Start 1861: I just inherited the Dutch throne

Chapter 1079: Is Judea going to establish a state?

Chapter 1079: Is Judea going to establish a state?

The second son of Edmund James Rothschild actually appeared in the Queensland Province of the Kingdom of the Netherlands and participated in the Pacific Trade Promotion Conference hosted by the Netherlands!


The Rothschild family, ranked first in the European financial circle, finally jumped out of Europe and went global?

The news was like a tornado in Europe, causing panic.

People in the United Kingdom, Germany, Austria-Hungary, Italy, and the French Second Empire in Paris, where Emond's residence is located, are constantly collecting various intelligence on this matter.

After all, the Rothschild family owns a huge share of the national debt of various countries. If this is a political tendency, then countries should be wary of it.

As soon as Alphonso James Rothschild attended the meeting, he took the train non-stop to Melbourne. At a mysterious place, he was summoned by William IV. Along with William IV, there was also his eldest son. Albert.

William IV sits at the top, Prince Albert sits on the right hand, and Alphonso James Rothschild on the left.

"What's the situation in France now?"

William IV asked straight to the point.

"The dark clouds of economic depression and financial turmoil coming from the UK are casting a heavy gloom over the French economy.

The British economy has been spending in recent years.With production and investment declining, signs of crisis are appearing everywhere.

According to the intelligence passed on by my cousin Nathaniel, British retail sales even fell by 1% in January, far defying market expectations of 5.5%.UK industrial production also fell by 1 points, down from 3.7 points in the previous month.

In particular, the stagnation in the textile industry, which accounts for an important part of the UK's GDP, is very serious.

From July to December last year, investment in the British textile industry fell by 7% compared with the same period last year, and new factory jobs decreased by 12%.
The thunderstorm in the British textile industry market is like a domino effect, gradually pressing on the financial world. Following the large-scale cotton and other raw material factories, the garment manufacturing industry later fell into a debt crisis.

The well-known British insurance company London Financial Insurance Trust Company also defaulted on payments due to its failure to pay 350 million pounds of funds due.

Many people began to worry that the textile industry crisis would spread to the British financial sector and even evolve into a second economic crisis compared to the first British economic crisis in 1835. "

William IV motioned for him to continue, and Albert continued taking notes.

Alphonso James Rothschild also continued without complaint: “Our family’s investment banking consultants have all lowered their forecasts for the UK’s growth this year. The Bank of London (from the Rothschild family) even started to lower their forecasts for the UK’s economic growth from the first half of this year. Under such circumstances, consumer prices and producer prices in the UK fell by 5% and 3% respectively compared with last year in the first half of the year, and even deflation occurred.

Many analysts believe that the UK may fall into a long-term economic depression after the asset bubble bursts due to excessive investment in the textile industry, just like the UK's first economic crisis. "

Albert asked: "Mr. Alfonso, didn't the British government intervene directly?"

Alphonso James Rothschild saw that William IV ignored him, which was obviously a signal for him to reply: "The British naturally intervened, but the British government failed to make effective economic stimulus policies as before, and instead postponed the announcement of this year's announcement." Since then, the difficulty in finding employment has aggravated the distrust of capital owners in European countries and even the UK.

Accounting for 17% of global foreign trade, the British economic depression not only had an impact on the world economy, but was also likely to cause a serious blow to the French empire's economy.The United Kingdom was the largest export market of the Second French Empire, and exports to the United Kingdom accounted for about 35% of the foreign trade of the Second French Empire.
The French Second Empire's exports have decreased year-on-year for three consecutive months, and the British crisis has reduced year-on-year for two consecutive quarters and six months, which is the main reason. "

"What did the Second French Empire do?" Albert asked.

"Faced with such British risks, Napoleon III has initiated multiple emergency meetings. In view of the turmoil in the financial market of the Second French Empire, the pound against the franc has even changed from the original 1:10 to the current 1:9 , the decline reached 10% within two months, and various indices in the securities market were about to fall below multiple historical levels. This is very shocking to French securities and finance."

"The biggest question is whether the Second French Empire is ready to deal with the economic depression caused by the United Kingdom. The French Ministry of Finance mentioned at an emergency meeting on the 17th of this month that the core of the countermeasures is to improve categories and regions. New structural export strategies such as diversification.”

William IV said at this time: "What do you mean?"

Alphonso James Rothschild: “We in the Roth family believe that now that the risk has become a reality in the UK, the government wants to repeat this market diversification like a drama gone wrong.

The government must re-evaluate British risks with the awareness of the crisis that the French economy has shown a yellow card, and re-formulate response strategies. No matter what happens, it must prevent the risks from the British from being transferred to the French Second Empire economy. "

William IV: "Do you think you can do it?"

Alphonso James Rothschild said distressedly: "It can't be done."

"Why?" William IV pressed.

Alphonso James Rothschild: "Because His Majesty Napoleon III of France is losing energy. He only enjoys the results now, but he is really unwilling to expand."

William IV smiled and said: "So, you and your brother Emond think that the Netherlands has more potential?"

Alphonso James Rothschild: "No, Your Majesty, it is not what we think, but what my father James thinks."

William IV's expression changed slightly.

James, a guy who has been involved in French finance for decades, from Frankfurt to Paris, has achieved such great achievements single-handedly. The Rothschild family is no worse than the British Nathan, but they are not as ostentatious.

More than 100 years later in Europe, many wineries in France are owned by Roche, while the share of financial Roche in the UK is very small. It can be seen that James and his descendants are reserved.

Making a fortune in silence is the right way.

Therefore, it is not surprising that this person saw the potential of the Netherlands.

Moreover, he had an agreement with James Rothschild back then.

That's what helped the Jews build their nation.

Seeing Alfonso James Rothschild's eagerness, it was obvious that he just reminded himself to fulfill his promise to establish a country. Has the promise been fulfilled?
(End of this chapter)

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