Popular science physics, teach a magic god?.

Chapter 515 The 'fleet' is actually me?

Chapter 515 The 'fleet' is actually me?

Ten minutes ago, in the mage tower more than two hundred kilometers away, Ren frowned.

He rarely showed this expression, so much so that many people around him were frightened.

"Master! Did something serious happen?" Barend was extremely nervous. Now that the eldest brother and second brother are both working in the temple in the outer plane, he is the one responsible for running the show in the academy. If anything happens, he is the first person responsible.

It's a rare time for Master to come back. He hasn't even made out with the two would-be master wives yet, and he suddenly shows this expression?

"It's no big deal. Thousands of Switlanders who have nothing to do with us are yelling and calling my name. It's very annoying."

These noises were worse than the vegetable market in China, and were comparable to a thousand ducks quacking in his ears. Renn almost went crazy.

The speaker is unintentional and the listener is interested.

Ren said casually, except for a few disciples, Sophia and Margaret standing next to them, plus Elizabeth and Anna who were standing in the distance at any time, and even the newly promoted mount Isol all opened their eyes wide.

Their breathing is rapid and their heartbeat is racing!
what is this?
Can hear the call of believers! Every time someone mentions your name, there will be a reaction in your spirit! All the above are the unique abilities of gods!
You also say that you are not God! ?
This... actually everyone really misunderstood.

It is pure, but not completely pure.

This thing similar to the WeChat interface made Ren very angry.

"Barend, the Swetlanders were attacked by the Chaos Demon. A group of guys who are not our physics apprentices are making noises. Go to their royal capital and have a look." Renn decisively acted as the shopkeeper.

"Anyone who doesn't have the [reason] emblem on his chest is ignored."

"Master, how do you control the scale?"

"Elder brother, you are the best at figuring out Master's intentions. What should I do this time?"

Downs smiled evilly: "Don't forget! We are 'Lawful Neutral'!"

The giant dwarfs looked terrifying.

In the eyes of others, this becomes another proof that Ren is equal to a god!

Speaking in human terms: According to our own rules, we will let the irrelevant guy die!
So, there was the scene of 'Who is calling the fleet'.

"That thing?" Barend's eyes narrowed.

This is really the monitoring function of the [Teaching People] system. This is just like the modern campuses in China, where cameras are installed on the walls for surveillance, not only to prevent students from jumping over the walls to skip classes, but also to prevent outsiders from coming in. Some cameras also have built-in radio functions.

After receiving the order, Barend rushed to the hangar where his old friend was, and quickly contacted his senior brother to explain the situation.

Rennes is purely a land of legendary physics. There are too many people making noises, and they are annoyed by the system pop-ups. When I clicked in and listened, I regretted it on the spot. He was almost killed.

[Message Do Not Disturb] is true, but he cannot give up monitoring the legendary physical land. If he wants to give up, he must give up even the land, and Ren is reluctant to give up. This means that the sound does not come through, and the number of messages displayed by the system is [99+] instantly.

Tang Si, who was recognized as a true genius, was overjoyed: "Junior brother - Master is obviously taking this opportunity to establish his power in Switland! Do you still remember what I told you not long ago? Bring it with you quickly."

Fortunately, Ren quickly discovered that the system thoughtfully set a button for him in that part of the prompt [Do Not Disturb Messaging]!
Renn pressed it decisively with his mind.

Today's Dwarf Gundam is version 2.0. Ever since it was severely damaged, Barend has learned from the experience and replaced his wife Masana with a new frame and leather sheath.

The new version of the Dwarf Gundam is 16 meters tall and 12 meters wide. Although it does not look as square as before, it still has a very dwarf style.

In addition to the torso bones, which continue to be made of expensive adamantine, due to the fact that all the adamantium in various countries has been bought up by the physics school, Barend has no choice but to use the bones of Tchazzar as the limb bones of the new Gundam, and the outer armor is wrapped with a large amount of adamantine. At the same time as mithril, the outer skin has also been upgraded to the dragon skin of the most powerful legendary red dragon Tchazzar. This makes the Dwarf Gundam appear with the strongest dragon power below the god level. Ordinary enemies will immediately have to make a will test even if they see it.

Anyone who fails to survive three Will Tests is not even qualified to be a Dwarf Gundam opponent.

At the same time, on the shoulder armor and shoulders of the Dwarf Gundam, there are now four huge [War Machines] lined up in twos and twos, including two [Tesla Electric Towers] and two controllable and rotating shooting directions. 【Heavenly Light Generator】.

Coupled with the classic dragon head shield and dragon tooth battle axe, today's Dwarf Gundam is simply a battlefield monster armed to the teeth with amazing firepower from both distance and distance.

To be fair, many Switlanders were physically frightened to the point of peeing when they saw Mashana.

However, after a brief period of astonishment, the panicked Switlanders burst into loud cheers as soon as they saw Barend's face.

Tears and runny noses came out of their eyes.

This feeling of escaping from death is too exaggerated. It must be calculated based on the theory of a magician. At this moment, many people have completely transformed into fanatical believers in the school of physics.

To them, this is salvation! This is Kamui!
“The great God Ren Tesla has sent His angels to save us lost sheep.”

"From this moment on, I am a dog of physics!"

"I am willing to die for the school of physics!"

The messy scene in front of him made Barend quite miserable.

Fortunately, he did not forget his mission. He turned his eyes and locked his eyes firmly on an extremely terrifying thing in the distance.

The towering tree hugged by the three people collapsed in front of this ten-story monster.

The bird was startled and flew into the air, and was poisoned by the terrifying aura overflowing from the vine. It fell to the ground, twitched a few times and then stopped moving.

A large number of animals fled in fear, and even reptiles deep underground came out of the ground in an attempt to stay away from this monster.

Unfortunately, most of them failed to escape.

That thing is so terrifying that just by glancing at it, a mortal feels like his eyeballs are going to be burned out.

Only the priests of various sects could barely see the outline of the thing.

"How...blasphemous!" A [Goddess of Wealth] priest almost burst into tears.

too frightening.

It is like a wriggling mountain of flesh, a pile of metal debris about the size of thirty carriages, forming the overall outline of its pyramid. But outside the large amount of metal debris, there is a large amount of flesh and blood attached.

There are humans, cattle and sheep, and a small number of monsters.

An extremely fishy, ​​even evil aura of power mixed these metals, stones, and flesh together very roughly.

However, its unimaginable power makes people have a devilish urge to worship it.

"God... no! This is a semi-god-level monster of chaos!" Priests from various factions gave conclusions.

(End of this chapter)

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