Start 1861: I just inherited the Dutch throne

Chapter 1064: Is it really going to be sunny after the general election?

Chapter 1064: Is it really going to be sunny after the general election?
"The Netherlands is expected to enter a stable period after the election of senators and prime ministers in various provinces. The Socialist Party needs to seize the opportunity to show its ability to govern the country."


On January 1882, 1, William IV met with the elected Prime Minister Jourda Netang after the second election at the Royal Palace.

Jules Danetang came here the day after the election results came out.

But that time it was a courtesy visit to the Royal Palace of the Netherlands.

This time, it was an interview. It was time to convince His Majesty William and to test his ability to govern strategic planning.

William IV looked at Jules Danetant in front of him. The 51-year-old was definitely an extremely young age for politicians around the world.

You must know that Tolbeck was 71 years old when he retired.

The British Viscount Palmerston passed away before retiring at the age of about 80.

So does his good partner Russell.

In short, in Europe and the United States in this era, the political life span of senior politicians almost always reaches its peak after starting over the age of 50. , followed by maintenance.

At present, the party capitals of the Dutch parties are relatively young. De Vries of the Liberal Party is 59 years old, and former Prime Minister Linden of the Christian Party is 55 years old.

The Netherlands does not prohibit the prime minister from eating twice-cooked pork, but he must serve two terms and then not run for the next general election. He can only continue to run after one term.

Therefore, Jurdane Tang can still run for another four or five general elections and is worth cultivating.

"Your Majesty, my idea is that one of the themes of my new cabinet government is to unite the government and seize the opportunity to promote reforms, improve the economy, and win more voters to support our Socialist Party through good governance. Of course, the premise is that support The Royal Family and the Kingdom of the Netherlands.”

"That sounds nice!" William IV said secretly, smiling endlessly.

The Socialist Party overthrew the dominant Liberal Party in the Netherlands in the general election this time, making both the old and new factions of the Liberal Party and the Christian Party extremely vigilant. Therefore, in the future, the interests of Dutch political parties will rise against the Socialist Party.

William IV believed that the Liberal Party's defeat this time might unite the two Christian parties and even make a compromise to overthrow Jules Danetant's cabinet for re-election in the next general election.

Therefore, if Jules Danetang wants to unite the government now, isn't it actually a way of breaking up others and uniting them under his banner?Only through good governance and improving economic and people's livelihood issues can we win the support of Dutch voters.

William IV: "Next, the Socialist Party still needs to make a political judgment and choice. Should it continue to make concessions to the Christian Party or the Liberal Party to please the unity you mentioned, or should it consolidate the support of the Socialist Party in the three major ethnic groups of immigrants, indigenous people and even the old Dutch in the Netherlands? That is to consolidate the basic base and expand the scale of his own support." Jules Danetang faced William IV alone for the first time, and he still talked about the issue of partisanship in the Netherlands. His Majesty William IV did not Jules Danetang was surprised by his unabashed style. He did not expect that His Majesty would discuss this directly, and he would do so without any scruples.

Without waiting for his answer, William IV said: "I agree with what you said after the election that it is necessary to unite all factions in the country to support the government's governance and achieve stability."

“I agree that the people also want political stability and better economic development. Therefore, since the Socialist Party came to power, it must start to rectify the chaotic aspects of the country before this election and implement the strategic plan before and after you came to power. "

William IV also warned that “the Dutch election process showed that Dutch politics has regressed into racial politics. The Socialist Party will need to introduce more measures to please or appease other people such as the Old Dutch and indigenous black people, and this will lead to The unity government is between a rock and a hard place.

After all, the unity government will be struggling, whether to introduce policies that are more open and competitive, or policies that are more pleasing to voters of all ethnic groups, and you have to weigh the consequences yourself."


Jules Danetang naturally understands the stakes here.

His political mentor Mari Philip had pointed out to him before that basically from the warm-up elections that started last year to the end of the general election, the Lyndon cabinet government has been dealing with elections and failed to promote many policies. Now that the general election is over, there will be no major elections in the short term. The next time will be the mid-term election period two years later, which is the election of the other half of the senators, representatives of the House of Representatives and senior officials. Therefore, after taking office on February 22, the Socialist Party cabinet It is necessary to have a good grasp of the ability to demonstrate governance.

The current Foreign Minister Beit once expressed concern to him that the election results would make the problem of ethnic divisions in the Netherlands more serious. "The various measures to improve divisions introduced by Linden's Christian Party cabinet or the Liberal Party's cabinets over the years have not yet yielded results, and the Liberal Party's attack on the difference in loyalty between immigrants and old Dutch people towards the royal family has further aggravated the problem. "

Giulda Netan knew this well.

He also understands that this is a difficult problem posed to him by Tolbeck and other senior leaders of the Liberal Party.

Jules Danetant said calmly: "Many people now believe that if the Socialist Party does not perform well enough in power in the next four years, the Socialist Party may be directly kicked out of office in the general election four years later, which will put great pressure on it and shake its unity." The stability of the government. However, I still believe that the Socialist Party is currently the party best able to unite the Netherlands, and we will work with other parties to move forward in the direction of the development of the Netherlands."

William IV still smiled and said nothing.

The current power structure of the Socialist Party is party leader Jules Danetang, party chairman Joseph Beit, and senatorial whip Mari Philip.The four House Whips Hester made the decision, and it was these four people who planned it. This means that the power within the Socialist Party is relatively balanced, unlike the Liberal Party or the Christian Party, where one person is dominant.

After a moment, he said: "You are right, but the Socialist Party cabinet government needs to be careful. The Liberal Party and the Christian Party won several provincial constituencies with an overwhelming advantage. Your Socialist Party won the mixed election with the largest advantage. This This situation may still lead to calls for a change of prime minister in the Netherlands."

He pointed out, "This is because after the warm-up for the general election last year, the Christian Party made many strategic concessions and compromises in order to win over the Old Dutch people and competed with the Christian Liberal Party. As a result, Linden's Christian Party also ignored the demands of some immigrants. .

But unfortunately, the general election showed results, but Lyndon’s abilities were not rewarded, so you must avoid following Lyndon’s path in the future.
The Liberal Party is also currently preparing for a new party leader. The Liberal Party will review the current election slogans and policies next, and may even introduce the same intra-party policies and practices to attract immigrants as the Liberal Party. "This will lead to changes in the new Dutch government and create instability."

(End of this chapter)

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