Start 1861: I just inherited the Dutch throne

Chapter 1120 The Netherlands needs soft power to absorb talents

Chapter 1120 The Netherlands needs soft power to absorb talents

"In 1840 it took 20 minutes to take a photograph.

By 1851, after the wet colloidal tincture plate was made, the photography speed was shortened to 1 second. The shooting of sports photos has been successful in the experimental shooting of Claudette, Dubosk and others.

In 1872, San Francisco photographer Edward Mumbridge used 24 cameras to take a series of photos of flying decompositions. After more than six years of countless shooting experiments, he finally succeeded, and then he successfully showed it on a slide.

That is, he saw a horse running on the screen. Inspired by this, in 1880, with the help of the physiologist Marais, who immigrated from France to the Netherlands, he improved the method of continuous photography. At the end of last year, he finally trial-produced a 'photographic gun' and On the basis of the 'wheel camera' invented and manufactured by another friend Johnson, a 'moving film continuous camera' was manufactured.

Finally, we have produced an event photo that was shot on floppy disk film and want to donate it to the Royal Netherlands Academy of Sciences.

During the past two years, the three major consortiums in the Netherlands have been working hard to experiment with image shooting and projection. French immigrant Renault trial-produced an 'optical movie camera' and used this machine to shoot the world's first animated film "A Cup of Delicious Beer" .

It was under his inspiration that I finally invented the cinegraph machine at the beginning of this year. And after four months of hard work day and night with the team, the movie mirror was invented. "

Edison talked about his development process of the movie recorder. Even the seniors were counted by him one by one.

Such seriousness makes people feel more respect for the profession of inventor.

"Edison's invention of the movie camera will be a great invention. Don't believe it. This invention will definitely subvert your cognition."

William IV was a little annoyed when he saw the disbelieving expressions on his eyes. He also felt that the development process of the film would be difficult. However, this point showed another more fulfilling thing, that is, this milestone also represents More achievements and glory.

In the previous life, the development of movies began in 1889, invented by Edison, who used strong lights to continuously project the captured images on the screen, making them look like real moving images.

It is now 1882, which means movies appeared seven years earlier than in the previous life.

Edison is worthy of the title of the King of Inventions. He just gave him some inspiration and asked him and his team to come up with it in just one or two years. Which boss wouldn't like such a team?

William IV was even ready to grant him a title to win over him.

He has been given the title of knight before, so the next step is to become a baron.

The title is free of charge, just give it if you give it. However, the other people cannot treat them badly, and Jazz should still offer them.

In this way, William IV quickly decided on the titles of several new Dutch nobles in the future.

“In the future, the Netherlands needs to continue to promote cultural communication as the development route of our soft power. The Netherlands is a country that needs more skilled immigrants to migrate. We do not have a huge skilled population base like the United Kingdom, France, and Germany.

What we can do now is similar to the United States of America, which is to increase the number of European immigrants.

In this regard, the United States is our opponent, so you must keep an eye on the United States of America. In the future, the population grab will be staged between our two countries. "

Edison asked doubtfully: "Can the United States compete with us?" He asked the right question. The Netherlands is now the world's number one economic power, but the United States of America can only rank fourth after the Netherlands, the United Kingdom, and Germany.

Moreover, the combined population of the North and South of the United States reaches 4500 million, and the Netherlands has a population of 6000 million, but the white population is only 3400 million, and the remaining 2600 million people are either indigenous Asians or black Africans.

In European calculations, this group of people is the colonial population, and only the Netherlands counts this group of people into its own population.

But even if the Dutch government counts these people, among white people, there are still many hardcore white people who don't take it seriously.

In their view, these people are lower-class citizens, why can they be placed side by side with them.

Strindberg, Van Gogh and Mark Twain were all stunned by William IV's words.

If we want to compete with the United States for Europe's population, we need to start in this area in the future. Speaking of this, the people who are most familiar with the United States are naturally the great writers Mark Twain and the inventor Edison.

Both of them grew up in the United States and immigrated to the Netherlands in the 1860s. After nearly 20 years of living in the Netherlands, their hearts returned to the Netherlands, but their understanding of the United States has never been interrupted.

Therefore, William IV's statement about the future population competition between the Netherlands and the United States not only made them feel novel, but also worried about the future relationship between the United States and the Netherlands.

William IV seemed to know what they were thinking, and said with a smile: "Don't worry, the two countries will not directly conflict, but we will play games for the population."

Seeing their puzzled expressions, William IV said: "In my positioning, the Netherlands will be a gathering place for high-level talents of global immigrants, and the United States will be a gathering place for low- and middle-level talents. Or to put it simply, it will be a place for talent training. .

In the future, if the United States of America follows my plan, it will be a complement to the Netherlands. The United States will absorb low-level immigrants from around the world and then train them with all their heart. After they become high-level talents, they will be absorbed by the opportunities and high salaries of the Netherlands. From the United States, Immigrate to the Netherlands.

Of course, the United States will not let it go easily, and what you have to do is to make these high-level talents complain that there are too few opportunities in the United States and too many in the Netherlands. The convenience of the Netherlands makes it easier for them to do research and will be more helpful to them in the future, etc. , these are what your fields such as the scientific and technological research and application market, drama, painting world, literary world, etc. need to do in their respective areas.

I am very optimistic about the position of the four of you in the future of the Netherlands facing the world.

As for the government and the military, they will become the basis of your firm support. So you can promote your soft power, but in terms of hard power, we are not afraid even of the UK.

Even, in order to help you, I have set up a special department called the World Cultural Communication and Information Department. This department is dedicated to providing you with intelligence organizations from around the world, reporting on information about various talents around the world, and effectively helping you provide them with their information. The information will be useful for you to absorb and attract them to come to the Netherlands. "

William IV's words were very reasonable. He simply summarized what he needed them to do and what he could provide.

Especially the last intelligence organization established with culture as the main body touched them even more.

Thus, a 19th-century cultural export and talent absorption strategy launched by the Netherlands began to unfold.

(End of this chapter)

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