Start 1861: I just inherited the Dutch throne

Chapter 1087: Swearing at Germany, punching at England, kicking at Austria, and then playing with Po

Chapter 1087: Swearing at Germany, punching at England, kicking at Austria, and then playing with Portugal

As Queen Victoria of the United Kingdom feared, the new Dutch Prime Minister Jules Danetang started fighting as soon as he took office.

As early as 1860, when Jules Danetant was the Prime Minister of Belgium, he showed a characteristic, that is, aggressiveness.

At that time, he dealt with Belgium's domestic political opponents and the father and son of King Leopold I and Leopold II of Belgium.They all won in the end.

This time he became the new prime minister of the Netherlands, and he was not just making small fuss in a small country like Belgium.And go into battle in person with the prime minister of the world's top power.

The first target of struggle is Germany.

To whom did Jules Danetant send his first cross-border telegram?
Spanish Prime Minister Praxades in the League?Swedish Prime Minister Arvid Pose?Danish Prime Minister Skavennis?

No, neither.

It was Mexican President Manuel Gonzalez, who was at war with the Austro-Hungarian Empire.

Manuel is very excited and knows how to use this to benefit the country.

He immediately announced in the globally influential newspapers European Times and Australian Times:
“I became the first foreign leader to send a telegram to the newly elected Prime Minister of the Netherlands, Mr. Jules Danetang, thanking the Dutch people for their military and economic assistance. More importantly, the Netherlands continues to strengthen its assistance.
Our goal is to stop the aggression and bring the perpetrators to justice, to drive Austria-Hungary from every inch of our territory, and to label Austria-Hungary internationally as a thug state that supports aggression against other countries. is a crucial thing.

Many of our views are supported by the Netherlands and other Latin American allies, and Austria-Hungary must be held accountable for this.The blood of Mexicans cannot be shed in vain.”

In this regard, the spokesperson of the Prime Minister's Office of Jules Danetang said: "When Prime Minister Jules Danetang communicated with the President of Mexico by telegram for the first time after taking office as the Prime Minister of the Netherlands, he reiterated to Mexican President Manuel, He has the full support of the Netherlands and the Dutch cabinet government he formed. Mexico can rely on the assistance of the Netherlands for a long time. The Netherlands will not abandon Mexico. The Netherlands will support international justice actions, such as letting Austria-Hungary leave Mexican territory."

What do you mean?
The Netherlands will continue to use Mexico to fight Austria-Hungary.

And according to Mexican Manuel, the two countries not only want to defeat Austria-Hungary, but also classify the Austro-Hungarian Empire as a thug country?
What even the UK did not dare to do to other countries in the past, now the Netherlands actually dares to do it?

Archduke Ferdinand of the Austro-Hungarian Empire echoed this angrily in Vienna. He said sarcastically: Jules Danetang tried to defend the interests of the Netherlands without considering other people's positions in any way and without any intention of compromise.
"I don't think this will help the Netherlands maintain or strengthen its position on the international stage, let alone gain more interests for the Netherlands."

Why is Jules Danetant's new cabinet so aggressive?
Archduke Ferdinand’s explanation was that the Netherlands’ political and economic center of gravity had moved away from Europe to the Far East. Its relationship with old Europe was no longer close and unique, and its position in Europe was crumbling. There was no other way, so it could only fight hard to attract attention. .

"The Netherlands is such a country. There is no way. We should understand their grievances in Europe. Just like the nouveau riche, they were used to being poor, looked down upon by others, and suffered a lot of grievances in society. Now they suddenly turn around and make money. They start to be everywhere. Show off, trying to regain the dignity that was lost in the past.

But he didn’t know that this would make people look down upon, because it can only be said that he has no quality and noble background.”

Archduke Ferdinand used the aristocratic heritage of the Austro-Hungarian Empire to attack the Netherlands.Obviously he knows how to use his strengths to attack his weaknesses.

In this regard, the new Dutch cabinet naturally would not give up, so the diplomatic circles of the two countries quarreled.

The second target of struggle is naturally Britain.

It depends not only on Jules Danetant's stance, but also on Jules Danetant's employment.

Hester, the former energy minister who has always been tough on the UK, is said to have been given an important role in the Dutch strategy towards the UK.

What do you mean?
Just be tough on Britain.

In the past, everyone was fighting over culture between the United Kingdom and the Netherlands, and they were arguing every day, month, and year.

But now the Netherlands seems to be changing its approach. Hester has directly become the Minister of Defense. This man who is extremely tough on Britain is in charge of the civilian work of the Dutch military. And who is the Netherlands' biggest military opponent?Of course it's the UK.

The two countries are in a state of confrontation and quarrel in the Strait of Malacca and other parts of the world. Now that Hester is in charge of the Dutch Ministry of Defense, the Netherlands will become even tougher towards Britain and will definitely no longer let it go. .

Old enemies face off, and Britain will face a tougher Netherlands in the future.

Cursing Germany, punching Britain, and kicking Austria-Hungary, this is exactly how the new Dutch cabinet looks like it is challenging the three countries alone.

The biggest difference with Britain is the struggle for global power.

The biggest disagreement with the German Empire was that the Netherlands hindered German expansion in Latin America.

The differences with Austria-Hungary are actually the same as those with Germany.

Therefore, the Three Kingdoms and the Netherlands are currently in a zero-sum game. They are both in the mentality that what is yours should be mine, and what is mine should be mine.

Netherlands: The Netherlands can leave Europe, but its influence must not be reduced.

Britain, Germany and Austria: If the Netherlands leaves Europe, it should stay wherever it goes and don't hinder my expansion.

In this way, influence seems to be zero-sum.

Therefore, the tense relations between the Netherlands and these three countries cannot be eased for the time being.

The fourth target of the fight is Portugal.

Those are real old enemies. Among all Latin American countries, the first one the Netherlands fought was Portugal because he supported the Brazilian Emperor Pedro II.

After Jules Danetang was elected, Portuguese Prime Minister Antoni Metallo sent a telegram, but Jules Danetang made it public regardless of diplomatic etiquette.

This made Portugal furious.

Anthony's congratulatory letter said this: Congratulations to Jules on his election. The Dutch people are our friends and the Netherlands is our partner. Let us continue to work together to defend our common interests.

Don't think that this is a warm telegram of congratulations. This is a telegram from Antony, the Portuguese Prime Minister, who has something to say.

Because when Giulda Netant was in the Dutch Prime Minister's election, when he was asked on the podium whether Portugal was a friend or enemy of the Netherlands, Giurda Netant replied: "Not sure yet."

When pressed later by a Portuguese reporter, Jules Danetang added: “If I become the new prime minister of the Netherlands, I will judge what we should do in response based on their past actions against the Netherlands, not their words. One answer that sums it all up”

In the past, Portugal tried to seize the Dutch Congo colony in 1863, but was finally defeated by the Netherlands and has occupied Portugal's northern Angola to this day. Northern Mozambique has also been taken away and governed by the Netherlands to this day.

Therefore, when Jules Danetang said this, he obviously would not make friendly moves towards Portugal.

This sentence made Portuguese Prime Minister Antoni Metallo and King Luis I of Portugal almost choked with anger. Anthony said publicly in Lisbon immediately, "If even the Netherlands and Portugal can't figure out whether the other party is a friend or an enemy, then We are in big trouble. The Netherlands seems to be hostile to all countries in the world and uses goodwill as hostility.”

(End of this chapter)

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