Start 1861: I just inherited the Dutch throne

Chapter 1121 "International Information" Qing's Extraterritorial Rights in Koryo

Chapter 1121 "International Information" - Qing's Extraterritorial Rights in Koryo

Kingdom of the Netherlands, Province of Australia, Sydney.

Bellucci is an ordinary person in the Netherlands. He likes to listen to the radio every day and learn about international news. In particular, "International Information" starts at 8 o'clock every Sunday morning. Almost every week, an hour of international political current affairs is broadcast on the radio. information.

In particular, the "International Information-Mexican War Special Topic" that appeared half a year ago is even more addictive. It makes people understand that while the Dutch government reports on the Mexican War, it also stands from the perspective of all parties and clearly states the positions of all parties.

In the above, as the host, Hermann Van Peron, the president of the University of Sydney, made precise comments one after another, allowing people to have a deeper understanding of the delivery of benefits in this war.

The people who appeared on the radio today, I heard that in addition to the host Hermann Van Peron, there are also, as usual, regular guests, Director and Chief Researcher of the Australia Institute, Krim, and Francis, a well-known Dutch political scientist and professor at the University of Melbourne. Co. Bob was also present.

In addition, three people were invited to participate, including Misted, an expert on the British Empire project at the Netherlands Center for Strategic and International Studies, Barocchi, director of the Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments, a Dutch think tank, and Adolf, a professor at the National Policy Institute of the University of Melbourne.

These people are all heavyweights among Dutch political experts and professors. They have at least 20 years of experience in Dutch and international affairs. They can be said to be very experienced and unique.

It is definitely a very exciting combination for six people to gather together to discuss international affairs.

At 8 o'clock, "International News" started on time. It first introduced the recent international events. For example, Herman Van Peron used a vivid tone to tell the latest international news one by one.

"On April 4st, Koryo was afraid that Japan, a newly rising country on the eastern sea, would continue to interfere in its internal affairs, so it allowed the powerful Far East power Qing, the suzerain state, to have extraterritorial rights in the Koryo Kingdom, which made Koryo further move closer to the Qing politically and militarily. Everyone, you What’s your opinion?”

Is this news the first topic of conversation?

Francisco Bob, a professor at the University of Melbourne, was the first to step forward and participate.

"I think this is mainly because of the geographical and political location of Koryo. Of course, more importantly, it is the neighboring big country Linli. It is a weak and forced choice. Although the Russian Empire is strong, the Far East is still relatively weak. , mostly intimidation, Japan's rise is rapid, and in more than ten years it has become the second largest presence in the Far East after the Qing Dynasty. In fact, the only truly independent countries in the Far East are the Qing Dynasty, Japan, Koryo and the Kingdom of Siam in Southeast Asia. (the predecessor of Thailand, Laos, and Cambodia), other countries have been occupied by major powers.

Therefore, I think Koryo's concession to the Qing Dynasty was more of a helpless move by Koryo. "

As expected of a professor at the University of Melbourne, the world's top university, Francisco Bob's comments were direct and made people understand the essence of the matter. Therefore, although Bellucci did not know much about the Far East in the past, after this comment, he also learned about the Far East. I have a rough understanding.

He is worthy of being a top current affairs commentator.

Hermann Van Peron said on the radio at this time: "Francisco Bob's statement is good, who else? Mr. Krim, the director and chief researcher of our Australia Institute, you are a regular guest on the program and have been the guest for the past six months. Mr. Bob’s opponents, you have always had opposing views. Are you going to change your previous attitude today and prepare to remain silent?”

"Puch!" Bellucci couldn't help laughing when he heard this.

Hermann Van Peron is like this every time. He likes to sow dissension and watch the fun. He makes other experts and professors fight over an issue until they get red in the face while he boos next to them.

However, Bellucci likes this kind of rhythm, because it not only has the effect of the show, but also makes them feel more involved. Sure enough, as soon as Hermann Van Peron finished speaking, Krim made a sensible comment.

"Mr. Bob's words have the tone of an official announcement, very formal."

Bellucci couldn't help but laugh again when he heard this. Here he comes again, again.

This Krim is so smart.

"Koryeo was originally a subordinate state of the Qing Dynasty and has always relied on the Qing. The rise of Japan is good, but the Japanese pirates not only had a bad reputation in the Qing Dynasty hundreds of years ago, but also suffered a lot in the Koryo Kingdom. Therefore , Korea will not fall to the side of Japan from the beginning, of course, only a small number of Koreans will do this for their own personal interests."

Krim said sarcastically: "So I disagree with Mr. Bob's statement at the beginning. Furthermore, Japan is supported by the United Kingdom. This is something the world knows. As a subordinate state of the Qing Dynasty, Korea Not only will you face unbearable punishment for defecting to another country against your elder brother's wishes, don't forget that Koryo also needs to face the Tsarist Russian Empire on the northeast coast.

The Tsarist Russian Empire has been at odds with Britain, Europe and the Balkans for decades. The British are blocking all opportunities for the Tsarist Russian Empire to conquer the Balkans and the Southeast. Therefore, if the Koryo Kingdom falls to Japan, it will allow the British to do the same in the Far East. The British strategy was to prevent anything from entering the Indian and Pacific Oceans, something the Russian Empire would not accept.

So my opinion is that although Koryo had no choice but to make concessions to the Qing Dynasty, it had more of its own practical considerations, and at the same time it was selling a favor to the Russian Empire. "

The broadcast was very quiet. Bellucci recalled Krim's words thoughtfully, and still felt that they made sense.

Sure enough, top experts are top experts with unique opinions.

Herman Van Peron said on the radio again at this time: "There are three other invited experts next to us. Let's see their opinions. Which of them do you three support? Or do you have your own opinions?"

As a result, Misted, an expert on the British Empire project at the Netherlands Center for Strategic and International Studies, supported Bob's view.

Barocchi, director of the Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments, a Dutch think tank, and Adolf, a professor at the National Policy Institute of the University of Melbourne, believe that Krim has similar views to them.

In the end, Herman Van Peron did not make an arbitration, but published his own summary based on their opinions. Soon, the topic came to an end.

Soon, the second topic began to appear. This time, people couldn't help but feel surprised, because Japan actually related to the United States.

"On May 1882, 5, the United States promulgated the Qing Immigration Exclusion Act of 10, which imposed strict restrictions on Qing workers in terms of immigration."

As soon as the title of Hermann Van Peyron came out, the five people present immediately started another heated discussion.

(End of this chapter)

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