Popular science physics, teach a magic god?.

Chapter 207 Tesla who is so wise that he is almost a demon

Chapter 207 Tesla who is so wise that he is almost a demon (2 updates)
The soldiers of Ashfield's army didn't know what was going on, but suddenly there was a dull loud noise in the vortex, which was like a roar like a mountain collapsing.

They turned their heads and saw a dark breath pouring out from the center of the chaotic vortex. At the same time, the glow of the setting sun was polluted by evil forces, like rolling mud.Not only that, but the smell of mud began to rain down from the sky.

A figure as huge as a hill climbed out of the cursed vortex, and every step it took made the earth tremble.Its overlong arms were as thick as tree trunks, and it had a demonic bison head with huge horns that extended forward, a size that put any siege vehicle to shame.

It was on all fours, like a house-sized gorilla, lumbering forward on its knuckles.

This is just the beginning!
As it roared furiously, its body expanded like air. In the blink of an eye, it had grown larger.

Just standing on all fours, its back was already higher than the Earl of Ashfield's castle.


An earth-shattering roar!

This scene is like the opening of the "gate to hell" described by the bard.

'There is a doomsday scene between heaven and earth. The breath of death surges out from the door of hell. Mortals walk through the mist of hell in despair, and finally exhaust their strength and fall to death on the land that has turned into purgatory.'

Not to mention the peasants and soldiers were so scared that their hands and feet were weak, even the knights looked pale.

Earl Evans' face lost color, but he pretended to be calm and immediately issued an order: "Viscount Adil, Viscount Cameron, and Viscount Saidon, please immediately retreat in the direction of His Excellency Harry Winston. My knight commander, you lead our peasant and soldier troops to retreat together. I believe that the legendary archmage Ren Tesla must have his arrangements."

After the nobles and knights got over the initial panic, they quickly calmed down.


The sky is falling, but there are still tall people carrying it.

We are afraid of shit!

Standing on the hill, Flora looked at the scenery, which was not to say a collapse of the sky, but at least a cracking of the ground. Among everyone present, she and Matt were probably the only ones who did not feel scared.Matt was really generous. After he came back, he took out a dragon meat bun and ate it.

But Flora felt that a novel experience she had never experienced before turned into heat, burning in her blood.If it weren't for this kidnapping, she would just be a bossy eldest lady, spending time as a husband and raising children, without any chance to participate in the thrills and excitement she encountered in the novels of bards and knights.

Now, she is part of this new legend.

Maybe she will become one of the names praised by the bards.

For her, who has long been tired of the ordinary life of a noble lady, this is tantamount to letting her step into the door of a new world.

Without Master, she would not be where she is today.

With the greatest desire, she looked back at her second senior brother, eager to hear another definite answer.

Harry was extremely embarrassed. This had already exceeded the limit of his imagination, but he could not refuse the admiring gaze of his junior sister. He almost stiffened his neck and forcefully replied: "Why are you panic? Everything is still under Master's plan."

Because his two previous firm answers confirmed the development of the situation like a prophecy, this gave Flora too much confidence.She didn't even notice the tremor in her senior brother's voice.

Harry was panicking!
A demon lord!This is not a job he can handle...

At this moment, Ren finally stopped unlimited skiing. Under the action of friction, the ski car began to slow down slowly and finally stopped at the bottom of the snow slope.

"Hoo ho ho!" "Hoo ho ho ho!"

This is the direct and reverse perspective of eye contact.

Sophia put her arms on someone's legs and looked up at someone in the back row.

Beautiful women look at the scenery, and 'scenery' looks at the beautiful women.

This angle is great.

"T... Ren, are you thirsty? I have wine here." Sophia handed over the metal bottle of wine.

Looking at the big white wine glass rising and falling, Ren inexplicably wanted to refill it.

At this moment, Harry's trembling voice came through the physics network: "Master, the demon lord Griffith is here. Well, at least it's his projection. How should I deal with it here?"

Ren glanced at the system's rating, oh, Brother Niu with a challenge level of 20!
Ren turned his head: "Tangs, go to Flora's house."

"Ah! Okay, Master!" Tang Si, who was talking nonsense with three generations of disciples in class, was in a panic. As soon as he heard the news, he immediately replied happily.

Tang Si turned to his disciples: "Your master asked me to deal with the incarnation of a demon lord. Let's stop here for today's class, and then we will study by ourselves."

The way he walked out of class with his head held high and skipped class legally was like a Superboy who pulled back his clothes in public to reveal the Superman logo.

At the same time, Ashfield led.

The slim female devil who once appeared in the pirate's lair appeared again.

Facing a devil's eye that shone with evil light, she reported: "My lord, as expected, that guy Griffith was fooled."

"I know." A cold reply came from the other side.

After cutting off the communication, the lord sitting on the throne of Baator Hell Demon Palace was far less calm than he had been before.

In the empty palace, he was the only one who kept trembling, muttering to himself like a cannon:

"I knew it! I knew it! This was not a temporary idea at all. Ren knew early on that Baroque was Griffith's soul anchor on the continent of Kaos. As soon as Baroque died, Griffith would come out.

"Griffith, a simple-minded idiot, works for the great demon lord Montego. He has his own [Demon Sea Protection]. On the sea, even the legendary mage can't do anything to the incarnation of Griffith. So Ren deliberately put Baroque Lure away from the sea. He can fish out Griffith far away from the sea."

"To put it this way, it means that he had chosen that little bitch Flora as his disciple a long time ago, so he had the Ashfield family deliberately kidnapped, so that he, who was [Lawful Neutral], would have a reason to take action!"

"No! Wait! Griffith's body cannot enter the continent of Kaos. Even if his incarnation is killed, he will only be allowed to recover for a while. This is not in line with Ren's style of behavior. This terrible man, Either don’t do it, or if you do, you’ll kill them all.”

What he recalled in his mind was that Ren ambushed the devil lord Beisnunt, and then drove away the dragons in the Fulong Mountains to cause harm to various countries, and then killed the dragons to expand his influence. All these unbearable memories made him have a deep hatred for Ren. The fantasy has reached a terrifying level.

"Unless Ren Tesla has some way to directly destroy Griffith's soul..."

(End of this chapter)

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