Start 1861: I just inherited the Dutch throne

Chapter 1066: Winning over Sweden

Chapter 1066: Winning over Sweden
Sweden, Stockholm.

King Oscar II and Prime Minister Arvid Pose looked at each other, both feeling uneasy about the tense relations between the Netherlands and Britain.

Opposite are Von Drais, the German Embassy in Sweden, Jerry, the British uncle in Sweden, and Louis, the Austro-Hungarian uncle in Sweden.

The ambassadors of the three major international powers came to visit the king's palace. It was really an extraordinary momentum.

Von Drais and Jerry nuzzled at Louis.

This is a fragile opening, and naturally it needs to be done by the countries that really need it. Even if you know you will be at a disadvantage, you have to do it.

Louis pretended to cough, and then said: "Your Majesty, Sweden is the ancestral home of the Germans, one of the three major races in Europe. It is a very desirable place in the whole of Europe. Since we came here, I have visited various places every year. Various symbols of the Germanic ancestors to commemorate the various contributions they made."

I have to say that Louis is indeed the top diplomatic expert arranged by Vienna in Stockholm. It is really good to find him like this. He is a talent!
Von Drais was very satisfied with Louis' astuteness.

"Yes, the Germans now make up the majority not only in Sweden, the Netherlands, and Denmark, but also in the German Empire, Austria-Hungary, and the United Kingdom."

Von Drais's eyes fell on Oscar II's face and he said without fear: "Therefore, Sweden should not bet on one country, but bet everywhere, so that it can make a steady profit."

At this time, Jerry, the British Ambassador to the Netherlands, spoke.And it's always strong.

"Your Majesty, Sweden can't just be an ally with the Netherlands. We are all big powers here. We admit that the influence of the Netherlands in the Eastern Hemisphere even exceeds that of the United Kingdom, but exceeding it does not mean that it will definitely win against us. After all, we have deployed hundreds of ships in the Far East. Ships, even if the Netherlands defeats us, it will be a miserable victory. When the time comes, the Netherlands will not be able to take care of itself, and will not have the energy to support Europe. Unexpected things may happen, right?"


The British ambassador to Sweden is threatening her. If she does not end her alliance with the Netherlands, then a war will break out between Britain and the Netherlands in the future. The Netherlands will win or lose in the Far East. But even if they win, the Netherlands will definitely be the leader in Europe. Loss of life is devastating.After all, after offending Britain, Germany and Austria, which other country dares to think that the Netherlands can escape.

"Oh, don't say that," Louis said red-faced: "After all, as a major Nordic country, Sweden's alliance with the Netherlands can be regarded as caused by independent power. We should not blame Sweden, but you should blame the Netherlands. , if the Netherlands hadn’t pushed Sweden into an alliance with all its strength, Sweden and the United Kingdom have become very delicate, and the relationship with the current German Empire and Austria-Hungary is also unpredictable. Now we are all drinking red wine and working together for a better tomorrow for the Germans. And cheers.

Oscar II waited for the three of them to finish their performance before saying: “First of all, I don’t know how much impact the alliance between Sweden and the Netherlands will have on you.

Second, Sweden has the right to conduct diplomacy independently, and other countries have no right to interfere.

Thirdly, although the majority of Germans in England, Germany and Austria are good, Sweden, Denmark and the Netherlands are also the most important countries where Germans live. The three countries all have Germanic memorials in their countries, which are also the most complete. Because we have legislation and Germanic talents. It is our first race.

On the contrary, there is no similar approach in the British political arena where Ambassador Jerry belongs, so no matter how much you tell me, it will not improve the impression."

"The Germanic people are currently in the rising stage of development. I admit that our six countries are mainly Germanic, but each country has different priorities.

As far as I know, the United Kingdom behind Ambassador Jerry has always been unwilling to generally summarize the country's composition as Germanic.

Queen Victoria preferred to use the Anglo-Saxons to separate the British nation from Europe.

Just like your religious president.

We have always said that we support the development of our Protestant religion to compete with the Catholic Church in Rome in the south and the Orthodox Church dominated by Tsarist Russia.However, within the Protestant Church, because of the emergence of the Anglican Church in England, others have also established themselves in the Protestant Church.

Lutheranism, Calvinism, and Anglicanism were finally formally established.The UK likes offshore balancing. Countries on the European continent will recognize the UK as the target of checks and balances. Therefore, any external politics in the UK will serve the internal affairs.”

Oscar II sneered: "From a series of points of view, it is Britain that divides the Germans, isn't it?"

The UK has always liked to suppress its opponents and support novices, but it relies on using these countries to absorb the support of other countries to strengthen itself.

When Spain was the target, they took advantage of France's dissatisfaction with Spain, the boss, and finally united with France to make Spain, the largest maritime power, fall from the altar.

Later, the Dutch coachmen also cooperated with Britain and France. In the end, the Netherlands was still worse than Spain. It was not even a first-class country and became a second-class country. In 1800, at the beginning of the century, the country was almost destroyed.

Oscar II will never forget that in 1850, Britain gradually developed pro-British forces in Sweden-controlled Norway. By absorbing Norwegian raw materials, it won over ambitious Norwegians. In the end, if the Netherlands had not supported Sweden and given intelligence to Sweden, Sweden would have I'm scared to think about the consequences.

Faced with such a cunning Penguin, which has no credibility and only cares about its own development and suppresses other countries, it is strange that Oscar II can be trusted.

Oscar II's words were a bit of a slap in the face, Jerry's embarrassment was the most obvious on his face, and the other two's faces were also somewhat dull.

Louise gave a fake cough, and then said: "Your Majesty, ahem, your Majesty is resolutely standing with the Netherlands against our three countries?"

If it's not soft, then it's hard.

"Sweden has a population of 800 million. Due to the mobilization of all the people, our army has exceeded 150 million. I don't know what you, the German ambassador, mean, but what I can tell you with certainty is that Sweden will not betray Allies, especially in difficult times, stab their allies with a knife."

Oscar II said firmly.

Your Majesty, your Ambassador to Sweden, Von Drais, smoothed things over: "Your Majesty, what we are asking to see Your Majesty this time is actually more importantly, we want to discuss it with Sweden. Our three countries hope that Sweden can work with us to develop a career in Latin America. Instead of watching people eat meat, we almost don’t even have the soup base to drink.”

Oscar II's eyes narrowed, "What do you mean? Are you tempting me?"

"No, I am analyzing the gains and losses of Sweden's firm alliance with the Netherlands. Yes, the Netherlands is Sweden's largest foreign investor and technology supplier. The help of the Netherlands has allowed Sweden to enter the ranks of moderately developed countries, and even catch up with it in the near future. It is not impossible for Denmark to become a highly developed country among medium-sized countries.”

Von Drais looked at Oscar II calmly, "If Sweden can stand on our side in the next battle between us and the Netherlands, no"

Seeing that Oscar II was about to open his mouth, von Drais immediately changed his mind and said: "As long as Sweden is neutral, we in Germany are willing to increase investment in Sweden and share our technology with Sweden that is no less than that of the Netherlands."

What, you are actually willing to share!

Oscar II was stunned.

You must know that the Netherlands will not do this. Germany seems to be very determined this time and wants to pull Sweden over.

Do you want to move?
Oscar II hesitated.

(End of this chapter)

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