Popular science physics, teach a magic god?.

Chapter 206 It’s time to settle accounts

Chapter 206 It’s time to settle accounts (1 update)
Time goes back to half a minute ago.

"Everyone led by Ashfield, please appreciate the magical power from our school of physics!" Strength can really change a person. How timid and humble Harry was at the beginning, he is now a master. confidence.The way he raised his arms and shouted in the sea breeze was inexplicably handsome.

Many aristocratic ladies who had survived the disaster couldn't help but look at Harry a few more times.

As Harry finished speaking, hundreds of explosion traps exploded at the feet of the pirates who were preparing to charge at the foot of the mountain. Amidst the continuous booming noises, blood and flesh flew everywhere in the loose formation of the pirates.

Hundreds of red fire pillars shot up into the sky, shooting out more than ten meters high.

The body of the pirate in the center of the trap was completely carbonized in almost an instant. Only the pirates on the edge were severely blown away, evenly dispersed into hundreds of pieces in the high air, and fell in pieces on the beach.

The pirates who didn't step into the trap also had a hard time. The rocks that were blown away during the violent explosion were sputtered out in all directions like grenade fragments. For a while, the pirates' formation was filled with screams.

"What are you afraid of? There are just a few mechanical warlocks on the other side! Rush over!" Barok calmed the remaining pirates with a thunderous roar.

After a brief period of confusion, the pirates became fierce and began to charge up the mountain with croaking and yelling.

The number of pirates is still quite large, between 3000 and [-] people.

They dare to challenge the lord's troops, largely because of the characteristics of the lord's soldiers in this era.Except for those knights and professional soldiers, most peasant soldiers have little fighting ability.Once the core knights are defeated, the peasant soldiers will also be scared away.

What's more, when it comes to generals, the pirates have great confidence in their boss.

This is true.

"Boom!" Baroque, a giant wearing heavy armor, took huge steps and rushed up the mountain like a running tank.

I don’t know how many traps I stepped on along the way.

This guy actually took all the orders and still stopped in his tracks.

The towering figure strode across the element-covered ground, and every step he took made the earth tremble.

At this moment, Baroque looks like a real giant bull demon.

Harry's face showed a rare serious look.To be honest, he doesn't like this kind of reckless man who is so outrageous that he can overcome cleverness with force.This makes him feel very unfulfilled as a trap expert.

"Boom!" Barok seemed to notice something. He jumped ten meters and jumped over a huge pit.

"This is not going to be easy!" Harry rubbed his eyebrows. At this time, he slowly turned his head: "Junior Sister Flora, do you know why Master asked Matt to come with him?"


Harry said directly to Matt: "Matt, can you make sure this guy falls into a pit and can't get out?"

"Okay!" After swallowing the last dragon meat bun, Matt rushed over excitedly and hit Baroque with a [Bigby Diamond Punch] on the head as he jumped over the second pit!
A huge arcane fist appeared out of thin air and hit Baroque hard.

"Tch!" Matt spat in a rare breath. The synchronized touch returned from the arcane fist made him feel as if a punch had hit ten layers of dragon skin.The thick skin on the opponent's body is full of toughness, and when he punches it, there is a wonderful feedback feeling that the force of the fist rebounds back.

Harry was a little surprised. Of course he knew the strength of his fourth junior brother.

With one Vajra punch, he would punch half a meter deep into the mountain wall.

With such a punch, nothing happened to the opponent.

Fortunately, Baroque was in mid-air with no way to rely on his strength, so he was unprepared for this fist that appeared out of thin air.Being hit by a Vajra punch without being injured does not mean that there was no reaction force.

The effect of force is mutual.

Matt took three steps back, but Baroque fell headlong into the 5-meter-deep pit beneath him.

If you go down, you won't be able to come up.

Harry secretly breathed a sigh of relief, cheered up, and shouted: "In the name of Heike Onnes - [Absolute Zero]!"

Countless seawater turned into clusters of water filaments, floating from the sea not far away. They gathered on top of Baroque's head. After being rapidly cooled by the elements, they turned into surging frost elements and poured down.

At that moment, it seemed like there were loads of ice cubes pouring down.

In order to get out of trouble, Baroque rushed out. Unexpectedly, he was knocked back by Matt's Diamond Fist just halfway up.Unknowingly, the massive amount of ice-water mixture reached Baroque's head.

The more he struggled, the thicker the water became.

The ice water is getting colder and colder, and becoming more solid!

Soon he could no longer struggle, and his whole body froze into a huge ice sculpture.

Oh, actually, because of his climbing, there was still a bull's head left above the ice.

"Junior sister." Harry encouraged him gently, and Flora suddenly gathered her courage.

【Electromagnetic Gun】!
To be honest, Flora's electromagnetic gun is not as powerful as Downs, who became the hero of La Manchu City.

But it's more than enough to deal with a frozen half-demon.

Very soon!When Flora, who was covered in electricity, raised Baroque's head high, she used the physical net to release the first practical magic in her life.

"I——Flora Ashfield declares in the name of the legendary Archmage Tesla that you pirate bastards, all of you kneel down and die——"

Flora's beautiful and lovely face was not suitable for this scene.

When she appeared with a terrifying thunder light all over her body, paired with the appetizer that half of the pirates had just been blown to death, and Baroque's head, her clear, crisp and melodious voice suddenly gave off a chilling feeling.

The next moment, a powerful and majestic aura filled the air.

There seemed to be countless invisible energy arrows shot forward, and tens of thousands of shackles were overwhelming like a storm passing by, tightly wrapped around the five or six hundred pirates who were at the forefront.

The heavy pressure made them unable to breathe, and the cruel facts turned into illusions and rushed into their hearts, exploding their remaining courage into countless tiny fragments.

Taking advantage of the perfect situation, coupled with the blessing of the super magic expertise on the physical network, a [wide-area human immobilization technique] with an extremely exaggerated range was launched.

Lord Evans* Ashfield, who had just led his men to charge forward, was surprised to find that the enemies in front of him had all turned into wooden stakes.

What are you waiting for?
Cut him off!

Facing pirates who won't fight back, even the most timid farmer can instantly transform into a strong man.

The hardest thing about killing people on the battlefield is the first time.

The farmers who have been baptized by blood are no longer cowards, they have transformed into real warriors on the spot.


"Kill all these bastards!"

This is the anger of the Confederacy for generations!
This is a desperate counterattack against endless bullying!

This is a true execution of delayed justice!

They have been oppressed by the demon Baroque for generations and dare not speak out.

Today, the Baroque is dead!

That's when they settled the score with the pirates.

The army of the earldom swarmed down like a torrent, completely drowning the remaining pirates.

This scene made everyone very satisfied.

Except for one being...

"Who killed my son Baroque!" An extremely chaotic and huge voice appeared out of thin air. Along with the frightening voice, a huge mud-yellow vortex appeared on the hilltop next to it.

(End of this chapter)

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