Start 1861: I just inherited the Dutch throne

Chapter 1123 "International Information": The embarrassment of the Italian Embassy in the

Chapter 1123 "International Information": The embarrassment of the Italian Embassy in the Netherlands

“At 1882:5 on May 20, 14, the German Empire, the Austro-Hungarian Empire, and the Kingdom of Italy signed the Treaty of the Triple Alliance at the Austria-Hungary Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Vienna.

The alliance treaty between these three countries contains 5 points.

The first point is that if the signatory country is attacked by the Netherlands or Tsarist Russia, the other two signatory countries will assist with all their national security forces;

Second point, if one of the signatory countries is attacked by two or more countries, it will be regarded as an attack on all signatory countries;

The third point is that if one of the signatories is attacked by a country other than the Netherlands and Tsarist Russia, the other two signatories will first maintain neutrality in favor of the allies, and will join the war when the invaded country and allies deem it appropriate. choice.

The fourth point is that from the date of signing, no signatory country may conclude any peace agreement with hostile or warring countries alone.

Fifth point, this treaty is valid for 5 years.

The above are the five points we have just received from the treaty between Germany, Austria and Italy on the other side of the Atlantic. What do you think? How about Mr. Krim, the director and chief researcher of the Australia Institute, give us your opinion first? "

The morning news of the Dutch broadcaster "International Information" has been broadcast to 8:37 in the morning. There are still 9 minutes left before the one-hour broadcast time of 23 o'clock. At this time, it has entered the third international issue of the day.

When Bellucci heard this question, his eyes suddenly shone because it was related to his profession.

He is a middle school teacher from Sydney. He usually communicates with students on international current political issues.

The hottest thing that many people like to discuss is the relationship between the major international camps.

Krim, director and chief researcher of the Australia Institute, is not only a well-known political commentator. He was also appointed as the dean of the School of Political Science at the Australian National University five years ago.

Just like his opponent Francisco Bob, a well-known Dutch political scientist and professor at the University of Melbourne, he is one of the trusted international policy advisers of recent Dutch cabinet prime ministers.

The two came from different universities, but at the same time they were promoting in universities everywhere, trying to get more outstanding students to apply for their universities.

Bellucci said secretly: "None of these guests is a well-known expert on international issues. Their perspectives are definitely not justified by following the script. Every time they say something, they are recognized by many people."

At this time, the voice of Krim, director and chief researcher of the Australia Institute, came on the radio.

“I heard that Italy requested an additional deduction in the treaty: in the event of war with the Netherlands or Britain, Italy would not join under any circumstances, including hostilities with the British or with the Dutch government, that is, this treaty "I'm afraid I'm going to cry. Mancini's Declaration"

Director Klemm said: “My opinion is that once the war between Austria, Germany and the Netherlands breaks out in Latin America, this additional deduction is enough to make Italy a party that Germany, Austria, the Netherlands and Mexico are competing to win over.

It will also become a party to win over Britain and those who are enemies of Britain, and become a favorite among these big countries; on the other hand, it can also be said that Italy has the foresight. After all, it joined the Three Kingdoms Alliance but specifically noted this clause because Italy intended to attack Ethiopia in Africa.

Surrounding Ethiopia are the British Egypt and Sudan, the German Empire's Somalia in the east, and the Dutch-occupied Kenya in the south. If they are at odds with these countries, then these powerful countries, whether they are navy or army, will threaten Italy's control of Ethiopia. The use of troops made Italy's plans in Africa come to nothing.

It is even conceivable that Italy's poor Mediterranean fleet would be easily crushed by the British and Dutch. The whole world knows that it is not easy to provoke the British and Dutch at sea, and not to easily provoke the Germans, French and Dutch on land. This is the foundation of New Italy after its independence from the Austrian Empire in the 1860s.

But this kind of cunning and scheming has made Italy a country that is extremely despised and unreliable by the powerful countries, because in this country’s calculations, morality accounts for 0%. In the past 20 years, many countries have expressed their opinions at various conferences. All were skeptical of Italy's integrity.

Therefore, I think this time's Triple Alliance of Germany, Austria, Italy, and Germany is incomparable to the previous Triple Alliance of Germany, Austria, and Britain. "

Clem analyzed Italy's national conditions and clearly had a negative attitude towards Italy's support for the German-Austrian Alliance.

Bellucci thought about it, and it was really like this. Italy has indeed broken many covenants on many things over the years.

There are many people who think the same as Bellucci, so they all agree with Krim's analysis.

Hermann Van Peron said on the radio: "Professor Bob from the University of Melbourne, Australia, you and Krim are regular guests and are his opponents. What is your opinion? Or do you have anything to add?"

At this time, the staff of the Italian Embassy in the Netherlands were also listening to the weekly "International Information" just like Bellucci. Krim's statement just now made all the Italian embassy staff very unhappy, and all of them had gloomy faces.

At this time, Herman Van Peron's words came, which made them all express hope. Although Milan decided to form an alliance with Germany and Austria, they had received news before that Italy would not specifically offend the Netherlands because of this, so they had already made preparations. In order to appease the Netherlands, this radio broadcast had a large audience. If the entire Dutch people turned against Italy, their work would be very difficult.

Krim's point just now, if Professor Bob fights back and gains more recognition, it will be very important for Italy-Dutch relations to ease the sequelae of Italy's alliance with Germany and Austria.

Professor Bob: “In the Three-Nation Covenant on May 1882, 5, Italy specifically stated that it would not participate in the war when Germany and Austria were at war with Britain and the Netherlands, which directly eliminated the possibility of following the war between these two countries.

At present, neither Germany nor Austria has any enemies with Britain, let alone the possibility of war.

It can only be said that Italy is indeed extremely afraid of the British naval power and is extremely prepared for a rainy day.

The United Kingdom has entered this list, and Italy has also included the Netherlands in this list of only two countries.

Obviously, Italy supports Germany and Austria and is opposing the Netherlands in the Mexican War. Italy does not want to be dragged into the Latin American battlefield by Austria and Germany, so this condition actually shows to both Germany, Austria and the Netherlands that Italy will not enter the anti-Dutch alliance.

It can also be said that Italy was very cautious about this contract at the time and was prepared to strictly implement it.

Therefore, what I think is that Italy's joining is not really joining the anti-Dutch alliance, but trying to gain benefits from Germany and Austria without offending Britain and the Netherlands.

Of course, it is also extremely possible to use Germany and Austria to score points when facing pressure from France and Spain in Southern Europe. "

(End of this chapter)

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