Day by day in the infinite game

Chapter 316 Chapter 316 Storm at Sea (2)

Chapter 316 316. Storm at sea ([-])
In this case, we can't force it.

However, with the violent winds, rain, lightning, thunder, and huge waves that could sweep them all into it at any time, the danger index was too great as they continued to drift on the sea.

I'm afraid...

Well, it's not up to them to choose now, and it's not the time to blame others.At worst, if they give it a try, at least those young people can survive.

If they can't do it with their old bones, they can sink together with their old friend Jiaolong!

It’s not in vain that we have been together through the wind and rain for so many years...

The old captain sighed silently, but because he had already anticipated the worst outcome in his heart, the panic and anxiety on his face had disappeared, and he began to give instructions to the crew in a clear and orderly manner.

The source of vitality and its rebellious younger brother are still "confronting" at this time, and Dong Mingzhe and others, who can see the situation from the captain's expression, called the players to discuss countermeasures to save themselves.

"First of all, everyone should check their own survival devices to ensure that they are safe and reliable and can be used at critical moments."

All the players obeyed and checked carefully.

"After the inspection, it is confirmed that there is no problem. Then let's think about how to protect the safety of the captain and the others."

"I think we can use the points to exchange for submarine devices. I think choosing a submarine has a higher safety factor."

Changfeng pushed the glasses frame on the bridge of his nose and expressed his thoughts.

"I think it would be safer to exchange helicopters for them to evacuate from here quickly, isn't it?"

Lao Tian takes a different view.

"Can't you see such a big wind and wave? If the helicopter comes, it may be knocked into the sea by the wind and waves. It's too dangerous."

Zheng Guangping is more supportive of Changfeng's idea.

"Do you think it's safer to stay at the bottom of the sea at this time and just let the sea be calm?"

Shen Jinsong said: "It's not that simple. The hurricane raging on the sea will actually affect the bottom of the sea. Look at the wind and waves outside and feel how much air convection such a strong wind will drive, and this convection will then act on On flowing sea water, the underwater world will not be that clean."

"You may have heard of legends such as the so-called 'ghost ship'. The sunken ship on the seabed changes position frequently. In fact, the main reason is caused by hurricanes on the sea surface. It brings huge currents on the seabed and generates huge thrust. The underwater world has undergone a series of earth-shaking and chaotic changes, and I think the risk factor is almost the same whether you choose a submarine or a helicopter in this situation."

After he finished speaking his opinion, the players were silent for a moment.

But if you can’t go to heaven or go to the sea, what else can you do?
Should we directly declare it to be a failure?

Now, the faces of the people who were full of confidence just now were full of sadness.

Tang Qinqin looked at the rough dark blue sea through the window.

It turns out that when a tropical cyclone occurs on the sea surface, the sea bottom is not calm either.

So, how did the marine animals living in it escape this disaster?
Thinking of this, her eyes suddenly lit up.

Perhaps, when things are not completely hopeless, she can try to seek help from sea animals!

But then she could no longer stay in the safety of the cabin.

The level of psychic ability is still in its infancy, and the detection range is not large. If you want to seek help from marine animals in this vast sea, the closer you are to the sea surface, the better the effect.

Tang Qinqin looked back at Song Yuanze and told him what he thought.

After Song Yuanze heard this, his first thought was "You are not allowed to go."

But before the words came out, he also realized that something was wrong, so he turned around in his mouth and turned into "I will go with you."

As gamers, while enjoying the various conveniences brought by golden fingers, they must also shoulder their burdens and responsibilities.

Although the flowers in the greenhouse grow well, the flowers bloom big and fragrant, but when they face the wind and rain outside, they only have the fate of being knocked off the branches and scattered into mud.

If you want to protect her, you can change your approach. While working hard to improve yourself, be by your side silently and provide timely help when she needs it.

Song Yuanze did the ideological work for himself in an instant.

After discussing with the others, the two opened the door and stepped onto the deck amidst worried eyes.

"Wait a moment."

Dong Mingzhe followed closely and called to stop the two of them.

"The wind and waves are strong on the deck, and you two have limited strength. Since you have a plan in your mind, we will support you unconditionally. However," he said while extending his hand to Tang Qinqin: "Sister Tang, I have to thank you for your kindness." Our weaving engineers rushed to use the safety ropes at the production site."

Tang Qinqin, who was originally in some strange situations, was delighted when he heard the words.

"Little Shitou, did you hear that? Get up and work!"

"Weaving Engineer" Obsidian jumped off Erlang's back in high spirits.

As long as the "flattering" shots are in place, work is not tiring at all!
Don't you just want my spider silk? Take it, take it, there are as many sweet-tongued people as you want!
Erlang was dumbfounded as he looked at the different elder brother in front of him.

It seems, seems a bit silly and easy to deceive?

It used its limited brain to think about it for a long time, and suddenly it became a little clear.

It turns out that the eldest brother is doing this!
It smiles like a scumbag who has secretly picked up martial arts secrets, imagining that in the near future he will make a comeback and feel proud... No, he has successfully become the most proud and indispensable "little sweetheart" around his elder brother...

Erlang thus unexpectedly embarked on a road dedicated to "flattery" Obsidian in the future.


After trying several times, Tang and Song came to the main deck of the Jiaolong despite the wind and rain.

The hull of the boat was bumping violently, and the clothes of the two men were blown by the howling wind.

The pouring cold rain mixed with the waves hit their waterproof clothes from time to time, and the coolness penetrated the skin.

The location where the two of them were going was the direction of the bow of the ship. With the turbulence of the waves, it was closer to the sea water, and the success rate of summoning marine animals was higher.

The two of them approached the bow of the ship hand in hand. At the rear of the main deck, a group of male players tightly held the other end of the spider silk rope in their hands, not daring to relax at all.

Soon, taking advantage of another jolt of the Jiaolong, the two "rolled" to the bow of the ship.

Quickly getting up and steadying his body, Tang Qinqin began to release his psychic ability and sense the nearby marine life.

Her ideal target of help is an old acquaintance, the octopus and the hawksbill turtle, but after all, she is far away from them at this time, and it is difficult to save the fire that is far away. She can only try her luck first, hoping that a smart marine animal will come to rescue her.

Once the psychic ability entered the sea, it melted into the water like a drop of ink, and slowly spread out in all directions, searching for the breath of life at the bottom of the sea.

Tang Qinqin clenched his hands nervously, praying for a dolphin, whale or octopus, any sea creature with a developed mind.

(End of this chapter)

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