Start 1861: I just inherited the Dutch throne

Chapter 1065 Oscar II’s exclamation

Chapter 1065 Oscar II’s exclamation
“This provincial senatorial election shows that the rise of the Socialist Party is expanding, but this is not necessarily caused by racial and religious factors. Economic problems, the governing ability of the previous cabinet government, etc. are all factors.

Therefore, it is time for the Socialist Party to improve the country’s economy through good governance and governance, improve government efficiency, improve poverty problems, etc., and use performance to win the support of voters.”

When William IV said this, he still had to sigh in his heart.

The ruling and opposition camps in the Netherlands each maintain a certain number of provincial territories, which is more balanced. However, the rapid rise to power of the Socialist Party, a latecomer, can break the dull situation in the Netherlands in the past.

The results of this election show that the Socialist Party has strengthened its power, the Liberal Party is no longer the only party, and the Christian Party has become the big loser.

William IV's view is shared by many people. The results of provincial elections and general elections will not directly affect the stability of the unity government. As for the New Christian Party, although public opinion does not support Linden's re-election as prime minister, his strength in the party Strong, so he is not expected to step down due to being held accountable.

If Lyndon does not step down, rallying the parties around a cabinet government would provide a pillar of stability.

What's more, the current cabinet formed by the Socialist Party is in cooperation with the Christian Party. The Christian Party occupies the majority of cabinet seats, and more than 70% of other important positions that are not cabinet members are in the hands of the Christian Party.

Therefore, even if the Socialist Party wants to hand over, it will still take a certain amount of time. After all, the business cannot be handed over in one step, but buffer time is needed.

Therefore, members of the Christian Party can continue to work in the new cabinet government. Of course, it is understandable that the Socialist Party will replace them with its own people.

That will be a year and a half or a few months later. Naturally, they will not withdraw easily on their own, so the stability of the unity government is not a problem.

But that's a regular position.

After the results of the general election, it is inevitable that the Socialist Party will take over the cabinet positions.

The results of the general election began to be announced in early January. Prime Minister-elect Jules Danetang held a press conference in Melbourne Square, calling on all parties to respect the democratic process and accept the results. Regardless of victory or defeat, the country must be stable and the election process continues. Keep it up.

There are 4300 million eligible voters in this election. Voting started in the morning and ended at 37 pm on the third day.According to the turnout rate announced by the Dutch Election Commission, except for Queensland and New Zealand, two places where political parties have fought head-on battles before, the turnout rate in the other 70 provinces and cities was less than 30%, even in some provinces where Africans and indigenous peoples have a majority. , the turnout rate was only 40% or 50%, not even half of 60%, which was far lower than the 80% people had previously estimated, and [-]% in white areas.

It can be seen that people are still indifferent to voting, especially in African provinces.

Jules Danetang said at the press conference during the vote count that this election in 39 provinces and cities was a referendum on the three parties. He also said that the Socialist Party would accept the election results with an open mind.

He emphasized that the entire Netherlands will maintain the stability of the royal rule after the election, and the new government will work harder to govern. "From the beginning, we will not only work as usual, but also work harder to ensure the prosperity and stability of the country."

It has been half a month since the results of the Dutch election, but the impact continues to be discussed around the world.

King Oscar II of Sweden, who has close ties with the Netherlands, is in Stockholm following the various statements of the new Dutch cabinet.His prime minister was Arvid Pose from the Peasants' Party.

"Your Majesty, the Liberal Party has retained less than one-third of the province, and the old and new Christian parties have barely managed even one-quarter. It seems that in the future, we will need to deal with this newly rising Socialist Party."

Arvid Poser continued his analysis: "The number of senators of the Liberal Party can only maintain a certain influence in the Senate. But in the future, if you want to block the passage of various bills or the passage of cabinet members, you must join forces with other people, or even It is difficult to do, after all, cabinet members need to be nominated by the Prime Minister. Then half of the senators in the Senate must support it, and finally His Majesty must confirm it, and then the appointment will be approved.

This time, the Socialist Party only needs to unite with one of the old and new Christian parties to obtain more than half of the votes.So there’s no difficulty with the appointment, it’s just the price of the deal.”

"However, for the Socialist Party itself, it is still a setback, because the power of the other three parties will not stop, but will expand cooperation. In the next general election, the Socialist Party will face opponents with a different background than this election. For example, the Liberal Party has started to move from Melbourne, to Western Australia, to the recently lost Queensland province, and to the African province of Madagascar. It has started to operate teams to go to these places to strengthen the propaganda of the Liberal Party's openness to immigrants and indigenous people in these low-income places. Black people joined the party.

It’s only been half a month since the election, and it’s clear that the Liberal Party has begun to exert its strength. "

As the founding leader of the Swedish Peasants' Party, Arvid Poser's reputation is extremely high in Sweden. Even the most popular independent liberals in Sweden are old Louis de Geer and Carl Johan Ticilius. The two big bosses, the independent conservatives, both chose to win over him.


Oscar II also values ​​him very highly.

Of course, what no one knows is that these two people have actually been together for a long time.

"Arvid, do you think the new Dutch cabinet government will further provoke the UK this time? Well, I am talking about further direct confrontation."

Oscar II has made progress step by step, and he has almost become Sweden's most respected economic king. Compared with his grandfather Carl XIV, father Oscar I and eldest brother Carl XV, Sweden's economy has developed faster since he took charge. .

Originally disadvantaged by the cold factors in Northern Europe, with the improvement of steel refining technology, the use of various types of wood needed for shipbuilding, and the good use of charcoal, Sweden has become a moderately industrialized country, not even lower than Austria. The Hungarian Empire's technology in this area is in the third echelon.

The Netherlands in front is in the first echelon, the United Kingdom, Germany, and the United States are in the second echelon, and Spain, France, Austria-Hungary, Spain, and Portugal are in the third echelon.

You must know that in the past, Sweden was a remote area where fathers and mothers did not love each other.

The progress over the years is naturally inseparable from the support of the Netherlands.

Oscar II sighed: "The industrial support of the Netherlands is too important to us in Laishui. We use Dutch technology to provide a lot of steel in Europe, especially special steel. The forging method is only known to us and the Netherlands, so it is currently under our monopoly. , this provides us with a price for negotiation with the European continent, especially the powerful countries in Western Europe. Unfortunately, all of this was planned by William IV. In the end, we in Sweden have become the puppets of the Netherlands."

(End of this chapter)

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