloomier.

Players in the cabin can clearly hear the whistling wind outside and the sound of waves hitting the hull.

"The weather on the sea changes like a child's face. It changes at will. Compared with it, the weather in June is a little inferior."

Lao Tian sighed.

His sunbathing plan was interrupted in the middle of the day, and the skin tone he dreamed of was not yet evenly tanned!
"I'm afraid it's not just as simple as the weather changing."

Shen Jinsong frowned and looked through the window at the darkening sky outside.

"If what is expected is true, a hurricane is coming." An old sailor continued what he said: "Bad and extreme weather at sea is actually very common. People who have been wandering at sea all year round have dealt with them."


Lao Tian's eyes widened.

Isn't this a terrible and disastrous weather phenomenon?

Why is there not much panic on the face of this crew member, but a calm expression?
He hurriedly woke up his broken system and asked about the situation of the hurricane.

Hurricanes refer to tropical cyclones that occur in the Atlantic Ocean, eastern North Pacific and other places.

It usually occurs in summer and early autumn, and its arrival is usually accompanied by lightning and thunder, releasing huge amounts of energy in a short period of time.

Hurricanes and the well-known "typhoons" both refer to tropical cyclones with wind speeds of more than 33 meters/second, but they are called different names depending on the region where they occur.

The World Meteorological Organization names hurricanes or typhoons when the maximum average wind speed near the center of a tropical cyclone reaches level 12.

Lao Tian's hand shook.

What is the limit of the Jiaolong's resistance to wind force?


Hurricanes require three conditions to form: warm waters, a moist atmosphere, and the right wind direction over the ocean.

One reason hurricanes originate in tropical oceans is that warm water is their fuel.

As a result, some scientists began to study whether global warming will bring about stronger and more harmful tropical storms.

This issue has not yet been determined, but global climate warming is an indisputable fact, a fact that needs to be faced by all mankind and take corresponding measures to improve it as soon as possible.

The Jiaolong was bumping like a small boat on the vast sea, and the players in the cabin almost vomited into one piece.

Each person had a plastic bag hanging from his ear and was vomiting hard until he felt like the sky was dark and the earth was dark, and his stomach was empty.

The first time they took a "pirate ship" developed by nature, they were unhappy and collectively became seasick.

The old crew members have been running around to take care of them. They are used to dealing with this kind of situation.

Tang Qinqin escaped the disaster of "seasickness" because of the vitality that accompanied her companions. With it, she didn't even feel much bumps.

Thick vitality emanates from its body, making the air in the airtight room fresh and pleasant.

"My strength has not yet recovered, and I am not strong enough to control it. I can only try my best to protect you."

It refers to the tropical cyclone raging outside, the little brother of the Origin of Life that controls the Atlantic Ocean.

Its temperament is far more irritable and fierce than that of the one in the Amazon rainforest. It will bang the table and cause trouble if it disagrees with you, and it will hit someone you don't like. One second it is chatting and laughing, and the next second it will show you what "instant" means. In the meantime, the rafts and oars disappeared into ashes and smoke."

It is also one of the younger brothers with strong strength under the source of vitality.

In recent years, due to frequent human activities, environmental pollution, air pollution, and the increasing amount of garbage discharged into the Atlantic Ocean, its only patience has been increasingly broken down, and angry roars have almost become a daily routine.

To be honest, sometimes I feel tired just thinking about the origin of life.Not to mention that its little brothers feel bitter, lose their temper, and want revenge.

Sometimes it wants to.

Living together under a blue sky means sharing a everyone.

But those who enjoy more resources and gain more benefits are also the main culprits in destroying everyone's environment and stability.

Sometimes it really wants to take action and repair these unmanageable "naughty children".

Let's test it carefully, is it true that "filial sons emerge from under the stick"? !

Tang Qinqin opened the door and came to the cabin where everyone was vomiting into a mess.

The source of vitality has passed through the wall. It doesn't have to do anything. Just staying there has already made the players who were vomiting and turbulent inside feel a little clearer.

Tang Qinqin looked out the window and saw a huge wave crashing on the deck of the Jiaolong, making a deafening roar.

"The hurricane has reached Category 11 and is still on the rise. Thunderstorms are coming soon. The safest thing we can do now is to approach the shore immediately."

The old captain informed everyone in a serious tone.

"Report! A seaspout was spotted 7 nautical miles ahead on the right!"

A crew member hurried over to report the latest situation on the sea.

He sniffed hard, feeling that the air in the cabin, which was still so smoky and sour just now, was much fresher.

Realizing that the current situation was serious, the players all agreed with the old captain's opinion and applied to enter the nearest port to temporarily avoid the limelight.

They have their own life-saving means, and they should be able to protect the crew members who are traveling with them. However, the Jiaolong, the Tie Liao Da Brother, which has contributed the most, continues to be battered by storms and huge waves, and I am afraid that it will not be able to withstand it for long.

While everyone is anxious, the source of vitality is trying to comfort his irritable little brother.

But when the Atlantic tropical cyclone, which was originally unscrupulous, saw the weak and tired big brother, and imagined all the images of it being wronged and injured, it became even more angry and evil.

It accumulated more energy, and roared towards the Jiaolong, which seemed as small as a mayfly in its eyes, with a momentum that seemed overwhelming.

The vital source of efforts to persuade peace:...

No, little brother, why don’t you give me some face?

You should listen to what I have to say.

But the situation was urgent, so it had to quickly wrap the entire hull and try its best to protect the "treasure player".

This is the human being it has placed high hopes on. If something goes wrong, the guy from Light Planet will have to tear it apart!
Seeing this, the Atlantic tropical cyclone was even more annoyed, regardless of whether it was a big brother or not, a higher and bigger wave rushed towards it...

The Jiaolong was protected and bumped a little away from the center of the "battlefield" in the stormy waves.

"Ship, Captain, how long until we arrive at a nearby port?"

asked a player who was so sick from seasickness that he couldn't even speak.

"Currently the closest seaport to us is the United Nations Port, but there has been no response to the application signals sent."

He said with a complicated expression.

The United Nations has always liked to "stand out from the crowd", but it always behaves arrogantly and is not friendly to other countries.

The application for entry into Hong Kong for shelter has been sent for nearly 10 minutes. Due to the urgency of the situation, it has been sent at least ten times, but the other party has not even responded to a signal.

Thinking about it, if nothing else happens, ignoring is their attitude, and they are planning to stand by and ignore them.

(End of this chapter)

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