Start 1861: I just inherited the Dutch throne

Chapter 1125 British Invasion of Egypt

Chapter 1125 British Invasion of Egypt

"It is essentially a false proposition for the Netherlands to help Korea and the Qing Dynasty develop their economies, because even if we don't help deal with them, they will get support from other countries. On the contrary, it is because we do not support each other and let other countries A country, such as the German Empire that wants to expand its influence, will develop the large country in the Far East and its influence.

Therefore, we not only need to help other countries develop, but also need to further develop theirs. While investing in them, we need to draw them more into our Dutch economic and political circle.

The Qing Dynasty is currently our strategic partner and has been half of the Netherlands' allies in the Far East for more than ten years since the 1870s.

If the Netherlands wants to continue to expand its influence in the Far East, the main direction is to urgently expand its position in East Asia.

Although Japan claims to be impartial, it is still closest to the European country Britain.

The United Kingdom is also happy to do this, so it is currently Japan's largest source of technology. Help Japan-Japan Meiji Restoration continue to advance. Let Japan become a powerful country second only to the Qing Dynasty in East Asia. "

Barocchi, director of the Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments, a Dutch think tank, said: “So Japan’s ability to obtain support from the UK is to establish an alliance with the UK, which is a key factor in allowing the UK to maintain influence in East Asia.

The Netherlands should also continue to strengthen its relationship with the Qing Dynasty to contain Britain and Japan. It is the best way for each other to deal with Britain and Japan. "

Adolf, a professor at the National Policy Institute of the University of Melbourne: “As one of the backward pirate countries, Japan harassed the coastal areas of the Qing Dynasty, but now it relies on absorbing Western culture to help Japan get rid of this kind of piracy. The backward way of survival is that the Far East has a more Western shadow economy than the Qing Dynasty. This is the reason for the successful development of the Meiji Restoration.

Although the Qing Dynasty is currently developing at a slower pace, its huge foundation still makes it difficult for Japan to be incomparable overall. So as mentioned at the beginning, we can expand market access and negotiate with the Qing Dynasty. At the same time, we should sign a treaty similar to the Korean-American Amendment with the Kingdom of Koryo to strive to bring the economy of Koryo Kingdom into the sphere of influence of the Netherlands. , rather than allowing other countries such as the United States to take the opportunity to expand their territory. "

This topic soon ended with Hermann Van Peron's conclusion.

"Next is the topic of literature. It can be said that this literature should not be underestimated. For Europe, it has its own influence and is also one of the important factors for the success of each country in shaping the image of other countries."

“On May 5 (original history is August 28, 1882), Tsarist Russian Empire musician Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky completed a song called “8 Overture”, which shocked the Russian Empire and the music capital. Not to mention Vienna, when it came to the Netherlands, Dutch music lovers were also greatly shocked as were European music lovers.

This incident even helped to change the image of the Tsarist Empire a lot. After all, Alexander II was assassinated not long ago. Alexander III came to power, which originally daunted Tsarist Russia, but with the emergence of Tchaikov's new music works, it actually made Tsarist Russia afraid. St. Petersburg has become one of the European cities that foreigners most want to visit, ranking seventh behind London in the UK, Vienna in the Austro-Hungarian Empire, Rome in Italy, Amsterdam in the Netherlands, Copenhagen in Denmark and Berlin in Germany.

Can we discuss the example of St. Petersburg as an example of improving its image and the opportunities for Dutch cultural exports?

Professor Bob, you have previously published a question on "The Cultural Export of the Netherlands", so you would like to speak first. "

"The Cultural Export of the Netherlands" was published in the "European Times" in 1875, attracting support from many people and triggering heated discussions in Europe.

This article is still very impressive among Dutch scholars. Therefore, Bob became an expert in Dutch cultural export, supported by the Dutch Ministry of Education, and was employed as a consultant by the Ministry of Education.

Francisco Bob is an immigrant of Italian origin who has immigrated to the Australian mainland of the Netherlands since 1864. In the past 18 years, he has become a top current affairs expert in the Netherlands.

Many of his views have made him the focus of people's attention.

Bellucci is a teacher in a middle school, and he really has some ideas about cultural export. For example, there have been a lot of news reports in the Netherlands recently, but they have not been systematically synthesized, so he has only a little knowledge. status.

There are many others who think the same way as Bellucci.    Including staff from various embassies, they were also surprised by the emergence of this issue.

Dutch cultural export?

What are you doing?

Bob said on the radio at this time:

"Tchaikovsky's "1812 Overture" is indeed very beautiful. Every note in it is a kind of emotional sustenance, which is very shocking.

He has been invited to perform live at the Grand Theater between our capital Melbourne and Sydney on August 8. It is said that the people who invited him this time are His Majesty William IV and his wife, to be precise, our distinguished Asians. At the invitation of Her Majesty Queen Alexandra, we are going to let the Netherlands listen to this musical feast.

Prior to this, Tchaikovsky had been invited to perform major musical performances in various European cities, which could be said to have earned him both fame and fortune.

It can be seen how influential Tchaikovsky was in this aspect.

In turn, let’s return to the next topic, which is the cultural output of the Netherlands in this aspect.

Currently, the Netherlands is more famous for Strindberg's dramatic novels and adapted stage plays. Every show in Europe and the United States is a hit, and it is hard to get a ticket.

The adaptations of these dramatic novels have become the most influential presence in Dutch drama, triggering a craze for Dutch drama. The judgmental color makes people empathize with them and allows society to understand themselves more clearly. This sparked a critical literary upsurge not only in the Netherlands but also in Europe.

Mark Twain's literary works also allow people to deeply understand the changes in human nature.

Van Gogh's paintings made the Netherlands one of the two major painting countries competing with France. Under his leadership, the Netherlands held global touring exhibitions every year, making the Netherlands a utopia for many painting talents. "

Edison's invention of radio, and more recently photography, have caused a sensation in the world. Therefore, in the eyes of many people around the world, the Netherlands is the country with the most advanced industrial technology. It is more powerful than the United Kingdom and has the role of a leader in industrial technology.

The whole world is paying attention to the changes in the Netherlands, which in itself is one of the cultural influences of the Netherlands. "

Herman Van Peron agreed with this. After he finished speaking briefly, the people in front of the broadcast looked at the time. It was already 2 minutes and it was 9 o'clock. The "International Information" radio program was about to end.

They felt relieved and prepared to wait for the show to end.

Suddenly, Herman Van Peron said seriously: "This program has just received the latest news. At 1882 a.m. on June 6, 11, the British Army dispatched more than 7 troops and the Mediterranean Fleet and Navy to invade Egypt. The Army The commander-in-chief is Lieutenant General Garnet Wolseley, and he is also in awe of the commander-in-chief of the Mediterranean Fleet, Admiral Frederick Seymour. Currently, European countries are still in shock, especially the French government in Paris. Britain protested.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Netherlands is also convening an emergency meeting. The latest information will be released later, and the radio will follow up the report. "

This news immediately shocked everyone into silence.

(End of this chapter)

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