My Chinese ancestors

Chapter 335: Two years of great rule, China is a great country

Chapter 335: Two years of great rule, China is a great country

In the second year of Yuanxing, there were still scattered snowflakes falling in the winter moon.

In the northern suburbs of Yanjing, there were fires and explosions far away on the hillside.

On the stage a hundred feet away, several figures in official robes guarded a tall figure sitting on it.

The official who made the firearms was standing on one side and being questioned.

Q: How do you feel about this improvement?
Answer: Your Majesty feels that we can go further, but more time is needed.

Question: When the power is almost there, first send these batches to the Shenji Camp.

Answer: Your Majesty, the number may not be much.

Question: It’s not very powerful, not many in quantity, but it’s enough to be loud enough. I don’t expect you to create anything powerful right now.

Answer: Thank you, Your Majesty!

On the slope over there, a few unarmored soldiers wearing red military uniforms, capes, and round-brimmed hats sprinted a few steps, and threw a few sparkling iron lumps in their hands, and threw them to the front. Behind the earthen wall, there were several blasts one after another.

There were fires and explosions, and the earthen walls remained motionless, but a large amount of black smoke rose up.

Su Chen, who was dressed in imperial uniform and a large cloak, sat among several generals, warming himself by the fire, and asked: "How do you feel, generals?"

The ones with the highest status here are naturally Li Jing and Huo Qubing, as well as the replacement Zhang Yu. Unfortunately, as a Ming general, he is not familiar with firearms. Everything here is the third token given by Ming Chengzu: Liu Sheng , developed by the first generation commander of the Shenji Battalion.

Su Chen also set up a 2000-person Shenji Battalion and an army of [-] horses specifically for him.

Li Jing put down the hot tea and said with a smile: "Firearms have a wide range of uses. Recently, I have been reading Ming Chengzu's book on firearms."

In the past two years, I was not optimistic about the so-called firearms at first. With the emergence of the bright general Liu Sheng, the stagnant firearms finally made some breakthroughs. Although their application on the battlefield is still not as good as the crossbow, the first developed Iron lumps can be carried by soldiers, ignited, and thrown to create unexpected explosions.

"Before the fire blunderbuss matures, the arrows can be bound with gunpowder to replace ordinary fire arrows. Unfortunately, the output of gunpowder is extremely low and can only be used in the Shenji Camp and cannot be extended to all armies."

Li Jing, who was accustomed to mastering the battlefield, quickly saw that this kind of thing would be used more widely in the future. Then he borrowed Zhu Di's "Magic Guns and Firearms" from Su Chen and read it for days, and then he had his own experience. opinion.

Lu Bu made a 'cut' sound and then stood up.

"A certain family is still accustomed to using their own bows and arrows, and their firearms are only used by ordinary soldiers."

Su Chen smiled and did not continue. In the past two years, the improvement of firearms has not had much effect, but the extension space is quite wide. The fifteen warships in Feiyun Port have been equipped with artillery, but the forging metal technology is not enough. To support the explosion, stop for a while after firing a few rounds to avoid exploding the chamber.

"Let's go, we'll see this here today."

After saying this, Su Chen stood up, dusted off the ashes on his body, and ordered the official next to him: "Tell General Liu and stop reading the rest, so as not to light any gunpowder."

"Yes, Your Majesty." The official carefully stepped aside and watched the emperor and the generals leave.

Firearms were talked about from time to time on the road. Lu Bu was not interested in this. He would chat with Huo Qubing from time to time and even invite him to his house as a guest. Huo Qubing shook his head repeatedly. He knew what Lu Bu was thinking, but he had no such plans. Even if there is, what he wants to find is a gentle and family-friendly woman.

"By the way, it seems that General Lu's daughter is leading the army back to the city today. How about we go and have a look?"

Su Chen heard the mention of Lu Lingqi on the side and couldn't help but mention that the Central Plains, grasslands, and northern areas have been stable in the past two years, but that does not mean that there are no small tribes making trouble. Especially on the grasslands, there are always several small tribes who unite to make trouble, and then He was pressed down by the Chief of Staff.

But it always happens like this, which makes Su Chen angry. The latest time, he was going to let Tie Fo or Tie Ya go and slaughter the place, but Lu Lingqi took over the job. Lu Bu was worried, so he asked Gao Shun to follow him, and Ma Yunlu He also volunteered to join in.

Two months later, news of victory came back, and they arrived in Yanjing today.

Everyone guarded Su Chen as he entered the city from the north gate. When he arrived at the south gate, the government office had cleared the road there and everyone was moving. Hundreds of officers were dispatched to maintain order. Although they were not returning from the war, the two men There has been no fighting for years, and for the Northland, which has a strong folk custom, this war can also be used as a source of conversation after dinner.

Scattered snowflakes drifted across the street and fell on the people gathered on the street. Su Chen changed into casual clothes in the car, and went to a tea shop with others who also changed into regular clothes, looking at the street scene below.

"Among the four kingdoms, the only one with female generals is the Xia Kingdom." Su Chen stood behind the fence on the second floor and said with a smile to Lu Bu, Li Jing and others on the left and right, "Let us fight for battles that are not too difficult. It’s okay for them to go and fight, big battles must be left to my generals.”

"It is sometimes inconvenient for women to lead the army." Li Jing nodded. In fact, he did not agree with letting women go to the battlefield. "Especially if a woman shows random kindness, it may have an impact on the war situation."

"Humph, my daughter can't do that!" Lu Bu crossed his arms over his chest and snorted.

At this moment, the voice of the common people came from the street below, near the city gate: "Enter the city!"

Then many different voices shouted: "Coming, coming!"

"I saw the Great Xia flag!"

"...Female General!"

The streets are noisy and lively at the moment,

Amidst the babble of words, the sound of neat footsteps coming from the direction of the city gate came to the street, and the sound of war drums on the city tower greeted the team's triumphant victory.On both sides of the crowded street, all kinds of chatter stopped, and the literati and gentry in restaurants and teahouses also put down their wine glasses, stood up, walked to the window and took a look at the street.

The wind mixed with scattered snowflakes flying over the streets.

At the end of the street, soldiers wearing cotton clothes and leather armor were arranged in three rows, like a long black dragon.

In the heavy footsteps, the long soldiers leaning on the shoulders bumped into each other's companions. The long shield was held in the left hand, and the sword around the waist swung from time to time, hitting it. He looked straight ahead with a solemn expression, and the falling snowflakes hung on the On their eyebrows and eyelashes.

Occasionally, in the middle of the team, there is a shorter but extremely strong red-haired barbarian. He is also wearing winter clothes and looks a bit awkward in the team. The leader of this group of foreigners is a red-haired barbarian named Elsa. The female general, with her brother Barry.

They were no longer needed in Feiyungang. After learning that there were still this group of foreigners, especially women, Lu Lingqi pestered Su Chen and asked these people to join her in the expedition.

At this moment of triumph, Ma Yunlu and Elsa were guarding Lu Lingqi, giving people the illusion of being a general.

Seeing the three female generals walking in the front row, the men on the street couldn't help but say: "Is this General Lu's daughter? She looks so majestic!"

There was also a voice that laughed quietly and said: "Who dares to marry in the future... I can't suppress it even if I get married, and I can't be beaten by her every day."

Amidst the remarks in the market, Lu Lingqi straightened her back, not caring about the eyes around her. She held a crescent halberd in her hand. The red horse under her seat had also been replaced long ago. It was a curly red rabbit horse, still on the horse, with a Made of red cotton clothes and leather armor.

She has exquisite animal heads draped over her shoulders, and a cloak from left to right, covering half of her body. At first glance, under her thin eyebrows hung with snowflakes, she has majestic almond eyes.

The man who had just said, "If you marry her, you won't be beaten by her every day" happened to meet Lu Lingqi's eyes. The man suddenly felt cold and immediately closed his mouth and retreated behind the crowd.

The team in the discussion had already left. After Su Chen and the generals watched for a while, he took Lu Bu, who was smiling from ear to ear, and Huo Qubing, Li Jing, Zhang Yu and others out of the teahouse and returned to the imperial city by carriage.

Two full years have passed since the rectification of the Central Plains clan. During this period, the three places in Xia Kingdom have been in a conservative state of rest and recuperation.

Under the hard work of Zhuge Liang, Wang Lang, Jia Xu, Li Ru, Guo Jia and others, the foundation became stronger day by day, especially the trade between Qi and Liang in the northwest. Xirong generals such as Tie Fo, Tie Ya, Gu Duohun, etc. Under the instruction of Fu Si, they invaded the border between the two countries for many years and blocked the trade routes to the Western Regions.

For this reason, the Liang State also sent troops to attack the Luotang tribe. After winning a battle, the Xirong cavalry launched a safari. With the cooperation of the 1 soldiers and horses of the Political Bureau, more than [-] people in the Liang State escaped in less than five days. Hundred.

From then on, the trade from the Western Regions to the grasslands and then to the northern part of the Xia Kingdom was integrated. A large number of specialties from the Western Regions entered Yanjing directly from the grasslands, while war horses, furs, cattle and sheep sinews and bones were no longer imported to Qi Liang, let alone After entering Wuyue, they were processed into weapons in the Central Plains and then sold to the south at a high price.

In the past two years, the people on the border between Qi and Liang could not survive, and many ventured to settle in Meizhou in the Central Plains. As for Meizhou's population, it has increased by nearly 9 foreigners in the past two years.

In the south, the small-scale war between Wu and Yue has spread to several border counties within two years. The two sides fought back and forth. On the surface, Su Chen supported the Yue country. The other side had many mountains and was in short supply of food. Within two years, Zhuge Liang's policy of exchanging grain for copper and iron transported almost one-third of Yue's copper and iron to the Central Plains.

The Wu Kingdom, which had been secretly supported by Su Chen, could compete with the Yue Kingdom on the battlefield because they had all kinds of arrows, arrows, and Wu-style armor specially forged for them.

It seems to be exerting national prestige, but in fact the population of border residents on the border between the two countries has been declining sharply.

As a result, Yanjing in the north is now the military and political center of the Xia Kingdom, while trade and culture have moved to Luyang in the Central Plains.

Since the powerful families in the Central Plains were cut off from their roots two years ago, they have gradually disappeared from people's sight. The fields have been re-planned, and various assets have been returned to the court or sold to businessmen in need.

The most important thing is that the spread of Chinese writing continued without any hindrance. From the army to the schools, from the traffickers to the court officials, they all began to regard the Chinese language as the national language.

The imperial examination of five subjects and six arts has also cultivated many talents for various walks of life. After all, if you can't get any fame, you can still make a living by relying on what you learned in the five subjects.

From south to north, regardless of region, there is only agriculture. The batch of experimental grains that year will be planted on a large area after the spring of this year. Zhuge Liang strongly advocates the large-scale land reclamation of the Central Plains and the North. In addition to mountains and forests, those who can cultivate land The space must not be wasted, and he also specifically applied to Su Chen for a series of expenses such as ditch repairs and preparations for planting new grains.

On the other hand, Li Ru suggested that all the cattle, sheep, and horse sales of the Xirong tribes be handled by the tribal nobles, and unified trade should be carried out, so that the Xirong tribes could completely rely on livestock breeding. In this way, they would be firmly tied to their interests. .

If they dare to cause trouble in the future, they will be jointly attacked by other tribes.

Similarly, prosperous trade has driven merchants from all over the country. There has been no war for two years. Whether in the north or the Central Plains, a large number of shops, restaurants, wine shops, and workshops outside the city have expanded at an alarming rate. The farmers and women in the village have a place to make extra money.


Xia Palace, Chengyun Hall.

Lu Lingqi, who returned in triumph, led Gao Shun, Ma Yunlu, and the foreign female general named Elsa up the stone steps carved from white rocks. Elsa, who had been here for three or four years, entered for the first time. The center of power in this huge country.

Looking at the splendid hall, even the woman who was not afraid of mountains of corpses and seas of blood crossed the high threshold and entered the hall. In the eyes of countless murderous eyes around her, she followed Lu Lingqi in front of her tremblingly and half-kneeled respectfully. Bow down.

"I see your Majesty!"

A crisp voice sounded from Lu Lingqi's mouth, and Ma Yunlu and Elsa also shouted it.

On the imperial steps, Su Chen raised his hand and asked the three women plus Gao Shun to stand up. After briefly asking about the war there, Lu Lingqi suddenly spoke, bringing a piece of news that made people angry.

"Your Majesty, the envoy sent to Qi was killed by the king of Qi."

The hall was so quiet that you could hear a pin drop.

(End of this chapter)

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