Start 1861: I just inherited the Dutch throne

Chapter 1085: When you praise your predecessor who failed, you are praising yourself.

Chapter 1085: When you praise your predecessor who failed, you are praising yourself.
Jules Danetang became the new Prime Minister of the Netherlands. When any Dutch Prime Minister wins, they will immediately think of how their opponent's supporters can resolve their grievances.

How to solve this problem?

Not only the Financial Times, the largest newspaper in the UK, is analyzing it, but William IV himself is also analyzing it, saying to his eldest son, Prince Albert:

“In most cases, the Dutch Prime Minister’s victory speech will praise his competitors, and then also appease those voters who did not vote for him but voted for his opponents.

The basic subtext is just like the fake-in-the-face mode. First, I introduce how strong and powerful my opponent is. It’s not your fault that you voted for him. It’s just that I accidentally became more powerful and better than him. That’s all.

He said, “In his speech when the leader of the Christian Party came to the stage, Linden also greatly praised the then-current Prime Minister de Vries of the Liberal Party who was seeking re-election, and thanked him for his service and contribution to the Kingdom of the Netherlands.

Lyndon said this at the time:
"I just received a telegram from transitional Prime Minister de Vries, who congratulated us on our cause and our victory. And I also paid tribute to him and his family and his Liberal Party team who fought this tough battle. Persisted until the end.

In my opinion, he has always been a brave fighter for his perseverance in this difficult electoral battle.

At the same time, we owe him a debt of gratitude for his contribution to the country of the Netherlands. "

After King William IV thought about the content of Lyndon's speech to succeed De Vries, he also talked about the speech of Giulda Netang to succeed Lyndon.

Moreover, Giardnetan's victory speech was another exception. Lyndon was mentioned 10 times throughout the entire process, but the name of his rival Liberal Party's De Vries was only mentioned once, which is the following sentence:
“For those who voted for the former President de Vries, I understand that you are disappointed today. I myself have actually lost several elections since I entered politics, of course, in local elections in Belgium.

But since 1860 I have won almost invincible electoral victories.It’s not that my opponent is too weak, but that I am too strong.

It's not because I'm handsome personally, but because my ability to govern and handle things has been expected and recognized by everyone.

Therefore, I will not overly praise the achievements of my predecessor and/or my predecessors, because that will obscure my thoughts and plans that I will announce next.”

Now, let’s give each other a chance and it’s time to put away those harsh words. "

William IV couldn't help but frown and said: "It can be seen that de Vries only made such an understatement in Giarda Netan's entire speech.

In fact, considering that Jules Danetang often uses the description of repairing the soul of the Netherlands in his speeches, it is not difficult to find that his original intention is to secretly accuse the Liberal Party of destroying the united soul of the Kingdom of the Netherlands.

Why did Giulda Netone do this?Because he wants to win over people's hearts and alleviate the social conflicts caused by this election in the Netherlands, he urgently needs to set a target. "

William IV also directly gave an example, saying, "In a school in London, England, if two groups of people don't look at each other, and they fight each other for nothing, everyone will be hurt. How can we make them let go of their prejudices and get back together?" Woolen cloth?

Giulda Netang's idea may be to find a few people from other schools, and then tell these two groups of on-campus students that your school is garbage in the eyes of our other schools.

This approach will produce immediate results.”

A bad team must have one or another problem among its internal members.

But what should a new leader do when he wants to win people's hearts as quickly as possible?Do we have to directly analyze and persuade everyone with sincerity?
In the case of Jourdanetang, this is definitely not the case.

William IV analyzed that, as mentioned before, solving all problems is far from being something that can be solved overnight.

Because he quickly gained people's support, he immediately found a third party and dumped all the blame for the team on the third party at once, giving everyone a reason and outlet to shirk responsibility. "The team's poor performance is not your problem, it's the previous leader's fault because he doesn't know how to work."

"The team made many mistakes before, but essentially it was the leader's strategy that went astray, and it had little to do with everyone."

Such words cannot solve the actual problem, but they can be quickly recognized and accepted by the team.

Only after mastering the trust of the team can the managers' various ideas be implemented smoothly.

Consolidating the fundamentals is more important than opening up new prospects.

The reason why a new leader is promoted to leader is actually his biggest support when he first starts working. "

William IV looked at Prince Albert and said: "Many people believe in the principle of three things when a new official takes office. After taking office, they are eager to conquer the city and get involved in too many things that they do not understand and are not familiar with, but they neglect themselves. original advantages.

The end result is often an anticlimax or even a fire in the backyard.Don’t rush for success, take your time and step by step, do you understand? "

Prince Albert nodded.

William IV added: "In Jules Danetang's speech, he mentioned diversity many times, the support of ethnic minorities and even African and indigenous groups, and the largest part talked about the support of global immigrants. This It is an advantageous place to win over the Socialist Party, not allowing other political parties to take advantage of it and consolidating its basic base.”

“Comparing Jourda Netang’s victory speech with Lyndon’s victory speech that year, you will find an interesting contrast.

The only place in Lyndon's victory speech that mentioned his deputy Jules Danetang (the two parties jointly formed a cabinet campaign, Jules Danetant was the deputy and Lyndon was the chairman) was the last sentence of the entire speech. :Thank you very much, thank you also Jules Danetang!
Although it feels like I forgot to mention it before, but finally thought about it, I had to mention it. "

But from the perspective of speech, there is not much of a problem. After all, in this victory speech, Lyndon himself is the well-deserved first protagonist.

He needs to give an explanation to the Christian Party and at the same time prevent the Socialist Party from taking the opportunity to expand its influence, so this is understandable.

Now that Giorda Netang has taken office, his deputy Joseph Beit was mentioned many times in his speech. He used a lot of space to praise his deputy prime minister:
"I had the honor of working for many years with an outstanding deputy prime minister, Joseph Beit, who made history. The deputy prime minister who worked closely with the prime minister for more than 20 years in the history of this country was also my opponent, but Now he is my close political partner."

Therefore, the unity of the Netherlands is actually the best portrayal of the two of us. This is something that should have happened among all factions in the Kingdom of the Netherlands.

Today we think of all those who have worked hard over the years to achieve this goal.

Whether Dutch haters in other parts of the world like it or not, we will unite under His Majesty's leadership to move forward and advance the prosperity of the Netherlands.

Jourdanetang said directly to Beit: You are already my family and there is no way to escape.

Such a shocking and clear sworn promise made the deputy bow down and worship him. "

William IV asked: "Do you know why he praised his deputy so much in the prime minister's speech?"

Prince Albert smiled and said: "Is Giarda Netan trying to stabilize his base camp?"

(End of this chapter)

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