Popular science physics, teach a magic god?.

Chapter 539 I have completed the resignation procedures

Chapter 539 I have completed the resignation procedures

Ren showed Luna the scene of the arrival of the Archangel of Justice.

This cold female angel showed a rare expression of surprise and blush on her face. She was shocked and finally realized a problem: Wait! Could it be that this awesome and coaxing God-King from the Outer Realm really doesn’t know what it means to give an angel a new pair of wings?

Luna's heart skipped a beat and she yelled crazily: "Isn't it?" Is this really an oolong? I've even completed the transfer procedures!
Luna couldn't stand it anymore: "God Tesla, I don't mean to question God's decision, it's just that I...that...let me ask, do you really know that giving an angel a wing represents you?" I hope that angel will give up her original belief and the main god she serves, and switch to your service?"

Their eyes met, and Luna easily saw the confusion of the 'God King of Outer Realms'.

Ren's neck instantly felt like a rusted machine, and his facial muscles looked like they were under a petrification spell.

Even if he is a time traveler, it has been two years since he traveled to this world full of magicians. This was enough time for him to understand how difficult it was for these guys who were full of faith to give up on the gods they had been fighting for all their lives.

Ren finally managed to hold back a sentence through his teeth: "You, have you made all the preparations?"

At this moment, Luna was heartbroken. When she hesitated several times and finally told the story, she saw the wonderful expression on Ren's face that could not be concealed, and she knew that something was wrong this time.

"Me, the Sun God and I both believe that this is one of the prices we need to pay in order for you to help the Army of Light." Luna swallowed the bitterness in her mouth: "I, I have said goodbye to my comrades. "

"It's a waste to go back! If you go back now, wouldn't it be equivalent to changing jobs twice?"

The goddess of hope nearly died and had to go into hibernation. She resolutely sacrificed herself for the sake of the future of the bright pantheon.

Luna obviously didn't understand what job-hopping meant, but she was really panicked and was about to continue arguing, but unexpectedly, Renn turned serious.

Well, this incident is probably a hundred times more serious version of this example.

"Originally I didn't have this idea, but now I really want you. You don't want the Sun God to not be able to receive the next wave of faith, right?"

Absolutely awful!
Will she still have to work in the future?
Rather than doing this, it would be better for me, Lei, to poach her completely.

Ren slapped his forehead and said with a bit of annoyance and helplessness: "Okay, this is my fault. If you let you go back, then I won't be a thing anymore. Let's make mistakes like this."

Seeing Luna's uncontrollable expression of grief, Ren knew that he couldn't really let her go back this time, otherwise things would probably develop in a worse direction.

Didn't she ever think that it was a big oolong from beginning to end?

If Ren had said these words at the beginning, she would have definitely succumbed. On the contrary, she would have been absolutely dissatisfied in her heart.

There were still some words she didn't say, and she was even prepared to blaspheme the goddess of light of hope after joining Ren's command. Because no one can imagine what kind of preferences a god from the outside world would have. Even though neither she nor Pelor thought that a lawful god would be too much, it was really hard to say what the God of Outland was.

First, I was poached from company A to company B, but company B didn't want it, and then I returned to company A? What do the other guys from your old club think?
This is not loyalty, this is a slave with three surnames!

She was embarrassed, and so was Ren.

Of course he knew what was going on. Before time travel, it was like a girl waiting for him to save her life, and he asked her to come to his room to fight the landlord in the middle of the night at one o'clock in the morning. After hearing this kind of invitation which is equivalent to "You don't want anything to happen to your own goddess", can people not think too much about it?
Well, when someone comes over wearing a battle suit with a fearless spirit of sacrifice, ready to be slaughtered, only to find out that you are really playing Landlords, and even the cards have been shuffled.

"Ah!?" Luna almost cried. Who knew Ren would handle it like this? She hurriedly said: "No, let me go back..."

But after Ren knew that this was his own mistake, he used this somewhat funny reason to 'intimidate' her, and she actually developed a subtle liking for Ren.

"I, that, am not."

"Stop talking nonsense, lie down on the table and show the wound on your back." "Ah!?"

"This is the order of your master god!" Ren ordered in 'extremely harsh terms'. Luna felt strange, but she still obeyed.

Looking at the beautiful angel lying on the desk, and looking at the shocking and horrific scars on her back, Ren felt strange.

"It's easier for you this time."

Luna, who was facing the table, didn't understand what this meant.

Renn used the freshly washed divinity that he had killed the demigod-level Chaos Demon last time.

Divinity represents the characteristics of a god, and the two points of divinity that happen to be washed out are [optics]. In a sense, this is also a professional counterpart.

As soon as he took out this ball of divinity, Ren found himself embarrassed.

Wings are where the divine power of angels is most concentrated, and they are the most important feature that distinguishes them from mortals.

However, Luna's appearance as the goddess of light of hope originally had extremely high standards. To change her to another family, she would have to remove her remaining wing.

As a result, Ren's extra divinity is only enough to make her a wing.

Easily seeing Ren's embarrassment, Luna turned her head away and said with a slight trembling: "It's good to have only one wing left. This allows me to always remember my hatred for Chaos."

well! What a considerate and good girl!
Renn was a little touched in his heart.

A burst of soft golden light flashed, and her remaining pure white wings changed. At the most vulnerable joint of the wing, there was a small section of black and gold metal armor.

Not only that, the appearance of the battle armor that appeared on her body also had some changes.

Ren secretly felt that Luna had sensed his aesthetics, and then made the armor's style deform in the direction of the Wing Gundam Zero...

Of course, the biggest key is that Renn repaired the scars on her back.

Phew, it’s as easy as removing scars with photo editing software.

Everything was done, and Ren looked at his work with satisfaction.

Renn swore that he looked at it with the eyes of appreciating works of art. For some reason, the angel lady lying on the table was shy and flushed.

At this moment, the door was knocked open without any warning.

An Erha performed a trick called "Pig Rush" and rushed in carelessly.

Six eyes looked at each other.

Suddenly the second round of [most afraid of the sudden silence of the air] happened.

(End of this chapter)

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