Start 1861: I just inherited the Dutch throne

Chapter 1088 The Struggle of the Dutch Minority Party

Chapter 1088 The Struggle of the Dutch Minority Party
Can the Netherlands and Portugal get along and put their grudges aside?

Certainly not.

An article in Spain's "Madrid Times" analyzed: The possibility of reestablishing relations between Portugal and the Netherlands is slim because the interests of the two countries are different. The Netherlands' troubles in leaving the center of Europe and heading to the Far East are mainly due to being surrounded by the United Kingdom, Germany, and France.

Portugal also has colonies outside of Europe, especially in Africa, and is even more entangled with Brazil.

Therefore, the Netherlands was the first to vent its anger on the European powers on Portugal.

Peter Kitts, the former Dutch ambassador to Portugal, analyzed to the Madrid Times: "Jules Danetang told loyal supporters of the Socialist Party that he would be very tough on some European countries, especially those who have harmed the security of the Netherlands. State of Interest, because that fits well with the Socialist Party’s semi-conservative, semi-liberal base.”

So, next, the old enemies of Holland and Portugal will finally have a fight.

The newspaper also reminded: "Don't forget that during the Dutch Linden cabinet, the Netherlands, Spain, Sweden, and Denmark formed the Nordic Alliance. The inclusion of Spain was not only surprising to Britain, France, Germany, and Russia, but also to the whole country of Portugal. I was extremely shocked. After all, the remaining territory of Portugal except the sea is bordered by Spanish territory. Spain has formed an alliance with the Netherlands, so Portugal is under the threat of the Dutch allies. This situation makes it difficult for Lisbon to sleep every day. It made Louis I recall him in an unprecedented way. Ambassador of Portugal in Melbourne, Netherlands and in Madrid, Spain.”

At the same time, the British "Financial Times" published an article saying that William IV preferred the aggressive Jules Danetang to come to power because it would make the Netherlands stronger on a global scale.

This is in line with the image of William IV in other countries outside.

Of course, Giulda Netang's kindness is also reflected in other aspects.

He appointed Jacob as the Minister of Industry and Commerce of the Netherlands. This man was known for dressing like a Dutch aristocrat when attending various banquets. However, he was dismissive of global win-win cooperation and believed that win-win cooperation should only occur in the Netherlands and the Netherlands. among its allies, it would be more appropriate for the Netherlands to exploit other countries

Such a stance has caused other major countries to have headaches over the negotiations between the future Minister of Industry and Commerce of the Netherlands and them.

I even heard that the Bismarck cabinet in Germany had begun to study him and tried to launch activities with the Dutch Ministry of Industry and Commerce to lobby for the maintenance of trade between the two countries.

Also, Jules Danetang learned from William IV in every aspect, learned from William IV's administrative methods in the 1860s, and learned from the style he requested from Tolbeck's cabinet at that time. Even in Melbourne, he would report to His Majesty every day. Have to make a report.

Obviously, he was expressing the Socialist Party's full submission to the royal family.

Therefore, the Socialist Party is not only the largest party in the Senate and House of Representatives of the National Assembly, but also with Giulda Netan's expression of loyalty, the royal family will fully support Giulda Netan's Socialist Party to take full power.

This kind of Jules Danetang is almost considered to be one person below ten thousand people in the Netherlands.

Even Tolbeck, who served as prime minister for three terms.He can't beat him in this regard.

Faced with the Dutch Prime Minister created by William IV, other countries were helpless.

Even President Garfield of the United States has extended a warm invitation to visit Washington in April.

German Prime Minister Bismarck also invited him to visit Berlin in May.

Although the Austro-Hungarian Empire was dissatisfied with the Dutch support for Mexico, Archduke Ferdinand also sent an invitation to Giulda Netan to visit Vienna after Berlin issued an invitation.

Perhaps this is the beginning. Other countries have also issued visit invitations to the Dutch Prime Minister who was extremely powerful when he first took office. This treatment made former Prime Minister Lyndon, who had only stepped down less than a week ago, extremely embarrassed.

When he first came to power, all countries were waiting and watching, but Giarda Netang directly received this treatment. It was really infuriating that people were more popular than others.

Dutch Royal Palace.

"What's so embarrassing about this, Lyndon? Once you finish your job as prime minister, you become more polite, but you forget that you are a soldier."

William IV personally poured a cup of tea for Lyndon, who stood up respectfully and performed a military salute.

William IV waved his hand and said: "Drink tea, drink tea."

Lyndon picked up the cow and drank from it.

This made William IV laugh.

"You old boy is getting better and better at pretending." "Aren't you pretending? Once you have been a Prime Minister, you need to learn what you don't know. By the way, Your Majesty, this Prime Minister is really too difficult to do. Everything needs to be done personally. , I feel it would be more satisfying to return to the army."

The 55-year-old Lyndon is actually in his prime among senior political and military leaders.

You must know that the newly appointed Foreign Minister Mari Philippe was born in 1810 and is now 72 years old.

Prime Minister Jules Danetang is 51 years old.

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance Joseph Beit is 57 years old.

Defense Secretary Hester was 57 years old.

After all, the three of them in Linden are still young.

It can be seen that Linden can still continue to exert his spare strength in the future.

This is also the reason why William IV took a fancy to him.

Lyndon had previously served as the naval governor of the Far East before the Netherlands moved its capital to Melbourne.

After moving the capital, he served as governor (senior official) of New Guinea Province.

He won the election in 1878 and took office as Prime Minister in early 1879.

Therefore, the military and political qualifications are very rich.

He also played a very important role before and after William IV came to power in the Netherlands.

Speaking of this, another person William IV liked was Nicholas Pearson.

In 1862, the Dutch ambassador to Prussia was praised for the incident that persuaded Bismarck to support the Dutch proposal for a short-term cooperation between the Netherlands, France and Prussia to carve up Belgian territory.

He was one of the driving forces behind Dutch foreign policy for more than 20 years.

He left Prussia on July 1866, 7 and returned to the Netherlands to become Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs. The new ambassador to Prussia, Wesemann, who was 27 years old at the time, took over as ambassador to Prussia.

In 1866, he served as the third Minister of the Netherlands, in charge of European affairs of the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

In 1870, he served as whip of the Liberal Party in the House of Representatives and director of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the majority party.

After de Vries was elected Prime Minister in 1875, Nicholas Pearson was elected as the Queensland Senator and powerfully served as the Senate Majority Whip of the Liberal Party.

In 1879, Lyndon came to power, the Liberal Party fell from power, and he became the leader of the minority Senate.

This time he followed Prime Minister candidate de Vries to lead the Liberal Party candidate in the Senate election, but ultimately lost.

But De Vries takes full responsibility.He is also the second person in the Senate after the Socialist Senate Caucus.

Currently, of the 79 seats in the Senate, the Liberal Party holds 17, the New Christian Party holds 11, the Old Christian Party holds 8, and 3 are independents.

The Socialist Party has just over half the vote, reaching 40 seats.

Therefore, other parties are struggling and preparing for a counterattack in the next election.

Of course, we are also planning how to expand our interests in the next four years.

(End of this chapter)

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