When taking stock of Ming Taizong at the beginning, Lao Zhu was stunned!

Chapter 158: We are all one family, so naturally we should live in harmony.

Chapter 158: We are all one family, so naturally we should live in harmony.

Eastern Han Dynasty, Jian'an period.

The second sentence of Easter Egg [-] still gave Cao Cao, Liu Bei, Sun Quan and others who were surprised and stimulated a lot of comfort.

No matter what their final fate was, at least they left their own mark in history. Even if they failed to achieve their long-cherished wish and failed to turn the people they led into a dynasty that unified the world, their talents Talents are registered in history and made known to future generations.

But the first sentence of the miracle was a little hard for them to accept. A lot of information about the Han Dynasty's struggle with foreign races could be learned from history books or the mouths of elders.

Since the time of Emperor Gao, everyone from the emperor to the common people had been accumulating strength to fight back against the Huns. Until the time of Emperor Wu, they went to Mobei to wipe away the shame and show the courage of the Han Dynasty.

Nowadays, even if they are independent in various places, if foreigners dare to encroach on the Central Plains, they will instantly unite and fight together to protect the Central Plains.

And similarly, they will try their best to incorporate the power of various foreign races to improve themselves.

And Cao Cao also showed displeasure. This Sima family has really done all kinds of evil. Not only did they steal the Cao family's kingdom, but he himself was incompetent. The Jin Dynasty was actually humiliated by a foreign race. He really lost the face of the people of the Central Plains!
Tang Dynasty, Zhenguan period.

Li Shimin saw this familiar "administrator". This person from the Republican Dynasty had appeared as an administrator as early as when Fang Xiaoru was mentioned in the story of the Ming Dynasty.

Although this is obviously not a real name, this is a reference, just like the emperor, prime minister, etc., it must be a pronoun for a person in a high position, definitely not an ordinary person.

To be able to become the administrator of the Republic Dynasty, could this person be the person who broke away from the Qin and Han Dynasty and created a new system after 2000, or is he the core figure of the inheritance?
Liao Dynasty, Baoning five years.

Emperor Jingzong of the Liao Dynasty Yelu Xian and his queen Xiao Chuo meditated together: "Since the Jin Dynasty, the symptoms of society have become increasingly serious."

But does the Liao Dynasty have similar shortcomings to the Jin Dynasty?
Could this be one of the reasons why Daliao was quickly defeated by the Jurchen Jin Kingdom in the future?
Ming Dynasty, Hongwu period.

Zhu Di kept digging through the words of many miracles, and finally found the most crucial word, Qing Dynasty.

"After the Ming Dynasty, there should be a Qing Dynasty."

However, at this moment, the entire courtiers of the Ming Dynasty exploded.

Zhu Yuanzhang also realized that there was a Qing Dynasty between the Ming Dynasty and the people, but this name did not seem to be a Han Dynasty.

In this way, he was matched up with the miracle of "turning into a conqueror of a foreign race". Everything was so appropriate that everyone felt despair.

[The quotation easter egg has finished playing, and the story of Wan Ji in this issue will end here. 】

[In the next issue of the External Storytelling Club, let us continue to talk about those magical Taizongs. Can you guess which Taizong will be on stage next? 】

[Ten days later, we will see each other. 】
Song Dynasty, the first year of Kaibao.

Zhao Kuangyin was stunned. Judging from the contents of the miracles, it seemed that the story of Taizong was told in chronological order.

This all started from the Ming Dynasty after the Song Dynasty to the Han Dynasty before the Song Dynasty, but there was no Taizong in the Qin Dynasty, so who will be the protagonist of the next Taizong story?

Could it be that even Shang Taizong before the Qin Dynasty is also being told?But then, he thought of a country that was closer. Wasn't there a country to the north of the Song Dynasty that was constantly in conflict with the Song Dynasty and turned into the Liao Kingdom of Western Liao?
That's right, in his heart it was always the Liao Kingdom, not the Liao Dynasty.

The only orthodoxy in the Central Plains is the Song Dynasty.

But if the Liao Kingdom can do it, then wouldn’t the Jin Kingdom, Mongolia, and the Yuan Dynasty behind it also be included in the miracle?

Although I felt extremely unhappy in my heart, I then thought that if I could get some information from these Taizong stories and related easter eggs, I might be able to use this to fight back against them.
Qin Dynasty.

At this time, Taizong of the Han Dynasty was relatively close to the Qin Dynasty, so many political environments were also very similar, which had great reference for the Qin Dynasty.

Therefore, many officials of the Qin Dynasty believed that many local policies of the Han Dynasty could be used as a reference and could be applied to their own affairs with slight modifications.

Therefore, without waiting for special instructions from Ying Zheng, officials in many places have spontaneously begun to select content that is more in line with the national conditions of the Qin Dynasty and began to revise it in order to find the most suitable plan and submit it to the court.

At this time, Ying Zheng focused his attention on Fu Su. Policies were handled by people below him, but the issue of heir could only be dealt with by himself.

You must know that this is a major reason for the demise of their Great Qin in the future. You must deal with Fusu's problem well! ——
Han Dynasty, the first year before Emperor Wen.

What Liu Heng had to adjust after the miracle was actually not much. Many of his measures and policies had been proven correct by the miracle. After him, the succession and decision-making of Liu Qi and Liu Che were also proven correct by the miracle. praised.

Compared with the monarchs and ministers of other dynasties, they are the most relaxed.

However, the only thing he needs to adjust now is probably the strategies adopted by other forces after seeing the miracle, and how to deal with it himself.

As for relying on the princes and kings of the same surname to fight against military groups, it is indeed very effective, but if they are allowed to dominate, wouldn't it bring the emperor back to the original situation?

After the prince succeeded to the throne, he handled the issues of the clan with the same surname very well and did not let him lose control.

So Liu Heng said to Liu Qi with an unchanging smile: Qi'er, the future of Dahan is yours, including of course your uncles, you must manage them well. "

Liu Qi sighed in his heart and responded respectfully: "Xin'erchen will definitely not let the clan members have problems. We are all a family, so naturally we must live in harmony."
Eastern Han Dynasty, Jianwu 17 years.

As the founding emperor of the Eastern Han Dynasty, Liu Xiu was thinking about one thing - attacking the wealthy families.

Looking at the situation of the Han Dynasty in the future, the wealthy family is really a big problem. It is no exaggeration to say that they hide in the bone marrow of the Han Dynasty and suck the nutrients of the Han Dynasty. If they are not removed, the Han Dynasty will not be able to become strong.
Tang Dynasty, Zhenguan period.

The officials of Zhenguan were also discussing the matter of the four quotation Easter eggs, but they could never come up with a complete answer. They could only record many words in the record, leaving it to obtain more useful information in the future, so as to see through the mystery.

Of course, they also began to guess, who will be the next Taizong?

Could it be that it is really Shang Taizong Taijia?
However, when I thought about it again, I felt that it was unlikely. I am afraid that I have to go back and talk about Taizong in the several dynasties with Song Dynasty.

Changsun Wuji said: "The Liao Dynasty was the dynasty established by the Khitan. When Shenwei told the story of Song Taizong before, he did not neglect the Liao Dynasty."

(End of this chapter)

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