My Chinese ancestors

Chapter 336 The First Emperor

Chapter 336 The First Emperor...

The envoy was killed?

Lu Lingqi's crisp words resounded throughout the Chengyun Hall. The civil and military officials of the entire dynasty, as well as the generals and famous ministers in the direct line of China, all looked stunned for a moment, thinking that it was a joke made by Lu Lingqi's girl.

But when he saw the serious face of the other party, and handed a blood-stained letter to Zheng He, the latter's originally smiling face suddenly turned cold. He turned around and slowly walked up the imperial steps, dragging the letter with both hands. to the emperor.

Su Chen lowered his gaze, his eyes fell on the dazzling red blood stains on the letter, and then he took the letter into his hands and opened it.

The letter was written by Deputy Envoy Zhao Kang. He was ranked second in one of the five subjects in the imperial examination last year. He served under Wang Lang. In September, he followed Wang Huaiyi on his mission to Qi State. He finally asked one of his soldiers to send the letter.

Wang Huaiyi and Su Yong, Su Chen's brother, went to Yanjing to court Wang Hui's eldest son. His father, Wang Jing, the Marquis of Liaoxiang, died in Fenzhou against the Wei army.

He worked hard in the palace for three years, from being a regular attendant on martial arts to being a county magistrate. He was promoted to Zhongshu Province and became a member of Zhongshushe with considerable merit. This time he went to Qi State as an envoy to Qi Qingbao. When he went to Yanjing to get his credentials, envoys were sent here to also give him his credentials as a sign of respect and normal diplomatic exchanges.

"Qi Qingbao... is so brave..."

After Su Chen read the letter, the letter fell from his hands to the ground lightly. He closed his eyes slightly. Wang Huaiyi had always been a talent he focused on cultivating. After avenging his father, his loyalty to Su Chen was much higher. That was because of his seniority. Even if that's not enough, after going to Qi as an envoy to improve his qualifications, the next step is to be transferred to Luyang, do some work with Zhuge Liang, and finally guard Yangzhou.

Now, people suddenly disappeared.

My own hard work...

Thinking of this, Su Chen's cheeks puffed up slightly, his fingers pointed at the armrests of the dragon chair, his eyes became cold, "Generals, what do you think we should do?"

"Kill my envoy from the Xia Kingdom." Huo Qubing strode out. He was arrogant by nature and had the arrogance cultivated by Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty. He couldn't stand it when another country killed his own people. He stood in the middle of the hall and raised his hands in a short and loud voice.

"Destroy the country!"

Li Jing, Lu Bu, Qin Qiong, Wang Lang and others walked out and said, "Your Majesty, the power of Heaven cannot be violated. If you violate it, the country will be destroyed!"

Lu Lingqi and Ma Yunlu also stood up and cupped their hands in agreement, and Elsa quickly followed suit.

"His Majesty!"

Someone also came out of the line of civil servants, and it was Long Qiao, the Minister of Household Affairs who was transferred from Luyang. Although this person was a little foolish and loyal, he was still dedicated to the people and did not have as many crooked ideas as Qin Cong heard at the beginning.

"Your Majesty, the two years of great rule have begun to bear fruit. No matter in the Central Plains or in the North, the people live and work in peace and contentment, and the national treasury is full. We must not start wars without permission."

"Huh, Lord Long, don't you hear that envoys are the face of a country? Killing my envoys is equivalent to insulting your Majesty's face. Your Majesty will be humiliated, and the country will be humiliated too!"

Wang Lang waved his sleeves and snorted at him. You must know that he was in the late Han Dynasty, and only the Han Dynasty died by force. Even when they were divided, foreigners were bullied, so how could they endure humiliation and survive here.

"Wang Situ, war is not a child's play, and it is not a matter of emotion. However, Wang Situ is smart and articulate, so he can go to Qi as an envoy to question the king of Qi!" Long Qiao retorted like this, hoping that Wang Lang would retreat when he saw the difficulty, rather than being angry with the scholar.


Wang Lang's body was dry and his cheeks were skinny. He held his hands towards Su Chen on the imperial steps and said seriously: "Your Majesty, please allow me to have a duel with the Minister of the Ministry of Finance outside the palace!"

He rolled up his sleeves, exposed his arms like dead branches, put them on his waist, and held his head high towards Long Qiao: "When I was young, I also fought against famous generals in the world. I am afraid that you, a weak scholar, my fist has not softened yet. Woolen cloth!"

"I...I..." Long Qiao looked at Wang Lang's appearance and looked around anxiously. He hurriedly bent over and took off his shoes, holding them in his hands and trying to fight them.

The generals in the surrounding army did not go up to dissuade them. They all smiled and watched the two old guys preparing to fight each other.

There was a sudden clap on the dragon table above. Wang Lang withdrew his hands from Long Qiao's neck and thighs, and Long Qiao withdrew his mouth from Wang Lang's shoulders and wrenched his feet away from the opponent's hands. After the two of them hurriedly separated, they bowed to the emperor on the imperial steps.

"Please, Your Majesty, calm down."

"You still know how to calm me down?"

Su Chen stood up from the dragon chair, waved his robe sleeves and told them to go back to the queue, "Those ministers who want to dissuade me from calming down my anger, listen carefully. Even if the people in the country are killed, I will be angry and ask for an explanation. Not to mention the envoys of a country. ? That is the face of my Daxia. Killing my envoy is like a slap on my face. You are humiliated. As a minister, what should you do?"

"After two years of great rule, they seem to have forgotten that my Xia Kingdom was built with swords and guns!"

Su Chen raised his hand and nodded at the civil servant over there. Then he flicked his sleeves, turned around and walked down the imperial steps towards the side door of the hall. At the same time, his words echoed throughout the hall.

"Prepare for war!"


In the main hall, a group of generals who had not fought in two years had ferocious smiles on their faces.

After the emperor left, the civil and military officials in the court followed him out. Lu Lingqi was quite depressed and walked to her father: "I thought your majesty was going to prepare a celebration banquet for me, but I left a word and ran away."

Ma Yunlu snickered on the side, Elsa looked serious, and her red hair stood out among the crowd.

"My father will go back to celebrate your victory!" Lu Bu touched his daughter's head and said with a smile, "But there is going to be a war. Do you want to go with me? Be a lieutenant for my father."

"go with!"

The originally sleepy girl suddenly jumped with excitement and reached out to grab Ma Yunlu and Elsa's hands, "But my daughter wants to take them with her!"

"Lingqi... Auntie is going back to General Zhao!"

Zhao Yun came from behind, and Ma Yunlu leaned over, waved to the pouting Lu Lingqi, and walked away holding her husband's hand.

"It seems that someone's dream of being a female general was shattered." Lu Bu joked, causing Lu Lingqi to snort and put her arm around Elsa's shoulders, ignoring her father.


At the same time, Su Chen, who had passed Chengyun's apse, met Fang Xuejun on the way to the ancestral temple with several palace maids. After giving birth, her body became plump, and her original girlish temperament completely faded.

There was a wet nurse following him, and in her arms was Su Chen's son. When the nearly two-year-old boy saw his father approaching in front of him, he twisted his small body out of the wet nurse's arms and went down to the ground. He was wearing a tiger skin hat and bloated clothes. He stumbled towards Su Chen like a little ball.

Fang Xuejun gave birth in the winter of the year before last, and she was a baby. Before Su Chen looked happy, the civil and military officials in the court became happy, and the whole morning was filled with congratulations.

"Chen'er, come here!"

Su Chen no longer maintained the majesty of the emperor, squatted down and opened his arms, and the swaying little man over there happily jumped into his father's arms.

"Dad... the beard... pricks... hurts." The little man covered his delicate little face and squirmed in Su Chen's arms with a milky voice, preventing Su Chen from kissing him.

"Let's go!" Su Chen picked him up, and Dian Wei, Xu Chu, and Wu Zixun consciously distanced themselves and followed behind.

Fang Xuejun also waved away the palace maid and fetched a large cloak, and went over to put it on Su Chen. "I was worried that your majesty would not prepare warm clothes when he went to court, so I sent it here specially." "I am strong, but I am so cold. What does it count?”

"Then you have to pay attention to your body and bones."

Turning around the corridor, Su Chen held his son in one hand and held his wife's hand in the other. In the distance, there was Li Wangqiu looking around: "Haha, you don't know if my husband is in good health? Go find your senior sister quickly." "

As he said that, he put the baby in Fang Xuejun's arms, "I'm going to the ancestral temple and will come back later."

Su Chen lay on her mother's shoulder and waved her little hand towards her father who had taken a few steps away.

At the ancestral temple, the snow had already been cleared, and a few young eunuchs had to chat under the eaves. When they saw the guards coming to clear the way, they hurriedly knelt down on the ground. They didn't stand up until the emperor, who was approaching in a hurry, passed in front of them. Leave in a hurry.


Su Chen came to the ancestral temple and greeted Li Shimin who was scolding Li Longji again for some unknown reason. He strode into the temple, took off his cloak, threw it to Xu Chu who followed him in, and reached out to take the long robe handed by Li Tiangang. fragrant.

"My ancestors and clans are on high, and the descendants of the future generations, Su Chen, pay homage!"

After inserting the long incense into the incense burner, he took a step back and raised his hand towards the densely packed spiritual tablets on the altar table: "I received information today that an envoy was killed by Qi State."

A statue of a noble spirit began to tremble.

"What? Our envoy was killed?" Zhu Yuanzhang was always the first to speak. He shouted at the top of his voice: "Is this okay? How can we talk about strengthening the country without using weapons?"

Temujin's spirit tablet sounded like a devil: "Back then, my envoys were also killed. If you kill my envoy, I will kill a country!"

"This is intolerable, destroy the country!" Emperor Wen of the Sui Dynasty Yang Jian said softly.

"I am a woman, and I will stand by all the emperors this time." Wu Zetian was the empress after all, and she also had the intention to kill someone who blasphemed the emperor's face.

More and more the emperor's voice came to life.

“It’s upsetting to hear this news before the New Year’s Eve!”

"I think back on the time when I traveled across the east of the Yangtze River, and the mountains could not surpass the prey in my hands..."

"Soochow rats!"

"The Sima family is not a good person. Wait until Cao Mengde wakes up!"

"Let Li Jing and Su Dingfang lead the troops to destroy them directly!"

"You dare to kill the envoy in such a small place!"

"Could it be that the Emperor of Qi didn't kill him?"

"Whether it is true or not, there is no difference between someone dying in his palace and someone killed by him!"

Su Chen closed his eyes and listened to the voices of the emperors. He opened his eyes again, his eyes were serious and murderous, and he spoke in a cold tone.

"Yeah... there's going to be a war!"

He looked at the emperors' tombs above and closed his eyes again.


The goshawk soared across the sky, emitting a long and distant cry. Looking beyond the clouds, I overlooked the long black dragon that was winding below, as if it had no end.

Several 2000-man troops were winding along the ice and snow road. Guan Yu, Zhang Fei, Dong Zhuo, Xia Houyuan, and Xiahou Dun looked up at the flying black figures in the sky.

"Work harder. After passing here, you will enter the boundary of Yanjing." Xia Houyuan stroked his beard and turned around, looking at his clan brother, "Brother has been here for two years and you haven't seen Yanjing, right? In addition to the city, there is also a snowfield to the north. My brother is interested, and at the end of the year, we will go hunting in the snowfields."


Dong Zhuo covered the little girl in his arms with his big cloak. From time to time he looked at the carriage behind and smiled at a beautiful woman.

Ahead, Guan Yu looked at his third brother who was riding back through the forest. His head was covered with snow, and he couldn't help stroking his beard and smiling.The rough black man threw the snake spear to his son who was following him north, and laughed loudly: "Second brother, I feel like I'm back in Zhuoxian County."


The morning sun in winter passed over the eaves of the ancestral temple. Su Chen's eyes swept over the statues of all the spirits. He closed his eyes, and his merits of more than 100 million were suddenly reduced by 12.

Two of the three gray fogs dispersed.

Su Chen squeezed the palms of his hands, and seemed to hear a faint dragon roar in his ears, and opened his eyes suddenly.


In Yanjing, the city gradually became restless on this day. Zhao Yun came out of his home, put on his armor and mounted his horse. He led his wife who had just returned home and ran out of the city gate and entered the military camp to make preparations for the expedition.

In the big house with the word "Huo Mansion" written on it, the Han general, who had lost his youthfulness, took off the Han sword on the wall, took out a silk handkerchief and gently wiped the sword's edge.

The residence of General Shenwu.

The mighty Li Xuanba sat cross-legged behind the desk, holding a book and flipping through it. A servant came in from outside and said something. He put down the book, stood up slowly, walked out of the study with bare feet, stepped on the ice and snow ground, and walked towards The main hall opposite.

"The armor is covered with dust. It's time to wipe it clean." He said softly.


In the ancestral temple, the remaining cyclone suddenly faded away from the gray fog in his mind.

A figure in a dark imperial uniform stood up from the light. He was tall and imposing, with dragon eyes and tiger beards, as if there was a divine light. There was a Qin sword hanging on his waist. He stood in front of the altar with his back to Su Chen, raising his head slightly. , looking through the swaying bead curtain at a spiritual statue above.

"After me, there are so many emperors..."

The voice was low and majestic.

Su Chen stared blankly at the tall figure with his back turned to him.

On the altar table, the memorial tablets of the emperors were suddenly silent. Li Tiangang on the side stopped chanting and lowered his face slightly.

(End of this chapter)

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