Popular science physics, teach a magic god?.

Chapter 538: Lei Mouen was murdered in Fengju

Chapter 538: Lei Mouen was murdered in Fengju
Regarding combat power, even though everyone has powerful divine power, when the [Lawful] entry is replaced with the [Chaos] prefix, the strength is directly reduced by 30%.

Just like how the two families of Light and Justice were able to withstand the Chaos craze on the other side, if they were joined by a Chaos family, they would collapse in minutes.

This is why in the world of Kaos, the demon army can defeat the opposing demon army with one-tenth the number.

Most of the time, a few lawful players can only carry the line at the most critical nodes, and then set up a pocket array, and send some chaos demons in to consume each other with the legions of those chaotic gods, thus reducing the pressure on their own families in disguise.

Don’t dare to let too many Chaos Demons pass. Once the pressure is too great, those Chaos Demons will 100% collapse for you first, and then bring down the front lines of several lawful legions.

Over the past hundred years, the chaotic camp has been quite unpopular. There is really no other way, so the lawful army will be forced to let them carry the line for a wave, and at most they will be used as line fillers.

Therefore, even if ultra-long-distance transmission of divine power is enabled, those companies will definitely be the last to receive supplies.

Here, after the Sun God communicated with several core allies such as the God of Justice, Loyalty and Courage, he began to spread the news to the alien alliances, such as the dwarves, gnomes and halfling camps, which were also dominated by the lawful good camp.

In these metahuman camps, not all gods are certainly lawful good. The key is that the strengths of their gods are lawful good, which can coordinate their actions to the maximum extent.

While everyone was excited about the news about the sun god Pelor, they also expressed a considerable degree of concern.

If an archangel is really cheated, other archangels can take his place at any time.

But once you receive supplies from the world of Kaos, you will make a lot of money.

Peiro said frankly: "How strong is that God of Physics? I'm sorry, I can't give you a definite answer. In fact, we are on the verge of collapse. We have no better way. Either bet A handful, believe in a powerful god of the outside world; or give up here, disband the coalition, and then wait to be hunted down and tortured by the Chaos Lord until they fall."

This means that each family is the most elite [Skeleton Division] and [Guard Division], but what they lack is fighting will and experience? No! All that is missing is logistical supplies!

"If you are willing to take a gamble, please send an angel to me who can open the temple on the outer plane of the world of Kaos. I will cooperate with you to send the angel back."

The good camp has divine power and will undoubtedly continue to occupy a leading position in the next coalition forces. This great crusade against Chaos can continue.

Moradin, the leader of the dwarf gods, frowned and said, "What if you are willing to gamble?"

After hundreds of years of fierce fighting, which angel from each family can survive without a full experience bar?

In fact, there is nothing to bet on or not. For each family, the worst they can do is lose an archangel.

Everyone's concerns are the same: first, whether Ren Tesla has the ability to transport the power of faith to so many pantheons over long distances; second, whether the physical school can defend the world of Kaos.

"I will negotiate with Tesla to expand the transmission range of divine power to the entire good camp." The Sun God's operation is a mature statement.

What is lacking now is not experience, but the energy to match it.

This time, the Sun God made a complete change. He lost a [Qianyang Zhaohun] on the frontal battlefield! This move fully reflects his brilliance as a powerful god.

The appointed time arrived soon.

"Once successful..."

On the battlefield, it was like a thousand suns rising at the same time.

The bright golden light broke through the chaotic mist, and even the chaotic sky covering this area was completely dissolved in an instant. Not to mention those struggling Chaos Demons who directly faced the Legion of Light.

Instantly turning into ashes is their only ending. Several powerful lords of the gods sensed it carefully, and sure enough, an extremely weak spatial fluctuation came, and the archangel they sent disappeared in the blink of an eye.

This hand teleportation is a unique skill.

Unless they had been watching it early in the morning, they would not be able to sense this extremely small transmission even if they were standing in this war zone.

The God of Justice secretly said to Peiro: "This hand alone is far superior to the goddess of magic network back then!"

"Oh! Don't mention it."

It makes me sad to talk about it. The gods originally expected the goddess of the magic network to be the captain of the transportation team. Who knew that the rookie was fed a lot of chaotic energy into the magic network by the Chaos army, and blew up the magic network. Forget it, even the Goddess of the Magic Network and her subordinate god were exploded together.

The gods were dumbfounded at that time.

If the Magic Network Goddess had been more powerful back then, everyone wouldn't have been so useless.

But the Goddess of the Magic Network was considered to have died in the line of duty, so everyone should have some moral integrity.

As for how the evil gods cursed her in private, the good gods had nothing to do with it.

On the other side, Ren learned his lesson this time and did not let the teleported angel pass directly to his study. He seriously located it on the seventh floor of the mage tower and sent Downs to greet it.

Who would have expected that as soon as the transmission was completed, Downs cried and said in the private communication on the physics network: "Master, are you sure that the person who came here is the Angel of Justice and not some succubus disguised as a succubus?"

When Ren saw it, he immediately felt that the Sun God must have misunderstood something.

The painting styles of dwarves, gnomes, and halflings are quite normal. Even if the dwarf uncle has a pair of small white wings on his back, this is not unacceptable.

But what the hell is the Archangel of the Legion of Justice?

The heroic seraph female angel has an armor coverage rate of 10% from top to bottom. The three pieces of armor add up to 30 square centimeters. The main one is [the smaller the armor area, the higher the defense power], right?
There was also an expression of shame and anger that could not be concealed on that girl's face, especially when she felt Ren's gaze, her reaction was one of sadness.

The loyal and courageous Archangel next to him is also dressed very bravely, almost at the Band-Aid level.

Let alone Towns, a young man who couldn't stand it, even Renne, the 'veteran god king', could hardly sit still.

Ren knew - there must be some god-level bastard who was gossiping so much that he was accused of being killed.

Lure good people into the sea, with a sense of accomplishment! ?
Pooh! Is this the kind of person I blame?

Absolutely impossible!
so weird! Take another look.

Ahem! I'm really not that bitter. I just want to study whether there is a physical law between armor coverage and protective power.

Contrary to the expectations of several archangels, Renn's summons was just a fairly formulaic process. Renn casually comforted them and sent them away.

Only Ren called Luna to the study: "Archangel Aishadis, first of all, I want to declare that I am from the outside world, and I do not understand the rules of your God Realm. So I told you last time Were there any misunderstandings during the communication that led to this result?”

(End of this chapter)

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