Start 1861: I just inherited the Dutch throne

Chapter 1141 The aftermath of the British Foreign Secretary’s visit to Bogota

Chapter 1141 The aftermath of the British Foreign Secretary’s visit to Bogota

On the 8th day of the negotiations between President Domingo of the Republic of Colombia and José Martinez, the Minister of the Interior and Foreign Affairs Minister, to deal with Venezuelan President Blanco’s interference in Colombia’s internal affairs, José Martinez In Bogota, he met with British Foreign Secretary Greville who had just visited Argentina.

The two held a public meeting together in Bogota, and then British Foreign Secretary Greville publicly stated his position in the Financial Times. The British government has repeatedly emphasized the importance of communication between countries.

The British Foreign Secretary said: "Communication is not one-way, and we all have to make sure that we recognize that if the UK is unhappy, it must make it clear to the Republic of Colombia why it disagrees with something or questions something."

According to the Financial Times, Greville George Leveson Gower revealed that he and Jose Martinez discussed “the improvement of diplomatic relations between the United Kingdom and Colombia, freedom of navigation in the Caribbean, the Panama issue, Colombia and The border dispute between Venezuela, the issue of in-depth engagement between the UK and Colombia, etc.”

The British foreign secretary added: "It's important to communicate and keep the channels open for discussion."

When talking about the prospects of relations between the United Kingdom and Colombia, Greville said, “The positions of the two countries are often different. For example, the United Kingdom does not approve of the Republic of Colombia developing too close relations with the Netherlands, because this will affect the relationship between the United Kingdom and Latin America. The net will be narrowed, affecting British interests.

Colombia disapproved of the war between Britain's friends, the Austro-Hungarian Empire and the Republic of Mexico, on Mexican soil. I was well aware of our differences, and everyone knew what was going on.

But this is Colombia's own decision. We understand that we have no right to ask Colombia to do anything, but we have the right to question it.

Although we are doubtful and unhappy at the same time, we should maintain a dialogue, and we must pay attention to the choice of words during the dialogue.

So this is why I came to Bogota on the southern side of the Caribbean despite the long distance.

The British Foreign Secretary emphasized that he is "confident in strengthening the relationship with Colombia in the future and has the motivation, leadership and diplomatic foundation to develop closer diplomatic relations between the two countries. We will establish a new relationship between the United Kingdom and Colombia to promote Colombia becomes a more important country in Latin America.”

Greville described the meeting as fruitful. He looked forward to Colombian Foreign Minister Martinez and even President Domingo visiting London in the near future, but did not specify when the visit would take place.

Greville also expressed his gratitude to Colombia for helping the British ship to dock and provide rescue when the British ship had an accident in the Caribbean. He said that such an approach won welcome and gratitude in London and even the whole of the United Kingdom. He said that the United Kingdom would provide assistance to Colombia at sea in the future. Equally supportive, show willingness to expand on the importance of always maintaining channels to resolve conflicts and understand each other's intentions.

“In recent years, due to the rapid increase in the influence of the Netherlands in Latin America, Chile, Bolivia, Peru, Ecuador, Venezuela, five Central American countries, and Mexico have established alliances with the Netherlands. Even if they are unwilling to do so, they will be affected by the group effect. And had to join the Thirteen-Nation League of Latin America led by the Netherlands.

This has had a huge impact on conservatives in various countries, and they have also expressed doubts about the Dutch strategy and ambitions. Coupled with the struggle between us in the UK and the Netherlands, the choice between the two countries in Latin America is very painful. As a result, Latin American countries have made very difficult choices, whether economically, politically or militarily.

We are sorry for this. After understanding this, Queen Victoria and Prime Minister Gladstone decided that in order to ease relations with other countries, we will take the initiative to open an easier way of dialogue with other countries, and we will take the initiative to send more diplomats. Personnel visit various countries, get in touch with each country, understand the perception of Britain within each country, and formulate the relationship between Britain and other countries.

What I want to say is that we are serious. In the future, Colombia will be the most important node for the UK in Latin America besides Argentina. "

Both the British and Colombian parties who attended the meeting spoke highly of it. Greville also said that Colombia and the UK will have more cooperation in areas such as Caribbean and Atlantic shipping, and will also provide more help in the UK's support of Colombia's business operations.

Britain will protect Colombia's interests by providing weapons to Colombia.

The British Prime Minister also called on Venezuelan President Blanco not to take irrational actions against Colombia because this will be opposed by other countries including the United Kingdom.

At the same time, he also hinted that if other countries follow the policies of the Republic of Colombia to improve their relations with newlyweds, they will treat other countries like the Republic of Colombia.

This approach has moved the hearts of many countries.

If they weren't afraid that the Netherlands was too powerful and thought that Britain was trying to drive a wedge between them and the Dutch Hua Xizi, other countries might really be tempted.

Compared with the United Kingdom, no senior officials from the Netherlands have visited Colombia. Even Dutch Foreign Minister Mari Philippe, who is currently visiting Ecuador in southern Colombia, left in a hurry after presiding over the Latin American Security Summit. He even traveled across Colombia to the north. When visiting Mexico, I have no intention of stopping in Colombia.

Despite this, the relationship between Colombia and the Netherlands remains as stable as ever. After the meeting between the British and Colombian foreign ministers, Colombian Minister of Interior and Foreign Affairs José Martinez took the initiative to invite the Dutch Ambassador to Colombia Mbappe. The Colombian Ministry of Foreign Affairs held a meeting and told the Dutch embassy some details of Colombia's exchanges with the United Kingdom.

The two sides met for more than two hours.

1882 10 Month 15 Day.

Britain defeated the French army in Egypt and fully occupied Egypt's Suez Canal. From then on, all countries passing through the Suez Canal had to apply to Britain before being allowed to pass.

From the perspective of the major European powers, their positions and attitudes are also different.

As allies of Britain, Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Italy were naturally happy.

However, countries with bad relations with Britain, such as the Second French Empire and Spain, which were at war with each other in the past, were very unhappy.

Some countries were silent from beginning to end.

However, the Netherlands stood up and stated that it did not support the British approach.

(End of this chapter)

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