Start 1861: I just inherited the Dutch throne

Chapter 1086 The Foreign Minister takes action

Chapter 1086 The Foreign Minister takes action

"Yes, for Lyndon to be Prime Minister, Jules Danetang is just a deputy. Although he is very good, he is still a deputy. And he is still a threatening deputy. He is not from the same political party as himself.

But for Jules Danetant as prime minister, Joseph Beit is actually a living example of his political views."

William IV turned to Prince Albert and asked: "Do you know what I am referring to?"

Prince Albert thought for a moment and understood the meaning.

"Father, you mean the unity advocated by Jules Danetant?"

William IV smiled and said: "Yes, Jules Danetang knows very well who voted for him. So he can temporarily ignore the attitude of Liberal Party supporters. After all, he will still have time to slowly buy them off in the future. This part of people’s hearts.

However, he must not lose this group of supporters easily, so he must explicitly or implicitly express his gratitude and make promises to this group of people throughout his victory speech. "

William IV asked his eldest son: "Everything has its reason. Just like these actions of Jules Danetang, you need to summarize them and summarize them for your own use."

"Don't think this way just in politics. In fact, it is also true in other fields in the workplace. As mentioned before, as a new leader, your biggest advantage is actually the reason why you were promoted to leader.

Therefore, in the early work, you should invest more energy in what you are best at, take advantage of your advantages, make some achievements and changes first, wait until the situation is basically stable and under your control, and then use your strength to make some achievements and changes. Only by using the strength of the entire team to try to break through can we truly strive for progress while maintaining stability.

The Netherlands is a big country now and cannot rush in. If you take over the royal power from me in the future, don't try to establish prestige right away. Instead, you should unite people under you and then build it up again. "

With the end of the Lyndon era.The new Dutch cabinet government of Jules Danetang will be established soon to take over the next step in the development of relations between the Netherlands and other countries around the world.

The old cabinet government originally composed of the Christian Party and the Socialist Party became the dominant party of the Socialist Party, and the trend was obviously more tough on Dutch-German relations."

According to a report by "European Times" on February 2, Mari Philip, who is the Senate whip of the majority party of the Dutch Socialist Party, will serve as the foreign minister of the new cabinet.

There are three important things for new officials to do when they take office. In the final stage of the speech of the new Dutch government, Mari Philip, the Minister of Foreign Affairs, announced in an interview with "European Times" that after he becomes the Minister of Foreign Affairs, he will be announced by the Dutch Parliament within a week. Adopt a new foreign policy toward Germany.

Mari Philip said in Melbourne that the Netherlands will cooperate in jointly maintaining security at the border between the Netherlands and Germany, and will also cooperate in maintaining security in and out of the Baltic Sea. The Netherlands is willing to help German industrial products be exported and imported through Dutch European ports.

But at the same time, the Netherlands will continue to express dissatisfaction with the German Empire's unfriendly approach to the Netherlands in helping the Austro-Hungarian Empire launch a war of aggression against the Netherlands' ally Mexico, and its non-open market attitude towards the Netherlands in trade. .

The Netherlands will face the threats posed by Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Britain in the Mediterranean and even Latin America and develop countermeasures.

Mari Philip emphasized. "Although dialogue was the mainstream of international exchanges in the 19th century, it did not mean ignoring differences or remaining silent."

Philip also said that the Netherlands should no longer focus only on its own economy as in the past. The Netherlands should unite the strength of its allies and deal better with the German-Austrian Alliance and even the Triple Alliance formed by the United Kingdom.

Mari Philip said that the Netherlands is one of the largest domestic markets in the world, and Germany cannot do without the Netherlands, nor the Common Market of Thirteen Latin American Countries represented by the Netherlands, nor the Common Market of the Four Nordic Countries, nor even the Far East Netherlands, Qing Dynasty, and Siam. The trading partner market of the four Far Eastern countries composed of , Korea and Korea.

It would be difficult for Germany to deal with without the Netherlands and the three major markets of our allies.

Without the advanced technology of the Dutch electrical age, Germany will fall further and further behind the economy of the Netherlands and even the United States.Regarding Mari Philip's statement, the German Foreign Ministry stated that it was not threatened.

“The Netherlands and Germany have frequent trade exchanges. Germany is the Netherlands’ largest trading partner in Europe and the country with the longest border connection. The two countries are each other’s largest destination for trade goods, which has brought huge benefits to both parties.

It would barely make sense for the new Dutch Foreign Minister to use this kind of thing that hurts the enemy by a thousand and hurts himself eight hundred as a trump card in relations with Germany.

However, if the new foreign minister of the Netherlands continues to slander Germany and threatens to ban German-related products from entering the market composed of the Netherlands and its allies, we will not passively accept it. "

Seeing Germany's response, Mari Philip directly criticized Germany again.

“As the most democratic country in the world, the Netherlands will work with our allies to promote Dutch values, and we will put values ​​first as our diplomatic policy.

Under this diplomatic concept, our view is that dialogue and toughness coexist at the same time. "

Regarding Mari Philip's statement, Bismarck directly summoned the head of the Dutch Embassy in Berlin in Berlin on February 2 and responded in person.

"I hope that relevant politicians in the Netherlands can comprehensively and objectively examine the relations between the Netherlands and Germany. April 4 this year is the 6th anniversary of the covenant signed by His Majesty William IV of the Netherlands and our William I personally in 1862. The past relationship between the Netherlands and Germany Experience shows that countries can transcend ideological differences and achieve win-win results at a larger level. I hope that relevant Dutch politicians can be bridge builders rather than bridge tearers for the development of Dutch-German relations."

Bismarck can't stand up.At present, the Netherlands is unique in electrical products, and is a global technology leader in advanced gasoline vehicles, motorcycles, bicycles, etc.

Telephone and telegraph communications are almost monopolistic.

In addition, the Netherlands is also the world's top presence in submarines, airships, and navy.

Forged steel is also currently the most popular.

Special steel, the steel used to make artillery, is patented by the Netherlands, and the forging method is kept secret.

If the Netherlands imposes a technical blockade on Germany, the forged special steel from its ally Sweden will not be sold to Germany. This will definitely be a disaster for the development of German machine tools.

So Bismarck had to step forward to appease the Netherlands.

These are interests, not political differences.

The German Prime Minister is now stepping forward, and the Netherlands will naturally withdraw as soon as it gets better.

On the next day, February 1882, 2, the new Dutch Foreign Minister Mari Philip said in Melbourne, "I have no ill intentions towards Germany, but I am overly concerned about the interests of the Netherlands. I have communicated this with the German Embassy in the Netherlands. , I will visit Berlin in May at the latest to strengthen strategic communication between the two countries and avoid miscalculation."

The Liberal Party, the old and new Christian parties, and many politicians around the world were dumbfounded. Joseph Beit, the foreign minister of the new cabinet of the Socialist Party established by Jules Danetant, achieved fruitful results in his first move, which is really remarkable.

(End of this chapter)

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