Start 1861: I just inherited the Dutch throne

Chapter 1124 "International News": North Korea and the United States signed a treaty of re

Chapter 1124 "International Information": North Korea and the United States signed a treaty of reconciliation

"Both Krim and Bob have their own opinions. Mr. Misted, as an expert on the British Empire project at the Netherlands Center for Strategic Studies, what is your view on the German-Austrian-Italian Alliance? What is your view on the British Empire?" What kind of impact will it have?”

The Triple Alliance of Germany, Austria and Italy has really surprised the world these days. At the same time, because Britain and Austria and Germany have formed another Triple Alliance, they have attracted much attention. Bellucci, like many others, was neutral about what Klim and Bob had said just now, and now he was even more interested in Misid, who was next to speak.

The show has always been known as the British pundit.

He is also a well-known expert on British issues in the Netherlands.

Many of his speeches consider issues from the British perspective, which is a perspective that many Dutch people find difficult to discover from their own perspective. Therefore, even the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs sometimes consults the other party when faced with British issues. Views, understand the British views, know yourself and others, and finally draw conclusions.

Misted: "One thing must be explained, where is Italy's motivation? This is what we need to figure out. As far as I know, after France invaded Tunisia some time ago, the alliance partner Italy first sought was not from the north. It was the German Empire, but Britain, but after being rebuffed by Britain, Italy had no choice but to show its servile side to the German Empire and the Austro-Hungarian Empire."

The people at the Italian Embassy in the Netherlands were very dissatisfied with Misted's words, but they were helpless because this was the fact.

Although Italy became independent from the Austrian Empire more than 20 years ago, Victor Emmanuel II never thought of joining other powerful countries. He mainly focused on mutual assistance with his son-in-law, King Louis I of Portugal.

However, after the death of Victor Emmanuel II in 1878, his eldest son Umberto I came to power and began to contact European countries, especially the United Kingdom. Unfortunately, the United Kingdom has been pursuing a "glorious isolation policy" for hundreds of years and has not vigorously opposed any country. The future alliance and the general environment of struggle to maintain delicate relations in Europe have always been Britain's grand strategy. Sanctioning France and Spain is naturally a matter for Germany and Austria-Hungary. The British Empire does not have to go into this muddy water for Italy."

"So I think that after Italy hit a wall with the British, and the Netherlands knew that Italy was unreliable, it selectively established an alliance with Germany and Austria. It can now help Italy maintain Tunisia's colonial rule and make France scrupulous and unreliable. This is the best way to put yourself directly in opposition to the Netherlands, Britain and others."

Adolf, a professor at the Institute of National Policy at the University of Melbourne, waited for Misid to finish speaking, and then said: Many people are paying attention to Italy only now because of the establishment of the Three Kingdoms Alliance, but what I want to tell you is that the situation in Italy is probably better than most. People recognized it more seriously because France sent troops to seize Italian colonies, which made Italy very dissatisfied and led Italy to join the German-Austrian-Italian Triple Alliance.

This was a powerless move because Italy's domestic economy was mainly controlled by Prime Ministers Francesco Crispi and Giovanni Giolitti who came to power in turn.

Italy's population has increased from 2700 million to 3000 million in the past three years, but poverty has caused 200 million people to emigrate overseas in less than four years. Liberia, across the Mediterranean, accounts for nearly half of the immigrants. The American side has received more than 100 million immigrants, and Latin America also has 50 immigrants. "

"I suspect that the main reason why Germany and Austria accepted Italy is because Italians have relatively large influence and population factors in Latin America. This is an important factor for Austria and Germany to use Italian issues in Latin America to intervene in the internal affairs of Latin American countries. Excuse, the above is my personal opinion.”

Hermann Van Peron: "Where is our Director Barocchi from the Dutch think tank Strategic Budget Center? You are an expert at the German Research Center."

Yes, Barocchi became an expert on the German Empire at the University of Sydney, and he was even an important member of King William IV's royal think tank.

Many of his ideas were adopted by King William IV.

Therefore, many people couldn't help but take seriously what he was going to say next.

Among them, there are even personnel from the German Embassy in the Netherlands and heads of embassies from other countries such as Britain, Russia, Austria, Italy, Denmark and Sweden.

It has to be said that because the German Empire rose strongly in the past decade or so, it caused an impact in various European countries and became the country that changed the biggest pattern in Europe. Therefore, any move by Germany will attract the attention of others.

As a well-known expert on Germany in the Netherlands, Barocci's views often reflect the views of the Dutch diplomats in charge and the next diplomatic actions to be taken towards Germany.

Therefore, there is no reason why the embassies of various countries do not pay attention to it. They plan to borrow Barocci's attitude to send back to the country a summary of the future diplomatic trends of the Netherlands towards Germany. At this time, Barocci's speech is the key.

Even the German Embassy in the Netherlands listened extremely carefully.

Philip was "chatting" with Dutch Prime Minister Jules Danetang at this time. Jules Danetang sighed: "This issue of "International Information" is really good. Herman Van Peron is indeed the top and most prestigious political expert in the Netherlands, and he actually made this program exciting. He is very popular in political programs." The control of the middle stage is really beyond the reach of ordinary people."

William IV smiled and said: "Of course, Fan Peilong has been eating this for more than 20 years. Even the prime ministers and kings of various countries have sometimes adopted his opinions."

At this time, Barocci spoke on the radio, "The Three Kingdoms Alliance, I think, started with Prime Minister Bismarck's strong support for the German-Austrian Alliance in 1878, the establishment of the German-Austrian-British Alliance in 1881, and now the establishment of the German-Austrian-Italian Triple Alliance in 1882. , these three alliances are quite contradictory and are tantamount to walking on a tightrope. If it were not for Bismarck's huge prestige and achievements, anyone else would be playing with fire and burning themselves."

Hermann Van Peron asked at the right time: "How to say it?"

Barocchi said: "The most serious part is that the Austro-Hungarian Empire and Italy have many old and new hatreds. The same is true for Austria-Hungary and Germany. After all, Italy broke away from Austria-Hungary and became an independent country. This is a time bomb. , it is entirely because of its absolutely strong national power that the three countries of Germany, Austria and Italy temporarily eliminated conflicts.

The second is Italy's unreasonable request environment, insisting that a treaty of non-enemy with Britain and the Netherlands must be expressed in writing. This has triggered heated discussions in Germany and Austria in Europe about whether an alliance is necessary. After all, Germany and Austria are currently in Latin America with the Netherlands. There are many contradictions, and there is a high possibility of war. Therefore, the "Pasquale Mancini Declaration" is a poisonous thorn in the heart of Germany. "

"From Germany's standpoint, its biggest enemy or even its only opponent is France, which is now silent. The only one present in these three treaties is Austria-Hungary, but it is reluctant to charge into France. Its main target is the Netherlands. .

Willing to work with Germany to deal with the Netherlands in Latin America.

If we consider the huge contradiction between Austria-Hungary and Italy, Tsarist Russia and even the Netherlands, it is obvious that Germany should not dare to offend Tsarist Russia and the Netherlands. After all, this is a huge nightmare for Germany. When that time comes, it will not be a crime to abandon Austria-Hungary as an ally. The Netherlands, a maritime power, and Tsarist Russia, a powerful country in the east, are most beneficial to Germany.

But it is a pity that Alexander II's letter of rupture led to the formation of the German-Austrian Alliance. From then on, it was because of that sentence, the blood of the German nation is thicker than water, and that is the desire to stop. "

"Germany hates France. First, the invasion of France during the Napoleonic War made Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Italy regard France as their sworn enemy. Second, the Balkan Peninsula is under the scrutiny of the great powers only because of the existence of France. Britain and the Netherlands intervened strongly, and Austria-Hungary's influence declined.

The Netherlands is also one of the obstacles for Germany to expand its global influence. Austria-Hungary is dissatisfied with the Netherlands' hatred of Austria in Latin America, and Italy poses a challenge to Italy's eastern waters because the Netherlands supports the Kingdom of Greece.

Anyway, these are all factors in the current alliance between the three countries. The above is my point of view. "

"That's a good point," Herman Van Peron then concluded, and then said: "The next topic is that on May 1882, 5, the Ueno Zoo was opened as a gift from Kyoto, Japan, and became the earliest zoo in Japan. Oh my God, Korea, a vassal state of the Qing Dynasty, and the United States of America signed an unequal treaty, the North Korea-US Amendment Treaty, and the United States officially entered the Qing Dynasty’s surrounding areas to expand its influence. What do you think?”

"The Qing Dynasty has now entered a rapid stage of economic development. It seems that although comprehensive Westernization has not made much progress, I heard that the current wave of factory construction there has still caused an increase in jobs for local people.

The Qing Dynasty and Japan became the economic engines of East Asia.

Unlike Japan, which accepted the British-style development model, the Qing Dynasty absorbed our Dutch and German development models and is currently expanding aggressively.

As a vassal state of the Qing Dynasty, Goryeo had always followed the Qing Dynasty's lead. At this time, it also began to learn an open economy, but it was afraid of Japan's expansion of influence, so it opened up. It has adopted a unique open model that shields the influence of Britain and Japan and introduces investment from other countries.

At this time, the unequal treaty signed by the two countries was more of an economic vision for Koryo. I found that this country followed the model of the Kingdom of Siam, the Netherlands' Southeast Asian ally. Therefore, the Goryeo Kingdom and the Qing Dynasty are both good and bad for us. With their rapid economic development, substitutes for our products will appear on the market, squeezing our export space, but one of the better ones is , as a result, their income will increase, and the high-end product market will expand, which is an opportunity for us, so it is difficult to say whether it is good or bad.

You all, tell me, should we continue to help these two countries develop better economies? "

(End of this chapter)

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