Start 1861: I just inherited the Dutch throne

Chapter 1122 "International Information" Germany, Austria and Italy "Triple Alliance

Chapter 1122 "International Information" Germany, Austria and Italy's "Triple Alliance Treaty"

"The United States of America passed the Qing Immigration Act and began to impose strict restrictions on Qing workers in terms of immigration on July 1882, 7."

Bellucci was shocked when he heard the news on the radio.

As a place that immigrants from all over the world yearn for, the United States is second only to the Kingdom of the Netherlands in the Far East in terms of attractiveness.

Many immigrants from all over the world will consider immigrating to the United States as one of their only options when they cannot survive in their own country.

But now the United States wants to shut out immigrants from a country?

And after the rise of the Netherlands, it is competing with the United States for global talents?

Are they crazy?

As a Dutch citizen, Bellucci was shocked by what the United States did, but at the same time he was thankful that the Netherlands would benefit from it.

During the broadcast, as soon as Herman Van Peron finished speaking, several other people joined the debate.

The first person to speak this time turned out to be Barocchi, director of the Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments, a Dutch think tank.

"I think what the United States is doing this time is actually very predictable? First, President Garfield is from the Republican Party. The Republican Party is an absolute white-supremacist party, and it is also based in six states in the northern New England region. Mainly in industrially developed areas, these people have always viewed the world with a condescending attitude. Even when they look at Europeans, they will not bow their heads.

So they welcomed skilled European immigrants to join their factories and serve them rather than indigenous immigrants from the Far East. "

“Secondly, the Democratic Party is in the west and south. Although plantations are no longer popular in these places, new immigrant laborers, whether black or indigenous Latin Americans, are yearning for jobs in factories in developed areas.

As a large country with a population of 3 million, the Qing Kingdom in the Far East has an abundant labor force. If it is accepted by all, the jobs in the United States will eventually be taken away by immigrants from this country. Therefore, whether it is the Democratic Party or the Republican Party, in this aspect, This policy of mutual support was actually passed in Congress. "

Hermann Van Peron said on the radio: "Professor Adolf, as a professor of the National Policy Research Institute of the University of Melbourne, what do you think?"

Hermann Van Peron's question was just right, and Bellucci also wanted to hear another opinion.

"International Information" is all about debate, so when Herman Van Peron asked, Professor Adolf started to follow.

"Although I mostly agree with Director Barocchi's views, I still have some different opinions. What I don't agree with is that the two parties in the United States jointly reject immigrants from the Far East because the southern plantations still lack labor. I think the Democratic Party has The main reason why some people support it, but more often than not, is that the Democratic Party wants to drag these Qing immigrants into slavery, but they are afraid of offending the Qing Dynasty, so the Democratic Party might as well directly oppose their immigration."

"Furthermore, it is said that the Republican West wants to build a railway to connect the west coast, but these Qing people just can use it.

Many times, the Democratic and Republican parties oppose each other in order to oppose each other. Therefore, if the railroad companies of the Republican Party support it, the Democratic and Republican parties will strongly oppose it. "

"So, I think that the rejection of Qing immigrants was actually more of a political struggle among some people within the country, rather than the approval of all the people."

Hermann Van Peron did not directly comment on the two people’s views, but threw the question to the regular guest, Director of the Australia Institute, Krim.

"I think the reason why the United States is rejecting Qing immigrants this time is because there are thousands of Qing immigrants every year, but it is more of a pressure exerted by the two parties on the Qing. After all, the Qing has very few immigrants every year. But there is a lot of labor, and these laborers send a lot of U.S. dollars in foreign exchange to the Qing Dynasty every year, which is enough to add more funds to the Qing Dynasty's current reforms.     So the current practice of the United States, President Garfield has no objection and even directly signs it To take effect, I think the real reason should be the test pressure, which is to open up the Qing market and allow northern American industrial products and southern agricultural products to enter the huge market of 3 million people in the Qing Dynasty."

When Bellucci heard this statement on the radio, he suddenly felt like having an ice drink in summer.

Director Krim's views are as unique and sharp as ever.

At this time, Herman Van Peron asked Krim's opponent, Melburnian University Professor Francisco Bob: "Professor Bob, do you agree with Director Krim's view?"

It was already 8:30 in the morning. Because it was Sunday, many people did not go to work. They got up and sat in the lobby of their homes to listen to the radio with Bellucci.

Like Bellucci, I was once again curious about whether Bob had any new insights.

At this point, Bob began to answer.

"Director Krim also grasped many important points. Just like every answer, I also have some different opinions of my own."

Everyone looked as if this was indeed the case. Curiosity was aroused in my heart.

Want to see what this guy thinks.

Bellucci straightened up even more.

"The three previous opinions just now all have their own opinions. For example, the Republican and Democratic parties have different political views, or the two parties have doubts about introducing immigrants from the Qing Dynasty, a country with huge immigration potential, and are afraid of grabbing jobs and helping the enemy party expand its power. He is at a disadvantage. Or maybe Director Krim just said that the two parties in the United States are working together to focus on the Qing market."

"Actually, I think they all make sense, but I also think my opinion seems to be good, so I'd better say it. I think the reason why the United States does this is actually because the Mexican War is happening not far from the border. Britain, Germany and Austria supported the war. However, countries such as the Netherlands and Latin America opposed it. Therefore, at this time, the United States also stood up and opposed it. This made many people in the country have some opinions and felt that it was enough not to support the war. There was no need to stand. There are many people who think that coming out to oppose the three major powers will make them angry.

Therefore, although Garfield is close to the Netherlands, he does not dare to step too far. At this time, he needs to divert his attention.

A bipartisan compromise method was proposed, and the Qing immigrants became victims.

After all, because of the war in Latin America, especially the Mexicans, the labor force needed for the construction of the Western Railway was enough to be found in Mexico. Overtly and covertly, the United States was scoring points this time. As mentioned just now, it also had the incidental meaning of testing the Qing Dynasty. The above is my opinion. "

Bellucci's people's minds turned around, and it seemed that he was right.

Hermann Van Peron first summarized, and then moved on to the next topic on the radio: "On May 1882, 5, Germany, Austria and Italy signed the Triple Alliance Treaty. What do you think?"

(End of this chapter)

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