Start 1861: I just inherited the Dutch throne

Chapter 1080 The 3 major industrial powers, 4 up and 7 down

Chapter 1080 The seven major industrial powers with three tops and four bottoms

In the British Isles, Queen Victoria and others were discussing the Rothschild family's increasing investment in the UK a few days ago, but it suddenly broke out in the Netherlands that the second-largest figure in the French branch of the Rothschild family, Al Fangso actually showed up at an international conference hosted by the Netherlands.

Moreover, Alfonso Rothschild actually made it clear that the Rothschild family branch in Paris began to invest in various projects in the Netherlands on a large scale.

The news triggered earthquakes in Europe of no less than magnitude eight.

The Rothschild family has always been based on Europe, especially investing in the five major countries of Germany, Britain, France, Austria and Italy. The five countries generally use this to compete for investment.

This time, the restricted area was broken, making the five countries feel that the resources that originally belonged to them were suddenly robbed.

I was very upset.

Especially in the United Kingdom, because the Rothschild family had little investment in the country, they instead invested in British colonies such as the Indian subcontinent and Bangladesh.

Even though local employment has been low in the past year, Roche is still indifferent. The Gladstone government has repeatedly hinted to the other party, but Nathaniel Meyer Rothschild, the head of the British branch, is indifferent.This makes the British government very helpless.

He couldn't hit but couldn't hit, couldn't move but couldn't move.

At this time, the Queen was born, and Cecil also expressed dissatisfaction with this. Now, it was historic in Britain that the two parties had a highly consistent view on the Rothschild issue. This made Gladstone already have I'm sure I can deal with Roche.

But before any action was taken, the French Roche branch actually revealed that it had made a large-scale investment in the Netherlands, with an investment scale of no less than 100 million pounds and providing employment for more than 3 people.

There is currently a large country with unemployment in the UK. The number of unemployed exceeds 400 million, accounting for 2500% of the 16 million people in the UK's working age group.
If these 1 jobs are reduced, plus food, drink and other peripherals, the British unemployment rate can be reduced by [-] point.

Drought will kill you. Flood will kill you.

Now, Gladstone did not dare to touch the Rothschild family.

So without stopping, he went to Buckingham Palace to report to Queen Victoria.

To his surprise, at Buckingham Palace, he also saw Robert Cecil who had arrived before him.

"Gladstone, you came just in time. Cecil just mentioned Roche's recent restlessness. What do you think?"

Queen Victoria asked directly.

Gladstone naturally did not dare to hide anything at this time and told the news he had just received.

It was said at the scene that the three of them were old foxes. In fact, both the Queen and Cecil had received the news just now. That was why he was here waiting for Gladstone to arrive.

The three represent the tripartite forces in Britain.

The bourgeoisie, the aristocracy, and the royal family.

But Gladstone also has a noble status, so the difference between the first two is not very big at present.

The Tories and Whigs were more competitive precisely because they were less distinct.

Gladstone said uneasily:
"Roche dominates our UK capital market. More than 20% of the UK's medium and large companies are owned by Roche, and more than 30% of our national debt is undertaken by Roche. Even the last time we were involved in the Chilean war bonds, Roche was also ours. On the undertaking side, the national debt held in addition to our fiscal deficit is also completed thanks to the support of Roche. For 60 years, Roche has grown up and is difficult to shake."

Cecil's mind was also running rapidly, and suddenly, he thought of a plan.

But looking at the distressed Gladstone and the incomparably plain Queen, he chose not to say anything yet.

Sometimes, it is easier to gain favor and recognition by taking the initiative to report something, and then slowly and hesitantly speaking out after being asked.But it was impossible to hide the clumsiness, because Queen Victoria happened to see this scene.

"Cecil, if you have any ideas, just say it."

When Gladstone saw this, he wondered if the two people in front of him had already reached some kind of consensus, so his heart sank involuntarily.

Naturally, Cecil and the others didn't know that they were the target of suspicion.

"In fact, to break Luo's tyranny, we don't need to do it ourselves."

Cecil's confident posture made Queen Victoria feel bright. This Cecil had good abilities and was a better person than Disraeli.

It does seem like the Tories need more attention.

As for the Whigs, it would be unbalanced for the Crown to support one party too much.

It has been 1837 years since she ascended the throne as the Queen of England in 45. In the first five years, she had a bad relationship with the powerful Viscount Palmerston, but her husband Prince Albert made up for it, and she also supported two People formed bridges, and finally her relationship with the Whig Party began to change.

The two began to have a tacit understanding of cooperating in the UK and outside the UK.Britain quickly built on the foundation laid by her grandfather and uncle, and further made Britain a global hegemon. It reached its peak in 1850, accounting for one-third of the world's economy and half of its trade.

Especially after the British fought with the Boers in South Africa in 1863 and injured nearly 10 people, the British began to go downhill.

With the death of Viscount Palmerston in 1867, Britain under the rule of the Whigs under Gladstone and the Tories under Disraeli seemed to have entered a state of feeble twilight, at least compared to the Netherlands and the United Kingdom. This is how Germany compares with the three United States.

Of course, it is better than France and Austria-Hungary and Russia.

After seeing the results of ruling a country, we can see the problem of the ruler's ability.

The Netherlands has been ruled by William IV, Tolbeck, de Vries and Linden since 1862.

The Russian Empire was Alexander II and Gorchakov.

For Austria-Hungary, it was Franz Joseph I and Archduke Ferdinand.

In France, it was Napoleon III and a prime minister who was just walking around.

In the UK, it is Viscount Palmerston, Disraeli, and Gladstone.

William I of Germany + the Iron Triangle Bismarck, Moltke Sr., and von der Leyen.

The Confederate States of America experienced Abraham Lincoln, Andrew Johnson, and Stephen Douglas (Douglass failed in the election in history, and Andrew only had one term. The other two terms were Ulysses Grant and Rutherford Hay. Si) and James Garfield, who just came to power in January.

These seven countries are currently the most powerful and industrially powerful countries in the world.

What is obvious is that the industrial strength of the four old powers, Britain, Austria-Hungary, France, and Tsarist Russia, is declining. On the contrary, the newly rising Germany, the United States, and the resurgent Netherlands have surpassed the previous four powers.

Is there no reason for the ruler in this?
Even I don’t believe it when I say it.

Therefore, Queen Victoria had to secretly comment that the ability of the cabinet government prime minister of this old and powerful country was not as good as that of her counterparts in the Netherlands, Germany and the United States.

(End of this chapter)

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