Popular science physics, teach a magic god?.

Chapter 514 Please shout His holy name!

Chapter 514 Please shout His holy name!
At this time, some Swetland citizens screamed: "Look! What is that!?"

Many people followed the sound and looked over, only to see a well-dressed, pot-bellied rich man covering his mouth and pointing to the Second Street next to the King's Avenue with a look of horror on his face.

There was a half-collapsed building at that location - it was once a prosperous pawnshop, where countless people pawned their pants, and the only one who could walk out with his head held high was the real owner of the pawnshop, the Marquis of Swetland.

At this time, the pawn shop was already in ruins. After the dragon robbery a while ago, the huge metal door was torn open like a piece of paper. The metal remains of the door and the glass fragments that no one had cleaned were piled there. The intersection of Second Cross Street was blocked for less than half.

At this moment, a very unreasonable-looking thing crawled out of this dilapidated house.

His upper body resembled a minotaur, a naked man's body staring at a cow's head. However, there were terrifying metal spikes sticking out of his excessively white chest, and his lower body was like a A combination of fish and centipede, to be precise, it is a huge goldfish-like belly with a bunch of centipede chelicerae.

The appearance of this thing is so abstract.

When this unknown creature, which was less than five meters long, crawled out of the ruins, more monsters poured out of the darkness, like the smelly water flooding the ditch. This torrent of chaotic monsters was heading towards the Swetlanders. Come.

There are not many people staying in the Royal Capital of Swetland now, and they are not comparable to those in the heyday. At any rate, there are still over 10,000 people.

With this number of people facing an even more exaggerated number of chaos monsters, [resistance] has become synonymous with courage.

"Did the king betray us!?"

This is like a primitive man holding a small wooden stick and yelling in front of a very hungry Tyrannosaurus rex. The final result will not be any surprise, it will just be a manly death.

Those who still retained their sense looked around, only to realize that at some point, they, a small group of ten thousand people, were surrounded by disgusting creatures coming from all directions.

After hearing this sound, countless monsters stood up excitedly in front of humans, and then, this chaotic storm swept towards everyone.

Some people screamed in shock, some sat on the ground waiting to die, and some threw down the city guards in despair, hoping that the cold armor on their bodies would comfort their souls. Little did they know that such actions ruined the lives of themselves and the city guards.

I don't know who shouted: "Run -"

This kind of sound has no meaning other than spreading panic and reducing the courage of one's own people.

"The alarm bell is guarded by the Royal Guards!"

Some people were talking, and the few sober people knew that now was not the time to hold people accountable.

This is what the so-called pig teammates are all about.

Looking at the huge mouthparts of these abstract monsters, or their weird and disgusting appearance, most people even forget to run away, and will only instinctively let out hysterical screams.

At this moment, I don’t know who was so lucky that he suddenly shouted: "Run outside the city! The place where the black dragon was killed! I heard a buddy with [Li Zi Hui] say, what kind of [Legendary Physics Place" is there? ]!"

"Who rang the bell!?"

But where to run?

There are too many Chaos monsters to count, and the creaking sound is the scraping sound of their claws crawling on the hard ground.

The first scream was like the starting gun that stimulated the monster to attack.

Swetlanders cannot understand such complex vocabulary.

"Oh my God! It was the damn muster bell that brought us here!"

Even if these wastes slide against the chaos monster, it may be more valuable.

They just need to understand that it is Rennes' territory.

It turns out that killing three black dragons that time was just a random act by Ren. Even an entire red dragon army was not enough to kill those ruthless people from the Physics School. A mere chaos monster was nothing.

The originally desperate Switlanders suddenly regained their courage. Survival in despair can often be written as a hymn to mankind.

When the Chaos monsters pounced on them, there were some who held back, some foolishly tried to scare the monsters away with screams, and there were also those who showed great fighting power in desperate situations.

I don't know if those monsters are difficult to command, or the Chaos Demon itself has similar chaotic attributes. When some monsters pounced on the citizens, knocking them down and biting and devouring them, some monsters did not know what they were doing. Some were venting their anger on the street lamps, and some seemed to be looking at a broken wall and fell into deep thought.

Anyway, the number of Chaos Demons blocking the front of Sweetland's breakout team was not that small, and definitely not that many, only about fifty or sixty.

Not everyone has the ability to fight against these monsters with a high challenge level.

Some people were killed instantly, some were injured as soon as they got up, and many people also gained a chance of survival by selling their teammates.

Among them, a group of guards rode blindfolded war horses and took the lead in rushing out of the city gate.

More than a thousand people arrived at the predetermined location one after another.

However, this is an empty space with nothing on it. Although the King of Switland promised this land to the School of Physics, due to the fact that the relationship between the two parties was not harmonious, when their relationship was at its best, they only built a few admissions sheds here.

As relations deteriorated, even the shed was gone.

"What should we do now? The people from the physics school are not here!" someone asked in a mournful tone.

The terrible sound of footsteps came again in the dark woods in the distance, and the man who had made the original suggestion was blinded.

A priest who believed in the [Noble Goddess] said coldly: "The whole continent calls for gods in the same way. If this is really the earthly divine domain of the physical school, then as long as you call on the holy name of Ren Tesla, you will be called. If there are enough people and enough piety, He will hear.”

"and then?"

"You are not from the School of Physics! He has no obligation to respond to your request. I heard that the School of Physics is lawful and neutral and pays attention to equivalent exchange. You can try to swear to dedicate your soul, wealth or whatever you think will best impress this person. It’s up to the god of the outside world whether he wants it or not.”

"What if He says yes?"

"He will send His angels, no, they are called disciples. Any second-generation disciple of the Physics School is a powerful person who started out as a legend. If He is really willing to respond, then His disciples will come."

All of a sudden, these thousands of people suddenly began to pray and swear in a chaotic manner, and everything was said to come out of their mouths.

From being a dog of the physics school for the next eighteen generations to saying, 'If you violate this oath, my family is willing to be a slave for generations to come', there is everything.

Only those who believed in other sects smiled bitterly.

The priest of [Noble Goddess] looked at a [Wealth Priest]: "The last time the gods responded to a passerby's request, I heard it was a hundred years ago?"

"Yes. Before the Age of Ending Dharma. In the next hundred years, there will no longer be any gods who can listen to the prayers of mortals."

Unexpectedly, as soon as they finished speaking, a huge purple-blue portal opened in the open space in front of them.

A huge dwarf-like metal creature walked over with big steps. The people who were praying burst into loud cheers when they saw the huge purple-blue emblem on the chest of the mechanical dwarf.

"It's the school of physics!"

"Oh my God! His messenger has really come to save us!"

"Praise [Physics]!"

The front hatch of the giant dwarf opened, and Barend poked his head out: "Who is calling me master?"

(End of this chapter)

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